Warning: This chapter has a bit of rough play in it. Nothing too extreme, but I'm going to put it up just in case. It also has light bondage, mentions of past abuse and mental illness, so please be cautious if you feel uncomfortable with that sort of thing.

She's loud yet too quiet. She's rude and yet she'll go out of her way for you. She's ignorant and yet when you look into her eyes you can see the universe. Sheltered but open-minded. Indecisive but she's got plans. A lazy go getter. Confident but timid. Judgmental but accepting. Cold but caring. Fun but dull. That girl's mysterious, a fucking enigma, but everyone knows when she's in the room. A party fueled homebody. Nothing gets to her. Look at her dry eyes, her slim, fragile and rigid body. Flawless skin, beautiful enough to touch and yet she's hideous. What a stupid girl, possessing such an intellect, it would catch anyone off guard. She's been hurt, you could never tell but she knows pain. Covered in scars from head to toe. A walking contradiction this one, but look how she conquers the world with a smile.

It felt like an eternity when the familiar sight of Levi's condo pulled into view. The silence that transitioned during the car ride there was absolutely deafening and Eren would've given anything to make it stop. After all the mischief Eren had caused and being caught shoving his tongue down Armin's throat, the brunette expected a disciplinary back hand across the face once they reached the car. But to his surprise, Levi didn't strike him, nor did he yell or call him harsh names. He simply ordered Eren into the car and drove away. "Get out." Levi stated in an authoritative tone of voice. Eren snapped out of his menacing thoughts and realized the car had actually come to a stop and they had arrived in the condo's parking garage. His legs refused to move as though they were heavy with lead. His heart pounded terrifyingly fast in his chest and tears stained tanned cheeks once again. Eren was afraid. He always told himself that he should be used to this by now, but who truly gets used to a beating? "I said now! Please don't make me fucking repeat myself." Eren jolted with fright at the sudden raise in Levi's tone, before reaching for the car door with trembling hands. The two then made their way to the elevator, Eren trailing at a safe distance behind the shorter male. Levi fished his keys out of his pocket with noticeably sweaty hands, once the two had reached his front door. "You got anything to say to me, brat?" It was more of a simple statement than a question. As though, Levi were expecting Eren to plead and beg and grovel, but the brunette knew all that would prove to be meaningless. He'd rather take his punishment like a man and hold on tightly to the little shred of dignity he still managed to possess.

Eren swallowed hard as he built up the courage to respond, a pathetic smile present. "What's the point? You're going to do whatever you want anyways. Nothing is going to change that." Levi grunted, a hint of amusement hidden behind his action as he opened the door and as expected was greeted with the usual darkness.

"Lights. Level 3." The room was illuminated with a dim light, just bright enough for the two to see their surroundings. With an agitated sigh Levi shrugged off his coat and threw it aside, for once not caring about the cleanliness of his home. Eren watched quizzically as the petite man then cracked his neck in exasperation as though he just finished a long day at the office. "God, I'm fucking starving." What was going on? Levi was acting as though none of the events that occurred just that morning—just a few hours ago ever transpired. Eren stood idly by, too paralyzed by his own confusion to move. Levi glanced over his shoulder with an annoyed click of his tongue. "Oi brat, you no longer live in a fucking barn close my damned door." The brunette jumped at the order and was quick to comply.

"Y-Yes sir." Eren quickly turned to close and lock the door behind him. He had no clue as to what was going on but if Levi could feign ignorance, then it was best if he did the same. "P-Papa has had a long day…I'll go draw him a hot ba—" The second Eren turned from the door, he was cornered between two strong arms and a menacing glare. The pet melted into the door, frightened at this sudden turn of events. This was it. He then braced himself for the inevitable pain, eyes shut tight.

"Idiot. Qu'est-ce que vous pensiez? Qu'aurais-je fait si quelque chose était arrivé à vous? Comment la baise pensez-vous que je me sentirais si je vous ai trouvé mort ou enlevé toute un argument stupide? Si jamais vous tirez une merde comme ça, je vais clouer vos pieds putain au sol! Understand?!" (*What were you thinking? What would've I done if something happened to you? How the fuck do you think I'd feel if I found you dead or worse all over a stupid argument? If you ever pull some shit like that again, I'll nail your feet to the fucking ground!) Ocean eyes slowly pried open and teared as they looked into the depths of his master's eyes. The eyes that held something more than just rage, but Eren couldn't put his finger on it. His mind was a mangled mess. He didn't fully understand what was happening, but nodded robotically at the older man's foreign words. A tired sigh left Levi's lips before the man pulled away and decided to make his pet's perfectly bandaged body a priority. "Nothing but a pain in my fucking ass. And stop your sniffling you're not a toddler who got torn away from his mama's tit!" Eren instantly quieted down and watched nervously as Levi inspected his body. The man lifted his arm to check to see if anything was broken, touched the bandaged area to see how severe the bruising was. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how much pain are you in?"

"I-I'm fine…" Eren answered softly with his eyes shifted towards the floor submissively.

"Don't lie. If you need medical attention tell me." Eren shook his head no at the older man's persistence. "Fine. You wanna tell me what happened after you ran away like a menstruating teenager?"


