New Fanfiction everyone, something similar to this was gonna be in my other story when it got round to it (it's not going to be for a while, and it's still gonna be in there) but recently reading a few more StiCy fanfictions I got motivated write this now.

This will be separate to my other story so not a spinoff or anything, it will doubtfully have any elements from my other story at all.

The shipping's are StiCy and RoLe in this (I don't mind GaLe, but I think I prefer RoLe, managed to find a way in this so Gajeel isn't a dick, nor Lisanna for that matter, just Natsu).

In this im gonna try and make the characters as least OOC as I possibly can (so Natsu's not mean, he's just clueless to his actions really).

Thanks for Reading Mina! ;) (sorry the writings still terrible)

I don't own Fairy Tail, wish I did though.

Lucy POV

'It's been a few months since we managed to defeat Tartarus, and it looks like everything's going back to normal; it's been an awesome achievement defeating the last of the Baram Alliance guilds.'

'Only if I felt the same; What both the GMG and Tartarus have taught me is that although I'm not weak, my holder type magic has a major flaw and weakness, and although I love my spirits and will never stop using them, maybe I should learn a caster type magic as a back-up, to be safe.'

'So I've decided that I should probably train, but what's holding me back is that, at the very least I would have to take a leave of absence from Fairy Tail, or maybe even leave altogether.'

'But to be honest, what's worrying me most about this is not the fact that I'm deciding whether to leave or not, it's that I actually feel that maybe it's time to move on and leave fairy tail anyway. It feels kinda scary that I'm thinking that.'

Normal POV

Lucy thought this as she approached the guild early that morning, only a few weeks since they managed to rebuild it after Tartarus' bomb.

Even though it was slightly early, the guild was rowdy and most people were already here.

Lucy smiled and shouted to everyone as she entered the guild, "Hello Mina!".

All the ones that managed to hear her replied, "Hey Lucy!", including Levy.

"Hey Lu-Chan!" The blue haired mage said excitedly as she walked up to the blonde.

"Morning Levy-Chan!" Lucy smiled back.

They walked to Lucy's usual stool at the bar, and sat down next to each other, when Mira walked up to them behind the bar.

"Morning Girls, the usual?" Mira asked in her sweet and kind voice.

"Yes please Mira" both girls smiled back.

Mira came back moments later with a strawberry milkshake for Lucy and a raspberry smoothie for Levy. "There you go".

"Thanks Mira" both girls replied, and started drinking there drinks.

Mira continued, "So, anymore gossip you hear of", she said in a sly and sneaky voice.

"Mira-san, please don't talk like that" Levy said slightly intimidated. Mira smiled back in apology.

"None from me" Lucy continued, then began to evilly smile and turned to Levy, "But Levy-Chan, I saw you finally managing to talk to Gajeel over your feelings for each other", she continued to grin.

Levy looked down in both embarrassment and slight fear as both girls were grinning at her slightly evilly, "Y-Yes I m-managed too", she managed to say although with slight hesitation.

"Go on" both Lucy and Mira pried at her to continue.

Levy took at a deep breath and looked back up at the others with a smile, "it went good".

"Go on" both girls repeated, but this time with slightly more impatience.

Levy continued, "he feels the same way I do, we both realised that the crush wasn't because we like-liked each other-"

Lucy interrupted, "like-liked? Levy-Chan you're so cute". Levy Blushed

"Shhh Lucy let her continue" Mira said impatiently.

Levy re-continued, "Anyway, like I was saying, it was because we've just become really close; I mean like maybe brother/sister type relationship, he said he just doesn't like to see me in trouble or danger; and I told him I feel the same way" she finished with a sigh of relief.

Mira looked down with a louder sigh. "What's the matter?" Lucy asked curious,

Mira looked back up, with her eyes beginning to water. Both the other girls shot up, "Mira what's wrong?" they asked with worry.

Mira replied in-between sniffs, "But *sniff* you *sniff* and Gajeel *sniff* looked so cute together" she finished before beginning bawl.

Lucy and Levy fall to the floor in defeat.

As the girls were getting up, Mira recomposed herself immediately as she looked toward Lucy, "So Lucy, how's it going with Natsu?" Mira's mood now completely changed back as she began to use her sly tone again.

Levy turning to Lucy recomposed looking at her the same way Mira was asked in the same tone, "Yes Lu-Chan, how is it going?".

Lucy sweat-dropped, then looked down slightly just as Levy did and continued, "I dunno, I'm not 100% sure if I do have a crush on him or not plus he's too much of an air-head, besides I don't know why he's been avoiding me recently, he looks like he needs to tell me something but can't do it".

