Disclaimer: The following stories contents do not belong to me. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super are owned by Akira Toriyama, Funimation, and Toei Animation. Young Justice is the property of Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti and DC Comics. Please support the official release.

Reasons why this chapter took so long to come out: 1. Procrastination, 2. Life in general, 3. Writer's Block (the news report alone had to be reedited countless times, 4. Reading other crossover fanfics regarding DBZ & Young Justice and Justice League. I make no such promises to do better, only to update when I can. That being said, yay Season 3 of Young Justice! As well as congrats to DC for Justice League Dark best DC animated movie thus far. Also Dragon Ball Super is doing well, especially with its newest Universal Tournament of Power Saga. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Also (tw) I really don't mean to offend anyone with the title of the chapter or the content inside, so if offended I sincerely apologize.


Above Earth's atmosphere lies the secret headquarters of Earth-16's greatest heroes, the Watchtower. Ordinarily this station is filled with silence as each member of the League takes shifts in watching over the Earth. However, the League, their younger counterparts only identified as the Team, and the visiting Z-Warriors from the parallel universe are all filled near the infirmary. The reason why: the Last Son of Krypton is currently in critical condition screaming at the top of his lungs.

Due to The Z-Warriors own experience with the androids, both Gohan and Trunks believed that this time would be different, that this time it would be easier. However once again they underestimated Dr. Gero and what he was truly capable of, especially after he had allied himself with the League's enemy, the Light. Even with all the power they possessed, they truly believed that nothing could surprise them on this Earth. They had never been more wrong.

(Hours earlier)

Metropolis May 12, 2011 12:30 P.M. EST

"This is Cat Grant reporting live on GBS News providing an update on today's earlier event. For those who are just tuning in earlier today, Metropolis was under attack by what appears to be the same robot assailant that had previously battled against the Justice League nearly a year ago. At approximately 10 a.m. this morning, the Man of Steel himself arrived at the scene and was the lone fighter to stand against the machine. After a couple of minutes of what appears to be conversation between Superman and a male figure that bears a significant resemblance to Professor Anthony Ivo, who by all accounts should still be locked away at Belle Reve Penitentiary, Superman is shown flying outside the city along with the robot to GBS' best hypothesis, avoid additional structural damage towards the city. We now move to G-"

Happy Harbor High School

The television inside the schoolroom of Snapper Carr had turned off as the aforementioned educator himself went on to resume his lesson to his students, nonetheless two of his students were currently engaged in the mental conversation about the attack at Metropolis: Megan Morse and Conner Kent, otherwise known as Miss Martian and Superboy. During the lunch period, the two along with their other teammate, Zatanna communicated with their com-links to Mount Justice where their leader Aqualad, along with Son Gohan and Trunks Briefs.

"Any new updates from the League about this new A.M.A.Z.O., M'gann questioned."

"Nothing new at this time, just the quick report Superman was able to provide to Batman who then transferred it over to the cave, replied Aqualad."

"Any details to you'd like to share Kaldur, Conner grumbled."

"Only that this new A.M.A.Z.O. has significant upgrades from its predecessor; whereas the former was only able to use one League member's at a time, this newer model is able to use any and all League member's abilities simultaneously, Kaldur stated."

"Also, it has whatever those red dots on its palms are, interjected a certain boy wonder."

"Robin? We didn't know you were listening in. Shouldn't you be in class right now, Zatanna playfully asked her boyfriend?"

"Well I could say the same thing to you all, but it seems everyone at Gotham Academy as well as the country is distracted by this. Social media has been blowing up with this, Robin stated. Anyway, Gohan or Trunks: care to share with the class?"

Gohan began to speak. "When we first found Androids 19 & 20 at South City, it wasn't until after my dad first started fighting 19 that they had the ability to steal someone's ki."

"And ki would be, questioned Conner."

"Ki is your life force energy. All living beings have this type of power that comes from within. It's the source of Trunks, myself and Piccolo's abilities, meaning flying, power ups, super strength, speed and energy blasts. In your universe, it would be similar to your superpowers whether Martian, Kryptonian, Atlantean, Speed Force and many others. Magic though is in a separate class of its own, but it is just as powerful as ki, Gohan explained." [1]

"If I remember correctly, you once stated that with ki, you're able to sense other beings. Wouldn't either of you be able to find the new A.M.A.Z.O. or Dr. Gero yourselves, Kaldur asked?"

"No, Androids don't possess a life force themselves, so we wouldn't be able to find them. Also with the tech that this new A.M.A.Z.O. has, it along with Gero would be able to steal anyone's energy until there was nothing more to take, Trunks expounded."

