A/N Hey all!

If you don't follow tumblr, it's Anna week, yaaaay! Since I have zero artistic ability and can't provide fanart that doesn't look like a four year old drew it, I'm gonna try to slam out a new story based around the lady of the hour! As Cold As Ice won't be updating this week as I try to get this story out as fast as possible, or at least build a buffer so I can work on both! I'm not saying expect a chapter every day but I'm hoping to have one at least every other day!

For anyone who doesn't know ski/snowboarding terms, most if not all will be explained as the story goes. It might not be right after, but it will be before the chapters done.

Everyone, enjoy The Black Diamond Princess!

Three hours...

It's been three long hours riding in the back seat of a car, her cousin Kristoff in the passenger seat and her uncle driving. Anna was going to visit her cousins for the winter and stay in their cabin on North Mountain. She did not dislike her family, but there is only so much one person can take of staring out a window and the radio droning on with uncle Oaken's polka music. Anna was trying to focus as best she could on the game she was playing on her phone. She had just leveled up her castle for the ninth time and she let out a sigh. Uncle Oaken spoke gently through his thick accent, "not far now, when we get to the cabin, we'll have small lunch to give good feelings, ya?" He then started humming along to the polka music.

Her cousin Kristoff had been bouncing around the car in excitement for almost the entire trip causing his short blonde hair to come in and out of view, "I can't wait till we get to the cabin!", he spun around, grabbed Anna's arm, and shook her hard enough that the two braids in her bright red hair jumped from side to side. "You've never been skiing have you? The resort near the house gives lessons and when you're done we can go skiing together!"

Anna put her phone down, "I doubt I'll be ready to go up with you after my first day, but I'm really excited to try something new!" Anna was buzzing with excitement, every time when she was a kid and she went up to see her uncles she had an amazing time. It had been ten years since she got to spend so much time with her cousins, and Anna was always too young before to go out with her older cousin on the trails. "Is it hard to control the skis?", Anna asks.

"Nah, It's easy once you get the hang of it. You might take a spill or two before you really get used to it, but it is all part of the learning process!", Kristoff laughs and smiles warmly at Anna.

Anna was still very excited, but a bit of worry now clouded her mind, "have you ever hurt yourself?"

Kristoff let out another loud laugh, "Naw, I've got a thick skull!" He rapped a knuckle against the top of his head, "trust me, the teachers at the resort taught me back when it first opened, and I'm doing runs on the second hardest track now. That was years ago, and it's only gotten better since then!"

This put some of Anna's worries to rest, she settled back into her seat and muttered, "good."

Another hour later, they had arrived at the house. After a lot of hugs and greetings from her other uncle, the rest of her cousins, and the family dog, they had a fast lunch, and Kristoff was dragging her out of the house. He grabbed his skis, tossed them in the back of his old beat up truck, and off they went down the road. Anna dressed for the cold weather, while still trying to look good, "just in case", she told herself. Her purple coat and hood over her black windbreaker over her light blue shirt was just what she needed to keep the cold out. Kristoff however did not really care what he looked like, his black thermals visible from under his fur-lined black and red jacket. They pulled up to the Arendelle Ski Lodge after just a few minutes in the car. "Wow, it's gigantic! Bigger than I remember", Anna stared in amazement.

"You coming?", Kristoff was already out of the car with his skis in hand.

Anna jumped out of the car and felt the chill on the back of her neck. She shivered as she pulled up her hood, "cold, cold, cold, cold, cold", the temperature seemed to have dropped even more between the cabin and the lodge.

Kristoff guffawed, "just wait till we're actually out there!" He put his arm around his cousin and pulled her along, "first thing's first, let's get you fitted for your rentals!"

They hurried into the lodge where Kristoff pushed Anna towards a desk, "sup, Olaf! We got a newbie that needs fitting and lessons."

A pale teenager looked up, "Hello there, you're Kristoff's cousin! He's done nothing but brag about how you're gonna be shredding circles around us before you leave for weeks now."

Kristoff gave the kid a weird handshake, "when do you get off, I can't wait to get in some time on the mountain with you and Hans?"

"I'm off at four, Hans is on fitting today, ask him when you get there", Olaf responded. He keyed a few things into the computer, and after a moment he handed two cards to Anna and Kristoff, "here are your lift tickets", and a second card to Anna, "and this is for your lessons. Don't worry I gave you a good instructor."

Kristoff howled with laughter and shouted as he dragged Anna away, "You better have! I want her up there with us before the end of the winter!"

