This is a repost of my old story that I haven't updated in a long time, Love Matchs. I'm sorry, but I guess I forgot about it every since I rebooted my laptop. I know that I rushed into it a bit too much. So I am redoing the story. Same OC, but if you're new to the story, here's my OC which I have changed a bit to~

Name- Nanami Mai Hinata (which is now Asahina due to her Dad's remarriage)



Appearance- Nanami has long brown hair that reaches down her back and brown eyes like Ema's. Nami is at least a inch taller than Ema though. Nami usually seen wearing a pair of a type of denim jeans and a T-shirt depending on the occasion.

Extra- I may have forgotten to mention that Ema was her little sister. She works as a Utuber (A Person who makes videos as a living and post it online). Nami is famous on the internet and been on a TV show once. She also tends to space out during the story. Nami, according to her friends (I am making this up), is funny and supportive. But now that's she's living with her sister and brothers, she turns a bit shy and nervous.. She also has a pet named Rikku.


There I was, on the train with my little sister, Ema. My name is Nanami. We were heading to our new Brothers' house, or mansion-like is what I hear. Ema was just about excited as me. I knew she lived alone for years. Now she someone to take care of her. I came to my hometown just yesterday night. I was at a University to become a Professional Video Maker, I graduated last month, I only wished Dad was there... So of course, I was surprised at the news that was getting remarried and wished for me to come back home to live with my new family and Ema.

Normal POV.~

"Do you think they'll like us..?" Ema questioned as she and Nanami walked side by side down the sidewalk.

"Of course they will!... I think.." Nanami answered back. Nanami herself was really nervous. Thirteen brothers. They were both briefly given discriptions, and from what Nanami heard, they were all pretty successful compared to herself.

Juli sat on Ema's shoulder while Rikki sat on mine. They both were arguing about how safe the place was, but I was too focused on how to introduce myself.

"Mii, promise me you won't let them touch you, that's rule #1!" Rikki shouts. Rikki was a brown furred Guinea Pig with black spotted eyes and white fur over his face facials other than his eyes. Rikki held a bitten slice of watermelon in his tiny hands.

Nami felt a drop of water spill down from her arm. "Rikki! You're spilling on my shoulder again, what did I say about snacks when you're on my shoulder?"

"I got hungry." Rikki replies with sad eyes.

"According to the map Papa sent us.. it should be there." Ema points to the condo along the road.

Nanami completely froze. "It's so.."

"Huge.." Ema finished as they gleamed at the condo. "Is that really Sunrise Residence?"

"Oh look, there are two people waiting by the gates." Nanami spots. There were in fact, one boy and young man. The boy had light brown hair and brown eyes while the young man had brown eyes, but he had dark brown hair.

As Ema and Nanami arrive toward the front gates of the Sunrise Residence. "Oh, the moving truck.." Nami says as the truck drove away.

The young man and the boy looked over to the two with a smile. "You must be Ema...And Nanami?" The young man asks.

"Ah, yes." Nanami and Ema bowed. "I'm Nanami, and she's Ema." Nanami introduced.

"Please take care of us." Ema says.

"I'm the youngest, Wataru and this here is the oldest, Masaomi!" Wataru exclaims excitedly as he slightly jumps up and down. Masaomi slightly cringed to his introduction. Masaomi puts a hand on Wataru's shoulder as they both bowed back. "Please take care of us too." He says back. "We already have your items set in your rooms."

Nanami smiled, "Shall we?" Nanami puts her hands over Ema's shoulder as they walked side by side into the manor. Ema being in the middle next to the two brothers. Ema could sense Nanami being uneasy so she faintly smiles. Julia shouts. "Nanami! Don't push Ema toward the wolves! I won't be fooled by the kind smiles!"

"An elevator?" Nanami questions as Masato opens the door.

"Yes, we have upper floors from here. Mother thought it would be better to have an elevator." Masaomi says as he closes the door behind him. Wataru ran toward the elevator and pressed the elevator's button.

Nanami squeezed Ema's arm in the elevator and held Rikki closely to her chest.

"We'll show to your room first." Masaomi pressed the button, '3F' inside the elevator.

It was completely silent in the elevator, and as a bell pinged in the elevator as the doors opened. No one moved.

"Um.. Your rooms should be over there." Masaomi points to the left side of the hall. "Come down to meet everyone else soon!" Wataru called out as the elevator closed behind the two girls.

