So, here's the start of Three Weeks in Paris, third in the "Who We Are" universe. This was supposed to be a oneshot but it's a little longer than I planned, so right now, it's going to be three chapters, no more than that. This story is the boys trying to fix things between them and catch up on six lost years. There will be a ton of fluff, so much sweetness your teeth may hurt, a little fighting, a little angst-basically, all that good stuff. While you can read the WWA universe without reading this one, it will probably help later on to have read this :)

Here's the first chapter and I hope you guys like it! And, as I posted on the other thing I put up today, I'm going to shamelessly tell y'all that I have a poll up and I'd love to hear from you ;) Thank you all dearly, my little lovelies, and please, enjoy the read!

The sun was setting low on the horizon as Spencer stepped out onto the balcony. He felt like his head was still spinning from everything that had happened in the past forty eight hours. So many things had happened! Hell, the past week had been one chaotic roller coaster ride. His whole life had been turned upside down and he was having a hard time finding his footing once more. When he'd first been sent to New York to go to that seminar, he'd never imagined just how much his life would change because of it. He had definitely never imagined that almost a week later he would end up standing on the balcony of his hotel room in Paris with the love of his life in the room behind him.

Paris. Paris! That alone still had him stunned. When Remy had asked him this morning if he had his passport on him, Spencer had answered that of course he had it, but he'd laughed it off in his head, assuming Remy was just teasing him. He should've known better. When Spencer had seen their tickets at the airport, he'd only been able to gape. Remy had laughed and kissed him soundly. "De city of love, cher. It's de perfect place fo' us t' rediscover each other, non?"

Leave it to Remy to plan something like this. Especially spur of the moment the way they had. When Spencer had suggested they go somewhere neutral, somewhere they could just work on connecting with one another again, he hadn't really thought about crossing any oceans to do it. But Remy never did things in half measures. He'd planned all this out perfectly while they'd been apart this morning. While Spencer went to his boss and team and put in his request for that time off he'd been offered before—and Aaron had no problem granting him that time—Remy went to his home and dealt with the people there and with making his plans. Something told Spencer that his partner had quite a few more plans and, though it would've surprised his friends, Spencer was perfectly fine with it.

Remy had always enjoyed planning things and taking Spencer places. Not to flaunt his money, and not because he thought he had to buy Spencer. The young genius had thought about it over the years and he had a feeling that Remy's need to buy things for those he loved stemmed from how little he'd had when he was a child. He knew the feeling of being homeless and alone, with nothing to his name. Then Jean-Luc had come along and Remy had been given a home and family with all the nice things that came with it. Even the little things like a fresh set of pants or a new book had been wonderful. To a young Remy, all those little things had helped to show him just how loved and wanted he was. So now, the adult Remy often showed his affection in the same way, even if he didn't realize it. He gifted things to those he cared about because that was how it worked for him. It wasn't a way to buy their affection, but a gesture of his own affection.

There was only one small worry that nagged at Spencer's mind. Remy had always had money back then, true, but it hadn't been limitless. They'd been apart for so many years, he had no idea what Remy's financial state was. The first class flight and this amazingly beautiful hotel suggested that the Cajun wasn't having issues with cash at all. But Spencer didn't want to strain the man's finances just for them to enjoy a visit to this beautiful city.

Soft footsteps came from behind Spencer and alerted him to Remy's coming. His lips quirked slightly at the sound. He knew Remy did that for him. Most of the time Remy moved silently out of sheer habit. He made sure to make sound coming up behind Spencer, though, not wanting to startle him. Spencer kept his back to him and looked out over the slowly darkening sky. He was curious what Remy would do. There was only a moment's pause when the man reached him and then warm hands settled over Spencer's hips and that long body pressed up against his back. Spencer was proud of himself. He only flinched slightly at Remy's first touch. Remy must've felt it because he loosened his hold on Spencer's hips and made as if to step away. Quickly, Spencer leaned back just enough to put some of his weight against Remy's chest. Just as he'd known it would, that movement stopped Remy in his tracks and had him holding on once more. Spencer couldn't bring himself to say the words that would explain his actions. Instead, he let himself lean a little more, silently letting the man know that he trusted him to help hold him up. It was his way of saying that it wasn't his fault.

