It was one of those days where you're having a wonderful dream, the kind of dream you wish could go on forever and never wake up from. My wish, however, was not fulfilled. I was rudely awoken by the sound of stomping feet and a door slamming open. My eyes peeked open only to meet a matching set of floppy ginger hair belonging to none other than Fred and George Weasley.

"WAKE UP!" the two screamed in my ear I groaned and shoved my head under the covers, curling up into a little ball "Go away Forge, I'm tired" I yawned and clamped my eyes shut, trying to get back to the fantastic dream I was having that I'm starting to forget

"Breakfast is ready soon, you know the rules" Fred laughed and all of a sudden, my warmth and blanket cocoon was snatched away as one of the twins ripped my bed duvet off me, revealing my red matching silk pajama set. The two then ran out of my room laughing like hyenas.

"Idiots" I muttered and stretched in an awkward position before changing from my Pajamas into an American flag tank, some light wash jeggings and navy converse.

I flew down the many flights of stairs from my room on the top floor, which I share with Ginny and down into the kitchen while trying to tie my long hair up into a pony tail. My locket bounced with each step I took under my shirt and my charm bracelet shined every time it caught the sun light.

"Morning everyone" I smile


"Oh good Cymbelline, you're just in time for breakfast" Mrs Weasley pushed me to a seat in between Ron and Ginny, Mrs Weasley refuses to call me Cym even though Cymbelline can be a mouthful, she thinks its much more elegant and likes the sound of it.

You'd think Ginny and I would be best friends by now, having nearly spent a whole summer together but you'd be wrong. I've become a very private person when it comes to my things so I guess I'm always weary of snooping eyes, Ginny's especially since we share a room also, she's been giving me funny looks all summer and will only talk to me if it gets too awkward of Mrs Weasley forces her to.

I actually get on especially well with Ron and the Twins which seems to worry Mrs Weasley a little bit because she doesn't want them pulling me into their shenanigans and she doesn't trust Ron either. She wants me a Ginny to 'bond' but I highly doubt that will happen. During the summer I've spent a fair bit of time with Cedric and Jack and Finn as they live not too far by, I'm actually meant to see Cedric today in the afternoon. The rest of the summer has just been playing Quidditch, meeting the family, pranks with the twins, reading and learning more about magic so I can prepare for my private lessons with Dumbledore and lots of music. I've written a few songs of my own over the summer but in private. I'm not ready for anyone to hear them yet but I hope I'll get the courage to do so soon.

"Right once you've finished breakfast you can all go off and do as you please, you father has gone to the Ministry early today and I'll be heading off to Diagon Alley for a few things with Ginny" she continued "You two" she pointed at the twins "No explosives, pranking or any of that sort, I'm warning you, I'm on my last straw with you two, always up to no good!" She turns to me "You'll man the fort won't you Cymbelline?"

"You can count on me" I smiled

"Good, it's nice to know I can trust someone around here"

"Hey! You can trust us!" the twins argued

"I most certainly can not, last time I left you lot alone, you were about to blow the house down!"

"Well you can trust me mother" Percy puffed out his chest in authority, i just rolled my eyes

"I know I can Percy, dear" she turns to her daughter "right Ginny, come on, we'd best be off then" with one flick of her wand the dining table was cleared much to Ron's dismay who was still eating some scrambled eggs.

"Hey!" he looked at a now empty spot where a full plate used to be, his cheeks stuffed with food as usual Percy had gone upstairs to attend to some 'Prefect' business before school starts in a month, leaving just me, Ron and Forge.

"So have you heard from Harry yet?" Ron asked me hopefully

"No I haven't" and I know exactly why...Dobby...

"I've been sending him letters all summer"

"Me too" my eyes landed on the Daily Prophet which was on the table, the date was the 30th of July, tomorrow was Harry's birthday "But last I heard" I continued "His family had been starving him and barred his windows, they won't let him come back to Hogwarts!"

"How do you know that?" Ron asked me

"Doesn't matter how I know, what matters is saving our friend we have to help him!"

"But how?" the twins now included themselves in the conversation

"I've got a plan" I smirked

"Tonight we fly the enchanted car to Harry's house, pick him up and bring him here! It's brilliant"

"That just might work" the twins pondered the idea

"But what about mum and dad?" Ron asked

"Well we wait till they're asleep of course" I laughed

"Alright...tonight, when everyone's fallen asleep we go get Harry" Ron agreed

"Excellent" I smiled

It was an exceptionally bright and sunny day which was pleasant considering that England is well know for its grey and wet weather. I had just left the burrow, iPod with me and was about to meet Cedric across the lake. We've spent may hours swimming in that lake. This place was filled with wonderful memories, every tree, rock and plant has a story behind it.