"Let's Go Mii! I have watermelon packed inside one of those boxes!" Rikki jumped out of Nanami's arm and ran down the hall where Masaomi pointed.

Nanami giggled. "See you downstairs Chii." Nami follows Rikki not so far behind.

Nanami slowly opens the door. It wasn't so crowded as she thought. "As I thought.. I was mostly packing Ema's stuff last night.." The room was painted blue, Nanami's favorite color. A pile of boxes filled half of the room.

"You barely got any sleep last night packing everyone's items... Maybe you should take a nap." Rikki pops his head out of the pile of boxes.

A mostly bitten watermelon slice was on the floor. "Rikki~" Nanami says picking up the watermelon slice. "I told you, you must clean after yourself." Nanami threw it into a nearby trashcan.

Nanami glanced around the room before looking back to Rikki who was completely mesmerized in finding his box of fresh fruit, his favorite snack.

Nanami smiled as she slipped out of the room and walked toward the elevator where she saw Ema pressing on the elevator button. "Nami, are you going down too?" Nanami nods as she hopped into the elevator after Ema.


Nanami and Ema had explored the hallways, unfortunately, all they found was their step brothers' rooms, strangely only 11 bedrooms and 2 closets on each floor.

They were heading to the second floor where the living room/kitchen/dining room was.

They took off their shoes and slipped on the house slippers.

"The living room is really organized.." Nanami noted as they walked forward.

As they walked downstairs, Wataru and Masaomi were on the couch.

"Ah how cute~" A voice came from behind them.

They turned around in surprise.

They found a black haired young man and a silver haired man. They had similar facials.

"Oh?" They questioned to their similarities.

"We look alike don't we?" The silver haired one says grinning happily.

"We're identical twins." The black haired one answered smiling as he pushed up his glasses. "I'm Azusa and he's Tsubaki."

"Azusa, aren't you excited that we have two cute sisters?" Tsubaki asked looking directly toward Azusa as he swung his arm around Azusa's shoulders.

"Don't mind him." Another voice came from behind him.

A Blonde man with glasses walked in with a tray of tea filled cups and placed them on the table.

"You too Ukyo?" Tsubaki asks as he walks forward placing his arm over Ema's and Nami's shoulder.

"Tsubaki, no bringing women into the house-" A red haired boy popped out from above on the top floor of the living room. "EH!?" The red haired boy and Ema exclaimed. Yusuke ran down the stairs and pointed at Ema. "You? What are you doing here?!"

"Didn't Tsubaki tell you?" Masaomi asked making everyone look toward Tsubaki who giggled. "Guess I forgot."

"You forgot.. YOU FORGOT?!" Yusuke shouted. The two went to a corner to argue.

A blonde monk and a silver haired student came down the stairs followed by a black haired in a jacket and jeans. The black haired had bags in his hands and the silver haired student had..



"Oh, they're yours?" The silver haired asked handing the two back into the girls' arms.

"That's Subaru, Iori, and-"

"Nice to meet you Little Sisters." Kaname says pulling Ema's hand to his lips. "I'm Kaname.."

"That's everyone except for four. One is traveling, one doesn't live here anymore, and two are working-" Masaomi explains when he is cut off by Azusa.

"One of them who are working is.. him." Azusa turned on the TV.

Screaming fans blared from the TV. Ema and Nanami looked to the TV to see a stage with a boy younger than Ema. All of a sudden, the crowd was voiced out by music.

"Fuu-tan!" Wataru exclaims excitedly.

Nanami took a seat toward the center next to Ema.

Nami's POV.~

Ema has always been home alone, I bet she is really excited. I smiled as I glanced at Ema then everyone else. I really wanted to be there for Ema, but she understood that University and College was important to me. Soon she'll be going to college won't she? I know she's going to turn into a beautiful, intelligent young woman.

"It the temperature not right for you Nanami?" Masaomi says, noticing me pulling the bottom of my shirt down. I glance at Masato who sat right next to me, "Huh? Oh No, it's fine." I smiled to reassure.

I looked down to Rikki who took little bites out of a strawberry. This is it, Rikki. We're finally home. I petted Rikki gently when suddenly my vision came to a blur. Maybe I should have taken a rest after all. Last night, just after I arrived, I immediately started to pack for Ema. Er.. Well I helped then Ema got tired and I ended up finishing her luggage. I made her hit the hay early so she could rest. I have always been the one to spoil, for example Rikki.

