p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Whisked away in a whirlpool, Dumbledore and I apperated back into his office having a long and difficult lesson in mastering the Fire Storm, a spell I have not yet mastered./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""You still have much to learn" Dumbledore said, stepping away from me as I regained my balance and he brushed of the ends of his now, slightly singed beard./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I know" I mumbled, still slightly disorientated from the apperating./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""But you learn quickly, I believe you will Master the fire storm in no time, now off to bed, you're just in time for the night call" Dumbledore smile before returning to his study./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I bid him farewell before leaving the office at a slow pace, not wanting to get dizzy however I had ran out of luck as the floor came closer to my face, the room spinning and my vision blurry; I suddenly blacked out./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"My head throbbed and my ears were ringing, I peeled open my eyes as my vision cleared and I felt a cold surface beneath my cheek, my hands were wet and my whole body cold. I carefully sat up and found myself in Moaning Myrtle's lavatory with the broken sink directly behind me. I knew what had happened; I couldn't deny it, especially when the evidence is right in my face./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I shakily stood up and turned around to face the mirror above the broken sink, my hair was damp as were my clothes and my skin was matted with dirt and grime. I walked over to a working sink and splashed my face with cold water in an attempt to calm down and clean my face. I roughly tied my damp hair into a pony tail on the top of my head before looking at my reflection one last time./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I had gained heavy bags under my eyes but other than that, I was the same as last time. I left the bathroom without a look back and carefully continued through the halls towards the common room until I heard a commotion./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Albus, come quickly" an old female voice whispered./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I drew back from around the corner and then peered round to see Professor McGonagall, Madame Pomfrey, Professor Dumbledore and two unknown men emerged into the hall, in between them was a floating stretcher carrying a stiff body./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""It's happened again!" Professor McGonagall whispers./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"They all scurry down the hall and towards the infirmary, leaving me behind./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What happened?" asked Madame Pomfrey./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""There's been another attack" Dumbledore answers./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""You know, I think he's been petrified Madame Pomfrey" McGonagall suggests./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"A part of me was telling me to go back to the dorms and pretend like nothing happened, but in my true Gryffindor nature, I followed them silently, creeping along the passageways and hiding in crevices to see the latest victim of my sort-of accidental misdeeds. I hid behind a pillar next to the door as they all entered the hospital wing, the two men then left the wing giving me time to sneak in and crawl under the nearest bed./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker" she continued; after moment of silence I hear gasps and the sound of a mini explosion "What can this mean Albus?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""It means that are students are in great danger"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What should I tell the staff?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""The truth, tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe, it is as we feared Minerva, the chamber of secrets has indeed been opened again"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"The three remaining members of staff left the hospital wing discussing the current situation allowing me to come out from hiding. I pulled myself out from under the bed and stood up, dusting off my clothes before walking over to where a petrified Colin lay./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Oh Colin" I sighed, the poor boy had his face scrunched up and his hands contorted around his eyes as if he was still holding his camera, his skin was nearly paper white and he was ice cold to the touch./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"He looked almost dead if it wasn't for the stiffness of his body "I'm sorry" I whispered under my breath./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I looked around the room and saw a on a bed with the blankets askew, I slowly walked over and saw that the figures breathing was abnormally heavy for someone to be 'sleeping' "Psst, Harry!" I called out silently./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Cym?" Harry bolted upright in his bed with one arm in a sling "What are you doing here!" he whispered to me/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I…" Only having started my sentence I stopped, turning around seeing the doors wide open ready for anyone to hear us and to limit us to whispering, I quickly ran to the doors and shut them quietly before going back to Harry and sitting on the end of his bed, cross legged as he faced me "It was lights out, I was on my way back to the common room and I heard the commotion, I had to see it for myself" I half lied./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What happened?" Harry asked me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""It's another one" I spoke as I swallowed the lump that built up in my throat "Another attack like the one with Filtch's cat but this time it was a student, they got Colin"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Colin's been petrified?" Harry was shocked./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Yes" I nodded "Poor Colin"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What are they going to do?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I don't know Harry" I whispered "Harry…"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Yeah?" he looked at me with his blue eyes that were hidden behind his glasses, blue bore into brown and in that moment I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt, I wanted to tell him how scared I was and how insecure I felt about myself, how disgusted I am every time I look in the mirror and I wanted to just cry there and then and let all my fears and tears out that night. I wanted to so badly but I knew I couldn't./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I'm glad you're okay" is what I settled with./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Thanks, I'm glad you're okay too" he smiled./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Oh how wrong he was./p
