Cato was awoken from his slumber with the harsh ring of his cell phone.

"What the fuck?" Cato asked as he sat up from the couch and grabbed the phone from the table beside it and put it to his ear.

"Yes?" The man grumbled.

"Cato Hadley?" A man with a deep voice asked.

"Yeah this is me." Cato said.

"We are in need of your service Mr. Hadley." The man said. "I have sent you a full report of the services that you need to fulfil at the moment," The man added.

Just as the man finished his sentence a harsh knock sounded at the door.

"Now what!" Cato yelled as he threw the phone onto the couch and walked over to the door. However when he opened the door he was greeted to only a yellow clasp envelope.

Cato picked up the envelope and gave the hallway one last glance before he closed the door and locked it. Just incase the person that left that envelope at his door got any smart ideas.

Cato returned to his spot on the couch and picked up the phone from its spot across the couch.

"It looks like you have gotten the report I have sent?" The man asked.

"Yeah. You picked a really bad time to send that I was trying to sleep," Cato said into the phone.

"With the business that you are in you must always be on your guard," The man said sternly.

"Yeah yeah yeah," The blond man said as he relaxed into the couch.

"All of the information you will need is in the envelope including my contact information. By the way Mr. Hadley my name is Marvel Quaid," Marvel added before the call ended.

"That's a weird ass name," Cato said as he put the phone down and opened the envelope. The first paper was a letter, the second was a set of pictures, and the third was a plane ticket and a set of directions.

"Time to dig in," Cato said as he picked up the letter:

Dear Mr Hadley,

My name is Gale Hawthorne. I am writing this letter because of my son, he is in need of protection. I am very worried about my son. You see I am a businessman that owns Hawthorne's Jewels. Recently my company has come into the possession of a lot of diamond, silver, and gold. I am very worried that my store will be robbed. I've sold some of the jewels that I have gotten to pay for security for not only my business but for my home. However my son is either alone in the our house or out with his friends and I need protection for him. Mr. Hadley I am in need of your services, I have sent you the proper information and a plane ticket. If you except this task I expect to see you at my doorstep in two days.

Mr. Hawthorne

Cato set the letter down next to his phone after reading it thoroughly and picked up the pictures. The first picture was of a man with dark brown hair with grey eyes and olive skin. He looked to be about 22.

"This must be Gale," Cato muttered to himself as he set the first picture on top of the letter. The next picture was of a young looking man with ashy blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

"This must be Peeta. Cute kid," Cato said as he set the phone on top of Gale's photo. The last photo was of a large blue mansion.

"This is going to be one hell of a trip," Cato said as he set everything down on the couch and went to pack.

"Peeta calm down! I wouldn't get someone that would hurt my baby boy," Gale cooed as he squeezed Peeta's cheek.

"Dad stop, you would be worried too if you were in my situation," Peeta said as he returned to looking out of the window.

Gale rolled his eyes as he adjusted his tie.

"I'll see you in a week," Gale said as he kissed the boy on top of the head.

Peeta gasped in surprised when his dad opened door and there stood Mr. Tall, Dark, and Fucking sexy.

"Ah you must be Cato Hadley," Gale said brightly as he held out his hand.

"You must be Mr. Hawthorne," Cato said with a smile as he shook the man's hand.

"Well Mr. Hadley, this is my son Peeta Mellark," Gale said as he gestured to his son.

Peeta's gaze fell onto the man: he was tall with blonde hair, he was wearing a tight black T-Shirt, said shirt clung deliciously to his muscular arms. Good lord I can practically see his abs through the shirt! Peeta thought.

"Hi Peeta, it's very nice to meet you," The blond haired man said as he shook Peeta's hand.

"Nice to meet you," Peeta said as he shook the man's hand. He wasn't good with meeting new people, he was lucky enough to have the friends he has now. Cato had the prettiest blue eyes, he couldn't help to stare into them.

"Well I'll be back in a week. Peeta?"

Peeta was snapped from his gaze when his father's voice reached his ears. His eye's focused back onto Cato's face and blushed when he realized he was smirking at him.

"Yeah dad?"

"Make sure you show him around the house and to his room and make sure he's comfortable."


"No wild parties and Cato keep him safe," Gale said.

Peeta walked up to Gale, "You picked a good one dad," Peeta whispered in his dad's ear.

"Don't get any bright ideas Peeta," and with that Gale shut the door and got into the car that transported Cato to the house.

"What was that about?" Cato asked.

"Nothing you have to worry your pretty little head about now c'mon I'll show you around," Peeta grabbed the man's hand and led him through the foyer into the kitchen, "Here's the kitchen, help yourself to anything you want we have plenty."

Peeta still had not realized that he was holding the boy's hand.

Still hand in hand Peeta led the man up one of the stair cases, "There is my bedroom," The boy gestured to the door beside of him, "there is yours," he pointed to a door that across the room from his. The doors were almost identical but Peeta's had painted pictures on his.

"You know kid you got pretty soft hands for a boy," Cato said as he looked down at their intertwined hands.

"You know you got pretty soft lips for a boy," Peeta said with a smirk.

The taller man gave him a questioning look, "How would you know that?" He asked

Peeta stood up on his toes and kissed the boy softly, Cato was caught off guard but then returned the kiss. I'm going to show him that my lips can not only be soft but they can do other things. Cato thought to himself as he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.

Peeta moaned softly as Cato grabbed his ass and picked him up, forcing Peeta to wrap his legs around Cato's waist. Peeta gasped as Cato pushed their bodies together.

