A/n - So I was rereading Breaking Dawn to start on my Blackwater rewrite of Breaking Dawn fic when I came across that section where Jacob mentions how freaked out Leah was when her period stopped (inserted at the beginning of the story). Right away I went hmmm :D why did she freak out?

As we all know, there is only one reason why and I thought about who, then Dean Winchester popped up. The Master of one night stands. Then I thought about Leah at that time, going through a horrible postbreakup moment.

Thus, this plot was born. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything except the plot. Excerpt is from Breaking Dawn.

Setting: After the Cullens left and right after Jacob has joined Sam's "gang." During Supernatural Season 1(explanation at the bottom in case there are spoilers to this story).

Warnings: switching of verb tenses, mature themes, swearing.

If One Night is All You Can Give

Summary - OneShot. Why had Leah panicked when her period suddenly stopped? According to Jacob and the rest of the pack, she hasn't slept with anyone since Sam. But MAYBE she just didn't want them all in her private business. This is about that moment Leah is so intent on keeping hidden. LC/DW


Of course I remembered Leah's panic that first month after she joined the pack-and I remembered cringing away from it just like everyone else. Because she couldn't be pregnant- not unless there was some really freaky religious immaculate crap going on. She hadn't been with anyone since Sam.

- Jacob, (Breaking Dawn 317)

Leah Clearwater pushes the shot glass back towards the cute bartender and said, "Refill."

Right away he obeys, whisking away the glass in a flash and filling it to the brim with her desired poison before placing it in front of her again. She raised it in salute to the bartender and drowned it all before she laid her head on the table and covered her face with one arm. Her long silky black hair fell over her shoulder and seeing her hair, she closed her eyes tightly. Because he once loved her hair. Loved to tangle up his hands in the strands as he kissed her passionately.

She was not going to burst out crying in the bar. No way in hell. The bastard didn't deserve her. Did not deserve her tears.

No matter what she told herself, Leah felt the familiar prickling behind her eyes and the tears welling up. Dammit, she was going to be the cliche sobbing exgirlfriend at the bar. The good thing about Port Angeles was that it was a long distance away from La Push and with a good fake id, lots of bars to drink her anger and sorrow off.

Because her fucking son of a bitch motherfucking exboyfriend Sam Uley -who had been the love of her life- left her for her best friend and cousin, Emily. It's been weeks and she still fucking crying about it like some spineless bitch.

Leah felt the anger pulse within her at that thought and straighten up so fast, she startled the bartender that he almost dropped the glass he was cleaning. She tossed her hair back over her shoulder before she haughtily asked for another shot. He gave her a look but complied nonetheless. It won't be long before he cuts her off and she frowns. Strangely, she hasn't been feeling that buzzed from the liquor like other times and if the cute bartender does kicks her out, Leah could just go to another bar. Nodding to herself in agreement, Leah raised her shot glass to take a sip when someone spoke.

"It's dangerous for such a pretty girl like yourself to be alone at a bar." a male voice muses and just the sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine. Perhaps he spoke in amusement at her but as long as he kept speaking she didn't give a damn.

Leah turns to see an extremely hot white man in his midtwenties. Dark blonde-haired, he was slightly shorter than her. Emerald eyes gleamed at her in amusement. He was dressed casually but held himself upright like a soldier. He seemed dangerous to Leah even though nothing about him said it. Immediately, Leah figured that if she was acting out cliches, she might as well go for a one night stand.

Especially with this gorgeous stranger.

"Maybe I need danger in my life once in a while." she retorted, doing her best mean girl impression before drinking her shot.

He laughed and flashed her a smile that automatically made her smile back at him.

"Then, you'll need someone to protect you from it," he said, sliding into the seat next to her before continuing, "Luckily, I'm here to protect you sweetheart."

He winked at her, the move sending shivers down her spine, before turning to talk to the bartender.

It must be the first time a guy ever left her speechless. Like she needed protecting! But you do. The way he got her at ease in his presence. How he flirted with her without actually flirting. She studied him while his attention was elsewhere and the more she looked, the more she liked.

His eyes she liked best.

It was time for Leah the heartbreaker to return.




Dean Winchester needed to take his mind off his missing father.

It wasn't the first time that Dad disappeared off the radar but it was the first time he's been out of contact for more than a couple of days. Dean himself had just finished off a case involving shapeshifters in Port Angeles that had begun to catch more attention and while he waited for Bobby to call back with the information on the case Dad was working on, he decided to go into a bar that caught his eye.

