Normally, I wouldn't start a new story until one of my other ones are finished, but I couldn't resist because hey, I finished writing 'Dark Angel' yesterday and I really wanted to get a start on this one. So, here I am with 'Head Trauma'!

From her spot several seats from the front of the class, Aneisha could clearly see what each of her teammates were doing. Keri was on SnapChatting her friend Trina, Tom was playing a Blade Quest video game on his 3DS under the table and Dan looked bored and lost in his own thoughts. She could see him playing with his phone – throwing it up into the air and catching it. Again and again and again he did this, until their pencil communicators started flashing, for the first time since they'd been reinstated. Immediately, Dan reanimated, Keri put her phone in her pocket and Tom snapped his 3DS shut. While Mr Flatley's back was turned, the three teens snuck out of class and ran to the caretakers cupboard. When they reached it, Aneisha noticed in amusement that Dan almost slammed into the door in his excitement and Keri had to stifle her laughter. Shaking her head and biting back a smile of her own, Aneisha scanned her thumb until the door clicked open and the four teens squeezed inside. Dan nodded to Keri and she pulled on the broom handle that had a weird arrow engraved into it, but it immediately sent the floor dropping below them. As their clothes changed, Dan looked across at his friends. Keri was wearing her familiar high boots and leather jacket, Tom was wearing that black shirt that had some graphics that related to computers that Dan didn't fully understand, Aneisha was wearing her shorts and leather vest and Dan was back in his comfortable boots and jacket.

"So team, are you ready for a new mission?" Frank asked as the lift doors opened, revealing his team.

Aneisha nodded, all of them smirking.

"Welcome back to MI High." Frank said as the four teens walked up to the table.

"What's our mission?" Dan asked, eager to get straight into it.

"Although KORPS, officially, have been defeated," Frank began, "there are still a lot of KORPS bases that are still fully functional. The St Peter's Child Care is one such base." He said, pulling up a photo of what looked like any other kindergarten.

"Run out of dreary warehouses, did they?" Tom remarked, grinning.

"Your mission is simple." Frank said. "Arrest any KORPS agents that may be hanging around, but apparently there is a girl being held captive there. Priority is to get to her."

Dan nodded, looking excited. "Mission on."

The three field agents started to walk out as Tom sat down at the computer, but Frank called Keri back. Dan and Aneisha hung in the doorway, unsure if they should stay or go.

"Uh . . . Go one without me, guys. I'll catch up." Keri said. Dan shrugged and walked into the lift, Aneisha following close behind him.

"What's up, Frank?" Keri asked.

"Can you do me a favour? Keep an eye on Dan while you're on this mission." Frank said.

Keri's brow furrowed. "Why would I need to keep an eye on him? Dan can look after himself."

Frank sighed and pulled up a new photo onto the screen. "This is why. This is the girl you're rescuing."

Keri stared at the photo. She's seen photos of that girl before, but in those she was happy and healthy. In this photo her skin was an unhealthy shade of white and she was too thin. Way too thin.

"That's . . . That's not – " Keri stuttered, unable to get her words out.

"That's your sister. V.9.5.Z.O.E.6." Frank said gravely. "Also known as Zoe London."

Keri felt unsure of how to react. "The same Zoe that Dan's –"

"In love with." Frank said. "Please keep an eye on him, Keri. He can be very . . . passionate when it comes to Zoe."

Tom was staring at the photo as Keri nodded and walked out. "That explains why I haven't heard from her since . . ."

"We have intelligence that suggests she's been imprisoned since before the Mata Hari conspiracy." Frank replied.

Tom cursed under his breath. "You know Dan's going to be impossible, don't you?"

Dan pushed the door to the child care open, his every sense alert, his muscles tensed. In here, it looked like an ordinary child care waiting room. But Dan knew better.

Walking over to the door to his right, the two girl hot on his heels, Dan pushed it open and walked into the corridor. Now this was the type of KORPS base he loved to hate – dark, damp and cold.

"Here we go." Aneisha muttered. Dan smirked as he walked down the corridor, his fists raised in preparation for a fight. He noticed a door off to his right and he eased it open with his foot, sticking his head inside. It seemed empty and he let his arms drop to his sides as he walked in, Aneisha and Keri following. Dan looked around and was about to walk out when he heard something that sounded like a whimper.

"Did you hear that?" Dan asked, listening for the sound again.

"It sounded like a dog." Aneisha said.

"That's no dog." Keri said, staring at something over Dan's shoulder. Dan whirled and peered into the shadows, finally making out the shape of a girl. A girl he knew all too well.

It had been a while since he'd seen her, and just like he, she had changed, although these changes weren't for the better. Her auburn hair hung limply on her shoulders and it didn't look as bright as it used to – it looked pale, as if the life had been sucked out of it. Her skin was pulled taut over her bones, as if she'd only had very little food lately. It was her eyes that struck Dan the hardest. Those eyes, those eyes that had seemed to be able to see into his soul at times, those eyes that had conveyed everything she felt in a single look, now held nothing. Those eyes were so haunted, it made Dan's heart constrict in his chest. He ached to make that look go away as he uttered a single word. A name.