Remy took the silent apology. His hands moved off Spencer's hip to rest right over his belt buckle and he cradled the younger man to his chest. Spencer put his hands over Remy's and just let himself enjoy the embrace.

"Y' looked like y' was t'inkin awfully hard out here, cher." Remy murmured against his ear.

A nice little chill slid down Spencer's spine at the feel of Remy's breath on his ear. He ignored it, not quite ready to go to that place yet, and turned his attention back to what he'd been thinking about. "I was just marveling at being here. When I suggested a vacation, I never imagined coming here." He worried his lower lip for a moment. "Rem, this trip…"

"Don't worry about it." Remy cut him off gently. A kiss was pressed against the side of Spencer's head. "Money aint an issue fo' me. I could never work again and we'd still be set fo' a long, long time, cher. Dis trip aint putting me back none, so don't y' go worry bout dat. I always wanted t' bring y' here. Let's just enjoy it, oui?"

The little bit of tension drained out of Spencer. Remy had the right idea. He would just let himself enjoy this. They were here to reconnect as friends and partners and to figure out where their life was going to go next. He wasn't going to spoil that with worries that he didn't have to have. Spencer relaxed again, feeling happy and content as Remy started to sway slightly. The two stood there on the balcony and watched as night stole over the city around them.

Some things Spencer was discovering were surprisingly easy for him to fall back into. Sleeping with Remy at his side was definitely one of them. The man didn't pressure him for anything more than the cuddling they did and he never questioned Spencer's bed wear. They slept easily with one another and they woke just as they had always used to, with Spencer buried down underneath Remy's body. A small part of Spencer had worried back in New York, the first time he and Remy shared a bed at that hotel, that a part of him might panic at waking up to the sensation of having Remy over him. But it seemed that even in sleep he recognized his partner and knew the safety that came with him.

They shared a lazy breakfast together for their first morning here. The hotel that they were staying at was a fancy place and Spencer was content to lie in the plush bed. When the tray they'd ordered was brought up, Remy took it straight into the bedroom and they indulged in breakfast in bed. They talked about little things while they sat there and slowly woke up. Things that might not have seemed important to anyone but each other. Remy told some stories of little things that he'd done over the years and interesting people that he'd met. Spencer told Remy about obtaining his degree in philosophy and about his desire to potentially look into getting another degree. He told Remy about his friends and about his new Godson, delighting in the way that Remy lit up at that news. "We'll have t' pick up somet'in fo' de petit while we're here. An somet'in fo' his Mama. Everyone always buys fo' de kids and never fo' de parents."

"That is true. You should see the amount of gifts that Garcia got for Henry." Laughter tickled in Spencer's throat. Leaning back against the pillows and cradling his mug of coffee in his hands, Spencer let the laughter out as he thought of that stack of gifts he'd seen in JJ's living room. "Garcia has this tendency to go to the extreme in things. I don't think she knows how to do anything in small measures. And being Henry's Godmother, she'll use that as an easy excuse to give him gifts whenever she wants."

"She sounds like a great lady."

"She is. She's just…" He paused and tried to think of the right words. How did one describe Penelope? "She's a little hard to describe. You really have to experience her to understand her. She's bright and funny and she has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever met, which is strange to see in our line of work. Usually what we see every day changes a person. When you're surrounded by darkness and evil every single day, you're bound to be changed by it. But Garcia," Tipping his head, Spencer looked down into his coffee, his expression thoughtful. He didn't notice how intently Remy was watching him. A small smile curved his lips. "It affects her, but she doesn't let it really change her. She surrounds herself in bright colors and happy things. She jokes that sometimes she needs to take a breath from the crime scene photos on her screen and go think of puppies and kittens and big bright sunflowers. Seeing the violence we see can hurt her and make her cry, yet she never fails to do her job and be there for all of us in her own way. She kind of mothers us all. With Morgan, she flirts, and it makes them happier. With Emily or JJ, they have girl talk, they go shop together, go drink. With Rossi, she'll sometimes have a favorite drink of his waiting in his office, or stick a new book in his stuff so he has something to distract himself. For Hotch, she'll talk to him, maybe say a little something to remind him why he does this, or she'll draw him into talking about his son as a way to lighten things for him. She teases all of us, too, and uses these pet names that either embarrass us or make us laugh. It's like it's her way of injecting a little love and humor into all the pain and death. A sort of counterbalance."