Automatically, upon entering, his eyes spotted the beauty drinking alone at the bar. Long silky dark hair to her waist, dark bedroom eyes, and a finely-shaped body, Dean was immediately interested in her. So he turned up the charm, amused at her response. He turned to order his drink, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he caught her giving him a look-over from the corner of his right eye, before turning back to the young woman.

"Name's Daniel." he introduced himself as he gave her one of the shots the bartender had set in front of him.

"Sarah." she said, without batting an eye and drinking the shot.

She winked at him before leaning towards him.

"What is a gorgeous man like yourself doing at the bar, protecting women like myself?" she said.

He laughed, glad at her boldness.

They began to flirt more, the conversation occasionally turning to other events, before the bartender told them the bar was closing. They left the bar together. He took her back to his motel room.


Sam had been her first and only.

Leah thought she would get second thoughts about going home with Daniel once it settled in her mind that it was starting to get heavily serious but entering the hotel room increased her wanting instead.

As if sensing her thoughts, he pulled her closer to him, kissing her with more passion than she ever experience. His hands roamed skillfully down her body, only skimming her lightly with the tips of his fingers, giving her shivers when he dipped his fingers on bare flesh briefly as he raised the hem of her blouse.

And Leah Clearwater rose to the challenge. Just because he was a master didn't mean she was going to get left behind. He groaned.

Clothes fell to the ground as they made their way to the lone bed. Her long hair twisted and knotted from his grasp and his back bore scratches from her nails. There were no words said between them. She needed to take her mind off her ex and he needed to take his mind off his brother. Her hands twisted in the bedsheets as he played her body like a master.

Afterwards, their tangled bodies seperated and they fell asleep.

(If it was the first time Dean slept peacefully in a long time, he refused to acknowledge it.)


He gets up early, planning to leave the city and his one night stand before she wakes up. As he debates whether to risk waking her up by taking a quick shower, he glances over to the bed and is immediately impressed.

Sarah was gone.

In fact, if it wasn't for one earring and the faint smell of fresh air from the woods, there is no trace that she had slept in the bed at all. He felt respect rise up as well since looking back, he had barely felt her leaving the room. He gathers his things into his duffel bag and is about to leave when something catches his eye from the bed.

He takes a closer look to see it was a diamond earring.




Leah notices her left earring is missing and she inwardly curses herself for being careless with them. As soon as she woke up and noticed it was five in the morning, Leah had quickly and silently left the motel in order to get back to La Push without drawing her mother's anger to the fact that she had stayed out all night. She hoped her mother won't notice her aburpt change of earrings but Sue Clearwater doesn't miss a thing that morning when Leah comes down for breakfast. Instead of finding out why, Sue automatically comes to the conclusion about why Leah doesn't wear her grandmother's earrings anymore.

Leah had been wearing them the day Sam broke up with her to be with Emily. Some reminders are just to painful to look at. The next few days, Leah spent them with a smile on her face and her father is happy to see that his daughter seemed to move on.

One day, she got extremely angry when Sam and Emily visited her. Then she shifted. Her father died.

Her life went deep into hell.


He doesn't know why he does it but he does. It is not the first time a woman has accidently (or maybe just "accidently") left something behind in his motel room but he would just leave it there for finders keepers. Leah's earring on the other hand...he feels guilty leaving it behind. She has earned his respect in and out of the bed in just a night. The only other to have done this had been Cassie. For a moment, Dean allowed himself to think about what might have happened had Sarah stayed and they had begun to date.

Then he remembers his missing Dad.

Dean takes the earring with him and dumps it in his cassette box in the beloved impala. It is a place of honor to be amongst the greatest rock bands and as he shifted and arranged cassettes around, the earring dropped to the bottom of the box where it strays to a corner and gets wedged there. Leah is momentarily forgotten, placed among the other forgotten women in the best night category, as he finds another hunt to be preoccupied by.

After a few days pass by, Dean Winchester goes to Stanford to ask his younger brother for help in seeking out their missing father.

The beginning of this story, of Sam and Dean, we can conclude we know the rest.


It's Sam's and Emily's anniversery today. Or so the calendar says.

Angered, she moves to fling it away from her sight but something aburptly stops her. She pales and heavily sits down in shock. Flipping back a couple of months, she searched for it but it was missing - three months to be exact.

Her period was missing.

Leah dared to hope. Maybe a child would bring her life back to order.

