B/N: Hello. This is my first Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) fic and I'm pretty excited about it. It's Levi/Eren AU. Where Levi is an introverted CEO of a very successful finance company and Eren is a 'lost pet' who suffers from Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD). Warning this fic contains heavy drug use in some scenes, violence, swearing (mostly on Levi's part), mentions of human trafficking and psychological disorders. I rarely use OCs, but I couldn't find someone who would fit the part of Levi's daughter. At first I thought about using Mikasa but I don't really like her character in the series (sorry). So the name of Levi's daughter is going to be Evangeline. Now don't freak out on me! She will not hindrance Levi and Eren's relationship, because one she's going to be a little girl and two in all honesty she helps it progress. Sorry for the mistakes and my little knowledge of running a company. :p Please enjoy.

"Goddamn piece of fucking shit." The man grumbled bitterly as he scanned the carpet like a hawk in search of nonexistent particles, lint, or dirt that he might have missed. His knees ached due to hours of crouching and crawling. The handle of a lint roller was gripped tightly between his slender fingers as he ran it rather roughly over the spotless carpet. Rivaille 'Levi' Moreau was a man of precision and neatness. Anyone who had the pleasure of knowing him knew he was every sense of the word perfect. Well if you looked past his anti-social personality; his constant use of rude, blunt and vulgar language and that 'I loathe your fucking existence' glare he gives to 99.9% of the human population, then yes he was perfection itself. But despite his shortcomings (ha), Levi was the type of man any sane person in the business industry wanted in their inner circle. Standing at 5'3 (160cm), neatly trimmed jet black hair, steel grey eyes, rarely ever seen not wearing a perfectly steam pressed designer suit or showing any expression other than discontentment, Levi was the CEO of one of the largest finance companies in New York. His very presence demanded respect and it was always given.

"Levi~." Came a cheerful tone. A tanned, spectacled woman carrying a stack of papers that reached under her chin entered the room. With a groan she dropped the load of paperwork onto Levi's neatly arranged desk before turning to see the man as expected on all fours with a lint roller. His suit jacket was discarded long ago and his pants legs were rolled up over his thighs while the sleeves of his dress shirt were positioned just above his elbows. "Nice ass~" the woman whistled teasingly eyeing her partner's toned ass cheeks through his suit pants.

Levi made a grunting sound before rising to his feet, the sound of his aching, tired limbs cracking in the process. Damn his old age. "Where the hell have you been shitty glasses? I sent you a message over 2 hours ago." He then straightened out his pants and shirt sleeves before making his way over to his desk.

The woman pouted while rolling her neck and shoulders in hopes of relieving some of the tension there. "I was at the meeting with Trost. Remember the one you totally bailed on because of your 'sudden urgent circumstance'." She air-quoted the last phrase and received an eye-roll in response. "You know you can't keep skipping out on meetings with clients Levi, especially the big timers. The little ones yes, but if you keep it up it's going to give the company a bad rep and you already have such an outstanding image as it is."

"Spare me the bullshit Hanji. If you just followed directions and told that cross-eyed bastard of a janitor to—"

"To what? He was doing his job. If you weren't such a clean-freak—" Hanji ignored the death glare she was currently receiving after using those forbidden words. "—and controlling and angry then this conversation wouldn't be happening right now. Besides I thought you said you were going to seek help for your little OCD problem."

"I would if I had it. Which I don't." stated Levi simply as he threw himself into his 3 times larger than himself office chair. Hanji sat on the massive mahogany desk with a smirk. "Can you get your sweaty ass off my desk? It's already bad enough you only bathe 4 times a fucking week. I don't want to deal with your nasty ass body imprints all over my shit." The spectacled woman merely laughed at the harsh words.

"You know what you need? Besides a shrink." Levi continued to ignore his pestering business partner as he began to scan through the mountain of paperwork on his desk. His stern features twisted with a mixture of confusion and deep thought. "Let me take you out. I know a club where the men and women will definitely be all over you, despite your difficult yet charming personality. You'll be beating them off with sticks by the end of the night. You need to get out more Levi. Just think about it. Nice music, top-shelf liquor, maybe even mingle a little bit. Parenting, Work, Home. Repeat. It's not healthy. The world isn't going to fall apart if you have fun for one night."

