The can hissed as your pressed the nozzle down and swirled a generous amount of whipped cream over your microwaved slice of apple pie. It was the last slice… You were craving something sweet. You shoved the can of cream back into the fridge, a naughty smile on your lips as you scurried across the bunker to hide behind a bookshelf and eat your pie in secret.

You slid low into a chair, pulling your knees into your chest and trying to make yourself as small as possible. If Dean caught you sneaking the last slice of pie, you were dead. The forbiddenness of it all made the pie even sweeter.

Your fork scraped against the plate as you took the first bite. Your eyes rolled in ecstasy. It was the perfect blend of caramelized apple and cinnamon. It was surprisingly delicious, despite being a gas station dessert. You couldn't help but sigh through your nose and slump back.

'I feel like I need a cigarette,' you thought to yourself with amusement. Seriously. This pie was like an orgasm for your mouth. The flavor transcended you to a bright apple orchard where everything was warm sunshine and cool breezes…


Dean's angry voice brought you out of your day dream. 'Oh shit,' you thought with a grin.

"Who ate the last slice of pie?!"

You pressed your hand over your mouth, smothering giggles that wanted to escape. You heard his heavy boots stomping around, echoing through the bunker as he searched the cabinets for another pie. It got really quiet and you could imagine the look on his face and it made you want to bust out laughing.

"Sonofabitch," he cursed, slamming the cabinet shut loudly. He sighed loudly, obviously irritated. "Dammit…"

You couldn't keep a few snickers from sounding through your nose, trying to keep quiet until he went away. An uneasy silence settled over the bunker. You clutch your plate close, eyes flickering back and forth, ears straining to hear the sound of his boots walking away… nothing. Not a peep. 'Did he leave,' you wondered.

After another minute of complete silence, except for the far off hum of the generator, you relax enough to keep eating your pie. You take a few more bites, closing your eyes in delight. You hum a bit, chewing slowly and savoring each moment.

"You know what goes better on pie than whipped cream?"

You stop chewing and pop your eyes open. Dean had his hands on his hips and his stance is wide and aggressive. His sharp eyes are burning a hole through your head.


You can't help it. You crack a smile. Slowly, you extend the half eaten slice of pie towards him as a peace offering. His nostrils flare and his brows lower over his flashing green eyes.

"You can have the rest," you offer.

He takes a step forward and you half expect him to swat the plate out of your hand. Instead, he snatches it protectively, locking eyes and eating the remainder of the pie in a few quick bites. You're starting to sweat a bit, getting nervous at the way he is glaring at you. You fiddle with the edge of your shirt, still smiling sheepishly to try and gain some favor but he's not having it.

"Don't be mad," you swallowed, "I'll get you more pie. Heck, I-I'll run to the store right now if you really want-"

He holds up his hand and your words die on your lips. He drops the plate on the bookshelf right by your head, not hard enough to break the plate but hard enough to make it clatter loudly, causing you to flinch. Your smile falls as he crosses his arms across his chest. You squirm, growing uncomfortable under his gaze. The longer he stares at you without saying a word, the guiltier you start to feel. Shame crawls up your face and you drop your eyes to his legs, licking your lips.

"(y/n)..." Dean's voice is low and dangerous. He leans forward and braces his hands on the armrests of your chair, bringing his face close to yours and making you lean back.

You lock eyes with him, your breath stolen by the gleam in his eye. He looks so serious and angry and for some reason, it really turns you on… "You should know better than to eat my pie."

You want to argue that it wasn't really his pie, you didn't see his name written on the top but you can't seem to force your throat to function while he's so close. You can feel the warmth radiating from his skin, making the space between you hot.

"Since you took my snack," he drawls, running his index finger under your jaw and tilting your chin up, "I'll just settle for eating you instead."

Your throat constricts and your mouth falls open slightly in surprise and that's when he kisses you. Your eyes go wide as he plunges his hot tongue right into your mouth, sliding it around your teeth. He tastes like cinnamon and whiskey, a flavor that is even more intoxicating than the pie you had shared. You start to melt as his hands roam down and grab your hips, pulling you close.

You've never kissed Dean before. Sure, you flirted and teased back and forth but nothing came of it until now. It was like nothing you could have imagined; an explosion, a tingle, a numbness;

the universe pinpointed all paradoxes at the point where your lips met his. You were wrapped up in the touch of his big warm hands gripping at your hips.

He pulls away all too soon. You stare up at him, your eyes glazed over. A slow smile pulls at his lips and he brushes your cheek, catching you off guard with the tender gesture.

"Mm," he steals a quick kiss. "You can be pretty sweet, (y/n)... So don't get on my bad side by eating my damn pie. Got it?"

You nod slowly and Dean chuckles before backing off. You want to grab his shirt and pull him back for another kiss but you needed to cool down from the first one. Dean had a shit-eating grin on his face, not looking half as angry as he had seemed about his pie. He took the plate from the shelf and strolled leisurely to the kitchen. You heard him turn on the water and take care of washing the plate.

Your lips were still tingling from his kiss. You grinned slowly. You'd have to eat his pie more often.