A/N not mine, I own nothing.

This is a one shot with the potential for more. All depends on the reviews.

The Price to be Paid

He sat there in the darkness of her room, centering himself. He was sitting in what he thought of as his chair, thinking, contemplating everything he has every told her. He had lied when he said there was no price between them. There was and they both knew it. The price was their hearts, and the hearts of others who loved them. He knew it would be better for both of them if he walked away for good, but he couldn't do that. He stood up, gently brushed her curls away, kissed her forehead and walked away. The price was greater than anyone knew. His heart broke each time they walked away from each other, he had seen the hurt in her eyes too. This was for the best.

The morning came, well late morning, but still early for her. She was exhausted, mentally and emotionally. She and Joe sat down last night and had a talk. A long overdue grown up talk. He wanted more than she would ever be able to give him, and he wanted her to change. She needed to come up with a plan. She and Joe were done, and Ranger only wanted her body. She was tired of paying the price of her heart when it came to him. She called his cell phone, they needed to talk. He either needed to step up or step away. She couldn't be a yo-yo anymore. She got his voice mail.

"Hey, it's me. I was hoping to talk to you sometime today. Ummm... I understand if you're busy. Give me a call if you can. If not I'll see you when I see you. Later."

She hung up the phone, and sighed. She dialed Tank. Something told her Ranger had left without a goodbye.

"Yo." Tank greeted, in the Rangeman standard.

"I'm guessing he's gone."

"Yeah Bomber, he left at 0300. Unknown return. Can I do something for you?"

Her mind made up, she knew it was time. She needed to grow up, discover herself. She was leaving Trenton.

"Not really, can you give him a message from me? For when he returns."

"Sure Steph, but you could give it to him yourself when he gets back. "

"Not this time Tank. Tell him that no matter what he says there is a price, and I can't keep paying it. I'm leaving Trenton this weekend. I may come back for vists, but nothing more than that ever again. I'm tired of not being good enough in one way or another for everyone, so I am taking charge of my life. My first step, is getting away from it, and starting over. Tank I will let you know where I go, but only if you promise to not tell anyone. I just can't live like this any longer."

"Steph, what brought this on? No one thinks you're not good enough. Where would you get that idea from?"

"Let's examine my life, shall we? First we have my Mother, who is constantly telling me what a screw up I am. We have the TPD always betting on what I will fuck up next. Then we have Joe, who wants me to be something I am not, something I can never be. He and I talked last night, a real adult conversation, we both know it's not going anywhere, and we're done for good, because I'm not good enough for him. Last but not least we have Ranger, I'm good enough for his bed, but nothing else. He made that clear when he slept with me and sent me back to Joe. I need to find someone, and somewhere I can just be me, and be happy. My heart can't keep paying Ranger's price, Tank, I just can't. I am in Love with him, and I won't live like this anymore. "

"ok Steph. Just please let me know where you go." Tank whispered

As they hung up the phone, Tank sat there wondering how Ranger could do that to her. He understood her reasons for leaving, she wasn't running away, but running towards her future, one that didn't include those that hurt her. Maybe he could help would need a job, a place to live. He had a place in Georgia, about an hour outside of Atlanta that was sitting empty. UGA was nearby, maybe he could help her go back to school. He called her back, and told her his ideas. She jumped at the chance. It was time to let go.