"Something isn't right here." Levi announced as he flipped through the current spreadsheet. "These numbers. They're off. We did receive the fixed payments this month. Correct?"

Hanji gave a playful smile while looking towards the ceiling in feign thought. "Correct." She agreed.

"Then why are the fucking numbers off by 1.2 million? Did those illiterates downstairs fuck up again?" Levi hissed angrily. "Am I missing something?"

"Nope. That's this month's profits after Shiganshina, which is our company by the way, donated a large and generous sum to a variety of charities." Hanji sang happily as Levi continued to listen on in such a stupor. "Shiganshina willingly donated to the following charities: Animal Welfare Institute; 200,000, Wildlife Conservation Society; 400,000, African Wildlife Foundation; 250,000, National Alliance to End Homelessness; 300,000 and finally 50,000 dollars to the National Council on Aging." The woman removed her glasses for a brief moment to dab at the faint tears daring to escape her eyes. "Dammit. The last one gets me every time." Silence filled the room as Levi gazed at Hanji in either displeasure or anger or maybe both. She wasn't sure. It was hard to tell. "But don't worry all that money came from your cut."

After allowing this newfound information to sink in, Levi pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out an aggravated sigh. "Get Petra on the phone please."

"Oh lighten up Rivaille. She's just making up for one of the many characteristics you lack. Generosity. Compassion for your fellow man. The girl doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Actually you and Evangeline are like polar opposites. How she actually possesses some of your genetic DNA is beyond me. But anyway. It's lunchtime. I'm feeling Chinese today or Indian Curry. I can't decide." Hanji declared energetically while hopping off Levi's desk. Levi placed the spreadsheet back onto his desk before grabbing his suit jacket and following the taller woman. He really wasn't in the mood for Hanji's endless rambling, but Levi knew if he refused to go, Hanji would politely waltz back into his office with a bag of take out in each hand and make herself at home. She was the type of woman who refused to read the atmosphere. When Levi said 'Get the hell out', it was an invitation for her to stay. When Levi told her to 'shut the fuck up', she'd merely laugh and continue with whatever the hell she was saying. There was no winning with her. 'Afternoon Mr. Moreau.' Surrounded Levi as he emerged from the comfort of his luxurious office. He gave his employees the usual grunt and 'mhmm' while making his way towards the elevator. Hanji continued talking animatedly about various topics from food to business affairs to personal in a matter of seconds.

Hanji Zoe, if anyone deserved an introduction it was her. Levi's partner in crime aka one of the only human beings who didn't piss themselves in his presence. She was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Shiganshina and although she came off as eccentric and childish at times, Hanji was overqualified when it came to her job. She was not only a hard worker but one of the company's top negotiators. Once the elevator reached the lobby floor, Levi was more than grateful for an escape. The man hurried out of the semi-crowded box with haste or as fast as his short legs could take him.

Hanji snickered at the man's retreat and quickly chased after him. "So~ about that drink tonight."

Levi's thin eyebrows furrowed in irritation. "I can't for the last fucking time."

"Can't or won't?" Hanji questioned as her bottom lip stuck out in a childish pout.

"Both! There's just too much shit on my plate. I don't have the time to act like some fucking college student with you right now." Levi hissed in frustration. The man stopped once he realized Hanji was no longer towering over him. He turned to find the woman wearing a kicked puppy expression. An annoying feeling suddenly filled Levi from head to toe. He didn't know what it was called, but dammit did it piss him the fuck off. It always seemed to come out of nowhere. The last time he experienced it was when he told Evangeline he couldn't make it to her ballet practice because he had a board meeting that day. Levi glared down Hanji for making such an aggravating expression but as expected she refused to give up. Persistent bitch. Another sigh left his lips. "Listen. I would like to go with you, but who's going to watch Evangeline?"

Hanji's eyes immediately glistened. "Petra! I'll even pay for her overtime."

Levi's frown deepened as he walked out the massive double doors of Shiganshina, Hanji waltzing right behind him. "Why are you so fucking persistent when it comes to my sex life?"

The spectacled woman let out a hearty laugh. "It's fun and besides when was the last time you got laid?"

"Last week." Levi replied bluntly.

"Exac—Wait! Last week? With who?"