"Mii, can you get me another strawberry?" Rikki looked up to meet my eyes with his.

"Oh," I looked up at Ukyo. "Are there any fruit in the fridge that Rikki can eat?"

"STRAWBERRIES NANAMI, STRAWBERRIES-." RIkki screamed which made me cover his squirming mouth.

Ukyo glanced at Rikki with a smile. "Yes, of course."

I stood up but imminently lose my balance. I grab the table as I feel like fainting. No.. No, I'm perfectly healthy.. I'm not going to faint.. Everyone stood up in a shock as I grabbed the table.

But my head screamed, 'Nope! You're gonna faint in the middle of room because you can't take care of yourself! Now I'm gonna hurt like Hell to bring you down!'

Masaomi grabbed my shoulders and held a hand to my forehead. "She's burning up."

"Nami!" Ema shouted in horror.

That was the last thing I heard when I completely blacked out.

Normal POV.~

"Mn..n..nh.." Nanami rolled over and slowly opened her eyes. Ema, Juli, and Rikki sat next to her. Masaomi and Ukyo stood nearby.

"I should've helped pack last night.." Ema says as she puts a cold towel to her forehead.

"I'll be okay.. I made the decision to let you go sleep early." Nanami sits up and gently smiles despite her head feeling really horrible.

"She should be fine." Masaomi says. "But just in case, Ukyo, can you make her porridge?"

"Mm." Ukyo nods and leaves the room. But then another walks into the room. He had ash brown hair and mauve colored eyes. "I heard voices in here, so I thought I'd come in."

Masaomi glanced at Louis then looked back at Nanami. "This is Louis, the one whom was working." Nanami sat up.

"Mii, you shouldn't be talking or doing so much when you have a fever from doing all the preparations for Chii." Rikki shouted.

"Oh, I'm Nanami and this is Ema." Nanami say ignoring Rikki. "Ah.. Sorry, I'm still dressed this way." Nanami glanced down to her school uniform. She hasn't been able to take it off since the flight due to the fact she loved it. It was a black uniform with a pink tie. Similar to Ema's uniform design.

"It's not your fault.. You were busy with the preparations for Chii so you came down with a fever for working hard, Mii." Louis sat down next to Ema. Louis stared at Nanami's hair.

"Wait, did he just call you two Mii and Chii?" Rikki and Juli say in union.

"Is there something in my hair?" Nanami asks.

"Louis is a hairstylist." Masaomi explained.

"Please let me style your hair sometime.." Louis says before getting up and leaving. "I'll follow you out." Masaomi says.

"I should let you rest, Juli, lets go." Ema opened the door for Juli as he ran out.

"Mii." Rikku hopped over to her pillow and put his tiny paw onto her forehead as Mii laid back down. "You're at an okay temperature." Rikki says as he held his thumb up.

Nanami took out the camera as she video taped Rikki. "Hi Everyone, it's Nanami and little Rikki, we just got to our new brothers' house." She turned the camera to her. "I'm a bit tired, but I just wanted to set it in a vlog."

After the vlog, Nanami stood up from her bed. She heard noises from outside and went to open the door. Kaname was pushing cart with treats. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Oh, n-no. I couldn't sleep." Nanami says opening the door for Kaname to push in the cart.
"Do you need your big brother to sleep with you then?" He asked with a smirk.

"N-No.. I have Rikki." Nanami says looking down with a blush.

Kaname smiles at this response. "Well if you have any trouble with sleeping, you can call your Big Bro." Kaname leaned in for a kiss.

Rikki spitted out all his watermelon chunks. "MII!" He screamed.

"P-Please don't t-tease me." Nanami stammers.

Kaname smirked as he left.

"I'm going to take a bath.." Nanami announced.

Rikki's mouth was full to argue. "Mjfeskalsdj!"

"Hm.. Now where's my towel.." Nanami took a box labeled, "Bathroom Supplies." and opened it. She took a bottle of shampoo, a hairbrush, a toothbrush, toothpaste and a towel. "Later.." Nanami waved as she walked out.



The door opened again. "The maps." Nanami grabbed the map off the nightstand and walked out.