"Meaning, Robin queried?"

"You'll die, Conner bluntly stated."

"Noted. So avoid their hands at all costs, Zatanna summed up."

"In addition to that, I'm worried that history is repeating itself again. I'm not sure if fate has a cruel sense of humor or Dr. Gero is getting redundant with dates and times, Trunks added."

"What do you mean Trunks, M'gann asked."

"Check today's date and what time A.M.A.Z.O. attacked Metropolis, Trunks said."

"May 12th 10 am."

Gohan realized, "That's the same day and time you told us when the Androids would show up at South City."

While the heroes continued the briefing, Superboy began hearing a strange noise coming from afar. Looking at the direction the noise was emanating from, he began to use his x-ray vision through the cafeteria's outer wall to see what the cause of the noise was, only to see an energy blast reminiscent to the Z-Warriors heading straight for them.

Superboy shouted, "GET DOWN!"

Covering the two girls, the blast blew off part of the schools foundation and all students and faculty bar the three heroes scrambled out of the area. Hearing their leader's shouts from the com links, when the dust settled the heroes saw a figure emerge from the rubble. The new figure had the appearance of a teenage boy that looked their age but he had a familiar RR symbol located on the right side of its jacket with the number 22 listed on the left. The three then knew this thing was no friend.

Looking across the area and viewing the three young heroes, number 22 monotonously exclaimed: "Scanning… identification confirmed: Superboy, Miss Martian, Zatanna Zatara; targets acquired."

At the same time at Gotham Academy, another ki blast destroyed of the newly restored gym from the last A.M.A.Z.O. battle. The figure that emerged from the rubble resembled a teenage girl that also RR labeled on her the right side of her blouse and 23 on her left.

"Scanning… no sign of Robin or Artemis. Will resume hunting the prey."

The heroine herself, having none of her gear or weapons on hand was trying to make her out of the school to the nearest Zeta tube when she was pulled to the side by a familiar 14 year old.

"Grayson this is so not the time for a photo-op where we'll laugh about this someday, exclaimed Artemis."

However the young lady was surprised by the look of seriousness on his face when he replied, "I know which is why you need to follow me now. I can get you somewhere safe Artemis. No need to get distraught."

Artemis retorted, "Kid, I am not distraught. As a matter-of-fact, as a friend once told me, either I get traught or-"

"get dead. I know, I was there," Dick responded with a smirk.

"How did you-", Artemis was going to continue with that line of thought when Dick unlocked a hidden pathway in the school's library. As she followed him down the trail, it finally dawned on her.

"No freaking way. Dick Grayson is-"

"Yep! You guessed it correctly Artemis."

"You little troll," Artemis playfully retorted.

"Hey this isn't exactly how I planned to one day reveal my identity to you. I was under strict from Batman to only identity to any of my teammates in case of a strict emergency. And I believe an attack by a crazy android lady would count, Robin stated."

"So where exactly does this path end?" Her questioned remained unanswered until she got excited and asked, "Wait are you taking me to the Batcave?"

Robin chuckled, "Sorry Artemis, this leads to one of Bats many secret bunkers along the city; one secret at a time. But when we got out of this, I can take you to the cave we have at Arkham should there ever be a breakout, which most likely could happen."

A shocked archer questions the boy wonder, "You guys have a Batcave at Arkham Asylum?" [2]

"Oh yeah!"

Once they made it to the entrance, Dick was able to suit up in his uniform and to Artemis's surprise gave her a spare uniform and copy of her bow and arrows; she surmised that the dynamic duo must have known that eventually she would be brought into the fold of knowing their identities her stuff included in their arsenal.

Getting in contact with Batman and the Cave, the boy wonder explicitly told his leader that his school was under attack by one of the androids. Aqualad confirmed that another was currently attacking the other teammates at Happy Harbor. Aqualad and Trunks would assist their friends at Happy Harbor while Gohan and Kid Flash would rendezvous to Gotham. Once the communication had ended, the female android had found the two non-powered heroes.

"Confirmed: Robin and Artemis. Targets acquired."

Next chapter, both squads battle against the new androids and the League goes round two with A.M.A.Z.O. But the question remains: how is Superman dying? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z: Earth-16 saga!

[1] I couldn't exactly call a metagene for some of their powers, as the term is not in current continuity at this time. Meaning this is still in 2011.

[2] Batcave is confirmed in Arkham verse and Batman Eternal.

As always, feel free to review. Praise and constructive criticism are welcome!