Despondence: a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.

Set after Failsafe, but not before Disordered.

He's equally as surprised as horrified by what it means, and he knows his only visible teammate doesn't understand what's going on.

Not yet, at least.

Superboy pulls hard at his bindings, but, as far as Robin can tell, it isn't working. The only thing it's doing is maybe alerting whoever kidnapped them that someone is awake.

It won't work, he tries to murmur to his friend, you need to stop, but his tongue feels like lead and cotton all mixed together, so, apparently, he needs to stop trying as well, right?

Wrong! His mind screams back at him, you need to warn them!

And so, blearily, Robin swivels his head around towards Conner. He's tries to open his mouth, tell him he can't keep struggling (if Robin's guess is right then the clone will need his strength for later, anyways), but it still feels like dead weight. It's not worth trying anymore. Nothing is worth trying.

And Robin laughs.

He can feel Superboy staring at him, and even though his eyes are scared (the clone of Superman is scared; they really are doomed), his lips are slowly, forcefully, tugging upwards into a happy, go-lucky grin. All in all, his face looks oddly conflicted.

Robin's attention narrows down when, somehow, the clone manages to speak. But that's wrong because if Conner, of all people, can do something, I should be able to do it also.

Robin feels his mind shrug, you aren't as good as him, obviously. And you never will be.

Robin shrugs the last one off with a giggle.

"Uh...Robin…why are we…here? Where…is here?"

"I dunno'!" Wait, isn't his mouth made of lead, or something?

Superboy stares for a second, finds the right words, and responds. "We...need to find the others." Robin can see the beginnings of a laugh bubble in the clone's throat.


Hold on. Laugh. Grins. Cells.


And suddenly, the situation gets a whole lot funnier.