A/N: I'm baaaaack! Time for a new chapter! Also, I don't own Unforgettable nor do I own Without a Trace. Unless you count DVDs.

"Cherie Rollins-Murray's alibi checks out, boss," Special agent Danny Taylor said into his cellphone.

"Good," said Jack. "Next I'm interviewing a…" he looked down at his papers. "Jay Lee."

Al hated this. Waiting had never been his strongest suit. Unfortunately, this is what had to happen right now because Jay couldn't get a trace on Carrie's phone and the alleyway where she was grabbed provided the NYPD no witnesses. It was a dead end, though Al hoped it wasn't literally.

Carrie felt tired. She tried to lift her eyelids just a fraction of a centimetre, and he body just barely responded long enough for her to catch a glimpse of where she was. Concrete floors. Metal walls. No natural light. One lone bulb hanging from a wire. No way to tell if she'd been gone an hour or a month. A door.

Her eyes fell closed again and she focused on what she felt, not what she could see. Her feet were tied together. So were her hands. She was… in a chair? Maybe metal or wood? It was near impossible to tell.

Move, she reminded herself. Keep moving. It's your best chance to escape.

"Jay Lee's alibi checks out, too, boss," Danny Taylor reported over the phone. "His building's parking camera got him on the way in and out. Also, I looked up Carrie's arrests to see if anyone was recently paroled. Nothing, Jack. Also, he's only worked with her for a few weeks just like Cherie Rollins-Murray."

"Alright, next up is Joanne Webster." Jack replied.

"The tape actually tricked her?"

"Yup. Gun out and ready to shoot when she heard it."

"And where is the gun?"

"Somewhere they'll find it."


"Alibi's solid, Jack. Didn't leave the morgue."

"Okay. I've just got to interview Al Burns, then, if nothing comes up we have to dig deeper."

"Got it."

Special Agent Jack Malone strode back into the bull pen of the NYPD's Major Crimes Division.

"Lieutenant Burns?" He asked as he surveilled the room. A sharply dressed middle aged man with slightly greying hair stepped forward, ready to be interviewed.

She kept a tugging against her bindings which, when she finally managed to open her eyes for good, turned out to be made out of rope.

Voices. Carrie could here voices. One was deep, male. The other was most definitely belonged to a woman. She knew she recognised the woman's… her brain just seemed to be fuzzy from whatever they have her. It wasn't the woman from the supermarket, nor was it a nurse from her mother's nursing home. She knew she'd heard that voice before. And then suddenly she remembered.

"Please state your name for the record." Special Agent Malone said in an unemotional, professional voice.

"Lieutenant Al Burns, NYPD."

"How long have you known ms. Wells?"

"About thirteen years," the lieutenant replied.

"So would you say you know her pretty well?" Jack asked as he took notes from the other side of the table.

"Yeah. Though our relationship's kind of complicated."

"I see," Jack stopped writing and looked Al in the eyes. "Did you know that she's currently pregnant?"

"Yes," Al said taking a deep breath. "I'm the father."

Jack and Al looked each other in the eyes for a moment.

"Do you have any idea what might have happened to her?" The special agent finally said.

"We're working this case with this sicko called 'The Stork'. He goes after unmarried pregnant women." Al replied. He knew it was important for the FBI to have all the information they had.

"So you're thinking this guy took her?"

"Yeah. And if he did, we need to find her. Fast." Al said.

"One more thing, lieutenant." Jack said. "Where were you between the hours of eight p.m. and eleven p.m.?"

Realising he was a suspect, Al narrowed his eyes slightly and responded in a modulated tone.

"Here. Working then looking for my partner."