Conflicted Feelings Solved

Danielle couldn't believe she was actually dating a King. Dating… courting… same thing in her book. The full force of this fact hit her square in the jaw. It was explained to her that people who court intended to marry one another. Did she really want marriage? Meow was on her shoulder, licking her ear. It slightly tickled her… slightly. Mental preparation for these things needed to be done. She walked out of the palace gates and into the town's area, hoping that something of interest will occur.


Sinbad sat amongst a small pile of paper work. His country seemed to be doing well and all that needed to be done was a few grants for rising up new infrastructure. He smiled a bit to himself. He and Danni were not quite one yet, but it still excited him. Then looming thoughts of only being with one woman for the rest of his life seemed to grab hold of him. He wouldn't be able to get drunk and flirt with the women around him. It's not that they really had anything on Danni. Danielle was most peculiar and somewhere in his heart, he was afraid that he might lose her. He then wondered where she ran off to. When they woke up, he made a perverted comment causing her to push him off the bed. She didn't even wait for an apology. She just left. He chuckled at the memory again as he placed ink to the paper. Yamraiha, Sharkkan and Jafar came into his office.

"My King, I am so happy you and Danni are finally together," Yamraiha congratulated.

"Well it's about time. I mean I thought they would never admit- Sharkkan was interrupted by a hard whack on his head from Yamraiha.

"Quit that! Will ya?" he said as streams of tears ran down his face.

"I hope that your level of responsibility will rise now that you have more. We don't want any illegitimate children around here," Jafar warned. All in all, he didn't want Sinbad to be traipsing around and landing his seed wherever and whenever after he publicly announced that Danni was his.

Sinbad took in what his generals said. He knew they only meant well, especially Jafar.

"Don't worry," Sinbad smiled.

On the inside though, he raged with an internal battle. Unbeknownst to him, Danni was also battling internally with their situation as well. Both had to give up something and this will either make them, or break them.

"Anyway," Jafar said, "There is some important news we need to discuss."


Danni walked through the fish market and looked at all the weird looking fish that was on display. They were of all shapes, sizes and colors and seemed to sport the ugliest of expressions. Meow begged for some salmon. Danni ignored her, but then, her pleas became louder and more annoying. It didn't help that she was right next to her ear. Danni then gave in to the menace of a hungry cat.

After marveling at the fish, she walked into the fruit and vegetable market. She then pondered on whether or not she wanted to buy anything or not. There were mostly women in this section, as opposed to the fish section, where there were mostly men.

"Is that the woman who Sinbad loves?" Danni heard one of them whisper.

"It couldn't possibly be," another commented.

"She isn't pretty enough. Look at her creepy eyes," the first one said.

"She's definitely the one Sinbad walked into the kingdom with," they all realized.

Danni didn't care about what they had to say.

"Hey," one of them had the audacity to call out, "Why are you here. Shouldn't you be whoring yourself out with our King?"

Danni nonchalantly looked at some fruit. She then took a bit out of it just to annoy them.

'Shouldn't you be doing your job?" Danni asked in response. "I would lie to buy this," she pointed at the fruit she bit, "And this, and that." It seemed like eternity until Danni finished. After her order, she had a full cart of fruits.

They named their price and even though it was an unnecessary, large amount, Danni took out the money without complaint and gave it to them.

"I bet she gets paid a lot to be a whore for our King," one whispered and that was when Danni snapped. She didn't care if they called her a whore, but to be so disrespectful to the King who they owe everything to; the King who keeps them safe under his rule; the comments made her agitated, not angry… just yet.

"You people are annoying," Danni let the words out smoothly, not betraying any emotion. "I'd retaliate on your face, but who am I to improve your looks. You are nothing more than the piece of shit I always seem to step in." Danni then looked at her shoes to see if she had stepped in any surprises from Meow.

A hand was put on her shoulder. Danni turned around to see who it was. There, an old lady stood. Her expression was neutral.

"It's alright dear. Don't listen to these foolish ones. They only talk out of envy," she then walked up to the woman who had the money and took half of it from out her hands.

"Here you go, dear," the old woman handed it to Danni.

"That's alright," Danni shook her head. "You can keep it."

With that, the black haired woman walked away along with Meow.


"Lady Danielle," the guards bowed.

"Please don't call me that," Danni plead. The guards looked at her with a confused expression. She remembered their faces from the night she had 'infiltrated' Sinbad's castle. Time really takes her a long way.

"I trust that your escapade was enlightening," Jafar interrupted her walk towards her room. "Also, King Sinbad would like to see you." He had definitely lightened up to her and this somewhat pleased her.

"I trust that that stick up your arse was removed with as little pain as possible on your part," Danni replied which caused an irk mark to appear on the advisor's head.

"Must you always be so disrespectful," he mumbled before turning to walk away.

Danni sighed as Meow jumped on Jafar's shoulder. It was as if he was getting used to the cat being there.


Sinbad watched as his room door opened slightly and then fully. Danni walked in with an apple in her hand.

"I heard you went into town," he started.

"Yeah. I thought I'd get out of the palace air for a while," Danni replied and stood next to Sinbad's grand bed. This action slightly annoyed Sinbad. She should know by now that she was always welcomed here. Taking her by the hand, he pulled her down on the bed.

