Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Ranma 1/2 and Sekai no Hate de Aimashou. Both works belong to their respective authors. This writing was made purely as fan work and no profit is to be made from it.

At night, everyone slept the sleep of the dead. The day's excitement drew much of their energy, and they had no more to give during the night. However, in the top office of a newly drawn corporate building, sinister plots were afoot.

"Is it done?" The figure behind a rather lavish desk said. The room too dark to make anything out, and the only light source was the lamp on top of the desk.

"We currently possess 75% of all the shares, however that figure is likely to surpass 90% before the end of the day." Another voice answered.

"Excellent." The figure grinned maniacally before breaking out into a cackle. "Oh ho ho ho ho !"

The other person cringed.

A few days have passed after the Alicia marathon incident as some have started calling it. The girl in question hadn't been seen after that and rumor has it that she had withdrawn from school entirely. Ranma sighed as she wondered, what was the point in her attending in the first place? Though it was nice to not to have to deal with her anymore, another headache has been appearing. Akane's sempai from Furinkan has been appearing at the school almost every morning. Thankfully the boys at this school were not stupid enough to start something like a morning mob like in the other school. It was still a pain having to deal with that idiot before starting the day.

"Hmph!" The three people suddenly surrounding her desk drew her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see the trio of bullies that had started the mess in the first place.

"What do you want now?" Ranma leaned back, crossing her arms. Her brows frowned as she considered what the three girls had done a few days before.

At her gaze, the trio was taken aback for a bit before the leader gathered some confidence.

"I realize it was futile trying to force you away from the prince using strength. After seeing you take down that giant, how can we fight against something like that? Though without you there who knows what could have happened to us? S-so…" The girl started smugly but trailed away at the end.

"Anyway!" She slammed both hands on the desk. "Power isn't everything! I'll show the prince who's more suitable to be his wife!"

The girl stormed away after that, leaving the two lackeys chasing after her. Ranma looked at her trailing away, confused.

"What the hell was that about?" Ranma wondered.

"Perhaps it was she was trying to say thanks?" Akane appeared behind her. The two had decided they would alternate days where they deal with Kuno, and today was her turn.

"She sure had a funny way to show it."

"Anyway, your loving prince isn't here today?" Akane tease after noticing that Ranma was alone.

"That idiot is not my responsibility. He can go wherever he wants!" Akane giggled at Ranma's sudden angry response, but decided not to comment at it.

The morning classes passed without further incident. However, it was during lunch time that Ranma's problems started. When her favorite time of the day arrived, she expectantly opened her bag to take out the bento her mother prepared, only to find it empty except for some school supplies.

"What, where's my lunch?" Ranma searched through her memories of this morning as she tried to recall where it could have gone. The day started like any other day with a morning spar. The prince wasn't there so they were able to concentrate more on the spar. However they lost track of time and Ranma had to scarf down some breakfast after changing hurriedly before leaving. She must have forgotten it at home.

"I guess it can't be helped, I'll just have to get something from the cafeteria." She nodded to Akane who indicated that she will wait for her.

The cafeteria, though crowded was nowhere near the war zone that was her Junior High School. At the time, she attended an all-boys school with Ryoga and they would always fight through the mob for the last bread of the day as it was free. Though she would have her bento, the temptation of free food was too good to pass up.

She made her way through the wave of people and started picking her choice through the assortments of breads and boxed meals. She didn't notice the sales lady stiffen at the sight of her face.

"I guess I'll take this one" Ranma pointed at a piece of bread in front of her.

"That's not for sale." The lady stiffly replied.

"What? Then what about this one?"

"That's not for sale either." A student pointed at the bread she wanted earlier, the sales lady picked it up and quickly made the exchange.

"Didn't you say that's not for sale? What's going on? I have money this time!" Ranma complained, trying to hold back thoughts of murder. A martial artist protects the weak, she chanted in her mind.

"Shut up! We decide what's for sale or not! Now go away! You're interrupting my business!" The lady all but kicked her out. A few tries at other stands in the cafeteria was met with the same results. Dejected, Ranma returned to her classroom empty handed.