Olaf gave a goofy smile with a wink and a point, then disappeared as they rounded the corner and down a long hallway.

Stunned by how fast everything was happening, Anna could not keep up, "wait, what just happened? Who was that?"

Kristoff explained as he pulled her along, "that was Olaf, I'm pretty sure you two met years and years ago but you were still a kid so it makes sense why you don't remember. You just got your rental card and lift ticket from him, they are exactly what they sound like. The rental card we give to Hans to get your skis and the lift ticket lets you get on the chair lift up the mountain." He pushed her forward towards another counter, "Hans!"

A kid around Kristoff's age turns around, his bright red bushy sideburns were the first thing Anna noticed. "Kristoff, bro! Took you long enough to get here, half the people are already outside. So this is Anna", he turned his attention to her. "First time I hear. Are you nervous?"

"Not really", Anna explained, "I hear the instructors here are really good, so I'm hoping to learn quick so that I can join you guys up top soon!"

"Well, all right then, let me get your rental card and you two can get out there", Hans held out his hand and gave Anna a charming smile.

Kristoff took the card out of Anna's hand and shoved it into Han's, "watch it man, that's my cousin, not one of your snow bunnies."

Han's shot Kristoff a serious look before turning and walking into the back to get the rental. Their moment lasted only a second, Kristoff called into the racks of skis and snowboards, "What time are you off, man?"

Anna looked around while the two chatted. She was watching the people go in and out, couples walking hand in hand, snow gear everywhere. She then saw something that caught her breath, a girl in a light blue glittering jacket, matching pants, carrying skis over her shoulder, and a snowboard under her arm. The snowboard was an impossible blue, with an intricate snowflake right in the center. She was wearing goggles over her eyes, and her long blonde hair tossed to the side in a large braid, also adorned with snowflake hair ties to keep it set in place. Anna's eyes followed the girl as she walked by, in what seemed like slow motion.

"ANNA!", Kristoff boomed, pulling her back to earth.

Pulled out of her daydream, Anna looks back dazed, "wait, what?"

Kristoff huffed, "pay attention I want to get out on the slopes! Hans asked what shoe size you are."

"Seven", she responded quickly before she glanced back, but the girl was gone. Disappointed, Anna turned back just in time for a giant board to be shoved in her face.

"Here we go!", Hans had two boots on the counter and a bright green snowboard lifted just over Anna's head, it was bigger than she was. Before she could say anything, Hans had let the snowboard start to fall towards Anna who jumped to the side and caught it.

"Damn it Hans! It was skis, not a snowboard", Kristoff grunted, "come on bro, you're letting everyone else get to the fresh powder before m-"

"I'll take this", Anna interrupted, the light blue board from before sticking out in her head. "I... I want to try snowboarding instead." She let out a nervous giggle, "I figure if I get this down, you can teach me how to ski after Kristoff."

Kristoff was fine with not wasting any more time getting to the slopes. He gave Hans the same handshake he gave Olaf, helped Anna get all her gear on, and they started towards the door.

They exited the building and Anna shielded her eyes from the brightness. The snow was so white, and the sun reflected off it right into her face no matter where she looked. The mountain was full of people. There were groups of people standing around talking, people sitting in a circle around a fire laughing, and people just having a good time everywhere. Her eyes quickly adjusted and Kristoff pulled his hat over his head. He took in a big breath through his nose and let it out through his mouth. Anna awkwardly carried her new snowboard. She, unsuccessfully, tried her best not to let it scrape the ground or hit into anyone. A breeze blew by and Anna shivered a bit.

"Told you it gets even colder when you get out here", Kristoff chuckled. He gave her a big pat on the shoulder, "Don't worry once you get moving you'll warm right up! Now then, where do we go for your lessons, they changed everything around after they put in that new terrain park a few years ago?"

Anna almost dropped her over sized board and began gazing into the distance, again distracted by the people bustling around. She see's the top to a red tent in the distance, the word 'LESSONS' written in white across it. "Over there!" She tried to run towards the tent but once again her board got in the way and she nearly toppled over.

Kristoff grabbed her before she went down, "now that I actually look at this board, it looks way too big for you. I don't know much about snowboarding, but if you want we can go get a smaller one from Hans."

She could see the way he was longing to get up the mountain in his eyes, "no, it's fine. I'm sure Hans knows what he's doing. I'm just clumsy, you know that." She corrected herself, beams a smile at Kristoff, and holds the snowboard across her chest to give herself more control.