Nanami was walking toward the hallway to run into Ema again. "Are you.. taking a bath?" Nanami asked, eyeing her items in Ema's hands.

Ema nodded, but then noticed Nanami's items. "Oh! You can take a bath first, I'll wait in my room."

"No, you can. I'll wait." Nanami says.

"No, I insist." Ema walked back to her room before Nanami could argue.


Nanami walked out of the elevator. "It's" Nanami pointing to the left of the top floor of the living room. "Hm...Okay so it's this room?" Nanami walked into the hall in the map that was labeled bathroom.

Nanami slided the door to see a half naked Subaru. "..." They stood in silence for a couple of seconds before..

"Kyah!" Nanami stepped to the side and pushed her back against the slide door. Her cheeks had a tint of red to them.

"Hm? Are you okay?" Subaru walked over to the door confused.

"I-I'm sorry, I should have knocked." Nanami says, but as she faced Subaru once more she covered her eyes with her hand.

Subaru was confused, but when Nanami pointed at his appearance. Subaru blushed and slided the door close.

Nanami walked out onto the main room.

Subaru soon followed after putting on a shirt and sweat pants. "The bathroom is-"

He was cut off by Tsubaki's voice.

"There.. Is something I must tell you.."

"Huh?" Nanami glanced over to the balcony to the lower floor of the living room to see Azusa and Tsubaki's backs sitting side by side.

"Haven't we been together for a long time?" Tsubaki's voice says.

"That's right." Azusa says.

"But Lately, when I'm with you I feel different. My heart starts racing and I can't calm down. I also get irritated when you get alone with other people."

"Is something wrong Nanami?" Subaru questions.

"Huh?" Azusa sounded surprised.

"I..Am in love with you." Tsubaki announced. "Become Mine.."

Nanami gasped silently. "W-What?"

"Oh, those two are-" Subaru was about to say when Tsubaki and Azusa walked to the upper floor.

"What's this, what's wrong?" Tsubaki says with his usual cheery voice.

"How are you feeling?" Azusa asks. "Your face is bright red, do you still have your fever?"

"Oh No..." Nanami casted her face downward.

Tsubaki and Azusa glanced at each other then looked at Nanami with concern.

"Then do you need something?" Azusa asks.

"I've got it! You can't sleep alone? Then I'll sleep with you~!" Tsubaki exclaims with excitement and a big grin.

"N-No, that's not it." Nanami says looking slighty up to meet Tsubaki's gaze.

"Tsuba-nii.." Subaru walking up next to Nanami.

"If something is bothering you, you can say it." Azusa says.

"I-I.." Nanami came to a lost for words, but then blurted out. "I heard your conversation."

"Our conversation?" Tsubaki looked back to Azusa. Then they both came out with a, "Ohh.."

Tsubaki slightly grinned before swinging his arm around Azusa. "Yes, that's right.. I couldn't help myself.. So I confessed. Don't worry, it's mutual love." Tsubaki planted a kiss near Azusa's eyes.

"Confessed?" Subaru gawked.

"I'm gonna go to my room!" Nanami dashed out of there with a bright reddened face as she clicked the elevator button.

"Hahaha." Tsubaki says. "You should have seen you faces!" Tsubaki shouts.

"What?" Nanami turned around.

"We were doing a practice for a script." Azusa explains.

"Script?" Nanami questions.

"For our next gig." Tsubaki adds on.

"They're voice actors." Subaru clears the confusion for Nanami.

"Voice Actors? Oh! I must have interrupted!" Nanami exclaims and bow apologetically.

"It's fine, maybe next time you could be my practice partner!" Tsubaki says. "I feel excited already!"
"Let leave the jokes here Tsubaki." Azusa says calmly.

"I'm sorry, and you're in the middle of recovering as well." Tsubaki patted Nanami's head.

"Sorry.. My brothers are weird." Subaru says embarrassedly.

"N-No, it's fine." Nanami looked up with a soft smile. "Siblings are fun."

What Do You Guys Think? I feel like I failed..But then I feel it's better than my older one! Please check out my older Story, Love Matches, and vote on my poll on which two are better! I will be updating only one! One will be deleted...Forever!

I won't update until I get at least 10-20 entries. I know my viewer ratings aren't much, so I won't get that cocky.

Okay, Later Peeps! -Yakura285