Back once again, I feel like I'm either updating too fast or I'm just enjoying this story way too damn much. But who can't love a hunky dude like Wolf fall for his almost similar personality in Katana. To me they would be a great pair even though Katana isn't in the anime and I made her all by myself

Ps I don't own Blood Lad however I own Katana and possible OCs and this story idea

All alone, lost in this abyss

Crawling in the dark

Nothing to wipe my longing clips

And I wonder where you are

Are you far, will you come to my rescue?

Am I left to die but I can't give up on you

I feel you keeping me alive

You are my salvation

Touch you, taste you, feel you here

(Oh oh yeah yeah)

I feel you keeping me alive

You are my salvation

Hold me, heal me, keep me near

(Oh oh yeah yeah)

Salvation- Skillet

Chapter 5: Katana's Sickness

Staz's POV

I explained as much as I could to Wolf about my cousin, Gaz and his rogue gang. The only thing I didn't have a clue on was his location and hideout. I know Wolf and from the way he was looking at the human, Katana was apparently her name, is that he wouldn't go find them by himself because of his promise.

"I promised her I would help her find them and let her seek her own revenge against Gaz and those two she saw at her family's home. But after looking in the Werewolf lore, it seems she is a former princess…" I gazed at Wolf.

"Are you sure?" he tossed me the book and I found the page. "Your right. It looks like her. But the name is put in here wrong. Katana isn't her real name, it's shown in here that the name of the princess was, Akaibara, otherwise known as the red rose of the werewolves." I fingered the picture. The child in the picture looked to be about a cub so she must've been young when the people who had her in the human world were murdered.

"Akaibara?" Wolf looked at me. "Strange name for a wild flower like her." I glanced at him before speaking. "The name means red rose, what do you expect, Wolf?" I smacked him with the book before putting it away. Earlier Bell and Fuyumi dried off Katana's clothes that were soaked in blood and changed her back into them all the while she was out cold. She was sweaty and breathing was heavy and fast.

"She needs to rest." Staz said looking back at Katana who's head layed in Fuyumi's lap while she brushed Katana's hair. I could see the pain crossing her face. I stood up as I looked back at Staz. "I need to find some more info. I'm gonna run down to Saty. Come with." I said while Staz nodded. He looked to Fuyumi and Bell.

"You girls stay here and care for Katana and make sure she doesn't get up for any reason except to eat and use the restroom. We'll be back in a few hours. Deku, Yoshida, don't do anything stupid." He opened the door to the hall and waved me out. "Be care with Katana." I looked at Fuyumi who smiled before waving bye before Staz closed the door.

Fuyumi's POV

I look down at Katana's face while Bell blotted her skin, wiping the sweat from her pale forehead. "She doesn't look very good." I look at Bell. "Should we take her back to Wolf's place and let her relax there? I'll stay with her." I replied as Bell-chan thought for a moment. "Deku, what are you guys doing?!"

She glanced at the boys who were playing and messing with Staz's video game collection. "Um, nothing…" Deku sweat dropped when Bell glared at him. "Staz said don't do anything stupid and what are you doing?!" Bell smacked Deku on the head before glaring at Yoshida.

"Ok, we'll be taking Katana to Wolf's because she needs the rest so stay put!" Bell cried before opening one of her curtain portals. Once it was connected we both carried Katana through and ended up in one of Wolf's spare bedrooms. I layed Katana on the bed after pulling away the blanket. She opened her eyes to look around a second. "Fuyumi…" She spoke her voice cracking and faint.

"Nani?" I leaned over so I could hear her. "Where's Wolf? I think something is wrong with me. I smell like a demon…" I gasped and leaned back. I grabbed Bell's hand before whispering. "Something's wrong with Katana, we need to get to Wolf."

Wolf's POV

We were lucky to get some info out of Mame. "I heard of that incident, it happened almost a few give or take a decade. The princess of the Wolf clan was big news all over the Demon world. Everyone was joyful when she arrived into the world. One day the princess was kidnapped but no one found a trace of the person who did it. Everyone lost hope that the princess would ever be found." But I interjected.

"But she's here!" I showed Mame the book. "That's the girl who hospitalized several of my underlings! She's still alive. But something happened just yesterday evening." I explained to Mame and Saty how Katana looked the day she was kidnapped by the demons with blood everywhere.