Lucy looked back up to see Mira and Levy looking at each other with sparkles in their eyes, they both shouted to each other, "CONFESSION".

"No." Lucy interrupted bluntly, bursting the others bubble.

"But if you're so sure, what could it be?" Levy asked Lucy curiously.

"I don't know" Lucy replied.

At that moment Natsu came over to the bar and stopped in front of Lucy. "Hey Luce, can I talk to you?" he said quite hesitantly and slightly serious.

"Sure" Lucy smiled back at him. Causing him to look away, 'in guilt?' Lucy thought.

Levy and Mira took this as the opportunity to leave and get them two to talk; both of them managed to sneak away without Lucy realising.

Lucy now slightly worried by what Natsu might have to say looked over toward Levy for support, only to see she wasn't there and then noticed neither was Mira, she panicked "HEY WHERE'D YOU GUYS GO", now more worried she looked back to Natsu, but managed to recompose herself.

"So what is it?" she continued now also slightly more serious.

Natsu, while now looking down replied in a hesitant and restrained voice, "Lucy, errm, could I ask you a huge favour?"

"Sure" Lucy replied, curious about what it is.

Natsu looked up a little as he continued, "errm, I was wondering if errm-".

"Spit it out flame-brain" Lucy said impatiently.

Natsu now was looking slightly upwards and began scratching the back of his head while his eyes were avoiding Lucy, "I was wondering if you could leave Team Natsu so Lisanna can join?" he spat out.

"Huh?" was all Lucy could reply from shock and also confusion, she wasn't sure she heard him right, but knew that's what he had said. She managed to snap out of it and continued but looked down so she couldn't see Natsu, "Sure Natsu, I'm sure I owe you loads of favours anyway".

Natsu's mood perked back up immediately, "Thanks Luce you're the best" he said excitedly and thankfully as he went to hug her, which he did but was completely oblivious to the fact that Lucy wasn't embracing it in return, 'he must be too happy' Lucy thought.

Natsu let go and continued, "It's just ever since Lisanna came back I've begun to fall in love with her again, like I had when were little; and her being in the team means I can spend a lot more time with her." He smiled even bigger as he finished, "Thanks again Lucy, you're a great friend".

Lucy had no idea how to respond to this she was still looking down with a blank expression but inside she had no idea what to think, firstly she was happy for Natsu that he had found someone to love, even though she knows she might fancy him herself, that didn't matter though; plus she also now felt a little more understanding of why he was putting Lisanna over her, although still she felt sad over it, and also slightly annoyed at Natsu, although she didn't want him to know that.

"Thanks Natsu" Lucy replied as she tried her best to put on a convincing smile, and it seemed to have worked on Natsu.

"Awesome" Natsu continued, "Besides it doesn't mean you can't go on missions with us anymore, you don't always have to go on a mission with your team, so you can still always go on missions with any of us in Team Natsu" he finished smiling back at her.

'True', Lucy thought to herself as that gave her a slight mood boost; then she was curious, "do the others like Gray and Erza know about this yet?" she asked.

Natsu looking as if he was just realising this with a dumbstruck face, finally managed to reply with a "no, not yet". He then, with now realising this turned away and was about to run off, before he went "oh" as he realised what he was gonna say next, and he turned back to Lucy.

"Besides, also starting doing a load of solo missions would be good, no offense, but you're pretty weak" Natsu said as he continued to simile at her, unaware of how much offense that had actually caused.

'WHAT' Lucy thought to herself, 'HOW DARE HE, THE BASTARD'. She was angry; she never thought that one of her best friends would call her 'weak' even if she thought it a little bit herself, and even with a 'no offense' it still hurt and was still offensive.

Natsu turned back again and was about to run off again, but stopped as Lucy called his name, "Natsu." Lucy commanded. Natsu slightly confused as to why Lucy sounded so serious, turned around to-


"YOU BASTARD" Lucy shouted as she kicked Natsu in the crotch; this loud enough to alerting everyone in the guild as they all looked over.

As Natsu was on the floor having passed out from pain due to the powerful kick to his private area, Lucy ran toward the exit of the guild as she began to cry; as she looked away from the exit just before reaching it she saw everyone look at her with confusion, shock and some sympathy.

As she exited the guild she thought to herself, 'THAT'S IT, THE FINAL STRAW', she then hesitated in her thought before continuing, 'I guess I'm leaving Fairy Tail then'.


New chapter hopefully soon (I emphasize hopefully)

Thanks again for reading!