"For some reason, the cafeteria refused to sell anything to me." Ranma commented after she returned to her seat.

"I guess I can share my bento with you…" Akane suggested after putting her desk together with Ranma's. The nearby boys caught wind of this conversation and started joining in.

"What! Ranma doesn't have lunch? You can have some of mine!" The boys started offering her. Ranma and Akane looked in amazement as food started piling up at their desks.

"Wow! That's great! Thanks guys!" Ranma put on her best smile. The boys were nearly melted by its brilliance. Did she really used to be a boy? Akane wondered nearby. With the lunch problem solved, the two quickly dug in.

"Your food is delicious! Did you make this yourself Akane?" Ranma commented after eating some of her bento.

"Actually, my sister makes all my bentos." Akane admitted with some reluctance.

"If your sister is such a brilliant cook, you must be pretty good at it as well?"

"E-er…yeah" Akane refused to look at her in the eyes.

After lunch, Ranma let out a sensual moan as she patted her stomach in satisfaction, not noticing the stares she drew. Class began soon after that and the students hurriedly returned to their seats as the bell rang. The afternoon passed without further incident. The strange incident was put to the back of her mind until after school ended.

"Today sure was a bit strange, huh?" Ranma thought out loudly as she walked out of the school with Akane. "Lunch sure was good though."

"I can't believe you ate it all. You're such a glutton." Akane piped in. Ranma grinned as she remembered the mountain of food that the boys had offered.

"Well, it'll be a waste if I didn't. Besides, I burn through energy quickly."

Akane muttered something unintelligibly. Ranma took a look at the setting sun before she was suddenly reminded of the shopping list her mother had given her before she finished her breakfast that morning.

"Ah, crap… I have to go shopping for my mom. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Akane."

Ranma left before she had a chance to respond. Sighing, she headed towards the bus station to begin her trip home. Meanwhile, Ranma sprinted towards the small shopping area nearby where most of the stores were located. She arrived at the super mart owned by a nice elderly couple that her family frequented. The owners were surprised to see her but she entered the aisles before they could say anything.

The list was for something simple they'll be having for dinner. Since Nodoka was out visiting friends for most of the day, she didn't have time to shop for ingredients and decided against anything elaborate. On the bottom also were some instructions for Ranma to begin preparation before she got back.

Once she double checked that she had everything on the list, Ranma picked up the basket and headed towards the counter. The elderly man operating the cashier looked strained as she appeared.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have anything to sell to you." The man said reluctantly.

"What? But I've been coming here with my mom ever since I was little!"

The old man refused to say anything more and Ranma was forced to leave her basket at the counter. Just as she was about to leave, she heard someone calling to her. She headed towards the source of the voice where she was pulled into the service area.

"Aunty? What are you…" Ranma was surprised to see the elderly lady who operated the mart with her husband. She was peeking out the door to see if anyone noticed her pulling Ranma inside.

"Ranma, here, take this." She started putting a small sack of groceries into her school bag.

"I can't just take this!"

"Just don't tell anyone, I'll find a way to get the rest to your house. Now go!" She pushed Ranma all the way out of the store. Out in the streets; people who saw her started running away as if she were the plague. Soon the area was empty and the stores were all closed.

"What the hell is going on?" Ranma couldn't help but be confused as she headed home.

"I'm back." The prince announced as he entered the kitchen. He was met with the sight of Ranma in an apron. Her long hair was tied back in a pony tail for better management as she worked on preparing the food stuff. The strange happening of earlier in the day was still on her mind so she didn't immediately greet him back.

"Oh, so you're back." Ranma tensed when she finally noticed his presence. "Just in time, help me with the preparations for dinner."

"Why must I be forced to do such a menial task? Things like this should be left to the servants!" Emilio complained as he was forced into a spare apron.

"Hmph, as a prince I bet you didn't have to lift a finger before everything was done for you." Ranma grinned harshly before continuing. "As a freeloader in this house I won't allow you to get away with it!"

Emilio couldn't help but be taken aback as Ranma vented the entire day's frustrations on him. He decided to take it like a man and joined her in the kitchen. This was the scene that Nodoka returned to when she came back home. She chuckled a bit at the sight of the prince in a cute pink apron working together with her daughter.