"Seems like being in the Demon world reactivated her blood line. She's not just a former princess returned to the Demon world; she's full on Werewolf as well." I slammed my fist on the table. "But how the hell did she get here! She said she hates all demons and wants to find the murderers who kill the human family she was with."

Staz glanced at me with shock. "She says she hates all demons? Then why does she trust you?" I snarled at Staz. "I told her without me, she would be killed by the more cruel demons lurking around, and it's true. I'm her only hope." I glanced back at Mame.

"But in the book it says the princess's name is Akaibara. But she told me her name was Katana? Do you think the Human family gave her that name?" Mame nodded in response. "It has to be the only reason. What's more strange is her last name, Ookami. That means wolf. So the family knew she was a demon or they wouldn't give her an amazing last name."

The door to the shop opened wide and Fuyumi barged in. "Wolf-san…" Fuyumi gave me a look of loss and fear. "What's wrong with Katana?" Mame replies. "Must be the werewolf blood changing her, sometimes when a person is taken out of the demon world and come back in after a long period of time, their blood settles in a dormant state, her blood is reactivating which is causing her to be sick. She should be fine in a few days." Mame shooed me out of the shop as me and Staz follow Fuyumi through the portal Bell made to get to my place.

Katana's POV

I crack open my eyes for a second to see Wolf's intense gaze looking at me as I jumped. "Whoa, you startled me!" He glanced in my direction. Concern framed his expression as he gripped my hand.

I covered my face in shame as Staz looked at me as I hissed in fear. "You smell just like him! That vamp who killed my family!" Wolf grabbed my other hand and yelled. "That wasn't your family!" I looked at him with venom in my eyes. "How would you know?! They raised me! How dare you, Wolf-kun!"

Fuyumi came beside me. "That's not what he means, Katana-chan." She gave me a sad but honest look as she patted my arm. Wolf urged me to look at him once more as he finished. "I read in the werewolf lore, it says and shows the princess of the Wolf clan, it showed you with your real parents. You weren't ever human; you were a dormant Werewolf child. You're just like us demons." I looked at him almost disbelieving him.

"Who am I then?" I murmured slowly as tears streamed down. Staz spoke without a care in the world. "It said your true name is Akaibara which means Red rose." I stifled a laugh, "That's a horrible name!" I laughed as everyone stared at me. "Your parents gave you that; it said you were the red rose of the wolf clan ad that you would bring prosperity for the wolf clan." Wolf clarified for me after a moment of silence.

I glared at Wolf and Staz. "This is a sick prank. I'm no princess and I'm no werewolf!" my hair tumbled down into my face as my expression shook with anger. I was sick of the jokes and the thought of being a Demon when something weird just happened to me.

"I won't stand for you guys trying to tell me what the hell I am. Just leave me be or I will leave." I yelled as tears streamed down my face. This was getting sicker and sicker by the minute with the so called jokes.

Wolf didn't move nor look ashamed of the thing he just told me. I gasped in pain and shock as I looked at him. "It can't be true! TELL ME IT ISN'T TRUE!" I yelled into his face as he looked at me with a blank expression but truly sad eyes.

In one second I was facing him the next I'm in Wolf's arms as he sobs quietly into my shoulder. "G-Gomen, but it's true." His whole body racked with quivers and shakes. Tears leaked from my eyes as I realized his own pain. In that moment I realized, Wolf was just as alone as I was.

I wrapped my own arms around his waist as I hugged him tight. "Gomen, Wolf-kun." I whispered into his ear as he hugged me tight. "You were alone, like me weren't you." His response was more shakes and a quick nod with tears. Tears leaked from my eyes as I looked at him. "Wolf-kun. I won't let you be alone anymore." I pulled one arm from around his waist to have him look at me. When he did I wiped away the tears already down his face.

I cupped his cheek as tears slide down from his eyes onto my hand. I give him a small smile before giving him a kiss. The kiss was slow but quick, more for comfort and caring. Wolf's hands went from my waist to my head as he pressed me closer to him for another kiss.

And for the first time in my life, I enjoyed something.

Hope you guys liked that. In the anime As far as we know from the anime now, Wolf doesn't have anybody. That's what I pulled from the anime. I made Wolf have hidden sadness about being alone.

Review tell me how I did and favorite cause it's right next to it and follow while you're at it kay? XD