Disclaimer: Fairy Tail's not mine; well duh.

"Wake up!"

"Go Away."

"I said wake up!"

"Shut up and go away."


"Go away!"

"That's it!"




"Aw, what the hell was that for?" Said Natsu; annoyed by the aggressiveness of the woman behind him kicking without permission from the bed just so she do her job.

Lazily, he stood up from the floor; rubbing his sore butt with both hand and stare at the woman from head to toe. Today she's wearing a very old-looking dress that looks like it was made especially for an old lady; but she's not that old so why did she have to wear that, he thought to himself. Is she fashion blind or something?

"Somebody's being awfully grumpy today." He muttered slowly; making sure the woman couldn't hear what he said.

Then being the childish guy he is; Natsu purposefully pulled the sheet the woman's trying to fold just to get her attention, "I was sleeping before you know." However, he's being ignored totally one hundred percents.

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking." He said half yelling grabbing the sheet from her hand, "Don't you hear what I said?" He asked waving his hands trying to pissed her off.

"Yeah I heard." She put the neatly folded sheet on the bed and leave the room without looking back at him leaving Natsu stood there even more annoyed by her attitude.

"Damn woman!" He cursed.




Natsu's profile:

Name: Natsu Dragneel

Date of birth: July 7th 1988

Place of birth: Magnolia

Education: Magnolia High


Natsu Dragneel is the only son of Fiore's wealthy business man namely, Igneel Dragneel; the founder of the Dragoneel's Holdings. Despite being an only child, he is the easy kind of guy to get along with anybody. However, he is very competitive and hot tempered sometimes making him the fiercest guy on every streets of Magnolia.

Natsu is surprisingly a good looking guy with a spiky pink-colored hair; not that he mind. To him, pink is a chick magnet. His father has red colored hair so having weird hair colored is something that he could accept, probably because it runs in his family. Even his ancestors all had weird looking hair colored. Furthermore, he is lean build, a muscular young man of an average height with a slightly tan skin tone; another points of being the chick magnet.

Although this fearsome guy is just like any other ordinary human being; still lacking in something and that something is not being smart. Let's just say that, knowledge and him didn't get along very well.




"What's for breakfast?"

He ignored to fix his tie as he was too engross by the good smells of breakfast made by the grumpy woman before, "What's for breakfast?" He asked once more, annoyingly taps the table just so the woman answers his question.

"It's pancake." She turned herself around facing him, one hand on her hips and the other holding a plate fill with delicious pancakes.

"Yummy." He gladly accept the plate and start digging in, ignoring everything including his unbuttoned shirt, unfixed tie, his messy spiky locks that needs to be groomed properly and the woman standing near him.

"I have to go." She untied the apron around her waist and neatly hung it near the fridge, looking back at the hungry guy she said, "Make sure you come to the attorney office on time today."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He replied with a mouth full of pancakes and some syrup disgustingly dripping near his lips making the woman grunted at his childish acts, "You're disgusting." She said not leaving her eyes onto him.

"And yet, you're not leaving?" He smirked, "Are you going to work in that?"

His sudden question irritated her, "Why do you care?" She spoke back, "I love this dress and you, just look at your shirt. It is hideously green and it looks like Shrek just vomit on it."

"Hey!" He yelled almost spitted the pancake, "This is not green, this is emerald!" What he said but surely he is the one who is blind; the guy is so dumb that he can't even compared a green and an emerald; she thought. And this is the guy that supposed to be the ceo of the Dragoneel's Holding.

"Oh wait, you don't know that especially with your lack of style in high fashion." He mockingly teased her, "You should learn to dress up once in awhile."

"What?" Letting out a deep sigh, she raised both her hands to surrender. "You know what; I don't want to argue with you." She picks up her bag and heads to the front door.

After living with the guy for almost four month, she always has been the one to give up first. Even though she knew that with her high IQ and knowledge about facts; she could easily beat him in everything. However due to his competitive 'habits' and being more childish than a five years old; she decided to become the person that takes the high way road.