"My, my, don't the two of you make a cute couple." She grinned as her comment had the desired effect. Emilio blushed while Ranma had reddened in anger and denied any chance of her getting together with the prince. This led to an argument between the two of them and Nodoka quickly shooed them out of the kitchen before finishing up with dinner preparations.

The two were put to set the table together but the atmosphere between them was still a bit strained. Another interruption came in the form of Genma as he staggered in before falling on his face dramatically.

"Pops? What happened to you?" Ranma prodded him as she knelt down beside him.

"I… I was fired from work, and when I went to drink it out. All…all the bars refused to serve me…" Genma groaned out.

"That's what you get. I guess they finally decided to do something about you not settling the tab." Ranma got up after seeing that it was nothing of importance. Her father getting fired was a regular occurrence so it wasn't something to be concerned about.

"No! That's not it! I've already paid for it with the money I got a few weeks ago." Genma jumped up, protesting his innocence. Ranma put her fist to his face as she was suddenly reminded of where he had gotten that "money".

"Genma, what's this about you getting fired again?" He stiffened at the voice of his wife who appeared behind him as she set the final plate at the table.

"Dinner is ready." She announced before turning to Genma again. "We'll be having words after dinner."

"Y-yes dear." Genma sweated.

Dinner was a quiet affair. The atmosphere was still tense but this time it was due to the cold glance Nodoka would sent at Genma once in a while. The earlier argument between Ranma and Emilio was forgotten as they watched the interaction between the two parents. The television was on but it seemed that nobody paid much attention to it.

"For the evening news, the government has recently released a statement that over 90% of the world's stock has been bought out by the Titania Corporation." The news anchor's voice could be heard over the silent clatter of dishes.

"T-that's the name of the corporation that bought the company this morning! There was a lay off after that and I was one of the people affected!" Genma suddenly jumped out of his seat.

"Worldwide authorities have begun investigation into the legality of the matter. However for the time being, it can be said that Titania Corporation has effectively taken over the world." The anchor was suddenly handed a paper from off stage, and started sweating.

"W-we interrupt this news with a word from our sponsor." He sputtered out.

"Greetings to all masses, I am Alicia Balbelle, president of Titania Corporation." The image switched over to a view of Alicia dressed in a suit. Ranma and Emilio jumped up in shock at the sight of her.

"For those who still have no grasp on the situation, my company currently holds over 90% of the world's stock." She stood up from her seat. The camera closed in on her face. "Despite effectively taking over your world, do not worry. We have no intention of fundamentally interfering with your economic activities."

"However, those who have humiliated me will surely receive their dues." The image clicked off before it was returned to the news anchor.

"Alicia…wasn't that the name of the girl you said was after the prince a week ago?" Nodoka pondered.

"This is terrible! You must do something about it!" Genma pointed at Ranma.

"What!" Further discussion was interrupted by the doorbell. The family headed towards the door to see who would visit at this time of the night, led by Nodoka.

"Aunty?" Nodoka greeted, surprised that it was one of the elder couple from the super mart. Behind her, her husband waited on a truck that seemed like it was packed with all their belongings.

"Here are the rest of the things you wanted from the store." She handed a bag to Nodoka before noticing her glance at the truck. "Ah…the truth is we had recently taken a loan from the bank for expansion. Those who disobeyed orders had it immediately fall through and we were forced to move away."

"What orders?" Nodoka inquired.

"Earlier in the day, the entire shopping district was given orders to not sell anything to your family." The old lady smiled sadly. "But I've known you ever since you were a little girl, Nodoka-chan, I just couldn't stand it."

"We'll persevere, so don't worry about us." She turned to say as her husband came to tell her it was time to go. "I'm sure that you and Ranma-chan will find a way, so don't give up."

The truck left after that, leaving the family to take in the situation. Behind her mother, Ranma, who had been silent up till now, finally spoke up.

"Who does she think she is? Picking on innocent people like that! If she has some beef with me she should come at me face to face!" Ranma growled out.

"That's my boy-er-child! Now go and solve this so that we can return to our peaceful life!" Genma cheered.