Levi suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to smoke a much needed cigarette. "Listen kid. You're only making things difficult for yourself—" The older man motioned the brunette to take a seat on the couch while he made his way to the kitchen. Eren began to fidget with his bandages, refusing to look away from the floor as he listened to his master rummage around in the cabinets. "I think we started off on the wrong foot so this is how it's going to go—" The pet jumped a bit at the unexpected sound of the coffee maker. "—we're going to sit here all night if necessary and share our fucking feelings. Do you want to go first or should I?" Levi folded his arms across his chest as he watched Eren sit quietly on the couch, unmoving. It was a bit creepy, like a painting whose eyes followed you around the room. "Fair enough. My name is Levi Moreau, you don't need to know my age. I work and own a successful Finance Company downtown. I'm an only child. My family moved to the U.S when I was like 8 or 9, who really cares. Hmm what else. My likes and dislikes. I like cleanliness, work, tea and reading on my rare days off. I despise neglected hygiene, disgusting fucks who chew with their mouth open and—" A lighthearted chuckle filled the room and Levi saw Eren look his way with bright eyes. "What's so goddamn funny?"

"Y-You." Eren managed to reply through his laughing fit. "Your life is so~~ boring. I wouldn't be surprised if you eventually started a fucking knitting group. All you do is work and read. I expected a millionaire to travel the world and go foreign places like France or the jungle."

"Like France or the jungle?" Levi reiterated, his cheeks a bit red with embarrassment. He could hear Hanji's obnoxious laughter in the distance. The man would admit he was far from an adventurer and work and being a parent consumed most of his life, but he never considered himself to be bland or boring. Despite what a certain four eyed halfwit or spoiled brat said, Levi enjoyed his laidback lifestyle. "Well excuse fucking me. Why don't we take a magic carpet ride through the Sahara or go on a Safari. No. Let's go find the lost kingdom of Atlantis and swim with the mermaids."

Teal eyes glistened. "Really?!"

"Your stupidity reaches new heights."

The pet pouted at being called stupid. "I wouldn't be talking about heights mister 4 feet and at least I'm not an old man who does nothing but work and read all day."

"At least I can read."

"I can read!"

"Doubt it." Levi smirked.


At that moment, the coffee pot dinged, signaling that it was ready and Levi poured an equal amount of the fresh brew into two clean mugs. Applying crème and sugar to one before walking over to the brunette. Eren hummed happily while taking timid sips of the hot but tasty sweet liquid. It was perfect. Strangely perfect as if Levi knew exactly how the pet liked his coffee. "Anyway. It's your turn. You gotta tell me about yourself and not the fabricated bullshit Freckles wrote on your bio." Levi elaborated while taking a seat beside the brunette.

Eren snuggled against the older man, feeling the need for some form of skinship. Levi rolled his eyes, but humored the spoiled brat and wrapped an arm around him. A blush burned the brunette's cheeks. A brief silence then rose between the two men, a comfortable silence as they stared blankly in front of them. One could get use to this. "…Sometimes I like to cook. I also like to dance and sing." A deep hum vibrated in Levi's throat as he grabbed his mug by the rim and took a few sips.

"Who's your favorite artist?"

"Lana Del Rey."

"Favorite song?"

"mmm?" Eren gave it a legitimate thought. "Because of You."

"Never heard of it. How does it go?"

The pet chuckled while sinking further into Levi's chest. "You wanna hear me sing?"

"Everyone keeps saying how good you are, but I think it's out of pity. I heard the atrocious—"

Eren placed his mug on the coffee table without using the available coaster, much to Levi's irritation. With a brattish grin, he then looked Levi dead in his eyes, the neurotic feeling from earlier nonexistent. How was it that this brat was able to go from submissive and frightened to amorous was beyond Levi's comprehension. The pet hummed a few verses, going into a steady rhythm. Took in a shallow breath. "I was a young girl selfish and wild, like a fire in L.A. Hot like the summer and mean like a child who keeps crying til she gets her way. There was roses in my hair, rock n roll and blare and I was in trouble…and no one could rock me like you could…I was a bad girl gone good." Eren then paused, doe eyes became lidded as though he struggled to finish the song. Levi raised an eyebrow, but the brunette soon continued and Levi didn't miss the unmistakable crack in his voice at the beginning. He wrapped his arms around the older man's neck as his sultry and seductive voice engulfed the room. "Look at me now, I have everything. You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink. Dancing tables, making deals with devils like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy…hooked on the scene and you brought me to my knees and it's all because…of you"~ After finishing, Eren became lost in his own thoughts. What was running through his mind was unclear, but the distant look on that beautiful face would captivate anyone. Levi grazed his thumb over Eren's bruised lips, making the pet snap out of it. The pet shivered as he felt his master's fingers maneuver from his lips to his chin and finally his neck.