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p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"On Sunday morning Hermione woke me up much to my dismay "Cym! Get up, we need to hurry"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Why?" I groaned "It's Sunday"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Because, I've just over heard Professor McGonagall talking to Professor Flitwick; there was another attack! It got Colin" my eyes flew open at her words "We need to have breakfast fast and get started on the polyjuice potion" she shook me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I was about to decline but I knew I couldn't, I needed to be with them; it's what I'm here for anyway and besides this whole commotion is my fault./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I lazily hobbled out of bed dragging my blanket with me as a shield from the cold; I wrapped it around myself, holding it together with one hand and with the other free hand, I opened up the wardrobe and pulled out the nearest thick jumper and threw it onto my bed along with a clean pair of jeans, underwear and a pair of socks and finally my black converse. I scurried back to my bed and closed the draped before beginning the task of changing from my pajamas to day clothes while under the covers in a silly attempt to keep warm./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Once dressed and ready, I stepped out of my bed and sorted my clothing accordingly, straightened out my jumpers, zipped my jeans up and laced up my converse. I followed through into the bathroom and brushed my hair leaving it down as a way to cover my face due to the fact that I looked horrible. I grabbed my cloak that contained the usual items before joining Hermione in the common room./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"When I arrived in the common room she was there waiting with Ron "Come on, after breakfast we best start on the Polyjuice Potion" she told me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I agreed with the two and then we headed over to the great hall for breakfast, it was teeming with students from all houses, each one sat at their own table, with the exception of a few. As soon as we sat down, Cedric, Finn and Jack jumped into the seats either side of me; Cedric on my left and Jack on my right, Finn was next to Jack./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Morning!" the twins chorused./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Morning" I half smiled./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""You alright?" Cedric asked me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Fine" I shrugged./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""You don't seem fine" he continued./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""It's the morning Ced" I sighed "I'm hungry" hoping to push him off the topic./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"What I was really thinking was 'No Ced, I feel like crap because an evil wizard spirit that's trapped in a diary is possessing me making me do things like purge the school of all muggleborn's, I've just put a little boy in hospital all because I'm trying to protect someone who doesn't even like me and is completely ignorant to everything going on'/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"We all began eating breakfast, I could tell Hermione and Ron weren't too keen on having the boys around considering we had a lot to discuss but I didn't have the heart to tell them to go away./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"So I ate quickly, following the lead of the others and scarfed down some crumpets slathered in butter, pumpkin juice, fruit and I took a muffin in hand./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Right" Hermione stood "I'm going to see Harry"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Me too" Ron said with his mouth stuffed with food "Coming Cym?" he asked me as he swallowed it all./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Yup" I smiled knowing exactly where we were actually going "I'll catch you guys later" I said to the boys, giving them each a small hug before running off with the others./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"We walked swiftly through the corridors in the opposite direction of the hospital wing "Polyjuice potion?" I asked./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Yup" Ron nodded./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"We arrived at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and Hermione went into the corner cubical almost as soon as we got in there, I heard rattling and left her be while I began eating the muffin I brought with me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Here we go" she huffed as she brought out a cauldron filled with little vials and bags of ingredients along with a stand./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Is that everything?" Ron asked./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Pretty much" Hermione nodded./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Let's get started then" I said and accidently spluttering out pieces of muffin as I spoke; Hermione looked at me with distaste./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I think you may have been spending too much time with Ron over the summer Cym" she frowned./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Oi" I pointed at her "Let's just get on with it"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"As I was one of the best in our class for Potions, Hermione and I decided it would be better to work together./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Hermione lit the fire beneath the cauldron and we started working away, we worked in silence until the door opened, Hermione and Ron's heads shot towards the door in alarm but I knew it was only Harry so I continued to work on the potion./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Hi Harry" I greeted, just seconds before he walked in gaining a funny look from Hermione before Harry himself actually came into view; the whole time, my eyes were kept on the potion brewing in front of me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Harry!" she said. "You gave us such a fright - come in how's your arm?