"I would think it would hardly be called manly for a father to laze behind while his daughter went to confront an enemy." Nodoka stated coldly, suddenly reminded of earlier misgivings.

"Y-yes dear…"

It was a motley trio of Ranma, Emilio and Genma who charged into the lobby of the Titania Corporation, demanding to see their president. The guards at the gate had tried to stop them but they were no match for martial artists of Genma and Ranma's caliber. The secretary at the front desk was at loss with their demands, but it wasn't long before someone came to see what the commotion was about.

"M'am, these people are asking to see the president." The secretary informed Alicia's advisor.

"Let them through, I'll inform her of their arrival." She said after seeing who was at the front desk. The three of them were then led up to the top floor through the elevator. The doors opened into a large office with a wide view of the Tokyo night life. A large expensive looking desk was placed in the middle of the room, and behind it stood Alicia.

"If it isn't that servant I fired. Ranma, was it?" Alicia turned to face them. "What business do you have with me?"

"You know exactly why I am here!" Ranma responded angrily. "Those people have nothing to do with this! How could you do such a thing?"

"I'm afraid I do not know what you're talking about, how I manage my investments is none of your business." Further explanations were interrupted by the entrance of Alicia's servants, dragging several bound figures behind them.

"What's the big idea kidnapping us in the middle of the night like this?!" Akane's voice could be heard inside the crowd.

"Your highness, here are the perpetrators who shared their food with Ranma during lunch time."

Caught red-handed, Alicia had no choice but to admit to what she was doing.

"Fine! You're right! This is revenge!" Alicia pointed at Ranma angrily. "For the shame you have brought upon me, you shall pay a thousand-fold!"

"Having my love taken away by a man…and being exposed in public…" Alicia trembled, clearly losing her temper. Two servants immediately headed up to calm her lest she transform and destroy the building.

"Even then, why pull innocent people into this?!"

"Shut up! That humiliation is too much for you to repay alone!" Alicia barked out. "This world will soon become my plaything, not even the prince will be able to stop me!"

Those currently present were at loss for words at her proclamation. The sudden silence was broken by Ranma after she contemplated her words.

"I understand now, you're a coward." She stated smugly.

"You dare…!"

"You say it's for revenge, yet instead of confronting me directly you chose to strike at people who had nothing to do with this…" Ranma smirked as she came to a decision. "I challenge you!"

The prince immediately came up to try and stop her, but her mind was already made. "If I win, then you'll return everything to normal."

"Interesting, then what if I win?" Alicia smirked.

"Well…" Ranma thought for a moment. "I'll give you the prince."

"Very well, I accept!" She replied before the prince could respond.

"Then it's settled! We will inform you with the specifics of the challenge at a later date!" Genma jumped out now that the situation seemed to have diffused somewhat. The crowd was escorted out of the building after that. Most students went on different ways as they headed home, but Ranma's group decided to escort Akane back.

"Ranma, do you have a plan to beat Alicia?" Emilio spoke up as they walked the way back to the Tendo dojo.

"Well, I'll think of a way. Besides, Ranma Saotome never loses!" Ranma stated confidently.

"What! Alicia is not someone you can underestimate! What if she turns into a giant again?" Emilio interjected. "If you lost, then my life would be ruined!"

"Well that'll be just desserts! I didn't see you complain when you messed with MY life!"

The two bickered on the entire trip back.

"…and so, that's what happened." Ranma tried to look nonchalant after she finished explaining the events of that evening to the rest of the Tendos. They were all gathered in the living room and partook in some refreshments that Kasumi graciously offered. Everybody ignored Soun at the side, who was crying and hugging Akane now that his 'baby girl' is back safe and sound.

"You aliens sure don't do things by half measures." Nabiki commented as she munched on a stick of pocky. "What plans do you have for the challenge?"

"Well, she doesn't seem to have much skill in hand to hand combat, so the main problem will probably come from her changing into her giant form." Ranma pondered.

"If I recall what I've heard from Akane, she seems to be quite vain and is reluctant to become a giantess in front of people… so if we do this in a place with a lot of spectators…" Nabiki's mind went into overdrive as she sensed an opportunity. The side of her lip went up into the smile of a shark.