"Better," Sinbad smirked. Danni's eyes were wide and innocent and she blinked at him repeatedly.

If you do anything pervy I will cut you," she threatened.

"Oh?" he raised an eye brow, "Openly threatening a King?"

He lowered his head so his nose touched her cheek. "That deserves punishment."

She blushed and Sinbad noticed it. His hands were on her waist.

"Blushing, I see," he kept smirking.

"S-squelchers don't blush," she stuttered slightly, averting her eyes. When had she started to become flustered in Sinbad's presence? She was annoyed with herself now.

Sinbad chuckled and climbed off of her.

"You really are a very interesting woman," he commented.

"Why did you call me here?" she asked.

"There's a meeting that is going to be held on a small island called Apos. I, along with the rulers of the other Seven Seas Alliance will be there," he answered.

"When?" she asked, raising herself into a sitting position.

"I will leave for tonight," he replied.

"Alright then," she nodded.

Silence enveloped the two. It was a killer silence; a silence that seemed to say so much.

"Sinbad," Danielle was the first to resume their conversation. This time, the two were lying side by side. Sinbad propped himself on his elbow to turn to Danielle.

"To be honest, I've been having conflicting feelings about all this. As you already know, I am a wanderer and I really don't like getting attached to things. I don't know what makes you so different. All of this is just so confusing."

"I understand," Sinbad was smiling at her. He too, had conflicting feelings. "I too, have to give up my old life; the title of the womanizing King."

"I guess we both have to give something up, huh," Danni pondered.

She then looked over at Sinbad.

"Don't look at me like that," she rolled her eyes. "Is that how you get women in your bed?"

"What? Is it working?" he smirked and pulled on a lock of her hair.

"Not in the slightest," Danni scoffed and poked Sinbad in the cheek.

"So that's how it is," he smirked and poked her in the side. Her reaction was delayed due to her problem. It wasn't fully healed, but it was getting there. The exchange of pokes was furious until Danni hopped off the bed and away from Sinbad.

"That means I win," he smiled. Danni sighed and headed for the door.

"I got to go take a bath. I smell like sweat," she said.

"You smell alright to me," Sinbad was at the door in a matter of seconds.

"Yes, to you," she repeated before slamming his door shut and walking off.

Behind the door, Sinbad couldn't help but place his forehead on the door. This woman was a handful.


Danielle took a refreshing bath. Emerging from her room once more, she found Aladdin standing in front of her door.

"Hey little guy, what's the matter?" she asked. She was still trying to work on the whole expression in her voice thing.

"One-chan," he greeted, "Are you free now?"

"Yeah, I guess," she put a gloved hand on her hip.

"Do you think you could time Alibaba and I?" he then asked.

"Time you for what?" she questioned suspiciously.

"You'll see," he took her by the hand and led her away.

On their way, they passed a hallway that Sinbad was in. He just happened to look across, and there, in all its glory, was Aladdin holding hands with Danni. Sinbad's eye twitched. This kid was always one step ahead of him. Danni would never allow him to hold her hand so publicly.


Danni sat on the other side of Alibaba and Aladdin. They were at the place where Danni had first met them.

"Alright, Aladdin thinks he can get women faster than I can," Alibaba started.

"So you want me to time you to see who gets women faster?" Danni asked.

"Exactly," Alibaba puffed.

"No," Danni deadpanned and started to get up.

"Please One-chan," Aladdin pleaded and grabbed onto her hood. She stared into his child-like blue eyes… so innocent and pure.

"No," she deadpanned again and walked away. At the entrance though, she was met by two of the women she had met earlier.

"Oh looky here," the first one said, "It's Miss smart Mouth."

"I think the appropriate name is Miss Whore," the other sneered.

Danni calmly looked at them.

"You've got toilet paper stuck to your shoe," she pointed to the supposed leader's shoe.

"What?" she looked down and this gave Danni the opportunity of grabbing hold of the woman's long nose.

"Let go of me," her voice came sounded quite weird. Alibaba couldn't help but laugh.

"Touch me again and I break it," this threat caused the woman to stop thrashing around in Danni's death like grip and she stood still.

"Let me say this once," she stared straight into the woman's eyes, "When you call me a whore, you're not only disrespecting me, you're disrespecting your King. Disrespecting the King has consequences, but the greatest consequence of all is that it makes you look like an ass. Get over yourself." She then forcefully let go of the woman's nose. Her partner's eyes then widened as she noticed who stood behind Danni.

"I came to see if everything was okay with you," Sinbad put both his hands on Danni's shoulders. He smiled, despite hearing everything that just took place. This smile, however, was directed at the two women.

"I don't believe I made myself clear, so let me personally do the honors," he put his right hand to his chest, "I decided to court Danielle Diem because she is very important to me. She is beautiful, not only in features, but personality and that is exactly what I want in my life."

The two women burst into tears. They finally realized that their precious King belonged to another and he stood by her. On the other hand, Danni realized that she couldn't desert Sinbad. He belonged to her, and she to him. Despite all her flaws, he still said those words. 'I love you'.

I am sorry that I took so long to update. It really saddens me, but I had no ideas whatsoever. This chapter was completely spontaneous. I didn't plan it out, so please forgive me for butchering any aspect of the story or the characters. I still love you all, so please stay with me.

