FINALLY! I'm soooo sorry for the very very very late update. To be honest I didn't think I would continue this but then I said to myself "No! Once the story is posted you have to finish it no matter what!" and here I am after so many months, updating. At least I didn't give up. Please enjoy the chapter and again, I'm sooo sorry! *bows*

DISCLAIMER!: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke and the cover image used for the fanfic. Both belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 2 - The Gift from Heaven

"Satsuki! How is she doc!?" Aomine lost his breath while running to the hospital. It was time. Time for his childhood friend's and his best friend's baby to be born.

When he arrived to the said building, he grabbed the first doctor he laid his eyes on and asked the question, frightening the doctor with his sudden actions.

"Who are you? Are you Mrs. Kuroko's acquaintance?"

"Yeah! I'm like her brother. Please doc! Tell how is she?" Aomine's loud voice made every patient in the corridor along with the other staff members turn at his direction. The doctor looked around in panic before facing Aomine again.

"Please calm down. She's in labour right now. Her husband is waiting in front of the operating room. If you wish, you could join him."

"Of course. Lead to me him doc."

The panicked Aomine followed the doctor when he finally spotted an all too familiar face sitting in one of the chairs before him. His head was facing down and his right foot was constantly tapping the floor. Clearly showing his worry and concern.

"Tetsu!" Aomie called out to his ex-shadow who immediately looked up.

"Aomine-kun. You made it."

"Yeah. Sorry I'm late. How long has it been?"

"An hour. I don't know what to do… I'm powerless." Kuroko looked down once again and clenched his fists.

Aomine looked at him with concern before focusing his attention on the door next to them, beside it a green lit sign with the words 'Operation in Progress'. He clenched his fists as well before gathering the courage to speak up.

"Don't worry. It's Satsuki we're talking about. We may be basketball prodigies, but she's stronger than all of us. She'll make it. I have no doubt. Just believe Tetsu."

Kuroko looked back up and faced Aomine's now strong determined eyes. Yes, how could he forget. He was being foolish for not believing in his wife's strength. She will make it, definitely.

"Thank you Aomine-kun. I believe in her."

Aomine smirked while Kuroko smiled. Then both tilted their heads to the direction of the doors once again. Worry overwhelming them.

Three minutes stretched into five and then thirty. Both Aomine and Kuroko felt the long never ending minutes pass by, the clock hand never moving. It almost seemed as if time stooped. Both sat in complete silence, their eyes trained on the operating doors before them.

Finally as if god heard their wish, the doors opened. Kuroko and Aomine stood up the second those doors opened and saw a nurse carrying a bundle of blankets in her arms.

When the two saw her, they knew right away what she was holding. Tears of joy formed at the corner of Kuroko's eyes as the nurse approached him and handed him the baby in the blankets with a smile.

"Congratulations. You are now a proud father of a small baby boy."

The nurse smiled at both Kuroko and Aomine who didn't notice her at all once the baby lay in Kuroko's hands. The father's hands started shaking a bit but he didn't dare drop his son. His hands turned steel like, never letting go of the small person in his arms.

"I-I'm… a father…" a tear finally escaped Kuroko's eyes while looking at his beautiful sleeping son.

Aomine looked at the small baby in amazement and wonder. How can someone be this small! He stretched his finger to poke at the baby's cheek. When he did that, the baby took his finger and started sucking on it.

"O-Oi! You can't eat that!"

"He likes you Aomine-kun.", Aomine's eyes widened when he saw Kuroko who had the most sincere smile on his face. Never ever had he seen Kuroko so happy in his entire life like he did now. The sight made him tear up as well.

"S-Shut up!" the tanned man brought up his free hand and rubbed his eyes, hiding the small tears of joy.

"How is my wife? Is she okay?" Kuroko now turned to the nurse, worry still haunting him.

"Ah! Don't worry. She's doing great! She's one of the bravest women I ever met."

"Thank you."

Kuroko smiled, glad that his family is safe and sound. He felt embarrassed of the tears which continued to fall down his cheeks but he didn't care. His family is now complete and he couldn't ask for anything more. He cried, along with Aomine who couldn't stop the small tears of joy as well.


"What are you saying Hoshi? Your father loves you to death and you know it! It doesn't matter what other people say about him."

"Why Daiki-oniichan!? Why does everyone hate him so much? It hurts! I don't want to hate him but… but…"

Hoshi let out a loud cry with tears streaming down his cheeks. Aomine approached the small boy before picking him up and patting him on the back gently.

"There, there. Its fine. Just let it all out."

Aomine held the boy, patting him on the back while the boy cried, letting all of the bottled feelings out. Finally when Hoshi calmed down a bit Aomine spoke up.


"Better." The boy replied with a sob.

"Let's go back. Mommy and daddy must be worried sick right now."

"Sorry Daiki-oniichan…"

Aomine smiled.

"Don't worry kid. But don't run off like that again. Promise?"


Aomine held out his pinky finger which the boy took right away.

"Pinky swear!" the boy said, both of them smiled.

Aomine and Hoshi headed back home when they spotted Kuroko running and panting heavily.



Kuroko ran towards them as fast as he could and finally when he reached the two he kneeled down and hugged his son tightly.

"I'm so sorry Hoshi. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry for running away and being mean to you. I love you dad." The little boy sobbed again, small held up tears finally escaping him.

"I love you too Hoshi."

Aomine smiled watching the father and son make up.

Again sorry for the late update. I decided to write all of the chapters about 1000 words long so like this one. This story will have short chapter but hopefully this will motivate me to update since it's short.

Please review. Bring on the fury XD I will gladly take it on as punishment.