True Love never ran smooth

a/n: Jimmy and Chloe were never in a Relationship. He was always in a relationship with Kara. Who happens to be Clark's cousin.


No matter what love story that you've heard throughout history the same saying is always true. The road to true love never did run smooth. And I guess that this is right. You may wonder why this is relevant at all. Most importantly who I am. Well my name is Chloe Sullivan. This is my story of how I fell in love with the notorious playboy and billionaire Oliver Queen. Who is also known as Green Arrow. It all started the day that we met. There where sparks from the moment that our hands touched. At the time I didn't know how much I would come to love the man that was standing in front of me. Without knowing how much that he would come to mean to me. Looking back now on that first meeting. Nothing would change how I would feel about him. Makes me glad, knowing that I was already dating Ollie when Jimmy asked me out. But before we get into details about that let's start at the beginning.

A/n : I combined the intro and chapter one. In this story Lex and Julian Luthor were raised by a single mother. Lionel died of cancer a few months after the second Luthor son was born. Oliver Queen's parents were never murdered. They even had a second child. A little girl. She will be revealed in later chapters. Chloe did not know any of Clark's 'Super friends' before the fifth or sixth season. I have quite decided yet. Now that is out of the way on to our regularly scheduled fan fiction.

Meeting Oliver and the team:

Clark had been getting on my nerves the last few weeks. He wanted to set me up with some guy named Oliver that he thought would be perfect for me. At the moment we were in the middle of another argument about the subject. "Come on Chloe just meet him. He's coming by the barn later with a few of his friends. What's the worst that could happen?" Clark asked me looking me straight in the eyes. "I still don't see what the big inquisition is about. He's just some billionaire playboy right?" I asked. "He's not just any playboy billionaire. Come tonight and you will find out. Chloe I just want you to be happy again so could you just meet him for me please." Clark said. "Okay Clark you win. What time do you want me over?" I asked. "Let's make it around noon. Okay?" Clark asked. "Okay that works I'll see you at the farm Clark." I said as he whooshed right out the door and passed me like he usually does. You would think I would be use to it by now. He was probably going to see Lana before heading home to the farm.

They barely get any time alone lately. Both were very busy people. Both of them having new eventful careers. Clark's is in Journalism and Lana's is in event planning. But even though they both have extremely busy and demanding schedules they still manage to have dinner with each other every night since they've been engaged.

A little bit later I was almost at the farm. But I couldn't help but wonder what made this 'Oliver Queen' so important that Clark wanted me to meet him. 'Well here goes nothing' I thought as I parked at the Kent Farm. It was here that I had basically grown up after moving to Smallville. The Kent's where like an extended family to me and my dad. Even though my mom wasn't around I never felt like I was missing out on maternal love. Mrs. Kent had plenty to share.

"Clark!" I called out to see where he was. "I'm in the barn. Come on in Chloe." I heard him answer. I walked into the barn to see Clark talking to one of the most attractive men that I have ever seen and three of whom I assumed were his friends. "Ahh there you are. Guys this is Chloe. Chloe I'll let them do the introductions." Clark said. And we stood in an awkward silence for a few minutes before someone spoke up. "Well I'll start. Since no one else is speaking up." The African American male that looked no older than eighteen years old said. "These dorks call me cyborg. But to all my friends and pretty ladies I am known as Victor Stone." Victor said. "I'll go next. But I have a question first if that's okay." The youngest guy said. "Sure go ahead." I said. "Actually it's more directed at Clark." He said. "Yes she knows." Clark said with a smile on his face. "Okay then. I'm Bart, but they call me Flash. But that mostly has to do with my super speed." Bart said. "Or that he looks like a flash of light or blur when Bart is running at super speed." Victor said. "Oh come on Cyborg you wish you could run as fast as I do. Plus Clark and I have been friends for years. He is the person that helped me discover my powers and how to control them." Bart said with a smirk on his face. "Come on guys don't fight in front of the lovely lady." The guy dressed in orange and green said. " Sorry A.C." The guys said. "Don't let Merra overhear that." Victor said with a wicked grin on his face. "Victor shut up. Well it only seems right that I go next. I go by A.C also known as Arthur Currier. To this day I do not know my given name. You see when I was young I was washed up on a sandy shore in Star City to this day I do not remember anything before that. And ever since that day I have had an affinity for anything aquatic. So because of that they call me Aqua Man." A.C said. "That and ever since he discovered his powers he wants to save all the oceans from pollution." The last guy that had yet to introduce himself said. "Okay come on tall, blonde and handsome tell her who you are. You know that you want to." Bart said. "I am Oliver Queen. To my friends and family I am known as Ollie. I am also known as Green Arrow. I must say that it is nice to finally meet you. I have been looking forward to it for some time." Ollie said. "Chloe, Ollie here is a huge fan of your writing." Clark said with a huge grin on his face. "Oh you are?" I asked. "I have been for years. I would do almost anything to get my hands on your old Torch issues. Plus Clark has told me a lot about you. So I feel as though I know you already even though we just met." Ollie said as we heard groans throughout the entire room. He took one of my hands up to his lips and kissed it. "Ollie, dude I hate to say this but that sounds like a line. It even makes you sound like a total tool." Bart said. "Geese dude, don't beat around the bush." Ollie said sarcastically as he continued to hold onto my hand. Everyone noticed it but decided not to say anything about it. "Okay I won't." Bart said as he and Ollie got into an internal battle with each other. "Hey Victor, I have quick question for you." I said. "Yes, Chloe before you even ask yes they are always like that they are disagreeing with each other. This one though is very tame compared to others that they have had in the past." Victor said before I could even ask him my question. Because it was like he knew my question before I even asked it. It quite amazing and spectacular if you ask me. "Does everyone want to stay for dinner?" Clark asked right after checking his phone. "Sure is Lana on her way home?" I asked. "Yes, she is and she is insisting on all you staying for dinner. Plus she wants to get caught up with you Chloe." Clark said.