"I think I have an idea. I'll just need the prince here to iron out some details." Nabiki got up and dragged the prince to a side room. Sensing her smile for what it was, Genma followed behind as his instinct told him that this wasn't something that he wanted to miss out on.

Later on the three of them came out of their meeting each with a satisfied look on their faces. Ranma was curious as to what they had planned but it looked like they wanted to play their cards close to their chests and refused to comment. Since it was getting late, they quickly left for the Saotome home after thanking the Tendos for their hospitality. Nabiki headed back to her room to start making calls.

Finally the day of the challenge arrived. Fliers had started appearing over town so quite a crowd had gathered at the place the fight was due. It was at the Heimei High School's open-air pool. Banners and flags decorated the sides and temporary spectator's seats had been set up at the side. A floating platform had been put in the middle of the pool.

"Nabiki! What the hell's going on? Why was I forced into this thing?" Ranma charged out of the changing room towards Nabiki who was setting up a microphone stand.

"Well, it is expected for a person to be in a swimming suit when they're at the pool." Nabiki gestured at her two-piece while eyeing Ranma in her school's swimming pool. Somewhere at the side, Akane slapped her head as she should have expected something like this coming from her sister.

"Or would you rather have something like what I'm wearing?"

"That's not the point! What's the point in fighting in this?"

"Well, being dressed like this in front of an audience will make Alicia too embarrassed to change into her giant form." Nabiki explained. "Besides, the prince was all for the idea."

"You pervert! Hentai!" Emilio sweated as Ranma's ire turned full force on him. "There must have been no way that Alicia agreed to this!"

"What have I gotten myself into…" Alicia muttered as she walked out of the changing area in a school swim suit. "I agreed because I heard this was female wrestling but I never heard there was a uniform like this."

"They were lying to you!" Ranma shouted at Alicia.

"My lady Alicia, please stop this!" Two of her servants ran out. Alicia waved them off.

"I refuse! I won't turn my back on this commoner!"

However both Alicia and Ranma's attention was soon drawn to the crowd as they began to cheer now that both contestants had appeared. The two of them were led to the middle of the platform as the spectators grew restless in anticipation.

"Welcome! To the Round of the Prince Battle!" Nabiki's voice could be heard over the speakers. The audience cheered again, and flashes of cameras could be seen. In the middle of the pool, the two combatants were in a stand-off as they tried to psych each other out before the match began.

"Soon the prince will be mine!" Alicia taunted over the sound of the speaker as Nabiki introduced the contestants.

"As if I cared about the prince!" Ranma retorted. "I'll have you return everyone to their normal lives after I win!"

"You can say anything you want because there's no way I will lose to a commoner." Alicia gloated as she went into a screeching laughter.

"Now! For the terms of the match!" Their attention was drawn back to Nabiki as she began explaining the rules. "As you can see, the platform is currently floating in the middle of the pool. The point of this is for both contestants to try and knock their opponent off! Each ring-out will give them one point, and the first to receive five points will win!"

"However, they will be given only thirty seconds to return to the platform. Or they will be disqualified! Lethal blows are prohibited, apart from that, anything-goes!"

"The winner of this contest will be given the prince!" A commotion began in the crowd at this announcement. Students from Ranma's class were seated amongst the audience, so it was natural that they would object to this.

"What! Ranma, do you really like the prince that much!" "Didn't you say you were a man?!" Shouts could be heard coming over. As Ranma turned to tried and explain her reasons, she was too distracted to notice that the starting bell had already rung. A push from her back was all she felt before she was sent flying off the platform.

"Even in this small form, she still retains the strength she has when she is in her giant form!" Emilio grasped his hair in frustration as he shouted at Ranma.

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier!" Ranma screamed back as she got back onto the platform.

Facing Alicia again, she could see her confident smile taunting her. As if she could never defeat her. The bell rang, this time Ranma charged at her, seeking to attack first. She quickly got into her defenses and thrust an open palm towards her chest area, expecting her to be sent off her feet. However, she was met with an immovable force and Alicia barely budged an inch. Before she could think about the strange phenomenon Alicia's retaliatory strike came and she was sent into the pool once again.