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Fine," Harry shrugged and he sat down on the floor opposite Hermione and me./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""We'd've come to meet you, but we decided to get started on the Polyjuice Potion," Ron explained to Harry./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Harry started to tell them about Colin, but Hermione interrupted, "We already know - we heard Professor McGonagall telling Professor Flitwick this morning. That's why we decided we'd better get going -" she told him./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""The sooner we get a confession out of Malfoy, the better," Ron snarled "D'you know what I think? He was in such a foul temper after the Quidditch match; he took it out on Colin."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""There's something else," Harry said while watching me tearing bundles of knotgrass and throwing them into the potion. "Dobby came to visit me in the middle of the night."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Ron and Hermione looked up, amazed. Harry told them everything Dobby had told him - or hadn't told him, Hermione and Ron listened with their mouths open./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione said./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""This settles it," said Ron in a triumphant voice. "Lucius Malfoy must've opened the Chamber when he was at school here and now he's told dear old Draco how to do it"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""We've discussed this Ron" I sighed "The chamber of secrets was said to be opened 50 years ago and even I know Lucius isn't that old, he clearly didn't open it, he wasn't even born!"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""But It's obvious!" he argued "I wish Dobby'd told you what kind of monster's in there, though. I want to know how come nobody's noticed it sneaking around the school."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""It doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong" Hermione stated "We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice potion to be sure"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Enlighten me Hermione, why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of a girl's lavatory" Ron asked seeing as Hermione and I didn't exactly explain the reason to him "Don't you think we'll get caught?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""No, no one ever comes in here"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Why?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Moaning Myrtle"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Who?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Moaning Myrtle" we both repeated./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Who's Moaning Myrtle?" At that moment, a grey shadowed figure appeared out of one of the bathroom stalls, a young female silhouette; as she got nearer you could see her dated school robes, crooked glasses and disheveled pigtails./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I'm Moaning Myrtle!" she snapped, taking Ron by surprise, she flew passed Ron and hovered over the sinks, I didn't dare turn around; I was sat with my back to them so I didn't have to face it, face what I've done, what I'm doing./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I wouldn't expect you to know me, who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle" she let out a small sob before screaming as she flew over our heads and back into her toilet, I flinched as she crashed down into the stinky toilet bowl with a splash./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""She's a little sensitive" Hermione said./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""A little? That's an understatement" I scoffed "I'm not surprised though, her story is awfully tragic"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Her story?" Harry asked, clearly confused./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Yeah, Myrtle's story; she was a student here a while ago, a long while ago and she was a typical Ravenclaw, you know smart, head in the books but not a looker and because of her looks she was bullied by some girls in her year, one day it got to her so bad that she hid in the bathrooms to cry and then she just died" the ending changing due to the circumstances, not that they knew any better "No one knows how but she spent the rest of her days haunting the cubical, along with the girls who bullied her making the remainder of their time here miserable then again, I don't blame her, could you imagine having the last moment of your life is you crying because someone else went out of their way to make you feel bad, never being able to say goodbye to your family or friends – it's awful"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""You're right, that's horrible" Hermione agreed as she silently stirred the potion, we were almost ready we just have to let it brew for a few days before adding the final ingredients./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"The news that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying as though dead in the hospital wing had spread through the entire school by Monday morning. The air was suddenly thick with rumour and suspicion. The first years were now moving around the castle in tight-knit groups, as though scared they would be attacked if they ventured forth alone. I couldn't help but be on full alert in case anyone said my name and the chamber in the same sentence./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Choir, Orcestra, Quidditch Practise and the private lessons with Dumbledore had begun to take up all the time I had and Hermione was smart, the lessons with Dumbledore have been happening late at night and I can't keep sneaking in anymore. Flitwick is insisting on more orchestra practices but I'm not sure I can keep up because Oliver is pushing the team to the limit and I'm at my limit as it is. I barely have time to think! And when those things aren't occupying my time I have to do my homework and talk to Tom all at the same time. It's exhausting in every way./p