"Alright, if you say so", he was not going to argue as he tried to keep his excitement in check. They walked over to the lessons tent and he eagerly took his leave, "okay, this is where I'm gonna leave you. Lessons normally take two hours here and they put you in a group. I'm gonna go take a couple of runs while you learn."

Anna playfully pouted her response, "so we make it up here and you're already ditching me?" She folded her arms across her chest and dramatically chastised her cousin, "fine! Leave me be!"

Kristoff gave her a stale stare, "ha, ha", he droned mockingly. "Alright feisty-pants, do you want me to stay till you get into the lesson?"

Met by an actual laugh this time Anna continued, "no really, I'll be fine. I just wanted to give you a hard time."

The smile returned to Kristoff's face, "okay, if you need me give me a text. The service isn't amazing up top, so I'll get it when I get closer to the bottom", and he departed.

Anna turned and walked into the tent. There were a few people off to either side talking among themselves, and one shorter older man in the middle leaning over some paperwork. "Um, excuse me", she greeted the smaller man, "I think this is where I need to be. I just got some lessons a little while ago, my name is Anna."

The man quickly peers at her for a moment, before lifting his head and looking through his large circular glasses and down his long nose at her. "I am Duke."

"Oh... okay?", Anna hesitated, "are you the instructor?"

"Heavens no! I just organize the lessons, now let me see here", he glances down at his paperwork and quickly pulls his face back up. "Looks like that Olaf boy got you in the next snowboarding class at the last-minute. You can stand outside the tent, your group will be heading out in fifteen minutes."

Anna nodded and walked out of the tent, two people were off to the side, waiting as well, both already had one foot strapped into their boards. They didn't look like they were very good, but looked like they knew what they were doing at least. Anna stood back, a bit intimidated, and wished she had asked Kristoff to stay. Instead of trying to talk to them she looked down the path a bit, "oh wow, so that's what Kristoff meant about the terrain park." There was a large designated area with rails, a half-pipe, and all sorts of different jumps. She was gawking at the people playing around on the equipment. One person in particular grabbed her attention and didn't let go, it was the girl from before! She was on the half-pipe doing all sorts of spins and grabs on her board each time she launched off the sides. Anna was in awe, her mouth wide open. Anna was watching every move, every turn, every angle, and each time the boarder flew into the air, Anna's heart leapt along with her. Every motion was elegant, the girl in blue had grace and poise with every twist and jump. Anna barely heard the sound of her board his the ground, it was even a few minutes before she realized she dropped it. Anna became infatuated with watching this girl, with her dignified demeanor, her energetic playfulness. She finally closed her mouth, and it formed a dopey grin.

After a few minutes of watching, the girl came up, hopped up on the side of the pipe, and started talking to one of the employees before unstrapping and walking off. Anna frowned and said a silent prayer to see her on the slopes or in the lodge later on. "All right everyone", a serious looking man with a large mustache that connected to his sideburns interrupts Anna's prayer, "it's time for your lesson, follow me." The two people in front of her began pushing off with their free foot and glided past the man, "what's wrong? Are you not in this group?" Anna scrambled quickly to pick up her board and hobbled down after the two others. "Just follow them, they know where to go", the man called after Anna.

This made Anna feel worse. She stumbled down the path past the terrain park, where she quickly glanced to see if the blue snowboarder was there. She gave up after only a few moments, since she didn't want to slow the other two down. The two she was following turned into a small starter area on the opposite side of the park. Anna tried her best to keep up without falling over.

The female instructors voice came from around the bend, "oh, I thought they added a third person for today."

Anna hurried and turned the corner as fast as she could, lost her footing, and finally fell on her rear as her board flew ahead of her, kicking snow up into her face. "Ow", she wiped the snow away from her face with one hand and rubbed her sore rear with the other.

"Ah ha, looks like we have our third disciple after all", the instructor cheered from behind Anna.

Anna looked over her shoulder to place the voice after rubbing all the snow from her eyes. Her heart nearly stopped and a lump formed in her throat, the voice belonged to the blue snowboarder.

She was standing right in front of her, one hand on her knee and the other offered to Anna to help her up. Her goggles were resting on her head, and when Anna looked in her eyes, they were so blue that the rest of her outfit looked dull in comparison. "Hello there", the girl greeted Anna in a warm voice, "I'm Elsa and I will be your snowboarding teacher!"