Sakura VS Karin. Karin takes a beating. Enjoy.

"Let's get this going now." Sakura say as she slips in her fighting stance.

Karin just places a hand on her hip and smirks. "Well then, let's do this!"

"Auggggggh!" Sakura shouts as brought her fist up high and punched down on to the ground causing the earth to shake and tremble and split in half darting fast at the eye struck girl.

She snapped out of her daze and jumps up high in the sky, barely avoiding the attack, she landed on a tree branch.

What the hell?! Is she trying to kill me! How did she even get that much strength! Karin thought in anger.

"If you let your guard down like that then your opponents can come from behind and sneak up on you." A voice from behind gains her attention.

"Ready to give?" Sakura says with a smirk on her face.

"Not yet!" Karin shouts, swiftly grabbing a kunai from her pouch, and whips her hand around to swipe at her. Sakura leaps down out of the way, having to dodge the attack. "Eat this!" Karin shouts from the tree as she throws what looks to be a paper bomb at Sakura.

A loud blast went off and Karin glances down from above to observe her work. The smoke was surrounding the area but when the smoke cleared she didn't see anyone.

'Where did she-' Karin started, before she heard a voice from above shout.

"Up here!" Karin peers up to see Sakura with her leg raised high up in the air but before she could move an inch out of the way a foot crashed down on her head. She let out an ear pitching scream as the air was knocked from her lungs as she ended up crashing into the now splintered ground.

Sakura stood over her in triumph, "Now that'll teach her to stop trying to rape Sasuke-kun."