Eren found himself in the spotlight of sharp grey eyes. "I wanna fuck you." The brunette's heart instantly leapt in his throat at the declaration. It was so blunt and out of the blue. Usually Eren's masters didn't announce what they wanted to do, they just did it. But Levi said it as though it were a mere request. Eren's eyes lowered submissively to the floor, before he nodded timidly. "I can't promise that I'll be able to hold myself back. So are you sure?" The pet nodded once more. "Go to the bedroom and get ready for me. I'll meet you there in a second." Eren's body felt hot, his legs like jelly as he nervously made his way to Levi's room. He turned on the side table lamp, filling the room with just enough light to see what he was doing. No matter how many times he saw his master's room, he'd always be impressed by the spotless décor. Eren first got rid of his shirt, then pants and blushed deeply after realizing he forgot to change out of Armin's panties from earlier. He motioned towards the lacey underwear only to be stopped by the sudden sound of his master's voice. "Leave those on." Levi ordered before disappearing into his private bathroom and closing the door. Eren playfully stuck his tongue out at the bathroom door and slid into bed, loving the way the silk duvet felt against his hot skin. The pet laid out on his side, a position men usually found desirable, but for some reason he felt self-conscious and dirty. His bruised and scraped body, riddled with old scars from the past; touched by many hands. Eren quickly retreated under the blankets to hide himself. Minutes passed and Levi eventually emerged from the bathroom and Eren's eyes couldn't help but bulge at the sight of him. There was no way in hell he wasn't drooling right now. His damp raven hair was slicked back and nothing covered his body but a loose towel around the hips. For a midget, the chiseled chest and sculpted six pack was definitely unexpected. Levi could undoubtedly make a whore blush with a body like that. "You be a good little brat and I'll let you have it." The older man teased.

Eren blushed madly and jerked his head away with a pout at being caught staring. "Y-Yeah right. L-Like anyone would want an old asshole like you." The pet squeaked as he felt the bed sink and Levi inched closer and closer. What? So soon? He wasn't ready. "L-Let's get this over with, I know it's passed your bedtime." Eren spat in an attempt to hide his nervousness. Without warning, the blankets were ripped from the brunette's slim frame and he was positioned underneath his master like a rabbit who was just caught by a hungry wolf.

"Look at me." Levi ordered and Eren slowly averted his eyes to the man above him. His breath then hitched as he gaze trailed down to see the scars and faded burn marks on the older man's chest and stomach. "Do they disgust you?" The raven questioned. His voice remained uninterested, but Eren could sense the insecurity behind the question. The pet slowly reached up and caressed Levi's chest lovingly all while wrapping his legs around the older man to pull him impossibly close.

"Who hurt my Papa?" connected the two in a whisper. Levi suddenly leaned forward and took a patch of skin between Eren's neck and shoulder in his teeth, causing his pet to cry out. It was as though the man was triggered by Eren's words. "P-P-Papa please slow down." The brunette pleaded between moans as he felt the older man impatiently stroke their hardening cocks against one another. A deep growl erupted in Levi's throat as he rid of the irritating towel, so now only Eren's lace panties separated them. "W-Wait. I-I-I" That familiar feeling of helplessness coursed through Eren's body as Levi showered him with kisses and bites on his neck and chest. At times purposely leaving marks in his wake. "Ah…Papa please…" What was going on? The pet could feel his master claim every inch of him, his tongue moving lower and lower, passed his waist line. This sensation was so new yet scary.

"Filthy." Levi stated with the click of his tongue while eyeing the pre-cum leaking through his pet's panties. Eren sucked his bottom lip between his teeth at the older man's harsh words. "Nothing but a filthy little bitch who'd pant for any cock that gives him a little bit of attention." Tears began to well up in Eren's eyes. The brunette watched as Levi sat upright and Eren was quick to close his legs. "What are you doing?"

"I—I—I just…" Eren stammered his words while looking away in shame. "Can you turn off the lights please?"

A heavy than usual frown grew on Levi's face. "And why in the hell would I do that? Do you think I'm a fucking cat? How are we supposed to fuck if I can't see?" Eren trembled in silence, slowly growing on the man's patience. Without warning, Levi ripped the brunette's thighs apart and Eren made an attempt to cover himself up, but it wasn't enough. The horrid sight of thin lines violating that beautiful skin met Levi's eyes. The older man remained stone faced, and watched as the lines started to vibrate. Levi looked up questionably to see tears violently pouring down Eren's face, all while trembling madly.

"U-U-Ugly…" Eren sobbed, successfully catching Levi off guard. The pet then brought his hands from his thighs to cover the shameful expression on his face. "I-I'm so ugly… Now since you've seen them, you're going to throw me away." It was strange, surreal almost. How the cocky and arrogant brat he picked up broke so easily. Levi was no stranger to misery. He knew how difficult it was, waking up each day, putting on airs just so you wouldn't be a burden for those around you. And that's why it was so hard to let Eren go. They were both used and ugly and yet when the brunette first laid eyes on the older man, his eyes sparkled with something unexplainable. It was like the young man was looking upon a fine piece of art or a masterpiece. Eren's hysterical sobbing soon quieted down as he felt something foreign between his legs. The pet looked down in curiosity and watched in shock to see Levi gently kissing the old cuts on his skin. "W-What are you doing? S-Stop it's dirty down there!" Levi sent a hard glare to his pet, which instantly made Eren shudder. The pet moaned as his master's tongue moved from his thighs to his panties. There was a pause.

"If you want me to stop, say so now." Levi grumbled. Eren's teary eyes blinked in confusion. "Say something fool!"

