This was an idea i've had floating around in my head for a while and I finally got the chance to sit down and really plan it out. I really hope everyone enjoys this! And I wish there were more Shima x Rin stories floating around than there are now, I love the pairing no matter what direction the manga is headed in right now :P

See you at the bottom of the page~

It was a cold and rainy night, Yukio Okumura had been sent on a difficult mission by himself to infiltrate the Satan worshiping organization, Illuminati. Rin had whined and begged to go, not knowing the premise of the mission but clearly upset his brother was leaving him out of something. Upon being told no, the older twin pouted like a child and proceeded to sneak into the trunk of Yukio's car to follow him.

Rin knew if he announced his presence too soon Yukio would merely have the driver turn around and take the halfling home so he chose to stay quiet and wait for the car to come to a complete stop. He could hear Yukio exit the vehicle along with a couple other men and after a few moments of silence Rin decided it would be safe to make his escape from the trunk.

Smiling triumphantly to himself the older twin jumped out, "I'm here!" He half shouted only to realize Yukio was already gone. Rain was drizzling down and Rin was only happy at that moment he chose to wear a warm jacket. 'Well, guess I better go find him.' He thought to himself as he began to walk through the dense, dark forest they were strangely parked in.

His acute hearing picked up on the sudden sound of men shouting, though he couldn't sense any demons. He darted towards the noise, running into a large clearing he stumbled into twenty, maybe more, men standing in a large circle around the clearing, a demonic seal in the middle of them.

"A demon!" One of the men shouted, pointing out Rin.

"Shit." Rin muttered to himself quickly realizing these men were not going to be friendly. Before he could flee one of them descended on him with a sword, Rin easily matched the man's movements, ducking and dodging. He didn't want to pull his sword and reveal his flames, he just wanted to run, the men before him seemed like powerful exorcist.

Another group of men stood together chanting, summoning demons to take down Rin. "Capture him, take him in alive!" One of the men stood in the cold rain screaming, dressed in a rather official looking uniform.

Rin fought to run from them, the demons were definitely an issue without his sword and the men had all surrounded him at this point. The halfling took a slow breath inward before finally grabbing the hilt of his sword. Just as he was about to unsheath it and reveal his wicked blue flames a white, glowing demonic seal appeared under his feet, making his whole body feel heavy.

The man who had wanted to take him alive was chanting softly under his breath, the seal brought Rin to his knees, his sword falling to the ground. His vision began to fade out and he could no longer feel the cold rain hitting his face.

"He'll make a perfect test subject." Rin could faintly hear before he blacked out.

Rin awoke inside a large cage with iron bars on all four walls, wearing what appeared to be white hospital clothes, the rest of his belongings were gone. His cell was empty aside from a small, white bed adorned with thick shackles. The halfling could smell traces of blood everywhere, the scent made him shudder. As he glanced around he stood up to walk over to the thick bars in front of him, the building looked like a prison, the walls all lined with cells exactly like his.

Next to him in a separate cell sat an elderly lady who sat on the concrete floor humming quietly to herself. Rin cautiously walked closer to her and bent down before speaking, "Hey old lady, do you know where we are?"

She stopped humming and slowly looked up at Rin with piercing, golden eyes. "This is the hell humans have created on Earth." she said solemnly, looking down at her hands.

Rin reached through bars, gently resting his hand against her own, delicate ones. "Don't worry, i'll get us out of here, i'll save everyone." He flashed her a smile, wagging his tail like a happy puppy.

The elderly woman smiled weakly back at him before a loud, metallic sound rang through the prison as a giant metal door opened up. The woman jumped at the sound and Rin quickly pulled his hand back into his own cell. Two men in white uniforms walked through the halls, stopping at the old lady's cell and unlocking her door. One of them raised a shotgun at her and Rin jumped to his feet.

"Leave her alone!" He screamed frantically, gripping the bars in front of him so hard his knuckles turned white. The man ignored his screams, pulling the trigger, blood splattered across Rin's face as he slumped to his knees, tears welling in his eyes. He'd never seen such an utterly cruel display of inhumanity such as this. As he looked up through his tears the old lady no longer lay before him but instead a large wolf. The second man grabbed her by her paws, dragging her out of the cell and down the hall, exiting back out the giant door they had entered.

Rin wasn't sure how long he had been locked up at this point, weeks, maybe months. He couldn't see daylight so he had no way of keeping track of time. He'd seen many demons dragged into the prison and shot before his eyes. He wasn't sure why they hadn't tried to kill him in the same manner yet. At first he surrounded himself in blue flames and thrashed at the bars, fighting so hard he would break his own bones and allow them to heal before trying again.

But he no longer had the energy, as weeks passed by he grew too weak to even summon his flames, giving the men easy access to remove him from his cell daily, they would inject him with many different things to watch his reaction, cut him open to test his regenerative abilities and even put him to sleep to perform surgeries. After being around these terrible humans so long he would hear bits and pieces of their intentions, it seemed they enjoyed experimenting on both humans and demons, their goal was combining the two. Making half demons, and even demons with new and terrifying powers. They would then use their newly created hybrids to fight for them. Controlling them with anti demon chains, spells and incantations.

Finally one day he thought death would take him. As two men came to grab him from his cell the world around him went dark and he fell forward. Much to his surprise he woke up what felt like an eternity later, his already heightened senses felt even more powerful. Every little sound hurt his ears, he felt like he could smell the grass outside of the evil prison.

"It was a success! We've done it, we've successfully fused a familiar with a human. Just imagine what we can do with human subjects." A man in a white lab coat shouted beside him. Rin could feel a very heavy weight around his neck, a thick, metal collar had him chained to the concrete floor. As Rin's eyes wandered to the floor he jumped at the sight of his own feet.

'Paws?' Rin thought to himself in shock, he was terrified of what these mad scientists had done to him. His anger swelled up, blue flames surrounding him, lashing out to burn the chains off that held him down.

"Quick, recite the scripture!" He heard screaming, men poured into the room, five of them stopping to begin chanting, the same chant that had immobilized Rin when he was first captured. A white light sprung up under his feet and he felt himself fall to the floor. A terrifying growl escaped his throat, he'd never felt quite so powerful before. With shaking legs he forced himself to stand once more, lunging forward with his new wolf-like body to break free from the spell.

Rin's blue flames kept the men at bay as he heard them screaming around him.
"Stop him!"
"Lower the doors, don't let him escape!"
Rin used his new legs to dart quickly out of the room as the doors began to lower on him, he ran as fast as he could past what felt like miles of cells filled with humans and demons alike. Some cried for him to help them escape, others cheered him on as he ran past the guards; throwing them into a fury. Rin wanted to stop and help everyone he ran past but he knew he couldn't, he didn't have his sword, or his body for that matter. 'I'll come back for them' He kept repeating to himself.

He ran up a large flight of stairs, a solid metal door blocked his path to the exit but he tackled full force into it, flames lashing around him. The door went flying off its hinges, leading to even more stairs, but this time Rin could see light ahead of him. He burst forth into a dimly lit, very old church and darted out the large entrance, running into the woods. His new legs proved much faster than he expected, he ran and ran until the voices of the horrid men faded behind him.

Meep, review please!