"Some dipshit representative from Karanese. The guy was basically on his knees already sucking my dick so I thought why not. Met up with him at a hotel after work. Got a second-rate blowjob before going balls deep into his surprisingly hairless asshole. Then I left. It was decent I guess. Could have applied himself a little more. It fucking annoys me how some jerkoffs think just because you slobber like a goddamn dog while giving head that it automatically qualifies as a good BJ." Levi huffed as a particular cold gust of wind blew past him. The small man trembled as he wrapped his suit jacket a bit tighter around himself. "Fuck! I hate autumn."

"Jeez Levi. I still can't get over that story. You should take your own advice and apply yourself as well."

"And what in the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Hanji smiled to herself as she walked down the sidewalk with a little pep in her step. "It means life is short and you're not getting any younger. How old are you again?"

"Fuck you. That's how old." Levi bit back.

Hanji let out a boisterous laugh that grabbed the attention of some bystanders walking past. "It wouldn't hurt to try. I mean it's been almost 5 years since Annie left and Evangeline is way past mature for her age. She's growing up fast so it would be nice to have some kind of mother figure around and who knows you might actually fall in love."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Tch. What bullshit. No sane woman is going to put up with me and you know it and the last one that did abandoned me with a kid before running off with some fucking dyke." A sad look appeared on Hanji's face. Levi was the type to rarely talk about his personal life especially when his ex-wife was the main topic, but when Annie was brought to discussion Hanji couldn't help but pity Levi for some reason. Sure he came off as rude and whatnot but deep down he was such a sweetheart once you got to know him. He just chose to express his sweet side in an aggressive and sometimes violent manner.

"H-Hey. You and Annie weren't that compatible to begin with. You two were too similar in personality. Both of you guys were controlling, stubborn, head-strong, and aggressive. You need someone who can smooth out your rough edges. Someone mellow and sweet. Like Petra maybe."

"Are you suggesting I fuck my daughter's nanny?"

"What?! NO! God no. Are you crazy? What is with you and wanting to sleep with everyone? I thought that if I used the promise of you getting laid then you'd go to a club with me and meet someone you'd actually like, but I guess my little scheme failed." Hanji sighed defeated.

"Obviously." Levi stated as he and Hanji walked through the doors of a popular Curry restaurant. The two was then led to an available table by the hostess. Levi gave the booth a skeptical and grim look before wiping the seat down with napkins that were accessible on the tabletop before sitting down.

"I was just trying to boost your confidence. You don't have to settle for one night stands all the time. Besides living that kind of lifestyle can get pretty dangerous. Once I saw a documentary where this guy hooked up with a chick for a night from this club. BAM! He woke up the next morning and his kidney was gone!" Hanji wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. "Still creeps me out to this day."

"Sounds kinky."

"I'm serious!"

"So what's the point of this story and how is it so different from your little scheme? Are you trying to get my organs stolen shitty glasses? Tch. First you want me to fuck Petra now you're trying to set me up."

"I never wanted you to sleep with Petra!" Hanji exclaimed. "Besides this club is a bit different. My friend owns the place and trust me it's like this club was built for people like you. So you have to go. If you don't have a good time, I swear I'll do whatever you say for a month."

At that moment the hostess returned with a pair of menus in her hand. "Sorry for the wait. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Levi snarled in disgust at the woman's sloppy appearance. Well sloppy from his perspective anyway. As Hanji chatted away about the menu's choices, Levi began to drift away in thought; venturing to places he really didn't want to go. He wanted to castrate himself for even thinking this way but what if Hanji was r-r-right? He wasn't getting any younger and Annie left years ago. Levi would admit he was bitter about the divorce at first, but he and Annie never truly saw eye to eye. They always found something to bicker about. Whether it be what to eat for dinner or what to watch on TV. There was even some cases where things got physically violent. With Annie specializing in the Martial Arts and Levi just as talented when it came to hand to hand combat, things got sort of messy. Even though they fought constantly, Annie was the only person who truly tolerated Levi. Maybe because she was equally psychotic as he was. She tolerated him. Tolerated. But was there ever real love between them? Levi hissed at his own thoughts. But maybe if he tried a little harder, he could find someone who loved him.

[Later that Day]

Legs feeling like jelly, Levi staggered into his condo. The man set his briefcase down on his marble kitchen table before removing his Peacoat that currently felt suffocating and placed it neatly on the coat rack. The second the man turned he was instantly tackled by a pint sized figure with long black hair. Levi lost his balance and toppled onto the floor, falling flat on his back. He groaned with a mixture of agony and exhaustion. His baggy sharp eyes glanced up to see a pair of sparkling clear blue ones staring back at him.