"Just remember to be on time!" She yelled once more before leaving the house.




"So you're finally breaking up huh?"

"Yup" Natsu answered, smiling like an idiot while typing something on the laptop; work stuff, "After four month and now I am going to be a free man!" He speaks loudly enough for the other staff outside his office to hear.

"Don't you feel sad or anything?" The woman besides him continually asked, "I mean, who's going to cook you food and most importantly who's going to feed Happy?"

Happy is Natsu's pet cat and oddly, the cat is blue instead of having a normal colored cat; he is freakishly blue. People assumed Natsu dyed it since he used to be a mischievous boy back then but since he's weird so some just pretend like it was normal.

"Oh well, Aunt Ooba probably wanted her job back. So that covers it." He simply answered.

Aunt Ooba used to be Natsu's maid, she stopped working because she; well all of the sudden she felt like wanting to quit her job and just travelling with her husband Yajima; sounds more like a honeymoon to Nastu.

"What if she doesn't want to?" The woman asked.

"You had a lot of question to ask huh Levy?" Natsu stopped typing and stare at his assistant; whom also his high school mates.

Levy McGarden is one of Natsu's best friends; she's a petite young adult of a slender build who stands at a rather below-average height for her age. She's 26 but she looks more like a high school kid. Her shoulder-length blue hair is something that always annoyed Natsu; in fact they always teased each other with the weirdness of their hair colored.

"Well, you know how much I love interfere with your life Natsu." She replied cheerly emphasizing on the word 'love', giving Natsu that annoying smile that he hated so much.

Grunted heavily, he stood up from his chair and grab Levy's hand, gesturing her to leave his office, "You go now and remember me about that 'thing' this evening okay?"

"Aww, don't be so grumpy now." She hissed, trying to push him off but failed due to his stronger build. "N-Natsu, wait. I'm not done yet!"

"Bye Levy."




"He's late." The woman mumbled, already fidgeting in the attorney office slightly uncomfortable being stared by the serious-looking lawyer in front of her.

This is so frustrating; she thought. Natsu has always been the one who never keep his promised. Late is like his middle name, while for lazy is his second middle name; everything about that guy is so annoying.

"I'm here!" Suddenly the door's being kicked open rudely by none other than Natsu Dragneel, "Sorry I'm late. Traffic jammed." He sighs fake-ly; one of Natsu's other specialty is faking at something.

"It's okay." Said the male lawyer name; Alzack Connell, written on the transparent name board. The lawyer then swiftly opens the file near him, ignoring the woman's fierce gaze towards Natsu; he let out few papers handed both to female and male.

Natsu's the first to grab it and not even bothered to read it, "Where should I sign?"

"Well, you're an eager one." The woman muttered, "Read it first before you sign it."

"I already read it before." He replied, "I just want this to be over with, fast."

The lawyer then let out a deep sigh disappointed with Natsu's behavior; he never change isn't he; he thought. "If you satisfy with the contents then sign here and here." He waits for Natsu to sign it and after he finish; he took the paper from Natsu to the woman besides him.

The woman calmly signs everything she was asked for; making the lawyer work's easier. Natsu watch the whole thing with an excited feelings lingering around his mind. This is what he had been waiting; he thought eagerly.

After about a minute scanning the papers; the lawyer finally said,




"You are both now free from the marriage."




A/N: This is my first time ever trying to write something other than Hate it or Love It. The plot belongs to my younger cousin; she's a new diehard fan of Fairy Tail. So I'm being a nice older cousin and all, decide to write something just for her although she's only twelve; youngsters nowadays and their crazy mind. Hope you readers love it and review it. If you don't like it; ack what the hell, this is just another thing I did for fun not for something serious.

I will make it as a weekly update kinda story.

Oh the story basically about divorce couple; well I like making stories like that. So what! Anyway, Natsu's the main character so far. It's a NaLu for sure. However according to my cousin; she wanted the 'woman' to be revealed on the next chapter but it is so obvious that who is the 'woman' right? She's being too mysterious now.

Well moving on. That's all for now.