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p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"In the second week of December Professor McGonagall came around as usual, collecting names of those who would be staying at school for Christmas. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I signed her list; we saw Malfoy's name on the list which is when they decided that the holidays would be the perfect time to use the potion. The only problem was the potion was only half finished, we still needed the bicorn horn and the boomslang skin, and the only place they were going to get them was from Snape's private stores./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What we need," said Hermione briskly as Thursday afternoon's double Potions lesson loomed nearer, we were in the great hall having lunch at the end of the Gryffindor table, alone and away from the crowds "is a diversion. Then one of us can sneak into Snape's office and take what we need."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I think I'd better do the actual stealing," Hermione continued in a matter-of-fact tone. "You three will be expelled if you get into any more trouble, and I've got a clean record. So all you need to do is cause enough mayhem to keep Snape busy for five minutes or so"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""That'll be easy" I smirked "and I know exactly who can help us" my thoughts then wandered to a particular set of Twins./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"We knew that deliberately causing mayhem in Snape's Potions class was about as safe as poking a sleeping dragon in the eye but nevertheless we were up for the challenge./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Potions lessons took place in one of the large dungeons. Thursday afternoon's lesson proceeded in the usual way. Twenty cauldrons stood steaming between the wooden desks, on which stood brass scales and jars of ingredients. Snape prowled through the fumes, making waspish remarks about the Gryffindor's work while the Slytherin's sniggered appreciatively, I was away from the boys and Hermione, stuck with Malfoy./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I swear to god Draco, if you throw another puffer fish eye at Ron, I will dunk your head into the cauldron" I snapped while grabbing his wrist to stop him from throwing the eyeballs./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""No need to get so touchy" he said as he ripped his wrist out of my grasp "Only having fun"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Only you would find amusement in others displeasure Draco" I sighed "Right might as well do something useful, stir the potion, it's your turn" I stepped away from the cauldron while keeping an eye on Hermione and the boys, Hermione caught my eye and nodded as Snape went off to go bully Neville, she then nodded at Harry who ducked swiftly down behind his cauldron, pulled one of Fred's Filibuster fireworks out of his pocket, and gave it a quick prod with his wand. The firework began to fizz and sputter. Knowing he had only seconds, Harry straightened up, took aim, and lobbed it into the air; it landed right on target in Goyle's cauldron which was on the table opposite Draco and I./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I ducked under the table before any of the swelling solution could hit me, people shrieked as splashes of the Swelling Solution hit them. I watched from the safety of being under the table as Draco got a face full and his nose began to swell like a balloon; Goyle blundered around, his hands over his eyes, which had expanded to the size of a dinner plate - Snape was trying to restore calm and find out what had happened. Through the confusion, I saw Hermione slip quietly into Snape's office./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Silence! SILENCE!" Snape roared. "Anyone who has been splashed, come here for a Deflating Draft - when I find out who did this -"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I snickered silently as I watched Draco hurry forward, his head drooping with the weight of a nose like a small melon. As half the class lumbered up to Snape's desk, some weighted down with arms like clubs, others unable to talk through gigantic puffed up lips, I kept an eye on the door and saw Hermione slide back into the dungeon, the front of her robes bulging, I was then that I slid out from underneath the table./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"When everyone had taken a swig of antidote and the various swellings had subsided, Snape swept over to Goyle's cauldron and scooped out the twisted black remains of the firework. There was a sudden hush./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""If I ever find out who threw this," Snape whispered, "I shall make sure that person is expelled."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I rearranged my expression to seem 'somewhat puzzled' rather than 'this is hilarious' unlucky for Harry, Snape was glaring right at him./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""He knew it was me," Harry told us as we hurried back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. "I could tell."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I threw the new ingredients into the cauldron and began to stir feverishly "It'll be ready in two weeks," I said happily./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Snape can't prove it was you," Ron said, reassuringly to Harry. "What can he do?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Knowing Snape, something foul," said Harry as the potion frothed and bubbled./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"A week later, we were walking across the entrance hall when came across a small knot of people gathered around the notice board, reading a piece of parchment that had just been pinned up. Seamus and Dean beckoned them us over, looking excited./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""They're starting a Dueling Club!" said Seamus. "First meeting tonight! I wouldn't mind dueling lessons; they might come in handy one of these days"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What, you reckon Slytherin's monster can duel?" said Ron, his words dripping with sarcasm making me laugh, but he, too, read the sign with interest./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Could be useful," I said to them as we went into dinner. "I know I'm going, are you going to go?