"Papa~ you're home!"

"Evangeline. Can you please get off of papa? He thinks you broke his spine this time."

The little girl giggled before jumping off her father. "I forgot Papa is old." Levi frowned at the word. Evangeline then walked into the porcelain kitchen and hopped onto a small stepping stool that was placed in front of the stove. "That is why I prepared especially for Papa some lemon and ginger tea with those vanilla tea cakes you like so much. Now too much sugar can be severe for your health so that is why I used imitation sugar, but you can't even tell the difference. Petra and I went shopping earlier and I saw these vitamins—"

Levi cracked his back before taking a seat on his sofa that currently felt like heaven. "Evangeline. How would you feel if Papa went out with shi—I mean Hanji tomorrow night?"

Evangeline turned her attention from the tea kettle and gave her father a wide smile. "Is Papa and Ms. Hanji finally dating? ~" she cooed.

Levi admitted he almost vomited at that disgusting accusation. "N-No. Never. Not if she was the last living thing on earth. I mean going out as in to a café or hanging out I guess."

Evangeline's face scrunched up cutely. She knew her father tended to word things a little differently around her and sometimes she caught on quickly. Other times it took her awhile to realize what he was really getting at. "Is Ms. Hanji taking you on a blind date?"


The little girl gasped in excitement. "Are you going to get re-married?"

Before Levi could reply, Petra stumbled out of the guest bedroom in a disheveled state. She yawned while rubbing at her eyes. "I'm sorry Mr. Moreau. Evangeline and I were tidying up and I kind of drifted off. Something smells good. What's going on?"

"Papa is getting married~~" Evangeline exclaimed happily as she threw her hands into the air.

"What?!" Petra immediately became fully conscious. "That's great Mr. Moreau! When's the wedding? What's her name? How long have you guys been dating? Is it Ms. Hanji? Oh God. I'm asking such personal questions! I can't help myself. It's just all happening so fast! This is just my opinion but spring weddings are the best. I know it's a ways off but my cousin got married to her husband in the spring. It was one of those fancy beach weddings. The guests didn't even have to wear shoes. Oh God. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"Yay~ beach wedding! Can I be the flower girl papa?" the little girl's eyes lit up at the thought. Levi's eyebrow twitched in frustration as he watched his daughter and Petra swirl around the living room while chanting 'Beach wedding'. Loud noises usually annoyed the fuck out him, but Levi had to admit there was nothing he loved more than seeing a smile on Evangeline's face. Without a word, the man stood up on aching legs and headed towards his bedroom. The two girls continued their colorful conversation about wedding ideas and failed to notice Levi's absence.

Once he was safely in the confines of his room, which was mainly decorated with solid colors of black, white and greys, Levi loosened his tie before sitting on the edge of his California King sized bed. He contemplated the pros and cons of the decision he was about to make as he fished his cell phone from his pocket and held it tightly between his fist. Was he ready for such a big step? A new face? Before he could completely think it through, his body was already ahead of him and dialing Hanji's cell. It only took 2 rings before Levi got an earful of a happy-go-lucky hello.

"Yea. Uh. About that club—"

Hanji gasped with a mixture of excitement and shock. "You're going? OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod."

Levi narrowed his eyes. "Tomorrow night. I'll pick you up around 8 so be ready shitty glasses and I swear if I'm not shitting rainbows or getting head by the end of the night. You're gonna fucking regret it."

Hanji laughed. "I assure you Levi. You will not regret this. Wear something nice, but not too nice. Go for a casual look."

"Hmph. Bye." Levi quickly hung up and fell back onto his bed. What has he done?

[Next Night 6:49pm]

Levi analyzed his appearance in the full-length mirror embedded in his wall. Casual. Did he even own anything casual? His frowned deepened as he gazed at his crisp white long sleeved button down. His dark toned jeans and black Versace Leather Loafers. He even went the extra mile and slicked his hair back in some sort of Casanova style. Goddammit. Evangeline pranced into the room after giving the door a few taps. "Papa. ~ If you don't decide soon you're gonna be late for your date. It's not nice to keep a lady waiting." She then gasped at Levi's appearance. Her doe eyes glistening in admiration. "Oh Papa. You look so handsome."