"An what about fo' y'?" Remy asked, smiling.

Spencer's smile grew as well, though there was a hint of embarrassment on his face. "She likes to tease me excessively because she knows it flusters me. She also seems to, well, to mother me more than most. She brings me lunches sometimes and she likes to bake for me when she thinks I'm in need of cheering up. She talks to me about things others don't and she's gone to Comic Con with me." A memory hit and Spencer laughed softly. His eyes went a little distant as he remembered one time he'd been depressed and hiding in his apartment. It had been just a day or so after what would've been his and Remy's anniversary and he'd just wanted nothing more than to hide in his apartment. But Penelope had showed up at his door. "One time, I was depressed and just sort of hiding out at home for the evening, and she showed up at my apartment. When I opened the door, she was standing there with three big bags bulging with foods and drinks, and she was dressed in full Doctor Who regalia. She marched in, flung a scarf around my neck and told me we were having a marathon. Then she took over my living room. She'd brought everything we needed. Snacks, drinks, even blankets. She had a blanket for her and a Who quilt that she'd made that she gave to me. We stayed up until two in the morning watching the movies she'd brought with her."

"She sounds like a great lady."

"She is."

Their conversation tapered off for a little bit and that comfortable silence surrounded them again. The two finished off their coffee, content to simply be sitting there together, side by side. But when they were done, Remy took the cups and tray and moved them off of the bed. "Why don't y' go on and get ready? Take y'r time. Dis is our vacation, so we got all de time in de world."

Didn't that just sound nice? No one calling, no one interrupting, no cases or deadlines or anything that absolutely had to be done. Just, them. Spencer couldn't stop smiling at that thought. Man, he'd smiled more so far on this trip than he had in such a long time. He felt like he was slowly starting to come back to life after years of only being half alive. It was a wonderful, amazing feeling.

Spencer climbed out of bed and gathered up a change of clothes. He had just reached the bathroom door, was taking his first step through it, when Remy's voice called to him.

"Mon amour."

"Yes?" Spencer turned in the doorway and looked back at him.

Remy watched him for just a second. The look that was on his face was loving and tender. "I jus' wanted t' tell y', I'm not going nowhere. I won't leave de room while y'r in dere, I promise."

It only took a second for understanding to wash over Spencer. He caught the meaning underneath Remy's words. His first reaction was a flare of panic, quickly squashed down. Quit it. He's not asking you to do anything big here. He's not really asking you to do anything at all! He's leaving it entirely up to you. Somehow, that didn't exactly help any. Spencer nervously licked his lips, dropping his eyes away so he wouldn't have to see the understanding on Remy's face. "Okay." He held a moment longer and then turned and stepped into the bathroom. With hands that shook only slightly, he pushed the bathroom door shut. Then he froze in place, palms resting against the wood door. Man up his mind scolded him. This trip is supposed to be about reconnecting and about fixing what went wrong between the two of you. That's going to take steps on both your parts. You can do this!

Spencer took a deep, shuddering breath and forced himself to turn away from the door. For the first time in almost six years, he climbed into the shower without the bathroom door being locked.

It was about an hour later that the two men set out from the hotel. They had no real set plans on where they were going to go or what they were going to do, which was a strange feeling for Spencer. He was used to planning things out in detail. Just heading out and going wherever they felt like going was very different to him. "Let's just wander t'day and see what dere is, oui?" Remy had suggested. No plans, no lists of things to do or places to see. No general direction of where they were going to go. When they hit the end of the street, Remy simply looked at Spencer and asked "Left or right?"

Amused, Spencer looked both ways and then back at his partner. "Um, right?"


And like that, they went right. Spencer had no idea what was ahead of them and, apparently, neither did Remy. They could get lost like this. They could end up somewhere with absolutely nothing to do. Or they could end up somehow in a bad part of town without even realizing it. All of those things ran through Spencer's mind. But as he and Remy headed down the street, fingers twined together, Spencer thought that he could probably get used to it, though. It was worth every mile they walked to be able to feel Remy's fingers twined around his, or the way that Remy would sometimes wind his hand into the crook of Spencer's arm, or place a hand in the small of his back to lead him somewhere.