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"They were all for it, so at eight o'clock that evening we would be back in the great hall./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Meanwhile, I rushed through breakfast only to head to the common room so I could write to Tom, I had the idea that maybe he had tips for duelling./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Turns out I was right, he knew a lot which almost surprised me as the information turned out to be rather useful although I doubt he would of told me all this if he knew who I really was and what I was doing./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"He told me that I should try to read my opponents body language, he also taught me a new spell that would put my distract my opponent and give me the upper hand 'fumos' which created a cloud of grey smoke, hiding the caster and confusing the target and even though it wouldn't be much use for me tonight, I've finally mastered the Fire Storm after days of practice! Not to mention Jack and I have been getting better in Choir and Professor Flitwick always gives me piano solos in orchestra which is brilliant but it's not the same as playing my own work. Maybe one day, perhaps./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"At 10 to eight I had changed from my robes into more comfortable clothing, I grabbed my wand and headed back to the Great Hall with Ron, Harry and Hermione. When we arrived, the long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, lit by thousands of candles floating overhead. The ceiling was velvety black once more and most of the school seemed to be packed beneath it, all carrying their wands and looking excited./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I wonder who'll be teaching us?" said Hermione as we edged into the chattering crowd. "Someone told me Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young - maybe it'll be him."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""It'll be Lockhart" I shrugged "Or Snape" I added, not thinking of my words and just letting it flow./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I hope it's not -" Harry began, but he ended on a groan: Gilderoy Lockhart walked onto the stage, resplendent in robes of deep plum and accompanied by none other than Snape, wearing his usual black./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Lockhart waved an arm for silence and called "Gather round, gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent!"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""In light of past events of the recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions - for full details, see my published works./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," said Lockhart, flashing a wide smile. "He tells me he knows a tiny little bit about dueling himself and has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry - you'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him, never fear!"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Wouldn't it be good if they finished each other off?" Ron muttered to us./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I wish" I muttered back with a smirk./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Snape's upper lip was curling yet Lockhart was still smiling; if Snape had look on his face that could kill./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed; at least, Lockhart did, with much twirling of his hands, whereas Snape jerked his head irritably. Then they raised their wands like swords in front of them./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""As you see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position," Lockhart told the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I wouldn't bet on that," Harry murmured, as Snape bore his teeth./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""One - two - three -"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Both of them swung their wands above their heads and pointed them at their opponent; Snape cried: "emExpelliarmus/em!" There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet: He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down it to sprawl on the floor./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Malfoy and some of the other Slytherins cheered. Hermione was dancing on her tiptoes. "Do you think he's all right?" she squealed through her fingers./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Who cares?" said Harry, Ron and I said together./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Lockhart was getting unsteadily to his feet. His hat had fallen off and his wavy hair was standing on end./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Well, there you have it!" he said, tottering back onto the platform. "That was a Disarming Charm - as you see, I've lost my wand - ah, thank you, Miss Brown - yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind my saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy - however, I felt it would be instructive to let them see . . ."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Snape was looking murderous. Possibly Lockhart had noticed, because he said, "Enough demonstrating! I'm going to come amongst you now and put you all into pairs. Professor Snape, if you'd like to help me-"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"They moved through the crowd, matching up partners. Lockhart teamed Neville with Justin Finch-Fletchley, but Snape reached Harry and Ron first as I watched him pull the two a part./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Time to split up the dream team, I think," he sneered. "Weasley, you can partner Finnigan. Potter -"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Harry moved automatically towards me and Hermione./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I don't think so," said Snape, smiling coldly. "Mr. Malfoy, come over here. Let's see what you make of the famous Potter. And you, Miss Granger - you can partner Miss Bulstrode and Miss Solomon you can be partners with Miss Parkinson"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Try and get a hair" Hermione whispered to me and I replied with a quick nod./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I looked to my right to see Slytherin's approaching us with sly looks placed upon their faces as if they already had the upper hand; little did they know I have some tricks of my own./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"A pug faced girl with a sharp black bob hair cut came towards be with a scowl smacked on her face, her hand already clasping her wand./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Face your partners!" Lockhart yelled as everyone took their positions "And bow!"