First of all I want to thank you guys for your suggestions and I really appreciate your encouraging words. I ended up choosing a storyline Debbie suggested me a while ago. I hope you like it!

Things you need to know before reading this:

-Ross stayed married to Emily and moved to London with her.

-He accepted her one condition of not seeing Rachel again.

-This takes place around the end of season 7, some time before Monica's wedding.

-The story will be written from Ross' point of view. I did that with Rachel in Addiction and I wanted to try the same with Ross for a change.

- There will be a few references to some events in the show.

PS: I'm so bad at making up titles so I chose Fix You because it is one of my fav Coldplay's songs and I think it sort of fits the story.


"So…you're definitely leaving tomorrow?" my sister looks at me as though I was leaving for a war and I might not return ever again. I smile in spite of the sadness I am feeling.

"C'mon don't look at me like that, I don't have a choice, my life is there…" The corner of her lips curl downwards and her eyes water a bit. It breaks my heart seeing her so miserable on her weeding day but I have no idea what to do to make it better, all I can do is wrap my arms around her. "Hey, don't cry. I promise I will come more often, and you can come visit whenever you feel like it."

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"Me too." I lift my eyes and I spot her a few feet away, leaning on the doorframe of that hallway we are in. I don't know how long she's been staring at us, but there is something different in her eyes, something that wasn't there yesterday. I look away and kiss my sister's head before we break apart. I feel her approach us but I don't raise my eyes. "We should go back to the ballroom." I tell Monica, who nods her head in agreement.

"Ross, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asks rather timidly. Her arms are folded across her chest with her nails slightly sinking in her arms. She seems uneasy, which makes me doubt this is the same Rachel from the last few weeks. Monica looks back and forth at us and then decides to take a few steps away from me.

"I'll…go check if Chandler has found some proper shoes. See you later." She tells me. In a matter of seconds we are alone, standing opposite each other in silence. I already feel the tension building up and we haven't exchanged one single word yet.

"What is it?" I finally ask, clearing my dry throat. She presses her lips in a hard line and her neck turns to have a glance at the ballroom, where Monica is now, speaking with other guests.

"I can't believe you're going to do it." She says looking back at me.


"You're gonna leave just like that?….you're not even going to tell your sister the truth?"

"That's not your problem." Her arms drop to her sides as she shakes her head from side to side in clear disapproval.

"You're making a huge mistake."

"Why do you even care? I thought you wanted me as far away from here as possible." I say, reproducing her own words, which she said to me no more than twenty hours ago.

"I'm not talking about me; I couldn't care less about what you do."

"Then, mind your own business." She stares at me with such intensity that I can almost feel my skin burning with her hate.

"You're such a coward." I let out a puff of air that shows my annoyance. I don't understand her.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me? Because I don't want to argue with you again, It's my sister's wedding, I want to be at peace."

She briefly looks down and sighes.

"Yes. That's all."

6 weeks earlier…

"Please, tell me you're coming." My sister's pleading tone makes my stomach tie in painful knots.

"Mon, I'd really like to, but it is a very busy time of the year at work." I lie, and I feel bad for doing so but it's the only way to get out of this situation.

"But it's my wedding, Ross. I can accept that you haven't been able to come the past few Thanksgivings or Christmases. But are you really going to miss the happiest day of my life?"


"Listen, you don't even need to stay for a week, just a couple of days is enough. But I need to see you there near me…you're my only brother." I take a deep breath.

"Alright…I'll go."

C'mon, lift your hand and press the damn button! It's your sister, she'll be happy to see you. I cheer myself after five minutes of standing in front of that door I have crossed so many times. Just when I am about to hit the button a stranger holds the door open for me with a polite smile. Mumbling a "Thank you", I enter the building and begin to climb the stairs.

I grab the knob and hesitantly turn it; it's open, as it always used to be. I take a step in and find my sister working in the kitchen, typically. I have no idea what to say, so I knock on the door to catch her attention.

"Chandler I don't have time to joke around, bring that chicken already!" she says right away, not even taking a glimpse at the door.

"I'm sorry, if you're busy I can come back later…" the wooden spoon she was holding drops to the floor, getting everything dirty with tomato sauce, but to my surprise she doesn't even flicker. She turns around and the moment she meets my eyes I regret having been away from her for such a long time.

"Hi" I mumble, closing the door behind me and not sure whether I should stand in here or get closer. After a few seconds, her face lights up and she runs to me.

"Ross! I can't believe you're here." she hugs me tightly before slapping my chest in her own fashion. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming!?"

"Well, it was a spur of the moment decision."

"But the wedding isn't in another six weeks, you're staying for the wedding right? Do not tell me you're not!" she threatens with her finger against my chest.

"I am. I'll be here until your wedding."

"Oh my god, that's great!" she hugs me again, and I envelop her with my arms. "How long has it been since we last saw each other? A year and half? That's way too long, Let's sit down, we have so much to talk about!" She then grabs my hand and leads me to the table and I can't help letting out a small chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"What about the dinner?"

"That can wait, besides I still have to wait for Chandler to bring the chicken. Water?" she asks heading to the sink.

"Yeah, thanks."

"By the way, where's Emily?" she asks as she returns to the table with two glasses. I take a long gulp.

"She had to stay in London, but she'll come for the wedding."

"Good, send her regards when you talk to her."

"Will do."

"So tell me, what's new with you?" What's new? What do you say to that when you've been out of the loop for so long?

"Not much…life is still the same…and work is going really well, although very busy. Thankfully I managed to find a substitute so I'm able to stay for a while."

"That's great."

"Yeah, so…what about you?"

"Well… I'm getting married in a month and a half!" she nearly screams. I grab her hand with a genuine smile.

"I could not be happier for you, Mon. I really am." Before she can say a word the door opens.

"Honey…I'm home." Chandler says cheerfully, holding the chicken up in the air and carrying a few plastic bags in the other hand. He momentarily freezes when he sees me, his eyes and mouth wide open in surprise. Then he walks a few steps backwards and closes the door to open it again. "Did our apartment move itself to London?" he says, clearly stunned by my presence.

"Nope, I did." I say, standing up from the chair. He smiles widely.

"Dude, Are you really here?" he puts everything on the counter and walks towards me " Is this real?" I look down at myself.

"I think so."

"This is awesome!" We hug and tap each other on the back. "You didn't come to stop my wedding though, did you?" I chuckle.

"No, It's still kind of weird for me but I'm glad you guys are together…and happy." They smiled at each other.


"I should leave now," I say after a while "it's four in the morning for me and I don't want to pass out before getting to the hotel."

"What are you talking about? A hotel ? you're staying here."

"What? No, Monica, I don't want to disturb you, I'm sure you guys have quite some busy weeks ahead, I do not want to be another burden."

"You won't be a burden, I'll be happy to have you here. Besides, six weeks at a hotel? It's going to cost you a fortune! No, no, you're staying here and that's the end of it." She insists.

"Yeah, man, we'd love to have you here." Chandler adds, tapping my shoulder. I take a glimpse of her room.

"But…won't it be awkward with…her here?" It's been so long that I cannot even bring myself to pronounce her name.

"Oh." Monica says realizing the problem. "That won't be a problem, Rachel doesn't live here anymore. Now it's our guest room." What do you mean she doesn't live here? Where is she? How is she? I want to ask a thousand questions, but it wouldn't be appropriate.

"Okay then. I'll…come back tomorrow morning with my things."



There you have a little bit of future, past and present.

Any Thoughts on this first chapter?