There were countless little shops that they passed by. Remy dragged Spencer inside of most of them. In his whole life, Spencer could honestly say he'd never done so much shopping in such a short time. But Remy seemed eager to go just about everywhere and shopping had always been something he loved. It seemed like every store they went to, he found something he had to have, or something that he needed to get for someone else. Spencer only bought a few items. A beautiful shawl that made him think of Penelope and a handmade quilt that he knew his mother would love.

By the time lunch rolled around, Spencer was ready for a break from all the shops. He saw a small corner café just up ahead and tugged on Remy's arm to get his attention. "Rem, why don't we go over there and grab a quick bite to eat?"

That caught Remy's attention. He turned away from the shop window and looked down into Spencer's face. His lips curved slightly at the pleading look he found there. "Oui. A bite t' eat sounds good, cher."

Oh, thank God. Spencer breathed out a sigh of relief and followed his partner over to the café. They got themselves a nice table tucked in to the corner and ordered themselves both lunch and coffee. While they were waiting, Remy shifted his bags over to the side, placing them safely between him and the wall where they'd be out of reach of anyone that might pass by. He looked down into one of them and smiled at what he saw inside. He'd shopped for his friends this morning. There were some cigars and a new cigar case for Logan, a beautiful blouse for Jean, a book for Scott. He'd found a gorgeous chess set, too, that he'd had sent to the hotel for him. That would be his gift to the Professor.

When Remy looked up, he found Spencer smiling at him fondly. Seeing that smile had Remy immediately smiling in return. He loved seeing that happy look on Spencer's face. "What's got y' smilin' like dat, mon amour?"

"I was simply enjoying watching you." Spencer said honestly.

Remy's smile grew just a little devilish. His posture shifted and his expression showed just how pleased he was by Spencer's words. "Oh, well, don't let me stop y'."

Laughter bubbled up from Spencer. That was another one of those things that hadn't changed. Remy still definitely loved to be admired. "I don't know." Spencer teased. "I wouldn't want your head to swell any more than it already is."

"Why not? Dat sounds like de start t' a hell of a lot of fun t' me." Remy quipped.

It took just a moment for those words to sink in and for Spencer to realize just what Remy was implying. He looked back at his own words and it hit him just how Remy had decided to take them. Spencer's cheeks turned bright red and he hissed out "Remy!" while his partner let out a joyful laugh. Remy reached across the table and caught his hand, drawing it up to press a quick kiss against the knuckles before Spencer yanked it back. "Ah, cher, y'r too easy."

"Behave yourself. We're in public!"

Remy arched a brow at him. "So?"

Ugh. Spencer sat back in his chair and shook his head. "Never mind. I don't know why I bother. You're absolutely incorrigible."

"Yep." Damn him, he sounded smug about it.

Spencer gave up, letting his lips curve even as he was shaking his head. He was saved from any further teasing by their waitress delivering their food. When she was gone again and the two were settling in to their meals, Spencer fished around in his head for a different, safer, topic. He found one easily enough. It was something that he'd been thinking about this morning as they walked. "You know, I've watched you shop for your friends this morning and I realized, I don't really know anything about any of them. At least, beyond what the government knows, and that's not truly accurate information."

Cutting his sandwich in half, Remy cast a quick look up through his bangs. "What do y' want t' know?"

That was easy. A warm smile curved Spencer's lips. "Tell me about your sister."

Remy looked up with surprise which quickly melted away underneath a wide grin. "Y' saw somet'in when y' met her."

"We shook hands." He shrugged one shoulder and flushed a little, but he was still smiling. "She's very sweet. Though, not as young as what I saw."

"It's a long story." Remy warned him.

"I've got nothing but time."

"Mm. Well, den, sit back, mon cœur, and let me tell y' how I came t' meet a lil t'ief dat changed m' life."

Through their lunch, Remy spun him the tale of how he met a young Ororo. Spencer listened, fascinated, as Remy described everything to him, which led into telling how he'd come to be a part of the X-Men. It was easy to hear the love in his words as he spoke of his adopted sister. There was no doubt that the woman was someone very special to him. Spencer knew the emotion was returned equally. He'd felt that when he and Ororo had touched. He said as much to Remy when the man had wrapped up his story. "She cares for you just as much as you care for her. I could feel that in the vision. It's stronger now than it was back then."

"De feelin's mutual." Pushing away his now empty plate, Remy smirked at Spencer. "She liked y', y'know. Tol' me dat she thought y' was nice an sweet."