'What it the world was that? The force I put behind that would have sent even a fully grown man flying!' Ranma thought as she swam back to the platform.

"She still retains the same mass! Her weight is still the same no matter what size she is. Normally they would use magic to cancel out that difference so as to not crack the ground with each step, but they can change the magnitude of that!" Came the prince's explanation.

'Damn, I don't have enough strength to push down a giant.' Ranma thought furiously as she gauged her opponent. 'I underestimated her because she doesn't have any formal training but I didn't expect this!'

The bell rang for a third time. Both contestants were at a stand-still as they waited for their opponent to make a move. Seeing that Ranma wasn't going to do anything this time, Alicia charged forward. Her strikes were that of an amateur and Ranma easily side stepped them. She was still reluctant to hit back seeing what happened the last time. As she dodged Alicia's swings grew wilder since she became angry due to missing her every time. Ranma could see that most of the crowd was cheering for her; she even noticed that the elderly couple who were forced to move away was amongst them.

'Wait a minute, aren't I over thinking this?' Ranma's mind worked in overdrive as she weaved in and out of her opponent's attacks. 'When she is on the move her weight must be near that of a normal person or the platform would have started getting holes a long time ago. This means I have a chance to counterattack!'

Ranma started dodging backwards. Thinking that she was running away, Alicia followed her, not noticing that they were nearing the edge of the platform. Seeing that Ranma had run out of place to escape, she smirked as she put her strength into the next punch. Ranma's plan had worked however, and when she saw Alicia coming, she called upon her Aikido training and redirected the force of her punch. She grabbed Alicia's hand as it passed by her and added a bit of force to it, turning it and Alicia past her and into the pool.

The crowd cheered as a point was added to Ranma's side of the board. Ranma looked into the pool as she waited for Alicia to surface.

"Wow, so Ranma finally got a point." Akane commented as she came up to the side of the prince.

"No, Ranma has already won." Emilio stated confidently.

"What do you mean?" Akane asked Emilio to elaborate.

"Alicia can't swim. Seeing that her body is quite dense in that form she would sink like a rock to the bottom of the pool." He explained. "Of course, this wouldn't be the case if she could use her magic to lighten herself, but I double she would be able to regulate it well while in that state of mind."

The countdown was already coming to an end and Alicia still hadn't surfaced. Her servants already began to panic once she went down. It was to the surprise of the audience when Ranma jumped down the pool. Once inside, Ranma quickly searched through the water and immediately noticed Alicia struggling at the bottom. She swam down and grabbed her before heading to the surface. Her struggles ceased as she lost consciousness, however Ranma noticed that she was starting to get heavier as they headed upwards. The problem was that the magic Alicia employed was starting to lose its charge once it was cut off from her conscious. It was set to regulate itself normally, but in the case of fainting it was liable to start failing.

They were a few meters from the surface, however she was getting to be more than Ranma could handle. Deciding that they could not both make it, Ranma used her remaining strength to throw Alicia out to the side of the pool. As she drifted downwards in exhaustion, the last thing she saw before it all went black was the splash of someone jumping into the pool.

When one became awake, one's consciousness tended to jump from a sleeping state to a sudden awareness. That doesn't seem to be the case when one was rendered unconscious. The return to the living world passes from a black emptiness into a white haze before everything starts to blur.

It took a while for Ranma's eyes to refocus after she opened them. She could feel an ache in her chest as she examined her surroundings. Idly she noted that she was in the school's infirmary room before noticing her mother sitting beside her. Nodoka called out once she saw that she was awake and several people entered the room.

"How do you feel?" Nodoka asked before the physician took over.

"Well, my body hurts in a few areas." Ranma pointed at a few parts of her body as she was examined for aftereffects of drowning. "What happened?"

"After you saved that girl from the pool, you almost drowned. The prince jumped into the pool to get you out." Nodoka explained after the doctor had declared a clean bill of health. She gestured at Emilio, who was standing at the side. "You weren't breathing by the time you surfaced however, so he had to perform CPR."