"I was going for sexy." Levi groaned. "I'm changing."

"No! Don't. You look great Papa really." Evangeline commented with a genuine smile. The little girl then walked over to her father's bed where a mountain of rejected clothes were piled. "Besides I don't think your bed can take anymore abuse." Levi grunted in response before adding a touch of cologne. After freaking out about the mess he unknowingly made (which Petra insisted she didn't mind cleaning), grabbing the necessities such as his wallet, coat, etc., and telling Petra that Evangeline was to be in bed no later than 9:15, Levi kissed his daughter goodbye and was on his way. The car ride to Hanji's was indeed an emotional one. Levi didn't know how he felt about this sudden situation. First he was nervous a bit, then angry, then pissed off, then nonchalant, then pissed off again. Until his car was in front of Hanji's place. The petite man grimaced as he saw Hanji running out of her house wearing a tanned cashmere sweater over a collared dress shirt, charcoal leggings and knee-high boots.

"Getting chilly outside." She laughed while embracing the beautiful warmth of Levi's car. Hanji then turned to look at Levi as he took off and couldn't help but snicker. "Oh Levi~~"

"If you say one fucking word, I swear I'm driving us off a bridge." Levi threatened simply. Hanji pouted before agreeing with a disappointed sigh. About 30 minutes later, the two pull up at a rather impressive building. It was a black and white 2 story high brick building and very wide in width, but what stood out the most was the neon hot pink sign that seemed to make the dark sky non-existent. "Pink Handcuffs." Levi read before narrowing his eyes at Hanji. "You brought me—NO. You made me dress up for a fucking strip club?" The woman shrunk in her seat.

"This is not a strip club. Well it kinda sorta is and kinda sorta not. It's a private joint. No one can get in unless they're a member." Hanji struggled to explain as Levi exited out of his car and slammed the door behind him. The man then trotted towards the entrance where he was immediately stopped by an over-grown steroid looking bastard with blonde hair.

"You a member?" he questioned. His deep booming voice would seem intimidating to any human being excluding the sharp eyed man that was glaring intensely up at him. Hanji quickly intervened before the poor security guard ended up tasting pavement.

"It's ok. He's with me Reiner."

"Ms. Hanji. Ymir's been expecting you. Please go in." Levi gave the man a final snarl before pushing past him. Once he entered the building, Levi was instantly greeted with a strong scent of vanilla crème and strawberries. It wasn't on his top list of favorite scents but at least it wasn't the ass sweat and foot order he was expecting. As they then made their way down the hallway, Levi took the time to analyze the décor. The walls were a passionate scarlet red, the floor was made out of a stainless marble. It was scarcely decorated. A little picture or plant here and there but it was enough and at the end of the narrow pathway was a black door. Hanji gave the man a smirk before throwing the door open, revealing to him a crowded dance floor. Levi watched as a parade of people moved wildly to a techno remix version of 'Clarity by Zedd'.

"Oh God! This is my song." Hanji squealed loud enough for Levi to hear her through the booming music. "If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity? ~~" the woman sang as she moved her hips to the beat. Levi rolled his eyes as he took in the dimly lit and crowded room. He couldn't figure out why Hanji was making such a big deal about this place. It was like any other club, except the place actually smelled good. Loud annoying techno music, random color lights bouncing off the walls, people drunk, high or both grinding on each other like monkeys but he had to admit the bar setup was pretty impressive. It was built on a pedestal in the middle of the dance floor and took on a sort of concave shape. It reminded Levi of a clam. Even though it was the same old club atmosphere there was something particularly different about this place. At that moment two women, one with blonde curly hair wearing a leather corset (which made her perky Double Ds look absolutely delicious), a matching G-string, fish net stockings and panther black stilettoes led her accomplish along the floor by a dog leash and studded collar. Levi cocked an eyebrow at the tamed woman's appearance. Her body was completely bare, except for the black X tape covering her nipples and the leather mini skirt. The woman's eyes were blindfolded, her hands bound in cuffs and a ball gag placed beautifully between her plump lips.