Spencer fought not to blush again. Damn the man, he was not going to spend this whole trip with a perpetual blush. Absolutely not. He cleared his throat and pushed away his own plate. "So, um, what's on the agenda for this afternoon?"

The distraction was obvious, but Remy let it slide with just a smile to mark it. He caught Spencer's hands in his and leaned forward on his arms on the table. "Let's be tourists fo' a while."

"But you've been here before." Spencer pointed out, leaning forward and mirroring Remy's pose.

"So?" Because they were close and because he could, Remy kissed him. "I aint never been wit' y'. Now, where y' wanna go? De Eiffel Tower, or maybe de Louvre?"

That drew a laugh from Spencer. "You want me to go to the Louvre with you?"

Remy's grin grew just a little sharp. He put one hand over his heart in a mock offended pose. "Why, cher! Y' tryin' t' imply somet'in?"

"Who, me? Of course not." Humor danced in Spencer's eyes. God, he'd forgotten how good it could feel to tease with Remy. It was so easy to do. The man was always so laid back and happy that it just infected those around him. Spencer let that sensation fill him. The two rose from the table and gathered up their bags. Reaching over, Spencer threaded his hand into the crook of Remy's arm and he gave him the smile that only Remy had ever been able to draw from him. "Let's go to the Louvre."

"Y'r wish is m' command, mon amour."

Their afternoon in the Louvre was both fascinating and entertaining all at the same time. Spencer was thrilled to walk through there and see all the beauty around him. There was so much history in this one place. He found himself in awe of some of the things he saw more than once. Always one to appreciate art, it was a beautiful place to be and well worth seeing. He would've been content to simply wander around and view for hours. Yet his experience there was unlike anyone else's, he was sure. No one else had the tour guide that he was blessed with. Remy led him through everything, talking almost nonstop in a way that Spencer usually did.

He didn't just describe what it was they were seeing, either. Oh, no, not Remy. He not only spoke of the artwork around them, he also kept up a running commentary of the security that they passed and the pieces that he would love to take and add to his collection. He had Spencer smothering laughter all through the place with his dry commentary and his mocking of a nearby tour guide who kept getting his facts wrong in his speech. It made the visit entertaining and fun. By the time they left, Spencer felt as if he hadn't laughed so much in years. Definitely not the experience he thought he'd take away from a place like that.

By mutual agreement, they made their way back to the hotel. Spencer was happy to make his way back into the grand room, which was fancy enough to be considered a vacation all on its own. The first thing he did when he got back in the room was go to the bedroom and pull his shoes off. He left them beside the bed and padded his way back out to the main part of the room where Remy was settling down on the couch. Spencer stared at him and shook his head. In a room made for the rich, Remy should've stuck out like a sore thumb in that trench coat and with those old boots up on the coffee table. Yet somehow he seemed to fit right in. It was Spencer who looked out of place here. Slightly awkward in a setting he wasn't quite used to.

Remy looked up from the couch and his whole expression softened and warmed. "C'mon, bébé. Come take a load off."

When Spencer got close, Remy shifted a little and opened up his arms, the invitation clear. Spencer only debated for a second. He folded down onto the cushion and let Remy pull him in close and wrap him up tight. Spencer ended up with his back pressed up against Remy, legs stretched out right alongside his, and one of Remy's arms was around his shoulders with his hand dangling down over Spencer's chest. Sighing, Spencer laid his head back against Remy's shoulder, content. This was perfect. Everything else today had been wonderful, beautiful, but none of it compared to being right here. This was where he wanted to be. This was where he'd wanted to be for years now. A little sigh slipped free as he snuggled back into Remy's warm embrace. The worries he had, the little fears that he wasn't quite able to chase away, they faded to the background for now. He pushed back his worry that this wasn't going to last and his fear that Remy was going to walk away again. For the moment, he just let himself enjoy this. He let himself soak it up. Turning his face slightly, he nuzzled it against Remy's arm. "I had a really great time this afternoon. It was beautiful there."

"Oui, it was." Remy agreed. Something in his tone suggested that it wasn't the artwork he was talking about.

Spencer chose to ignore that, though his lips curved slightly with his pleasure at the compliment. He gave another little sigh and let go of everything. The two men stayed there, silently holding on to one another, and Spencer felt himself drift off into sleep.