They pulled back, both of them breathing hard. Peeta rested his head against the door behind him tilted his head back. Cato took that as an invitation and growled before he started biting, licking, and sucking on the boy's neck.

"Cato," Peeta moaned out.

Cato moved his face from the boy's neck and kissed him, this one more sloppier that the first.

A harsh ring of the doorbell filled the house, it was so sudden that it caused Cato to drop Peeta.

"Fuck! Peeta I'm sorry are you okay?" Cato questioned as he pulled the boy back onto his feet, wrapping his arms around the boy's frame again.

"Yeah I'm fine," Peeta gave Cato a smile. The man's eyes were dilated slightly and his face was flushed, Damn I could get used to that, Peeta thought to himself. "I'm going to go get your bags why don't you go take a cold show," Peeta said as he brushed his hand over the obvious bulge in the Cato's shorts.

"Only fair if I get to do it to you," Cato said with a smirk as he grobbed the Peeta's ass. "Those shorts are pretty tight, you wear em' just for me?" Cato whispered as he turned Peeta around and pressed him into the door grinding him cock into Peeta's perfect ass.

They both groaned at the friction but before they could go any further the ringing of the doorbell sound in the house.

"See you in 20 minutes Peeta," Cato said as he turned around and walked to his room to take a much needed cold shower.

Peeta ran to the bottom of the stairs almost tripping on his way down and opened the door, hoping he didn't have the I-just-almost-had sex-against-a-door-with-the-sexiest-guy-ever-against-my-bedroom-door look.

"Hello!" Peeta said brightly as he opened the door.

"Here you go sir," A man handed him two bags.

"Thank you," Peeta said. The man smiled and tipped the hat he was wearing.

"Have a nice day sir," he said.

"You do the same," Peeta said as he set the bags down and shut the door.

"Damn these are heavy," Peeta said as he started taking the two bags up the stairs. Peeta was just about to knock on Cato's door when it open up to a freshly showed Cato in nothing but a shorts.

"I've got your bags," Peeta said. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth.

"I see that," Cato said huskily. "I'm kind of disappointed I expected you to come join me in the shower."

"Maybe after dinner," Peeta said as he walked slowly to the stairs.

Cato chuckled, "I'll be down there after I finish unpacking and maybe after dinner I'll fuck you on the kitchen counter and then you'll be all dirty so we can fuck again in the shower."

"You have such a way with words, you sure know how to make a boy swoon," Peeta said dramatically as he walked down the stairs, being extra careful not to trip.

Peeta was moving briskly around the kitchen and humming a song to himself when he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him from behind.

"I didn't know you could cook," Cato said as he kissed the mark that was on Peeta's neck from what happened earlier.

Peeta turned around in the man's arms, "There's a lot you don't know about me," Peeta said as he wrapped his arms around the taller man's neck.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes go sit down," Peeta said as he kissed the man softly.

Cato did as he was told and sat down at the large island in the middle of the kitchen. Soon enough a bowl of soup, and a napkin with a spoon and peice of bread on top of it was placed in front of him. Another one was placed beside of his a moment later.

"Be careful it's hot," Peeta said as he kissed Cato's check, "Wouldn't want you to burn your tongue," Peeta snickered.

"We wouldn't now would we," Cato said as he put the first spoonful of soup into his mouth, "Fuck this is so good."

"Watch your mouth bitch," Peeta said as he elbowed Cato in the ribs.

"This bread is good to," Cato said as he dipped another piece into the soup.

"Thank you but you can thank my dad for my amazing cooking skills, my real on," Peeta said sadly.

"Oh yeah what's the deal with your family?" Cato asked as he whipped his mouth and pushed his bowl away from him.

"My family passed away in a car crash and I got adopted by Gale, it's not like I have a cool story like Batman or sumthin'," Peeta grabbed the two bowls and placed them in the sink and tossed the napkins. He returned to his seat next to Cato.

"Sometimes," Peeta started softly, "I wish I didn't get adopted by Gale, he's always away on business and I'm stuck here with a bodyguard or a maid. I feel like I'm being abandoned. Like one he's going to leave and forget about me and never come back."

"Hey that's not true and even if that did happen your ass would be living with me. Peeta look at me," Cato said as he turned the boy's chair to face his and cupped his cheeks. "I would never leave you," Cato looked into those sad blue eyes before he kissed the boy softly.

Peeta whimpered as Cato pulled the boy into his lap and ran his tongue over the boy's bottom lip asking for entrance. Peeta opened his mouth and groaned as their tongues met, both fighting for dominance, Cato won. His tongue mapping out Peeta's mouth as his own.

Peeta pulled back, "Upstairs," he said breathlessly.

They were soon naked on Cato's bed with Cato biting on Peeta's neck and then soothing it with his tongue. Peeta's loud moans filled the bedroom as Cato pressed their bodies together. Peeta moans got louder as Cato wrapped one large hand around both of their straining erections, precum substituting as lube. Peeta screamed as he began to stroke them at a fast pace.

"Cato I'm-

"Shh baby I know let it out."

Cato covered the scream that came out of Peeta's mouth by kissing him. Cum erupted from Peeta's cock, coating their chests in the fluid.

Cato pulled back and began to lick and bite more marks onto his lover's chest. Peeta whimpered as he felt Cato bite hard into his neck as the man came.

"You're mine now," Cato growled as he sat up and looked into Peeta's eyes. Both of their eyes were darkened with lust.

"Yes," Peeta whispered as Cato laid down beside of him. Peeta was pulled onto a strong chest with a warm hand straking his head. They were sticky and gross but they didn't care.

For once in his life Peeta felt safe.