The brunette frowned heavily at being called that, then plastered on a cocky grin despite having a tear stained face. "If you want to suck my dick so badly be my guest." He said while massaging his cock shamelessly. Levi knew he was going to beat himself up for being so easily manipulated, but refused to back down. Without hesitation the man freed the brunette's cock and engulfed it fully, making it hit the back of his throat. "OH—fuck God!" Eren screamed at the heat, definitely not expecting this. Levi smirked before slowly motioning up and down, successfully teasing his pet. Teal eyes rolled back, toes curled and Eren failed to resist the temptation to slightly buck his hips as he grabbed desperately at the older man's hair, begging for more. Levi wasn't a big fan of performing fellatio. It was not only unhygienic but downright disgusting. The taste of precum, spit everywhere. It was just a sloppy sexual act. Now receiving it was a different matter. Selfish I know. Usually when a partner got too cocky and Levi felt as though he was losing control, he'd shut that shit down, but there was something about the way this brat reacted. Cheeks flushed, body writhing in pleasure, eyes lidded as he allowed the boy to throat fuck him. "M-More…more." Eren moaned wantonly. Levi sucked a bit harder, completely swallowing the younger's dick, before pulling back much to the pet's dismay. "W-Why?" the brunette whimpered.

"Patience. Good things come to those who wait." Levi stated with a cocky grin before shoving two fingers into Eren's mouth, which he anxiously sucked. He licked the appendages lovingly, covering them in saliva. Levi cringed. "Disgusting." He then moved his fingers to the brunette's entrance. Eren squirmed at a half-assed attempt to escape.

"P-Papa wait…Wait!" the pet cried.

"What now?!" Levi unconsciously growled.

"Umm…I won't…I mean I can't…it's okay if you don't turn off the lights, but if you could please blindfold me…" Eren pleaded. "I won't…be able to get off if I'm not blindfolded and tied up." Levi stared blankly with those sharp intimidating eyes and the brunette found himself mumbling incoherently. His eyes shifting around the room as he failed to properly explain his desires. He soon felt the bed dip a bit and allowed himself to look up briefly to see Levi walking to his closet, only to return with a belt and a neck tie. The pet shivered as the man then gently secured the neck tie around his eyes. Eren began to pant with excitement with each passing second.

"On your knees." Levi ordered and the brunette didn't hesitate to comply. The older man then bound his pet's wrists behind his back with the leather belt, pushing him forward so his ass was in the air. "How I got stuck with a bi-polar—" Eren cried out as he felt a sudden stinging slap against his ass. "—spoiled—" another harsh slap met Eren's ass. "-dirty, cock hungry little shit like you is beyond me." The pet whimpered and tried to bury his reddened face into the sheets. "Tell me something. If I didn't find you, you would have let that Sasquatch looking motherfucker have a go, huh?" The pet shrieked as he felt Levi's fingers penetrate his entrance without warning, successfully hitting his prostate on the first try. Eren bit down his bottom lip to prevent himself from losing it. It was a pet's duty to make sure his master was sexually satisfied first then after he gained permission, he could relieve himself after. Levi sneered at Eren's "silence", before mercilessly finger fucking his prostate, loving how the brunette whimpered and struggled futilely within his restraints beneath him. "You're not going to say anything?" Eren let out a silent gasp as he felt a third finger force its way into his slick hole, causing his dick to jump anxiously.

"N-No… ah…p-p-please, y-you're wrong Papa—"

Levi roughly grabbed Eren by the root of his hair and leaned forward, digging knuckle deep into his pet's entrance. "Am I?" he questioned in a humorous tone, before ripping his fingers from his pet's ass. Eren was grateful for the opportunity to catch his breath, but it was short lived. The brunette gasped as he then felt the fingers being replaced with the tip of Levi's cock. Without another word, the older man plunged himself completely into Eren. The pet could no longer contain himself and let out an earsplitting scream. Levi held the boy into place by the waist, licking his lips at the tight heat around his cock. "Fuck, tighter than I thought."


"At a loss for words. I know my pretty pet." Levi teased before tightening his grip on Eren's waist, motioning himself back and forth slowly. Eren's toes curled, he wouldn't be surprised if he was cross-eyed underneath the blindfold and his entire being vibrated with each slow, agonizing thrust. Incoherent moans and mumbles spilled from the pet's lips as his master's pace started to quicken. "Shit." Levi cursed at the intense heat, giving Eren his entire cock, fucking him into a stupor. "Come on, you were talking such good shit earlier. Fuck me, ya brat. Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" The bed shook violently, the erotic sound of wet skin on skin bouncing against the walls and the pair of eyes peering from the shadows which went unnoticed to the couple. Eren's body filled with a newfound ecstasy as he was pulled back onto Levi's thick cock repeatedly. His sweet spot destroyed. With one last merciless thrust, the pet could no longer hold back and cried out as cum poured from his throbbing cock. He then collapsed onto the bed, finding himself falling victim to exhaustion, beating himself up for cumming so selfishly. But before he had a chance to truly think, a familiar firm grip wrapped around his throat and pulled him back against an equally firm chest. He could feel his Papa smirking against his ear. "Tired already? I haven't even cum once sweetheart and you did say I could go for as long as I wanted. No holding back right?" Eren shivered as he realized the older man's cock was still balls deep inside him. "And best believe, I don't tire easily."