"Wait a minute." Levi's steel grey eyes did a run around the room. Almost everyone was dressed in similar clothing. From men to women. Some were wearing nothing at all. Levi grit his teeth before turning and placing an iron grip on Hanji's arm, which caused her to jump from fright. The spectacled woman turned from her current conversation with a couple to talk to the clearly enraged man. "You brought me to a fucking sex club?!"

"It's not a sex club! It's an S&M club." Hanji pouted.

"Same fucking thing!"

"Actually it isn't. No sexual conduct of any kind is allowed here, but from time to time we do allow some couples to put on a playful show." A tanned woman with shoulder length hair intervened. Her eyes were slightly slanted and narrow and her face was lightly covered in freckles. Behind her was a small timid looking woman with straight blonde hair, sky blue eyes and gorgeous pale skin. Around her neck was a pink diamond embedded collar.

"Levi. This is the friend I was telling you about. This is Ymir. She owns this place and that shy cutie behind her is her pet Krista."

A smirk graced Ymir's lips as she placed a hand on her hip. "Ah. So this is the infamous ole' bulldog you've been telling me about. By the seemingly permanent piss off expression on his face, he's clearly the type who likes to be in control."

Hanji beamed at her friend's words. "You assume right. I was actually thinking maybe you could introduce Levi to tonight's auction."

"Auction?" Levi questioned.

"First timer eh? No worries." Ymir assured. "Please follow me to the bar. I'll explain everything. Drinks on me." Levi was a bit skeptical about this whole thing but his curiosity got the best of him. He willingly followed the women through the dance floor. Dancers parted like the Red Sea as Ymir made her way towards the bar. Hanji took a seat on one of the plush bar stools while Levi grimaced at them. "Something wrong stud?"

"Oh. He has OCD." Hanji explained with a chuckle.

"You want some plastic or a blanket or something?" Ymir offered.

"I'll stand." Levi replied.

"Alright. Krista my perfect little angel can you break out a pack of fresh glasses for our guests?" Ymir ordered in a sing song voice. The petite woman nodded before walking behind the bar. "So what will it be? Krista makes one hell of a Cosmo."

"Oooo~ I'll take that." Hanji sang.

"White Russian." Levi answered.

"You heard em baby. A Cosmo, White Russian and for me a Long Island Iced Tea." As Krista began to take out the ingredients, Ymir took the opportunity to lean over the bar and place a sweet kiss to the woman's cheek. Krista's face lit up in embarrassment as she then nuzzled against the tanned woman's cheek and neck. "Haha. My perfect little angel."

Levi scowled at the sight. "Is this why you brought me here shitty glasses? To watch a couple of Lesbos eye fuck each other."

Hanji laughed off the man's statement and turned to Ymir and Krista. "Don't worry about him. Levi's just upset because his wife left him for another woman 5 years ago."

"I'm so sorry." Krista suddenly piped up. It caught everyone (except for Ymir of course) off guard. Her voice was as smooth as silk and sweet music to the ears. She was indeed an angel in every sense of the word.

"I'm not." Levi stated bluntly.

Ymir chuckled as she watched Krista mix the drinks. "So Levi. What do you consider to be the perfect mate? And please let's be honest. You don't have to be afraid of judgment here. If you could have anyone and I mean anyone in the entire world? How would they look? What would be their characteristics, traits etc.? Let your desires be known."

Levi's mind suddenly raced. He never really thought about what he considered to be a perfect partner. Maybe because something as silly as perfection didn't exist. But if he could have someone who was perfect just for him. Who would it be? Heh. Even if he told this freak of a woman his preferences it's not like she could create this woman or man out of thin air. This conversation was nothing but fun and games so why not play along. Krista placed Levi's White Russian in front of him and the man immediately took a swing. The vodka hit him hard but Levi was always a man who was in control.

"Submissive." The man suddenly blurted. Ymir smirked as she cocked an eyebrow and Hanji listened on with interest. "Obedient yet feisty. Trust me to the point where they put their very life in my hands. Trust me financially and emotionally as well. I want them to give me their everything. Mind, body, soul. When I'm near them, that's when they're happiest and when I'm away they yearn for my return." Levi then took another swing of his drink while Hanji awed in amazement. "But nobody like that exists. People these days with their stupid fucking kinks and trends of being controlled just because it's something new and different. But there's always a line. A boundary you can't cross. Bedroom only nothing more. Stupid shit like that." Before Levi realized he finished off his drink and gave the bar counter a few knocks. "Oi. Princess Peach I'm dry over here."

