Hey guys! This is my first ever fanfic and so I'm really excited.

I thought and wrote the first chapter of this fanfic last year and was too shy to publish it but some of my friends read it and said it was really good and that I should share it with you all. So here I am!

A special thank you to my beta, EdwardsFirstKiss, for helping me out with this story!

Without further delay, see ya at the bottom. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight.

Chapter 1 - Cheers to a New Beginning


"Fuck, Alice! I'm gonna be late on my first day!"

Balancing on one foot, I hastily put on my heels. I took a quick glance at the mirror to make sure I didn't look like a mess.

Shit. I was going to be in so much trouble.

Alice had dragged me out to a party last night yet again.

I thought she would've learned something from what happened last week.

But I should've known better.

And now I would be late for my first day at my new job.

Thank you so much Alice fucking Brandon.


It was 11 in the morning and I was still sleeping.

But not for long.

"Ugh! Alice, pick up the fucking phone! It keeps ringing! What idiot is calling so early?!" I yelled with my eyes still closed.

Alice barged into my room.

"Early? It's 11am. Get your ass up, Bella."

"Just. Pick. Up. The. Fucking. Phone. Will ya?"

"Fine, but you better be up in a minute!" Alice said walking out.

Finally. Peace at last.

And just as I was drifting back to sleep, Alice screamed.


Alice came back into my room practically running.

She had covered the phone with her hands to block the person on the other end from hearing us.

"Congrats, Bella! You got it!" she whispered, loudly.

"Oomph, got what?" I said, squinting at her.

"The job, silly. Here, the lady wants to talk to you. She says you can start tomorrow!" Alice squealed, handing me the phone.

What. The. Fuck.

It took me a few seconds to process what Alice was trying to say.

I had been hired for a big company. Holy crap!

I was interviewed by the company a couple weeks back and I figured since they hadn't called that I hadn't gotten the job.

I yanked the phone out of Alice's hands.

"Oh my god! Hi. Yes, this is Isabella Swan. Yes. Mhmm. Yeah. Ok. Yes, I think that should be good. What time? Oh, alright. Pardon? Oh okay. Yeah, sounds good. I'll see you next week then. Thank you so much! Bye."

I hung up and looked at Alice with a really big smile.

"We are going to celebrate tonight, Bella! Get whatever needs to be done by 8 and then-"

"Wait. Hold up. We just went out . I really don't think that partying two nights in a row is a very good idea" I frowned.

Alice loved being the party animal and taking any chance she could get to dress up so we could go out.

"Oh, come on, Bella! We won't drink too much and we'll be home before midnight. I promise."

"Yeah, right." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Please, please, pleeeease!"

"Fine. You can't go totally crazy like last time though."

"Relax, Bells. I won't drink a lot. You seriously worry too much," Alice smirked.


Shit. What have I gotten myself into?


Yeah I know it's not a lot but this is the ONLY chapter that's going to be this short.

Any mistakes are mine.

Also, this chapter is just introducing Bella and Alice.

Yes, next chapter we will introduce Edward ;)

Sooo review and tell me if you liked this chapter and want more! :)

Lastly I promise that even if I go on hiatus, this story will be finished no matter what!

Thank you for reading.