"Eren." A distant yet familiar voice called out. "Eren. Wake up..." Who was that? "Eren, it's time to get up…" 'Why? My body hurts. Why does my body hurt?' A cold yet soothing sensation then touched the burning skin that throbbed mercilessly. 'Oh that feels good.' Hazy emerald eyes slowly began to crack open and Eren was met with a mysterious silhouette. Black hair. Pale skin. No, it can't be. 'How did she find me?' Despite the pain, Eren turned his head away in shame. She was the last person he wanted to see. He could only imagine what he looked like. He didn't even know where he was. Probably drugged up in a hotel room, covered in body fluids that weren't his own. "Eren, don't move. You'll make things worse."

"You must hate me don't you?" Eren hiccupped. "I'm always burdening you…holding you back."

The silhouette was quiet then responded in a firm yet soft voice. "….hate is a strong word. We all make mistakes...sometimes."

"Then am I one big mistake?"


"Please answer me." Eren then awoke in a cold sweat then turned his head once again, disobeying orders to stay still. His mind on overdrive, afraid that he was once again losing someone he held dear. "Mika-!"

His eyes opened then closed. With his vision finally clear, Eren stared into not the deep black eyes he was expecting, but instead a pair of crystal blue ones. Evangeline remained silent, both shock and concern written all over her face. The little girl slowly removed the zip lock bag filled with ice from Eren's cheek and reached for the first aid kit beside her. Eren looked around in utter confusion. "Where am I?" he questioned softly, voice dry from all the crying and screaming last night. "Where's Papa?!" the pet asked frantically after discovering the man's absence.

Evangeline sighed. "Calm down. You're in Papa's room and he's in his office taking an important phone call. He asked me to come check on you…" Eren clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at Evangeline's statement. "This is probably going to sting a bit…" the little girl warned as she soaked a cotton ball with disinfectant before dabbing it gently on Eren's bruised and swollen cheek. It amazed her how the boy was even able to talk with a wound that serious. An awkward silence consumed the two as expected. They weren't really on close terms. Not even on a tolerable level and their first meeting could only be described as rocky at best. But here they were. I guess miracles do happen. Sometimes. Evangeline bit her lip as she carefully cleaned Eren's wound, but the brunette paid her no attention. He didn't flinch or complain. He just sat there, empty ocean eyes casted towards the sheets, mind lost in places unknown. Yet again curiosity had gotten the best of her and Evangeline failed to prevent the question that's been on her mind since she discovered Eren's return that morning. "….What happened?" Eren flinched. Evangeline noticed.

"Beats me." Eren replied indifferently before letting out an obnoxious yawn. "Are you done yet? I'm beginning to feel like a fucking mummy." Evangeline gave him a meek nod after finishing up the last bandage on Eren's wrist. "Finally. Fuck." Eren was about to throw the blankets from his body, but stopped midway after realizing he was indeed still naked. "Oh. I almost forgot." He said with a cheeky grin. "Can you give me a minute? Papa tried to get me pregnant last night and things got a little messy, if you catch my drift." Pure unadulterated rage filled Evangeline's tiny being and by the grace of the Gods she managed to keep it hidden. Instead the little girl simply stood, eyes wide and nodded an 'of course' and obediently left the room, shutting the door behind her. The burden in her heart swelled. The little girl knew what she saw last night. There was no denying it. Refusing to debate this situation any further, Evangeline grabbed her cell phone and headed down to the condo's lobby. She knew it was unsafe to talk about something this serious when the person she's accusing was under the same roof. Her tiny fingers swiftly dialed the number of the only person she trusted besides her father, Petra and Ms. Hanji. Her father would refuse to listen. Ms. Hanji would no doubt confront her father, but Evangeline didn't want that and Petra wasn't fit to be drawn in such matters. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she sat in a secluded corner and waited for her call to be answered.

"Hello?" Came the voice of a monotonic yet comforting voice of a woman on the other line.

It felt as though Evangeline's heart was caught in her throat. "Ah…hi Auntie Mikasa. How are you?"

Silence. "What's the matter? Where are you? Shall I come get you?" Evangeline felt so stupid for making the woman worry so much. She should have known better. Mikasa was a better mother than her biological one ever was.

"No…I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"I see. Homework problems again?"

"No…it's about my father."

Mikasa sighed. "The midget huh? I repeatedly told Annie that he was nothing but a pig, not a parent. I'm reopening the case of getting full custody of you. Rest assured my dear Evangeline you will no longer have to endure the torture of living with that gigolo."

"No! It's not that. It's my Papa's boyfriend." Evangeline's voice toned down to a whisper after blurting out the confession. "He's not right…"

"Well Levi can barely do anything right so it comes as no surprise to me. Tell me what this 'boyfriend' is like."

"W-Well for one he's maybe a few years younger than you are."

"Levi is a pedophile. Say no more. I'm making the report as we speak." Mikasa assured. Evangeline panicked as she heard rapid typing in the background.

"N-No! Auntie just listen! This guy…yesterday he stole Papa's car while shopping, then he miraculously comes back to our house covered in bruises…and acts like nothing happened." Evangeline felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her tiny shoulders. Mikasa made an attempt to reply, but the little girl wasn't finished. She was far from through. "Last night he and my Papa came home in the middle of the night. They were arguing so I naturally woke up. I crept towards their bedroom and hid behind a corner. Papa was yelling at his lover, calling him nasty names…but the guy didn't seem to care until…"

"Evangeline…" Mikasa called out in concern. "Evangeline are you there?"