Ymir began to play with her drink as her eyes twinkled from Levi's words. "How much?"

"How much what?" Levi questioned as Krista placed a fresh White Russian in front of him.

"How much are you willing to pay for such a person?"

The smallest of smirks graced Levi's lips as he took a sip of the strong bitter liquid. "Are you referring to human trafficking?"

Ymir smiled like a Cheshire cat while playfully running her finger around the rim of her moist glass. "Not necessarily. That would be illegal in a sense, but willing participates or pets as we call them here being sold by their owners to the highest bidder well now that's different matter." Ymir could tell she was getting to the man and continued her explanation. "You see. Some dominates at times grow tired of their pet unfortunately. Most pets are very clingy or dependent and can't really function on their own. So instead of throwing them away, they come here and put them up for sell to make a quick buck. The pet gets a new master. The previous owner gets his money. Everyone is happy."

"I'd do it if I were you." Hanji suddenly pitched in as she finished off her Cosmo with glee. "God. That was delicious. Hey Angel face. Pina Colada ASAP please and thank you~~" the spectacled woman giggled childishly and Levi rolled his eyes. Hanji always sucked at holding her liquor. After having one she was already gone. "Just think of it as pet shopping. Ha get it. Pet shopping."

"You can at least attend the auction. Check out what we have to offer and if you don't like it you can leave, but you will always be a valued member of Pink Handcuffs." Ymir stated with a smile. Levi hesitated before finally agreeing to give it a try. Ymir's eyes lit up as she clapped her hands. "Krista. Please give Mr. Levi his membership bracelet and auction supplies."

"Please hold out your wrist Master Levi." Krista spoke so softly it was barely audible due to the music. Levi somehow caught on and held out his arm. Krista then secured a black chained bracelet around Levi's wrist. "When Master Levi chooses a pet that fits him best, that pet will be rewarded with a collar of your choice. I hope Master Levi finds a pet that will make him happy." A light blush painted Krista's cheeks as she then placed a small remote in Levi's hand.

"Follow me." Ymir ordered Levi with a cheeky smile. "Hey watch after lightweight while I'm gone. I'll be back soon." Krista nodded her head before Ymir claimed her lips in a soft kiss. "That's my girl." After saying her goodbyes, Ymir guided Levi towards a door hidden in the back of the club. The woman pulled a ring of keys from her pocket before unlocking the door and allowing Levi to step through first. The wild music from the dance floor immediately disappeared once they entered the room and Levi was thankful. He glanced around and noticed a small scarlet sofa accompanied with a table and lamp on either side placed in the middle of the floor and that was it. "After you." Ymir insisted. Levi grunted and took his seat and at that moment a mirror he failed to notice spawned out of nowhere. It covered every inch of the wall before him. "Two way. Don't worry they can't see you."

"How many other rooms do you have like this?"

"If you're asking how many other bidders there are, it's prohibited to give out that sort of information, but since you've grown on me I guess I don't mind telling you. There's twenty bidders tonight. Well a little over. Quite a lot of competition but don't let it get to you." Levi watched as a young girl with black hair styled in twin tails stepped onto the pedestal. She was completely naked from head to toe, but she wasn't ashamed of her lack of clothing. She stood there proud while turning every now and again as though putting on a show. "The pets are naked so the bidders know exactly what they're paying for." The girl then sat down and with a coy smile spread her thighs apart. Levi growled in disgust, which drew Ymir's attention. "I thought you wanted someone feisty." She laughed.

"There's a big difference between feisty and vulgarity." Ymir smirked.

"You think so? I always considered that there was a thin line between the two." Levi didn't respond as his remote suddenly vibrated. He glanced down at the forgotten device in his hand and read the flashing words 'Winner: Bidder 12'. "Oh how unfortunate." The woman teased. "Maybe the next one will be more to your liking." The night lingered on and with each passing minute Levi was introduced to more candidates. Men and women from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, body types and ages (mostly from late teens to early 30's) were thrown before him. None of them seemed to peak his interest. They all were insufferably bland and used the same lewd tactics to get a higher bid. It was as though they were acting off a poorly written script. Levi eventually grew restless and checked his cell to read 1:13AM. Fuck. Has he really been in this room for 3 hours?

