A/N: Way too long overdue. This is the final chapter of this story. Hope you'll like it. Thanks again for all your support.

Chapter 10

Camille was super glad to finally be Mrs. Mitchell, but she also noticed that her husband looked very tired. His attending physician also walked into the chapel and first congratulated the couple on their wedding. He also told Logan that they would take him back up to his room so he could get his much needed rest.

"No, daddy," Emily yelled as the doctor started to wheel Logan's hospital bed out of the chapel. "You can't leave. We are a family now. Me, you and mommy need to stay together."

"It's okay, baby," Logan tried to soothe his daughter. "Daddy is still sick and the doctor needs to help me get better. I can come home when I'm better, but not right now. Do you understand that, princess?"

"No, you have to come home with us," Emily said starting to pout.

"I would like that, sweetie, believe me," he answered her. "I'd rather be with you and mommy than here. But I can't!"

Emily cried her eyes out and the sight of her crying broke Logan's heart. She had wrapped her tiny arms around Camille's legs as she cried even louder.

"Oh, sweetie," Camille said tenderly. "Your daddy loves you so very much. He really really wants to be with us, but he needs some help from the doctor to get well again. I can't help him! We need to let the doctors take care of him for a while, but I promise you we'll visit as often as we can. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at your three uncles. They have caused all of this."

Emily looked at her uncles with an angry expression written all over her cute face.

"Camille, we told you we were sorry," Kendall tried. "We didn't want anything bad to happen to him. But you should have seen him. Loges was so tensed and stressed and he needed to loosen up."

"So you got him drunk," Camille stated in an angry voice. "You know Logan doesn't drink! It could have ended up way worse than this."

"We know and we're so sorry," James admitted. "We never wanted him to end up in here. Trust me! I would rather have been shaking my booty on the dancefloor on your wedding party trying to impress some of the hot attending girls."

"You've got to believe us," Carlos said shaking in fear. He always was a bit scared of Camille whenever she got furious. "I really wanted to be one of the three best men at your wedding. I was so looking forward to it and I never wanted for anyone to get hurt. Not Logie, not you and certainly not Emily."

"Hey, it's alright," Logan said. He sounded really tired. "It happened and you guys are sorry. Let's just forget about this for now. But you've got to promise me to stop fighting. I'm as much to blame, Cami. I could have stopped drinking before it was too late."

"Okay, I'm sorry," Camille said. "It's just I was so upset about this whole thing. I only wanted my wedding day to be perfect. I was so looking forward to this."

"I know, baby. But we did get married today," Logan said smiling. "I know it wasn't much of a wedding and I really am not dressed for the occasion, but you look so gorgeous right now Mrs. Mitchell. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Mr. Mitchell," Camille said softly kissing her husband.

"We really need to get going now," the doctor insisted. "Mr. Mitchell needs all the rest he can get."

"Okay. By handsome. Sweet dreams," Camille said to Logan as she kissed him once again. "I love you!"

"By, daddy," Emily said. "I love you."

Camille carefully put Emily on Logan's bed and she softly hugged her dad as he kissed her on the forehead.

"By, angel. I love you so very much. I can't wait to come home to you," Logan said softly. "By gorgeous," he told his wife. "I love you so very much, Mrs. Mitchell."

A few weeks later

Finally. Logan was considered to be recovered well enough to be released from the hospital. He couldn't have been happier. He was getting restless and he really longed to be home with Camille and Emily. As soon as he woke up and had his breakfast, he ran into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. Camille and Emily were picking him up. Logan was already pacing up and down his room when they arrived.

"We're here," Camille exclaimed as soon as she walked through the door of his hospital room.

"It's about time," Logan joked.

"Daddy," Emily yelled while running towards her father.

Logan lifted her up in his strong arms and spun her around.

"Hi, angel," he said. "I've missed you so much."

"But daddy, I have not been away that long?" Emily said.

She didn't really understood what her dad was telling her. She had been visiting him every day for as long as he had been in the hospital.

"No, that's right," Logan chuckled. "But I couldn't really play with you like I normally do. And let's face it. This isn't such a nice place to visit. Is it?"

Emily scrunched up her cute little button nose and shook her head wildly.

"No, it stinks in here," she said.

Camille and Logan started to laugh at the same time. Logan walked up to his wife and pulled her in his strong arms.

"Well hello there, Mrs. Mitchell," he teased. "It's so nice to see you again. I thought I would never see you again."

"Hey, you're stuck with me," Camille teased right back. "And I'm only fifteen minutes late, you big tease."

Logan smiled. He cupped her pretty face and placed his soft lips on hers.

"Ew, daddy," Emily exclaimed. "You can't eat mommy! I still need her!"

"Baby, your daddy is just kissing me because he loves me," Camille said chuckling.

"Why don't I get a kiss like that?" She said to her dad.

"I can't do that … angel. Huh … You know …," Logan stammered while blushing.

"Don't you love me?" Emily asked with a pout.

"I do, baby. I do. Very, very, very much," Logan tried to explain. "It's just … I can't … It's really hard to explain to you."

His eyes locked with Camille's silently begging her to help him out.

"Emily, baby," Camille said while sitting on her knees next to her daughter and pulling her in for a hug. "People who love each other have different kind of kisses, like you have different kind of toys. And you love toys? Right! Well. Daddy loves you very much and he has a special princess kiss for you that shows you how much he truly loves you. And mommy and daddy share a different kind of special kiss that can only be shared with mommies and daddies."

Logan admired how his wife was able to explain this to their toddler daughter without making things too complicated for her. Emily nodded her head when Camille asked her if she understood the difference and she wasn't unhappy anymore.

"Let's go home now, daddy. I wanna play with you. It's been like forever," she said while tugging on Logan's hand.

He merely smiled. All of a sudden Emily stopped walking and looked at her dad.

"When are you really going to marry mommy?" She asked.

"It won't be long now, angel," Logan said. "I know you really want to be a flower girl and you will be very soon. I promise."

"And no crazy antics this time," Camille threatened. "Or I'll divorce you straight away, Logan Mitchell, if you pull something like this ever again."

"No way," Logan answered her. "I've learned my lesson. We'll finally have our fairy tale wedding and live happily ever after as a family. And I can hardly wait for that day to come."