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Wands at the ready!" shouted Lockhart. "When I count to three, cast your charms to disarm your opponents - only to disarm them - we don't want any accidents - one ... two ... three -"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I had already started on two, knowing the Syltherin's motives and cast a protective shield which was a good thing as a hard spell hit the shield, breaking the spell./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I found my balance and quickly cast the disarming charm which failed as I missed; she shot another spell which I blocked. I was too unprepared but this is what would happen in real life and I needed to focus, I was off point and becoming an easy target and I could just only register Lockhart's yelling over the duals going on around me. In a final attempt to win the battle and gain the hair I took Tom's advice and cast 'emfumos/em' only seconds before Snape cast 'emfinite incantatum'/em which cast a large cloud of grey smoke around us, causing much confusion allowing me enough time to pull Pansy down by her neck and rip out a few hairs before kicking her to the side and tucking them away in my pocket. She scrabbled to her feet, glaring at me as she walked back towards Draco and his gang./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"A haze of greenish smoke was hovering over the scene. Both Neville and Justin were lying on the floor, panting; Ron was holding up an ashen-faced Seamus, apologizing for whatever his broken wand had done; but Hermione and Millicent were still moving; Millicent had Hermione in a headlock and Hermione was whimpering in pain; both their wands lay forgotten on the floor./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"I got up and rushed to my friend's aid, as did Harry and we tried pulling Millicent off Hermione which was harder than I expected due to her brute like size. As an almost last resort I pulled out my wand and cast 'Pitrificus Totalus' on the brute making her whole body lock and fall to the ground with a great thud therefor releasing Hermione from her grasp./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Thanks" Hermione panted while rubbing her neck./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Anytime" I smiled as I slid my wand back into my pocket./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Are you alright?" Harry asked her./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Fine" she nodded./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Lockhart gathered all the students, trying to assemble what is left of them while Snap unfroze the brute girl who got up and was glaring at me with no end./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""I think I'd better teach you how to block unfriendly spells" said Lockhart, standing flustered in the midst of the hall. He glanced at Snape, whose black eyes glinted, and looked quickly away. "Let's have a volunteer pair - Longbottom and Finch-Fletchley, how about you -"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""A bad idea, Professor Lockhart," said Snape, gliding over like a large and malevolent bat. "Longbottom causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending what's left of Finch-Fletchley up to the hospital wing in a matchbox." Neville's round, pink face went pinker. "How about Malfoy and Potter?" said Snape with a twisted smile./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Excellent idea!" said Lockhart, gesturing Harry and Malfoy into the middle of the hall as the rest of the crowd, including myself stepped back to give them space./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Now, Harry," said Lockhart. "When Draco points his wand at you, you do this."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"He raised his own wand, attempted a complicated sort of wiggling action, and dropped it. Snape smirked as Lockhart quickly picked it up, saying, "Whoops -my wand is a little overexcited -"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Snape moved closer to Malfoy, bent down, and whispered something in his ear. Malfoy smirked, too. Harry looked up nervously at Lockhart and said, "Professor, could you show me that blocking thing again?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Scared Potter?" muttered Malfoy, so that Lockhart couldn't hear him yet that didn't stop everyone else./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""You wish," said Harry out of the corner of his mouth./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Lockhart cuffed Harry merrily on the shoulder. "Just do what I did, Harry!"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What? drop my wand?"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"But Lockhart wasn't listening./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Three - two - one - go!" he shouted and as he did my hand went for my wand almost on instinct./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Malfoy raised his wand quickly and bellowed, "Serpensortia!"/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"The end of his wand exploded. We watched, aghast, as a long black snake shot out of it, fell heavily onto the floor between them, and raised itself, ready to strike. There were screams as the crowd backed swiftly away, clearing the floor leaving only a few at the front, one of those being myself./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Don't move, Potter," said Snape lazily, clearly enjoying the sight of Harry standing motionless, eye to eye with the angry snake. "I'll get rid of it ..."/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"But I knew better, I took one step closer keeping my eye on both Harry and the snake preparing for what was about to happen/p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""Allow me!" shouted Lockhart. He brandished his wand at the snake and there was a loud bang; the snake, instead of vanishing, flew ten feet into the air and fell back to the floor with a loud smack. Enraged, hissing furiously, it slithered straight toward Justin Finch-Fletchley and raised itself again, fangs exposed, poised to strike, I was about to step in front of Justin but before I could Harry spoke./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"em"Leave him alone!"/em he snapped em"Leave. Him. Alone"/em he said once again,and miraculously - inexplicably - the snake slumped to the floor, docile as a thick, black garden hose, its eyes now on Harry. Snape was quick to get rid of the snake and Harry snapped out of his trance like state, as did I and he looked up at Justin with a small smile on his face./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;""What do you think you're playing at?" he shouted, and before Harry could say anything, Justin had turned and stormed out of the hall./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Snape, too, was looking at Harry in an unexpected way: It was a shrewd and calculating look, and I didn't like it./p
p style="max-height: 999999px; font-family: Verdana, Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px;"Everyone in the room was shocked which was when Ron walked towards Harry and pulled him away from the crowd. He pulled him out of the great hall as Hermione and I followed them all the way to the common room and while we were walking through the halls in silence, none of us knew what to say but I knew that this was just the beginning of a lot of trouble/p