Silence fell between them as Evangeline remembered the deep cuts and scars on Eren's body while attempting to clean his bandages. The things he said as he slept. Tears fell endlessly from crystal-blue eyes. No longer able to stop the overwhelming fear and sadness she felt. "…Auntie Mikasa…he's not right."

"Evy." Mikasa called out softly to the hysterically crying child on the other line. "I need you to calm down for me and please tell me what happened. Can you do that for auntie?" Evangeline began to tremble madly as she struggled to wipe the never-ending tears from her eyes. She just wanted it to go away. All the bad things. Before that terrible night. Before the mall and before…Eren. Back to when everyone was happy. "Evangeline, please answer me. I'm currently out of town but I will come and get you if I have to."

"No!" the little girl cried unknowingly. Without seeing her face, Evangeline knew exactly what expression currently painted Mikasa's face. "Just…don't." she pleaded desperately. "I don't want Papa to be sad…I don't want anyone to be sad. I just want…" Her words faded through tears and hiccups.

"It's fine. I understand. You're a brave girl Evangeline. I'll come as soon as possible. Promise. But if anything changes, I'll drop everything and catch the first flight back to New York."

"Thank you." Evangeline then said her goodbyes, before ending the call. She then brought her knees to her chest and began to dwell on the situation. What to do? What to do? Despite it being dark there was no mistaking what happened last night. Papa would never do something so cruel. He doesn't even like fighting or any type of violence for that matter. Evangeline rarely if ever heard him curse. He was a good man who worked hard and cared for his family. Then someone like Eren—Garbage like Eren comes out of nowhere and tries to ruin it. Evangeline dug her nails violently into her knees, puncturing her porcelain skin and creating crescent shaped wounds. The little girl then suddenly rose to her feet, her crystal-eyes consumed with rage and sorrow. Eren was not going to win. She will not allow him to take away her Papa's happiness. Evangeline began making her way back upstairs, ignoring the throbbing pain in her knees, chest and eyes. After departing from the elevator and stepping into the condo she was greeted with silence. She wouldn't be surprised if the brunette was currently in the office, seducing his way back into her father's heart and the mere thought filled her tiny body with something far more sinister than rage. While heading towards Levi's bedroom, Evangeline picked up the discarded ashtray from the coffee table. Clenching the item with such unbelievable force. She had no idea what her goal was and for some reason she didn't care. Her body seemed to move on its own, fueled by raw emotion. Only one thing was clear. Only one thing mattered. But before she could even get close to her father's bedroom, the distinct smell of cigarette smoke mixed with a soft melody pulled her attention. As always curiosity had gotten the best of her and without realizing she was walking towards the sound in a trance like state. The sweet sound grew louder and louder with each step. Was someone playing their music out loud? It was undoubtedly angelic, but contained a bit of sadness and longing. Is this what they called 'the blues'? Crystal eyes widened after discovering the source of the sound. Out on the balcony was Eren, sitting with his back against the railing and face towards the chilly afternoon sky. A cigarette was placed lazily between his slender fingers as he sang a tune to himself, only pausing to take another hit of the cancer stick.

"I can see my baby swingin'. His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up. On the balcony and I'm singing. Ooh, baby, ooh, baby, I'm in love." The brunette gently sang as the wind kissed his bruised cheeks. "I can see my sweet boy swayin'. He's crazy y Cubano como yo, my love. On the balcony and I'm saying. Move baby, move baby, I'm in love…I'm in love…I'm in love" Eren's cigarette soon came to an end and to Evangeline's dismay so did the song. The little girl found herself staring in awe as the brunette began reaching out for the cigarette pack lying in front of him. The young man had changed into a light long sleeved shirt, too thin for the weather outside that hung from one of his shoulders and sweatpants. He was covered in bandages, his hair messy and in disarray, but for some reason Evangeline found herself actually looking at Eren and he was absolutely beautiful. "Ah! Holy fucki—what the fuck are you doing?!" Eren screeched after finally acknowledging Evangeline's presence. The little girl jumped a bit at the brunette's outburst but quickly collected herself. "Trying to give me a heart attack."

"What are you doing out here..?"

"Smoking. Obviously." Eren shot back with a snarky grin. "Oh and you brought me an ashtray. Bless your lil gremlin heart~"

Evangeline ignored the insult as she continued to look at Eren with a blank stare. "I'm shocked you're not desperately hanging all over Papa right now. By you being out here, I'm assuming that he rejected you. If I were you I'd take that as a hint."

Sea green eyes blinked in confusion before returning to its mischievous gleam. Eren chuckled, before lighting his second cigarette. "Here. Come sit with me. I can't stand being alone for too long. It's depressing." An awkward silence fell between the two before Evangeline pulled up a chair and reluctantly sat across from Eren on the balcony. It was quite amusing how the brunette sat on the ground before her. It was like a fallen angel groveling at the feet of a princess. "Can you pass me that please unless you're planning to bash me over the head with it." Doe eyes widened a bit in shock while looking at what Eren was referring to. Evangeline sighed internally before handing the glass ashtray to the brunette. A bratty giggle then filled the air. What was so funny? Did Eren actually find it humorous to be struck with a blunt object and more importantly was Evangeline capable of doing such a thing? "Why were you crying?"

At that moment it felt as though Evangeline's heart had leapt into her throat. It became harder to breathe. "W-What..?" was the only word that managed to break through her lips.