"Cym!" There Cedric was, sat under the large Willow tree, its branches drooping over and the tips just touching the lake creative ripples every time there is a breeze. I quickened my pace as I crossed the bridge to the other side of the lake, Cedric met me half way and greeted me with a hug.

"Long time no see" Cedric joked

"Long time? I saw you yesterday Ced, remember?" I laughed

"True but it felt like a long time" he shrugged

"Whatever" I walked over to the base of the Willow tree, I sat down and leaned my back against the thick trunk.

"So what are you plans today?" He asked me as he sat down to join me under the shade "

Qudditch with the boys, help Molly with dinner, steal and enchanted car and rescue one of my best friends" I replied casually

"You what?" I decided to tell him, I tell Cedric almost everything, he's one of the few people I can trust

"Listen Ced, don't tell anyone this, and I mean anyone but tonight, when everyone's gone to sleep, me, Ron, Fred and George are going to steal the car, drive to Surrey and back just to rescue Harry from his crazy Muggle family" I faced him with a serious look

"Okay...I don't really know what to say to that" he laughed awkwardly

"You don't have to say anything" I leaned back against the trunk


"So what about you?"

"I have no idea"

"How eventful" I laughed

"Very" he joked We sat in comfortable silence, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds around me, the breeze blowing through the reeds and trees, water flowing, steady breathing. It was Natures Melody and I've never felt more relaxed.

"Cym?" Cedric broke the silence

"Yeah?" I asked, keeping my eyes shut

"You know this whole rescue mission could be dangerous, you could be seen! You could get hurt" there was worry in his voice

"Cedric" I sighed "I'll be fine, I promise, stop worrying, if anything worry about Harry, think about how they're treating him!"

"I guess so but if you need anything, ever, you know I'm always here right?"

"I know" I smiled at my friend then stood up

"What are you doing?" he asked me, standing up and following my lead

"I'm going back to the burrow, it's nearly 1 o clock and I was going to play Quidditch with the boys, they're helping me practice"

"Practice for what?"

"I wanna try out next year to be a Gryffindor Chaser" I started walking towards the bridge that travels across the lake.

"You want to be on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?" he looked at me in a way where I couldn't tell if he was surprised or about to laugh or both


"No no not at all, I think its great, well good luck with that" he nodded "Anyway.." he sighed "Bye Cym" he hugged me as I crossed the bridge and waved goodbye

"Where've you been?" Fred and George asked me as they cam down the stairs with brooms in their hands

"I met up with Cedric" I shrugged

"Ooo Cedric" Fred teased

"Oh do tell us all about it, leave out no details!" George added to the teasing

"Did you kiss?" they asked and make smooching sounds while laughing

"Oy! Pack it in you two!" I snapped trying not to blush "Are we going to play Quidditch or not?"

"Course we are" Ron said as he bounded down the stairs, nearly tripping over his own feet with two brooms in hand "One for me and one for you" he hands me a broom and holds onto to the other

"Thanks, now lets get going" I smile and run out of the door with the other three trailing behind. As soon as my feet touch the ground outside, I swiftly mount my broom and take off without a second thought flying as fast and as high as I can, straight up in the air. The summer breeze pushes past me, my hair is flying all around and the sun beats down. I loop and twist, flip and turn in all kinds of directions feeling the rush of being able to fly. I could see for miles, how green the fields were, the tall trees, the glistening lake and the bright blue sky. Everything was so picturesque.

"Oy Cym? Where are you going?" Ron called out as I flew in an unknown direction while getting too caught up in the rush. When I finally came to my senses, I came to a halt and just hovered before zooming off toward the garden to start practice.

"Keep your eye on the Quaffle!" Ron yelled from the keepers posts I sped after George who has the Quaffle, it was George and Ron VS Fred and me, we had one keeper and three chasers. Ron would block the goals so I could practice shooting, George would take the Quaffle so I could practice...well chasing and Fred was on my team so I had someone to pass to. I was getting in loads of practice and improving over the summer. Not long till September 1st.

"CYMBELLINE!" a shrill womanly voice called my name, I knew it was Molly straight away, after all she is the only one that calls me Cymbelline.

"Guess I have to help with dinner" I call out to the boys We all fly full speed towards the front door and jumped off our brooms once we arrived.