"I better go check on shitty glasses." Levi suddenly announced, breaking the intense silence.

Ymir nibbled on her bottom lip, before letting out a defeated sigh. Hanji wasn't joking when she said this guy was a tough nut to crack. Never has she faced a man who weren't interested in any of her pets. They were usually jerking off around the second candidate, but Levi kept the same stoic face the entire time and if that wasn't bad enough he didn't even attempt to make one bid. Usually she jumped at the sight of a challenge but now she regretted agreeing to the whole thing. Either this guy was way too much of a stick in the mud or his standards were way high. Maybe both. "Alright. We usually save the best for last, but since you don't seem interested in the least. I guess we can end things early."

Levi jerked his head as he rose to his feet, clearly pissed for having 3 hours of his life wasted. The man trailed behind Ymir silently when something stopped him. Levi became paralyzed from head to toe after taking a glance at the mirror one last time. The disgusting display from before was replaced with something more appealing. "Wait." He ordered before walking straight up to the mirror. Ymir immediately paused and took her attention away from the door. She turned to see what the fuss was about and a mixture of dread and excitement filled her. The two watched as a restrained boy about 17-20 was dragged rather roughly onto the pedestal. His beautiful chestnut colored skin was littered with light bruising and marks from constantly being bound and disciplined. His equally brown hair or maybe a shade darker was moist and matted against his forehead. A bit gag was secured between his teeth but for some reason a person could tell that a smirk hid behind the device. But what captivated Levi the most wasn't this boy's slightly toned body or his gorgeous being, but his eyes. They were the strangest color of blue and green. Soft yet held some fire to them. Levi wasn't the type of man to believe in all that love at first sight bullshit, but now he heavily reconsidered his beliefs.

"Who is that?" Levi questioned impatiently.

Ymir gulped as she debated whether or not to tell this guy the truth. He was a first timer and it would be unfair for him to purchase a pet from her establishment without knowing what he was getting himself into. "E-Eren. His name is Eren." She grabbed the controller from Levi and pointed the device at Eren's collar and the device's screen instantly lit up with a full profile. "He's 19 years old. There's not that much info concerning his education and background. But he possesses average intelligence but comes off as very dense at times. He's very clingy and cannot be left alone for too long. Even though he can be stubborn, he's moderately obedient and highly territorial. So I recommend you don't…get another pet. Other than his many downfalls, he likes to cuddle and is very open-minded when it comes to the bedroom. Oh and he suffers from DPD…"


"Dependent Personality Disorder. Ah. He can barely do anything by himself. He basically needs assistance doing everything. From getting up in the morning to eating to decision making. So he won't be much of a help on chores or running errands. He's been returned 10 times in the last 2 years for biting his owner, disobeying, or simply running away."

Levi stared down the boy in front of him and Ymir immediately regretted her decision. Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut. "How much?" Levi questioned, his monotonic and intimidating voice pierced the room, catching Ymir off guard.

"W-What, for Eren?" Ymir asked. Levi sent the woman a glare and she shrunk. God this guy was scary. "I'm sorry, but to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance, you'll have to b—"

"Enough!" Levi barked, his growing anger relevant in his tone. Ymir began to sweat bullets. "I have no time for this childish bidding bullshit. How much for the fucking dog?"

"W-Well the highest I ever got for Eren is 10 million."

"I'll double it. Pack him up now."

"D-D-Double?! Are you sure? I don't want you to feel as though you were charged unfair—" Ymir insisted as she watched Levi pull his checkbook from his coat pocket. The woman was cut off as the shorter male shoved a check for 20 million in her face. Ymir instantly drooled and saw nothing but dollar signs as she held the slip of paper between her fingers. "Th-Thank you for your patronage. I'll have my people clean him up a bit before bringing him around."

"You do that." Levi stated simply before making his way to the door.

"W-Wait." Ymir yelled hesitantly. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Levi paused, his hand on the doorknob. "If the brat's what you say he is then he shouldn't be disappointing in the least." The man then gave Ymir a wicked smirk over his shoulder. "I always found challenges fun. No matter how fucked up they are."

OMG I did it. Please comment! Tell me what you think! LOL I'll try and post the next chapter soon. Oh and Levi doesn't have a last name so I created one for him with the assistance of google. It's 'Moreau' meaning 'little dark'.