(May's POV)
"Um, Misty, I'm starting to feel nauseous." I said. (A/N: I really felt a bit nauseous writing that. It was probably the thought of PokeShipping. When I think of it, I actually feel a little queasy. But I never throw up.)
"May, some part of you wants to make you fail. You're fine, and you are acting just like you are taking a test on a subject you've never learned. But you aren't, so you are fine." Misty assured.
"Hello, May," a voice said. I turned around, and it was Delia Ketchum.
"Delia! Hey!" I shrieked. I gave her a hug.
"I can't wait until your plan happens! Oh, Ash would never see it coming..." Delia said.
"Okay, May, your parents are here. Mrs. Ketchum, you go talk to May's parents." Brock told me and Delia when my parents arrived. So Delia went to meet my Mom & Dad, and I said hi to them.
"Norman, Caroline, it's nice to finally meet you!" Delia shouted.
"Hi, Mom and Dad! Where's Max?" I asked.
"Oh, he doesn't want to come out of the car. He doesn't want anyone to see him in his tuxedo." Dad said. My parents had just now arrived since they drove to Cerulean from Celadon. (The party was at Misty's gym)
"Well, he needs to show up to his own party..." I rolled my eyes. Max always hated dressing up more than I did. I was wearing a dress, but I had no problem with it. Max finally came in the gym.
"Max, about time you showed up. I thought you'd never arrive." I said. He looked mad. Misty came with one of those microphones you attach to your ear.
"Okay, May, just turn this baby on when I give you the signal."
"Why does the signal have to be the middle finger, Misty?" I asked.
"Not my idea. It was Brock's." she said. The party was starting in 10 minutes.
"Okay, guys, you go talk before the party starts. I want you to see the surprise." I told Delia and my parents. Mom & Dad knew the plan, since Delia told them about it.

(Misty's POV)
Once the party started, I couldn't keep in my excitement.
"Today's the day, Brock! Finally they'll know!" I squealed.
"Misty, don't say things like that out loud. I'm excited, too. You know, in a way, Ash & May are just like us." Brock said. He hesitated and continued, "It's about to start, so we can't mention it anymore until after it finally happens." I nodded.

(Brock's POV)
After May & Max blew out the candles and opened their presents, I flipped May off. That was the signal that her idea could start now. She turned on the microphone and went on the stage that was added into the gym recently.
"Everyone, thanks for coming to me and my little brother's birthday party. I especially thank Delia Ketchum, Ash Ketchum, Brock Harrison, and Misty Henderson for being my special guests. I will now sing a song dedicated to my good friend, Ash Ketchum." May said. She took a deep breath. The music played and she started singing.

I can feel you coming from a mile away
My pulse stops racing from the words that you say
And you say so many of them like you don't have a clue
That I'm signed, sealed, delivered with a stamp on

You don't have to try too hard
You already have my heart
You don't got a thing to prove
I'm already into you
So hold hold hold hold me tight now
Cause I'm so
So good to go
Don't say, don't say good night you know
You had me at hello
You had me at hello
You had me at helloDon't say, don't say good night you know
You had me at hello

Close your mouth now baby don't say a wordCause you ain't saying nothing
I ain't already heard
Plus all them words get buried when the beats so loud
And the speakers blowing up to this dance song

You don't have to try too hard
You already had my heart
You don't got a thing to prove
I'm already into you
So hold, hold, hold, hold me tight now
Cause I'm so, so good to go
Don't say, don't say good night you know
You had me at hello
You had me at hello
You had me at helloDon't say, don't say good night you know
You had me at hello

Oooooh Ooooh ooh ooh [X5]

You don't have to try too hard
You already have my heart
You don't got a thing to prove
I'm already into you

Hold hold hold hold me tight now
Cause I'm so
So good to go
Don't say, don't say good night you know
You had me at hello
You had me at hello
You had me at hello

(May's POV)
Everyone clapped when I finished. Ash ran up on the stage and hugged me.
"May, that was good!" he exclaimed.
"I know. I planned this whole thing with the help of Misty and Brock." I said.
"May, I have something to tell you." Ash took a deep breath. "Since I met you that day in Hoenn when Pikachu was sick, I knew we'd become good friends. I never knew then that I would fall in love with a girl who was seemingly just like the ones I knew before and after. But you were different. You stood out to me. Back in Unova, I wanted to ditch my stupid friends I met there to maybe grab a lunch with you or something like that. I love all the good times we shared. My half of our ribbon always helped me at my worst of times. I've always felt your presence encouraging me at the times I knew I'd lose. When our Bulbasaur fell in love, that's when I knew that I loved you. I always had a picture of you I kept in Sinnoh & Unova that I never showed Brock, Dawn, Iris, or Cilan. No one knew how much I missed you. It's been killing me for 6 whole years to ask this, but May Dawson, will you be my girlfriend?" I gasped.
"Of course, Ash! That's the question I've waited for 6 years to hear." I said.
"Looks like it worked being double agents," I heard Brock whisper to Misty.
"I saw it coming. I always thought Ash would be great for May. Ash, you better not break May's heart. I really trust you with her. I give you my full permission to date her, you'd make an awesome brother-in-law someday.' Max told Ash. Ash smiled.
"So, are you guys planning anything soon?" Misty asked. We looked at each other for a moment. He knew what I was thinking, and I knew what he was thinking.
"Yes, we are. Me & Ash think that for our first date... you and Brock come along!" I said. Misty & Brock's mouths dropped. They loved the idea, obviously.
"Ash, since we're now an item, how about we make it more official?" I asked. I got what I was secretly asking for. A second later, I felt Ash's lips connect to mine. It must've been contagious, because that's what Misty & Brock did afterwards.
"Anyways, guys, how about we all do one last dance?" Max said. "Daisy, play Gangnam Style, please!" So Misty's sister put the song on and everything went awesome afterwards.

I'm already planning a couple of sequels. You might see it come shortly after this new chapter does, since I hate waiting to publish new stories and chapters.