"You mean he…!" Ranma flushed as she left the last part unsaid. She put her hands on her lips as her mind tried to take in the fact that she had her first kiss taken away by a man.

"Get out!" The people were a bit surprised when she shouted. The doctor suggested that they give her a bit of space seeing the state she was in.

"Do it! Now!" Her mind couldn't take more of this and her first reaction was to be alone. Her mother excused her child to the doctor before following everyone outside.

It took Ranma quite a while to calm down as she looked out the window. Her firm self image as a man has already been taking one blow after another ever since she was turned into a girl. But this was one thing that shook even that image down to its foundations.

'Dammit, I should be sick to my stomach about this.' Ranma curled up in the bed as she thought about this. 'Yet I'm only a bit disturbed. Mostly I'm annoyed that he kissed me without permission.'

Ranma grew a bit more depressed as she analyzed her reaction. 'Are the changes from that medicine that complete? Could it even affect how I think?'

Sighing, she decided that the train of thought was leading her nowhere. She lay back on the bed as she tried to put it behind her. The click of the opening door soon drew her attention.

Alicia had woken up to the sight of her servant's worried faces. The last thing she recalled before blacking out was Ranma reaching her hand out for her. She waved away their concern before rising up to look around. Most of the spectators had already dispersed but some had stuck around to see what was happening at her area. Her opponent was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened?"

"Miss Ranma jumped in to save you, My Lady." Her servant began to explain. "However, after she managed to launch you out of the pool she never surfaced. Prince Emilio jumped in to save her before she drowned."

"She…she saved me?" The servant nodded in affirmation. Once she felt well enough, she was led back to the changing rooms where she removed the swimming suit. Her body was on automatic as her servants dressed her.

Deciding to face her savior before leaving, she rejected her servants' suggestion of returning home. She wondered in the hallways for a while before finally finding the infirmary. Once she heard that there were voices of people inside however, she hesitated. At Ranma's shout, she quickly hid herself in a nearby classroom as people started to move out of the room. Gathering up her courage, she peeked to make sure the hallway was clear before entering the room.

Ranma looked up as soon as she heard her enter the room. She looked surprised for a bit before schooling her features into a neutral look.

"What do you want?" Ranma said cooly.

"I…Why did you save me?" Alicia began hesitantly. "I was cruel towards your family, and even involved innocent people in my revenge."

Ranma gave out a big sigh, looking down at her side. "Must there be a reason?"

Ignoring her startled look, Ranma continued. "A martial artist protects the weak. That's something that has been drilled into me at an early age."

"B-but I'm such a horrible person." Alicia looked down.

"Doesn't matter, there's no way I would leave behind a person in need." Ranma turned a confident smile at her. "Besides, doesn't the fact that you admitted that already mean that you're a good person at heart?"

Alicia could feel her heartbeat speed up at the sight of Ranma's smile, the setting sun providing a perfect backdrop. As her face started to flush she quickly turned her back to her.

"As…as per the terms of the match. I will be returning everything back to normal." Alicia stuttered out before storming out the door, leaving a confused Ranma behind.

In the trip back home, mostly everyone was in good spirits, though Ranma tended to put several people between her and the prince. Cleanup at the school was left to the people that Emilio had hired, so they left after Ranma felt rested enough. Unnoticed behind them, a figure walked up to the school gate from the other corner of the street.

'I've finally found you, Saotome!' The figure thought as the moonlight glinted off something large on its back.

Author's note:

Here's another chapter done. It took a while for this to come out though. There were many things that set me to think in a few past reviews. Looking back I do realize that I've been following the story a bit too closely. I'll be trying to involve the Ranma characters more to see what chemistry they'll be able to inject into the storyline. Otherwise they'll probably just seem to be pasted on randomly.

This chapter would have been longer but I thought that beginning another climax after this one was probably a bit too much.

I've started a re-work at the suggestion of someone. I still don't quite have a schedule of when it will be up but I'm hoping to get some length into it before posting. I'll be toying with a few ideas in it so as to diverge it earlier on and not make it like this one.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed in the last chapter, I hope you will be able to enjoy this one.

As usual, feel free to leave reviews. Much feedback would be appreciated.

2014/5/10 Chapter written.