23. Intoxication

"Open up, it's Joey over here." There was a knock on the door and my mother opened it.

Ever since we boarded on the ship, all the sailors who once had a friendly smile upon seeing me, were now turned against me. Everyone hated me and Edward hadn't talked to me since we left that island with my mother. It had been six days without me seeing him.

But even if all the sailors hated me, Little Joey still had that amiable attitude towards me. He was my only trustworthy companion on the ship and he was the only reliable source which could supply me with all the news around the ship.

"Ah Joey. Tell me that Tina is getting carried away with all her flirtatious behaviour towards Edward. Alas, she now has more of a chance to marry Edward, doesn't she?" My grievous tone was enough to tell him what I was going through.

He looked at me with pity and crossed his arms across his chest. "You need to know that Edward still loves you. He drinks, he scolds us and yesterday, when talking to Blackbeard, he was drunk and all he could say was that he missed you. But-" Joey took a deep sigh and continued, "he obviously loves his crew more. He wants them to have a good fortune and he doesn't want to be a pirate who promises for all the gold but doesn't actually implement on his words. That is why, this is your final journey with us."

I couldn't help but let the tears flow down my eyes. I knew I was whining like a little kid but I was helpless. Nothing could be done.

"There, there." My mother hugged my tightly and I buried my head into her arm. "Do not cry. There are better men-"

"No, no one is better than Edward. I love him and you do not know how hard it was to live without him. He was the only one who cared about me. He is not like you, mother. He never betrayed me. He was always there for me." I blurted out in anger without thinking what I was saying.

She stared at me and the shock was clearly visible in her eyes. She was obviously surprised to hear such words from me but I couldn't help it. What I said was the truth.

There was another knock on the door but this knock was horrendous and it had scared us all. Joey opened the door without asking and I saw him. I saw Edward.

His eyes were barely opening and he had dark under-eye circles. His blonde hair were tied in such a messy manner which I had never seen before. He was definitely intoxicated.

"Everyone, out." Edward commanded in a cold manner and my mother and Joey dashed out. He closed the door with a horrifying thud and came towards me. We stared each others eyes.

"I found my treasure." He slurred out the words and held my face between his hands. "You are my treasure. Because of that medallion, you are on my ship and I know it took me really long to realise this." Edward faced the ceiling and closed his eyes before chuckling. "Thank you Lord for blessing me with this lassie."

I chuckled. But I didn't know why I chuckled. My eyes were still wet and it wasn't late for some more tears to roll down my face. "You want me to leave this ship."

"No." He looked back at me with his eyebrows arched and pulled me closer. "I want you to stay."

"Edward, I can't believe you." I slightly pushed him away and he moved back, shocked at my action. "I'm leaving and that is my final decision. I have a father to protect, a mother to support and I don't need anything more."

"But-" he turned around and punched the wall with so much of force that it broke, "what about our love?"

"We need to let go of that. You will find someone better, believe me." I let a few more tears to drop and make my vision blurry. Edward couldn't tolerate it and he left the room.

I fell down. I was weak and my legs couldn't support me. My head was aching intolerably and my vision wasn't clear. Everything turned black as I slowly lied down on the floor and closed my eyes.


"Areesh, wake up." The sweet voice caused my brain to start functioning and my eyes opened. I saw my mother, I saw Joey and I saw Edward.

"You've been out since twelve hours and your skin is scorching." Joey added and went into the corner, while Edward came forward and sat beside me.

He stroked my head gently, and his action was enough to tell me that he was trying to say it is going to be alright. He then took my hand and kissed it affectionately and by this gesture he meant that he loves me. Just at that time, I saw Tina at the door, staring at us blankly.

She took a deep sigh and rushed away. No one noticed her except for me and it was so odious to see her spy on us like that.

"Cassandra, your daughter is staying here." Edward looked at my mother and smiled. He was sober now, unlike before when he was drunk and aggressive.

My mother nodded her head and held my other hand tightly.

"I need to protect my father. He will die. There are so many matters that I need to attend to and he has no one other than me and my mother that he can rely on to protect him." My meek voice was inaudible but he heard it and he looked down at my hand.

He took a deep breath and replied in a loving voice. "Then why am I here? It is my duty to protect your old man. Besides, I don't even like Oliver Barret and Thomas Monroe. And don't worry about the crew, they really find you charming. They have to or else I'll cut their throats off."