I started to help Molly cook with Ginny while the boys de-Gnomed the garden. It was a little weird helping with dinner just because Ginny was there, she wouldn't even acknowledge me she wouldn't talk to me or look at me at all but there was nothing I could do so I just let it go. Once we had finished making dinner Molly sent the boys to go get washed up since they had been covered in mud after chasing and wrestling down a good dozen garden Gnomes.

A good old fashioned Wizard meal was set out in front of us. Every piece of food unique and different to what you would find in the muggle world and almost everything had some form of pumpkin in it. The boys hounded into the food like wild animals, Ron especially. A sight which Mrs Weasley frowned upon was something I found quite amusing.

"BOYS!" Molly snapped and with that they all froze in place "Haven't you ever heard of ladies first!" she scolded her sons and then her expression softened when she looked at me "Sorry Cymbelline, nearly a month with you here and they still haven't learned"

"Its alright, I've gotten used to it and besides its rather funny watching them act like wild dogs" I laughed

"Hey" they all protested, faces stuffed with food

"What? its the truth" I shrugged

"Right, girls dig in" Molly, Ginny and I helped ourselves to food,I didn't get much since I'm not a big eater.

Once we had all served ourselves the dinner went from 'wild' to 'somewhat human' Fred and George were immersed in a conversation about pranks for next year, Ginny and Molly were talking about her first year at Hogwarts, Percy and Arthur were discussing the ministry. I however just watched a real family have a meal, something you don't see often but is a sight you shall cherish. I can't even remember the last time I had a meal with my family.

"Cymbelline will help you, won't you dear?" Molly spoke but I wasn't listening

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked

"Ginny's first day, you'll help her get around won't you?" Molly looked at me with a sweet smile but when I looked with Ginny, it was fair to say she wasn't all too keen with the idea.

"Sure.." I smiled halfheartedly

"I don't see why she has to, I mean I've got all my brothers" Ginny muttered

"Oh don't be silly Ginny, you'll need a girl to be with" Molly laughed

This conversation ended when Arthur asked me what was the purpose of a iPod was. It was something that I was more than happy discussing which lead onto iTunes and computers.

I was just about to leave my bedroom but I nearly forgot something,a hook and rope for the bars. With a last and quick pet to Cosmo and left my room quietly, not to wake Ginny and met the boys on the 2nd floor.

"Shhhh we have to be quiet"

"Ouch that was my foot!"

"Where are the keys?!"

"Will you all just shut up! Do you want to save Harry or not?" I looked at the three bickering boys who shut up instantly and nodded "Then zip it, I've got the keys, George you drive" he nods and Fred's about to protest but I give him a look and he knows it means 'shut up'

We successfully and terribly make our way down stairs and out of the front door to where the enchanted car was parked. We all hopped into the car, Ron and I in the back, George and Fred up front.

"Start the car! Quick before they wake up" Ron pressed his older twin brothers

"We're trying!" They yelled back

"How many times do I have to tell you lot to pipe down!" I whisper-yell at the three

"Sorry" they all muttered as the engine roared to life, George put it into reverse and then forward drive picking up enough speed so that we rose high into the air

"Uh George, I may suggest the invisibility booster Muggles aren't used to seeing a flying car" I said

"But its so late, who would see us?" George argued

"A fair few Muggles tend to follow the term sleep all day and party all night so I'm pretty sure people will see" I said

"Not a bad term to live by if you ask us" the twins muttered and George turned on the invisibility booster.

We flew to Surrey in about 2 hours and during those 2 long hours we played plenty of Muggle games which I taught them, I Spy was a bust but they seemed to enjoy Guess Who. While the boys played the games I would just relish the feeling of being high in the sky, it was almost like flying on a broom exept...less free.

The navy sky was scattered with diamond stars and a large pearl shaped moon that shone down brightly. Everything was so beautiful from up here, I could even pick out one or two constellations in the sky that my mother taught me. Orion's belt was one.

"Right this is Privet Drive, now just to look for his house" George said

My eyes scanned the houses looking for the number 4 "There it is I can see it!" I pointed up ahead at Harry's house as we drew nearer, we switched off the booster "There that front window, thats his bedroom!"

As we got closer Harry's head popped up through the window and Ron squeezed up front leaving me alone in the back. George flew as close to the window as he could. In the back I tied the hook to the rope ready to pull the bars off when we had to get Harry out.

"When did you get that?" Fred asked me

"I'm always prepared" I smirked

"Hiya Harry!" Ron greeted through the window as we all smiled at our blue eye wizard friend.