A/n: using Skye crying in the preview for 1x19 as a starting point.

They had finally had their talk and that infamous drink. Ward had just left the room to answer a call. Skye kept squirming. She felt elated and hyper from Ward kissing her. She heard Ward's voice raise in the next room over but she couldn't make out the words. After a couple more seconds her curiosity got the best of her. Really? Who could Ward be talking to? The entire team was here.

She tries to jog across the cafeteria as quietly as possible. Grant had quieted down again, but even wispering he sounded murderous. "You said I had 24 hours to get her password. I haven't even been here three!" She could here him pacing. "No, Garrett! You're waiting until tomorrow like planned. There's no need to hurt her. I swear, I can get the information from her!" Skye felt worse than when she had been shot and lay bleeding in that Italian basement. Ward was working with Garrett. Ward was working with Hydra. He was using her to hurt shield, the only family she'd ever had. As she heard Ward wrapping up his conversation, she bolted.

She didn't know where exactly she was running to in an underground bunker but she couldn't face Ward. She needed to talk to Coulson.

"Coulson!" She grabbed him by the arm dragging him away from the team. "We have a situation. A major, big, bad situation."

"Woah, calm down, Skye. What's wrong?" He pulled her down to sit beside him on the couch, where not even an hour ago he had been told that Fury was in fact still alive.

She took a deep breathe and tried to organize her thoughts. "I over heard Ward on his phone. He was talking to Garrett!"

Coulson stared ahead with murder written on his face. He didn't need any details or clarification from Skye to know what that phone call meant. Ward was a traitor, and they had lead him right to the one place where they were supposed to be safe.

"There's more, Coulson. He came back because the hard drive with all the bus's files is encrypted. None of hydra's hackers can open the files without them self-destructing and Ward is here to get the password from me."

"So we detain Ward. He can't go back to helping Garrett, they don't know where we are, hopefully, and the information stays safe."

Skye couldn't hold back her tears anymore. "It's not that simple. Garret gave him a time line and he knows where we are. If Grant doesn't report back in another twenty hours, Hydra will be beating down our front door to get to me and that information."

Coulson stood to pace in front of the couch. "I have an idea, but its extremely dangerous. It would have to he your decision."

"What do you need, AC?"

"We give them the information. We already have the info on that drive and nothing to stay ahead of Hydra. You could tell Ward you choose him over shield. Go with him when he goes back to Garrett."-"I'll do it."-"Please, Skye. Stop and think this through. You'll have no back up. You'll be totally on your own in a snake pit. You won't just be lying to hydra. You'll be actively going against Ward. No matter what he's done, he was your SO. It'll be harder than anything you've ever done."

Skye scoffed, "I'm a better liar than you think and I've survived worse than Ward. I can handle this." Skye stood up to leave the room. "Me and Ward will be gone by tomorrow. I'll contact you when I can."

Skye sat in her room, stewing in what Ward had done and what she was going to do. He may think that he had them fooled but he didn't know her that well. He didn't know what she'd had to do to survive before shield found her. She spent years playing people to survive. She was a high school drop out with no family. Knowing peoples secrets and how to use them is why she had managed. If Ward wanted to play double agent she would just have to out play him. Use his weakness for her against him. It was no longer about taking down Hydra. She wanted to make Ward pay. She wanted to see the look on his face at the end if all this. Wanted him to realize that she wasn't just some defenseless hacker off the street.

There was a short knock on her door before Ward poked his head in. "Hey, you disappeared on me."

God, his smile was so aggravating now that she knew it was fake. "Yea, Coulson needed some help. We're trying to stay in communication with other agents and get stat reports from the other bases." She smiled at him and motioned for him to sit on the bed beside her. "I just finished checking in with everyone. I figured you'd come find me."

She leaned her head on his shoulder as his arm came around her waist. "How are we doing? Did we get most of our bases controlled?"

"A few. But not enough. We still haven't heard from all of them, so hopefully we'll have some more good news in the morning." They're was no use keeping this from him. If she was going to play Hydra she would have to give them a lot of this information anyway.

"Well, I've got some good news," he pulled the hard drive out of one of the side pockets of his uniform, "manage to keep this from Hydra. At least we still have the info from our missions to give us an edge."

Skye didn't have the energy to play coy right now. "Ward?"

"Yea, skye?"

"I know."

"Excuse me?" She could see the wheels turning and I little hint of panic in his eyes.

"I heard you on the phone with Garret." He face went blank. Finally his mask fell.

"Skye...I can explain!"

"Don't bother lying to me, Ward!" She started pacing in the small space next to the bed. He was going to be to easy. He was to willing to open himself to her. "What are you going to do if I won't open the files, Ward? Are you going to take me back to Garrett?" She faced Ward with her arms crossed."Are you going to let him torture me? Kill me?" -"No!"

Ward stood up and backed her up against up against the wall, holding her face between his hands. "I have my orders, Skye, but I promise I will do everything in my power to keep Garrett from laying a hand on you!" Skye had to fight back a smirk. That was exactly what she wanted to hear.

"And what if I was willing to give you the files?" God, his face. She loved that she was throwing him through a loop."What do I get from you?"

"Skye? What'd you mean?"

This time she couldn't hold back her smile. "I mean, I choose you."

Ward dropped back to the bed. "I'm a little confused here, Skye..."

"I don't care about Hydra...or shield. I care about finally having a family. You are my family, Ward. If you go, I go. I'll open those files for you, as long as you promise to take me with you." Ward had that same look he did back at the hub, when Coulson 'informed' him about Garrett. She hoped this time the disbelief was real.

"Skye, why would you...what about the team? If you did come with me, they would come after you too."

She sat on Ward's lap with a knee on either side of his hips and her head on his shoulder. "At least I'd have you to protect me." One thing she could be sure of with Ward, he thought he was superman. That he could beat everyone. He had dubbed her his own Louise Lane.

"We need to leave without the team seeing. It'll give us a lead for when they figure out what's happening. It'll have to be tonight or Garrett will be here...are you sure about this, Skye? You'll be leaving everything behind for good."

"I already know to much to change my mind. Either way Garrett will get ahold of me. Beside, I'm not leaving everything. I'm chasing it." She lead her forehead on his and he grabbed her face. His kissed her. This was so different from when they had shared in the supply closet. Grant was putting all his passion into the kiss without having to rush into battle. Skye had to keep herself in the role she had chosen to play for him. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted him to pay for making her trust him. Making her fall for him.

This will also be on the tumblr page for skyward fanfiction later, I'm just impatient to see more skyward put out there so...