(There was some tiny part of her that squealed with joy at the possiblility. In her sleep, she dreamt of a child -a daughter to be exact-with the haunting emerald eyes of Dean, the long dark hair Leah had, and the perfect blend of ivory and copper upon her skin. She sits and plays by herself in the meadow. Sometimes Leah would peek at the child playing and would catch glimpse of a smirk resembling that of Dean's.)


There are no secrets in the Pack.

Everyone knows everything about everyone.

So obviously everyone knows she's freaking out about missing her period.

She hears their disgusted thoughts and scorned pity when they see that she's freaking out about her missing period. She knows that they think she's been 100% hung over Sam Uley. They think she wouldn't have random one night stands. Leah wasn't that kind of girl. She doesn't give a damn what they think.

Thanks to Daniel, Leah could have an excuse to stay away from the supernatural stuff, and from Sam himself. Leah felt joyful and couldn't wait to see the faces of her pack brothers when they realized that Leah had a good reason to freak out and that the baby wasn't Sam's.

But the nine months passed and Leah knows by then that she isn't pregnant. No new life was growing inside her, no daughter for her to take her mind of Sam Uley.

When that finally sunk into her mind, she was extremely bitchy that day and burns the fragile bridges she had with the rest of the pack. They know everything about her, all the secrets she had sworn to the grave, everything.

Except for her one night stand with Daniel and the child that could've resulted from it. They only knew she was devastated from having the choice of motherhood taken away from her.

But she won't let them know about this. Never. If she was to have a secret, she wanted this one to be. Sometimes she catches herself almost thinking of their one night stand and instead redirects her thoughts to a particular shade of green and the desire to drink at a bar. On those occasions, Sam notices the aburpt way her thoughts switches gears but he doesn't dare to make a big deal out of it and make the pack suffer.

It is one secret the Pack would never know. They may think they know her but they are wrong.


When Dean Winchester is killed by Lilth's hellhounds at the end of the year he had left, Sam Winchester inherited his brother's beloved "Baby" Impala. He had driven it across state before breaking down and parking the car on the side of the road. Sam closed his eyes, regaining his composure before he decided to play one final cassete in the car and stooped to get the box. One of his fingers brushed against something wedged in the corner he had grabbed hold and freed it.

The diamond earring sparkled in the light.

Why would Dean have this? Had it been part of Mom's? Did it belong to someone he loved?

The thoughts ran through his mind but no answers came. The earring is tiny in the palm of his hand and Sam wonders just how many secrets Dean had taken to his death.

With no one to tell him what a girl he was being, Sam Winchester burst into tears.

The earring is then moved to a small jewelry box containing an engagement ring which is then stashed in the dashboard.

Once again it is momentarily forgotten.

Sam had a brother to get back.


When Leah accidentally knocked over her vase of mismatched jewelry while trying to figure out if she should stay with the pack or follow after Seth, she finds something she had forgotten about.

The diamond earring, a pair her grandmother had given her, twinkled up at her.

In all the drama that had occurred with the Cullens and Bella, Leah had forgotten about the one night stand Daniel and how she had lost one earring because of it. She picked it up gently, the emotions toiling within her.

Daniel had given her a taste of happiness.

She thought of him now, let the memories rush to the front of her mind, and smiled. Maybe, if she ever ran into him again, she'll ask him out.

At this, girly Leah came out and she fantasized about the run-in.

Looking fabulous, she runs into him in Port Angeles. He remembers her and they smile. She asks him for dinner. He says yes, giving her that cocky smile. They enjoy it. One more night. They date. They marry. Children follow after.

And then she burst her own bubble. Daniel had seen her at her worst. When she had been drowning in devastation at what Sam and Emily had done to her.

Right then and there, Leah Clearwater vowed that if she ever ran into Daniel again, he would see her at her best. Looking at the mirror, Leah Clearwater imagined the young woman who had worn the pair of earrings and she imagine her future self-happy and free.

Without thinking it more, Leah put on her earring in her right ear, and smiled. Then she ran out of the house, slamming the door on her way out.

She had a new pack to find.

A/n - What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it?

I wrote this roughly two years ago and decided to finally post it up. It was originally going to be a three chaptered story but for now it will stay as a oneshot.

Setting Explanation: It is set a year before the first season because that why Dean has an excuse to be in Washington by himself. I mean, he can't exactly take her back to the motel and tell his brother to wait in the car or something lol and Leah can't be all "Let's take this to my house" because what kind of example would she be putting for her brother? and because her family lives there, awkward.

Drop a review of any kind! Thanks.