AN: so I haven't bothered to do a disclaimer but now I am thinking I should since everyone else does…so just incase I don't own twilight…yeah.

Carlisle POV:

I could tell immediately when I saw Bella that she was under a large amount of stress. I have told her before that stress can have very negative effects and that if she is having trouble with it that I can help her. I will got talk to her and make sure that she relaxes a bit. I don't want her health to deteriorate. As I walked upstairs, leaving my children downstairs, I could hear Bella awaken and start to walk around in her room. It was 8 O'clock in the morning. When I heard this I turned and headed back down the stairs to ask my children to give us some privacy. Bella was a very private person and I know she wouldn't want the entire family to hear our conversation. It is likely that she will cry a bit because I want to make her tell me exactly what is making her stress. I know from experience that when Bella talks about what is wrong, she becomes emotional. Arriving downstairs I see that my family is already standing and preparing to leave. I raised a curious eyebrow.

"Alice." Jasper said, feeling my confusion.

"Right. Well thank you Allie for getting everyone prepared."

"Sure thing, Daddy. Just make sure Bella gets back to normal, Jasper says she is more stressed than a turkey the day before thanksgivin'. His words not mine." She said, imitating Jasper's southern accent. Jasper looked at her with a smirk.

I chuckled at her impression of my southern son. "Yes, she has been very stressed lately. Do not worry, I will help her." I promised them just as I had Edward last night. I saw Edward look gratefully at me from where he was standing. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah pops, and I would be more than happy to help her let go for a while." Emmett offered. I immediately thought of how much trouble those two could get into and responded, "That will not be necessary Emmett, but I thank you for your offer."

He frowned and said, "Okay, but you know where to find me if you change your mind."

I nodded at him, glad he dropped the idea. Esme giggled quietly at my expression from Emmett's offer and walked up to me. "We will be back tonight dear, I am taking everyone to the city to have some fun."

"Alright." I said and leaned down to give her a kiss goodbye. When I came up empty I opened my eyes to see Emmett had picked Esme up and carried her away.

"Emmett! Put me down right now!" She said loudly and firmly. I held back a smile. She crossed her arms at him and he put his head down, looking up at her through his lashes with his puppy dog expression. I could see her melt and I rolled my eyes. I guess I couldn't really say anything because my girls had the same power over me. She told everyone to wait for her outside. As they filed out Emmett yelled, "We will be waiting for hours for those two." Esme responded by flashing over and landing a swat to his backside. "Ow! Jeez, I was joking." He whined and hurried outside before she could land any more. Esme walked over and we kissed goodbye.

After everyone left I heard Bella start down the stairs. When she got to the bottom I greeted her with a hug.

"Good morning sweetheart, I believe Esme left some breakfast for you. After you are done eating I want to have a little talk and then I understand you have some schoolwork. There is two pills by your plate that I want you to take to help get rid of this bug you have." I told her. She looked slightly nervous when I mentioned talking, but otherwise nodded at my orders.

"Very well, I am going to take a quick shower and then I will come back down." I said. She responded with a simple okay, her whole demeanor showing how worried she has been. She wasn't talking much and she would suddenly get a panicked expression every now and then, like she was remembering things she still need to do. I frowned but let it go for now.

30 minutes later…

As I walked down I saw Bella staring at the wall, her breakfast gone. I feel like she had been doing this for a while.

"Bella." I said out loud, bringing her back from her own world. She looked at me blankly. I breathed out fast. "Come with me Bella, I want to have a chat."

I walked towards the family room, hearing her follow behind me. As I sat I patted the spot next to me and Bella hesitantly sat down. "Sweetheart, I want to know why you have been packing your schedule so full that you can't even get a proper night's sleep." I said, getting straight to the point. She looked at me, her expression telling me she didn't want to get into this. We needed to though.

"I have just been very busy, I get sleep." She said in an unconvincing voice.

"Bella, I know for a fact you have been packing your schedule with things that you can't get done. People have been asking for help a lot lately, haven't they?" I asked. She just nodded, not wanting to talk; I could see the tears already there. It hurt me that she was on the brink of breaking down from stress, but at the same time she needed to let out all of the stress some how.

"Well, Bella, have you told anyone that you couldn't perform the tasks they asked of you?" I asked, to which she shook her head no.

"Bella, I think you don't seem to realize that there are others that people can ask. I know for a fact if you decline something because you are in need of a break that the person will not be left helpless." I explained.

"But…What if…like last time…Dad…" She started but now she was having a hard time talking and her phrases weren't making sense.

"What about last time Bella?" I Inquired. When I could see that she wouldn't be able to answer, I pulled her to me and told her to take her time. After a few minutes she got herself together.

"Once when I was younger, around thirteen, I had a friend. She would always ask me to do everything for her. I would do her homework, class work, even her chores when I went to her house. One time I told her that I was tired and I didn't want to do her work she got really angry. She started saying that I wasn't a true friend because real friends help each other out. She started spreading rumors that I was a lazy friend and I was selfish. Since she was popular, everyone believed her. No one would talk to me after that, making my two and a half years of high school after that horrible. When I moved here junior year, I was so happy that I could make friends again. Now that people are asking me to do things, I don't want to say no because I don't want rumors spread again. I know it seems silly since I will be out of school soon, but I don't want the rest of the year to be hell like It was before." She told me, causing me to feel multiple emotions at once. I felt anger to whoever this "friend" was that made Bella experience bullying, sadness that Bella had this experience, and understanding knowing now why Bella has an issue with saying no.

"Oh Bells, I never knew about that. But listen; I don't think this girl from your old school was really your friend. Here you have people like Jessica, Angela, And more that are really your friends. I am sure they understand what it is like to need a break. It is okay to say no in order to take some time to yourself." I told her.

"I can see what you are saying, but I still can't help but feel a little scared that what happened before might happen again." She told me nervously. Trying to listen to me, but still listening to the little voice of doubt in her head.

"Bella I am almost positive that everything will be okay. In fact, I am going to have you call and cancel something now." I said.

Her eyes popped out of her head. "What, now?" she asked frantically.

"There is no time like the present, and it will give you a lighter work load today." I said.

"Yeah but…" she started hesitantly, looking for a reason to object.

"No buts, now what would you say is causing you the most stress right now?" I asked.

"Having to call and cancel something." She said in a complaining tone. I gave her a look, somewhere between sternness and amusement.

"A different answer please." I stated.

She thought about it for a moment. "Well I guess it would be the research paper I am doing with mike. He only has two pages done and when I start doing the rest, he doesn't help. He asked if I could finish it and I said yes." She said, sounding slightly irritated

"Well then I want you to call him up and tell him that you want him to split the work load with you. I am sure he won't complain, I heard he is quite found of you." I responded with a wink.

"Very funny dad, quite fond? More like annoyingly attached." She commented.

"Well then, I am sure he will listen to what you tell him. Go on." I encouraged, watching her pull her cell phone out.

She dialed Mike's number and when he answered she started talking nervously.

"Hey, Mike…" she began.

AN: so this is chapter two and the next one will be titled "Bella Says No" where she will finally stand up for herself and earn her some relaxation time.