"Your face and eyes are puffy and red. You've been crying right?"

"Do you even care?"

The young man let out another laugh before taking another hit of his cigarette. "In all honesty. Not really, but I find it interesting to know what would make you cry. Lil Miss Perfect."

"I never considered myself to be perfect." The little girl bit back.

"Liar." That one word struck Evangeline in a way she couldn't explain. "You've hated me since Day 1 with your fake good little girl routine. But I see the way you look at me as though I'm the scum of the Earth. That's how they all look at me. You think I'm dirty, disgusting, and unfit for your world and you're right. I'm not a good person and I don't deserve your father. I'm not smart and I honestly never worked a day in my life. You asked me why I don't go to college, but I barely passed fucking high school. I can't do anything right and everything I touch is fucked. But despite all that your father chose me. He could have had anyone in that club but he looked my way. He treats me nice. Better than anyone I've ever been with. He doesn't look at me the way other people do—I can't explain it, but sometimes I think we've met somewhere before. Maybe in a past life—that would have been nice." The brunette gently smiled. He didn't speak out of pity or disdain. It was as though Eren was simply stating facts. And that's what made this conversation so hard to swallow for Evangeline.

"Who's Mika?" she questioned softly, desperate to change the subject. "You…were crying her name in your sleep this morning."

"My sister… She's not dead or anything if that's what you're thinking. I guess I just really miss her sometimes."

"Why don't you ever go visit her?"

"Because I don't want to hold her back anymore. She's taken care of me since forever. I promised myself I was going to get better one day and return the favor… So what's your story Lil Miss Perfect?" Eren questioned with a mocking grin. "Why you gotta act like you have a stick up your ass all the time?"

Porcelain skin turned a bright shade of red. "It's just expected of me. My mother and father are very important people, not everyone can walk around and do as they please like you can."

"You're too young for that shit." Eren huffed before bringing his cigarette back to his lips. "There's nothing wrong with being a kid. That's when you get that nice unconditional love, but when you're an adult it gets harder. Everything gets harder. There's no 'unconditional', you have to work for everything. You have to work for food…for shelter…for love. If I could go back in time and give my 8 year old self one message it would be: Don't let him take your innocence." Evangeline's eyes widened a bit. For reasons unknown her entire body felt paralyzed, but her mind raced at a rapid pace. What did he mean by that? "Don't ever let any fucker take that away from you. Because if you do, everybody'll start giving you that look…" Eren took one last hit of his cigarette before discarding it into the ashtray.

"What are you two doing?" The duo turned at the unexpected sound of Levi's voice. Eren didn't waste any time in jumping to his feet and embracing the older male in a smothering hug.

"Oh Papa~ you were locked in your office forever. You weren't cheating on me were you? Did you take a bath already? We can save water and shower together." Eren giggled flirtatiously, not caring if Evangeline overheard his lewd suggestions, but the little girl was too lost in her own thoughts to even comprehend let alone acknowledge their conversation.

Levi's face filled with worry at his daughter's odd behavior. "Evangeline…"

The little girl abruptly stood up, again ignoring the pain in her knees. "I'm going to go finish up my assignments." Her voice was dead and a bit raw from her hysterical fit from earlier, but Levi couldn't bring himself to question it. Evangeline then walked past the couple without another word.

"Ah~ to be a kid again, but at least we finally have our alone time." Eren giggled while nuzzling affectionately against the shorter male, but as always Levi paid him no mind. The brunette frowned at the lack of attention, but his demeanor quickly changed when he noticed Levi's neck and hands were horridly red as though the man scrubbed his skin to the point where it went raw. "A-Are you ok?"

"Huh?" Levi questioned irritably after breaking his train of thought.

"Your hands…do they hurt?"

Levi clenched and unclenched the throbbing limbs. "It's fin—" Before he could finish Eren took his master's hands into his own and brought them to his lips. Narrow grey eyes grew in surprise as his body was consumed with a strange warmth at the simple act. Eren softly kissed every knuckle on the raven man's hand before pulling back with a toothy grin.


It was now the brunette's turn to be shocked as Levi pulled him into a very rough and passionate kiss. Eren trembled as his master's hands roamed across his body, traveling from his lower back to his ass before pulling him close. The young man moaned at Levi's sudden dominance and the elder took that chance to slide his tongue into the mouth of his pet. Tanned cheeks flushed madly. Eren could feel his body grow hot, still sore from last night. What had gotten into his master so suddenly? "Mine." Levi growled into the sloppy kiss. He pulled back, a string of saliva connecting their lips before diving for Eren's neck. A wanton moan ripped from the brunette's throat as he felt sharp teeth penetrate the sensitive skin yet again.

"M-Master no!" Eren managed to scream through his breathless and flustered state. Levi quickly pulled back and watched as his pet struggled to catch his breath. His lips were beautifully swollen from the kissing and his teal eyes were foggy with lust, but for some reason Eren was hesitant to continue any further.

"I'm sorry."

"Eh? I don't understand… Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry about last night. I got a little heated and lost control and despite your injuries, I did what I wanted and you ended up passing out in the middle of it." Levi whispered, voice filled with nothing but regret. "I wouldn't be surprised if you never allowed me to touch you again…"


"I just hated the way-!" Eren jumped a bit at the older man's sudden outburst. "Fuck. Sorry. I didn't mean to shout." Levi apologized as he squeezed his temple in aggravation. "I had some new adjustments made. From today onwards you'll be assigned chores."

A concerned and scared expression appeared on Eren's face as he began to pick at the hem of his shirt. "M-Master, Y-Ymir said…I can't—"

"No more of that bullshit." Levi said sternly. "I believe that you can, so you will."

A foreign yet comforting feeling swelled within Eren's chest at Levi's words. None of his masters had ever believed in him and the brunette would be lying if he said he didn't love this warm sensation. Levi watched as a smile that could only be described as angelic graced Eren's sinfully full and beautiful lips. The older man covered his mouth at the gesture, before quickly retreating back into his condo in fear of attacking the young man yet again. Eren following in suit. "Wait for me Papa!~" This brat who's personality was too complex for mere words. Day and night. As warm as the sun and cold as the moon. Unpredictable and helpless. Vulgar and coy.

{Last Night}

"I don't get you." The unexpected statement raised eyebrows and earned a quizzical look from ocean eyes. "I try, but I just can't. It bothers me, because I'm the type of man who wants to know what he's dealing with, but you—you are a fucking abyss of unpredictability to the point where it's scary." Eren gave a faint hum in response as he melted into his master's warm skin. The pet then began to trace lazy lines across Levi's scars with his finger in a way that came off as admiration. "I'm a very jealous and possessive man. I admit that and I also admit that at times I allow it to cloud my judgement. But at the same time I know you possess your own free will. No matter what childish argument I put up, that door's always open and you can leave me—"

"Papa." Eren interrupted. Levi looked down to gaze into child-like teal eyes and the man's breath hitched at its beauty. "What's the definition of perfect?" Sharp eyes slightly widened, their owner a bit taken aback by the random question. The definition of perfection. Why would Eren want to know such a thing and at an inappropriate time at that. Besides the meaning of perfection is common sense. It's something even a poorly educated individual would know. The definition of perfect is…simple. Eren remained stone faced at his master's silence. "Do you think I am perfect?"

Levi snapped out of his stupor and clicked his tongue at the ridiculous and shallow question. "No one's perfect. Possessing flaws is as inevitable as taking a shit."

"You're perfect to me…" Eren confessed. "Perfection doesn't have a sole definition. The dictionary doesn't list what's considered perfect and what isn't. It's all based on opinion. That night when we first met and I gazed up into your eyes as I kneeled at your feet, I knew you were perfect for me. Your whole presence was intimidating. You demanded respect, but your eyes were like mine. Lonely, lost and restless… You looked at me in a way I've never seen before or something I haven't seen in a long time. Pity. Beautiful eyes. Skin like a woman's. Full lips. That's what they would always tell me before spreading my legs. But not you. You treated me as though I were a stray puppy from the street. You fed me, cleaned me up, gave me a warm bed then ended the day with good night. I'm aware that I'm not that smart and I know I'm not alright in the head, but I'm not blind." Eren shifted positions, throwing one leg over Levi so he could straddle the man. "There's no good and bad in this relationship and there's definitely no coming back from what's been done. They'll always criticize us. Tell us we're sick. Whisper their disgust behind our backs, but never apologize for being the cause of it all." Levi then felt the brunette tremble on top of him and slowly reached out his hand in an attempt to comfort him, but for some reason couldn't find himself to do it and pulled back. "…So in short we're fucked either way. We're so fucked up…but that doesn't mean we can't be happy right?"

The older man watched silently as the usually crude and arrogant brat crumbled into tears. Who was this? This stranger. It's Eren right? No impossible and at that moment Levi could have sworn he saw a crying toddler take the young man's place in front of him. But before he could question it, the image disappeared. Without uttering a word, Levi sat up and pulled the brunette into his embrace, briefly catching Eren off guard. "Weak subs are the result of weak Doms."

The usual wide and cocky smile seeped through Eren's never-ending tears at Levi's words. "…You can't help that you're so pathetic." Levi gently brushed his lips against the brunette's, demanding an entrance and Eren willingly gave in. He shivered as the older man's tongue wrapped around his in a sloppy kiss, firm hands locking his waist in place so he couldn't run away. The pet moaned wantonly and Levi smirked as he began sucking on Eren's tongue before pulling back just to give a playful bite to his lower lip. The pet looked at his master behind hooded eyes, breathless. "I-I never want to leave my Papa. I want to stay with him forever"

A mischievous grin painted Levi's lips. "Now. Now. I need a little bit more than that." Eren's tanned skin flushed red as he turned his back to his master, ignoring the throbbing heat between his thighs as he laid face down, ass up on the bed. His used hole, yet again put on display.

"Please…come fuck your little bitch Papa."

At times Levi wondered was Eren even aware of his own beauty. He wished that someday, the teal eyed boy would see what he does. That trashcan.

BN: Thank you so much for taking your time our to read this story. I appreciate your patience. I've been on a brief hiatus, but I'm back. Its weird cause with this story I have chapters written all the way up to 10 right now, but there's some things i get unsatisfied with or I think of something new and I just end up waiting it out. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon. I really enjoy Eren's character, his personality is based on my own and he's just a shit storm. An intense shit storm, but people can't help to be drawn to him. And yet there's way more to him than what he wants people to know. Anyway, thanks again. Peace, Love, Stupidity. See you next time :)