So I'm back! I made two chapters for you guys cause I needed to get some information in and I really hope you'll check this out! Please review!

Ally's P.O.V

I walked into my new house in California with my boyfriend, Dallas Centino. We've been going out for almost ten years, we were high school sweethearts and kept a long distance relationship over college. He hasn't popped the question yet, but I'm not in that much of a rush with him. "I'm so glad we moved here!" Dallas said as we walked into our new house. "Yeah I guess" I said opening up one of the many boxes. "What do you mean?" Dallas asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed and fell back into his embrace. "It's just that I just left my job and you'll be out at you're late" I said. "Hey just on the weekdays! And I have to make money somehow babe" Dallas said going over to another stack of boxes. "I know! I'm very happy for you! This is great! But what am I going to do? I know I'll find a job soon and all but what will I do until then?" I asked pulling out my guitar. Let me just tell you a little secret, the only thing that I don't love about Dallas is that he has absolutely no passion for music. Or at least not like mine. Music it's what at times keeps me moving, each piece has so much of a story to it. It's like reading a book. But to Dallas it's just song after song. He's more into sports. But hey everyone has flaws right? "I still don't know why you brought that, you already made me get you a piano" Dallas said laughing. "Hey! I love music! I don't bug you about your 'man cave' so don't bug me about my music" I said carefully placing my guitar down. "Ok! Ok! Sorry forgive me?" Dallas said putting his hands in the air. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. "I guess" I said. "Thank you" Dallas said while placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I hate to leave but my boss said I have to come by his office as soon as possible, but go look around the town! I saw on our way up here there was a cute little shop by the beach that needed employees" Dallas said, walking over to grab his things. "But I hate the beach!" I said pouting. "Come on Allyson. You've been in New York for far too long! You're going to need to start loving the beach at one point" Dallas said. "Fine. I'll just take a peck, should I expect you to be back for dinner?" I asked as I grabbed my car keys. "Sorry I can't babe. The guys want to take me out for dinner, and I really want my co-workers to like me so.." Dallas said with his oh so famous puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes and said "fine. I'll order some pizza for myself and watch Crazy Stupid Love since you hate the movie so much" I said. "Hey now I just don't love it! I don't enjoy watching my girlfriend drooling over Ryan Gosling" Dallas said. I laughed grabbed my sunglasses and pecked Dallas on the check. "Don't worry you're the only guy for me" I said before walking out.

I got into my small truck that we drove here. Yes I did just say drive, all the way from New York. A plane was just too much work for Dallas to book so we had to drive. "Bye Ally! I love you!" Dallas yelled as he got in his car, "love you too!" I said and with that we drove our separate ways. I turned on some music and let the cool breeze from the ocean roll through my windows. I guess I could get used to this. There was a close beach with a bunch of cute little shops in it. I saw a bunch of people surfing. Dallas surfs but I can not. But I'll enjoy the view, I mean come on how can I not? I know I've got Dallas but I can still look can't I? I pulled up into a parking lot and got out. I saw lots of people walking around, laughing and I saw a few people playing some music. I smiled, I looked around and then saw a small cafe, it had a help wanted sign on it. The cafe was called The Current Cafe. (Sorry I'm not that creative) Bingo. I walked in and saw it seemed some what busy for one o'clock in the afternoon. "Hey, my names Ally Dawson. I saw your help wanted sign" I said to a tall woman with light blonde hair. "Oh hello there! Yes! We would love to have another pair of hands around here! My name is Mimi Moon, I'm the manager here. Come let's talk in my office" Mimi said. I nodded as we walked past the cooks. "Trish! Your table has been waiting for over ten minutes!" Mimi said to a girl with long curly hair. "Sorry! I'll get to it!" I heard the girl, I think her name is Trish said. "In a bit" Trish mumbled which caused me to laugh. We walked up a flight of stairs and went into a small room that had a window that looked straight out to the ocean. "Here if you would just fill out some information on yourself and let me ask you a few questions then I'm pretty sure I'll hire you" Mimi said with a laugh. "Oh alright! Go ahead shoot" I said as I began to fill out the form. "So how long have you been in California dear?" Mimi asked me. "Well I've only been here for about twelve hours. You see I moved here with my boyfriend. I just left my old job and I thought I should try looking for another" I said. "Oh wow! Well welcome to California! What was your old job?" Mimi asked me. "Well I was working at what I thought was my big break. It was for a recording company but all I got to do was get people things. I'm trying to get some of my songs out there for other people to sing, but no such luck yet. Although I have major in Music so I was also thinking about maybe becoming a music teacher" I said smiling. "Oh so you chase after your dreams I see? Well that's great! How old are you dear?" Mimi asked. "Oh I'm twenty two going on twenty three" I said. "How funny! I have a son the exact same age as you! He even likes music, but he's always out there" Mimi said pointing to the ocean. "Oh wow that's cool!" I said. I figured he was a marine biologist or something. I handed Mimi my form and she looked it over, "well you look like you're very sweet and I think I can give you the job. Congrats!" Mimi said. "Thank you so much!" I said. "Well you're first day will start tomorrow morning does that sound good? Just come at seven until noon is that alright?" Mimi asked me handing me my uniform. God she's so nice! "Yes! I can't wait" I said with a smile.

"Well I have to get back to working but I'll have Trish show you around. She's also your age, I figured she can show you around" Mimi said. "Oh um thanks!" I said. Hey maybe I'll make a new friend! We walked back down and I saw Trish coming out of the girls bathroom while she stuffed her uniform in her bag. "Hey Trish! Met Ally! She's going to start working here tomorrow morning. So I figured you could show her around?" Mimi asked Trish. "Of course! Come with me Ally" Trish said linking her arm with mine. I already like her. "So tell me about yourself Ally" Trish asked me as we walked out of the cafe. "Well, I just moved here with my boyfriend-" I began but Trish cut me off. "Oo is he cute?" Trish asked. I laughed and said, "I guess? Anyway. I came here from New York, but I'm already starting to love it here. I don't really love the beach but I love music!" I said as we crossed the street and walked into a small shell shop. "You seem pretty cool! Dez! Meet my new friend Ally!" Trish yelled. I then saw a tall red head jump up from the counter. "Oh hey there Ally! I'm Dez by the way. We can head out of here as soon as I close up my shop" Dez said shaking my hand. "I figured" I said causing us all to laugh. "So how do you two know each other?" I asked as soon as Dez locked the doors. "Well how I know dofus over here is we both moved here about three years ago. And went to high school together but didn't know each other. We hated each other at first but somehow under all of his weirdness I found some love. So he's now my boyfriend" Trish said. "Aw! That's so sweet!" I said at there cute little story. "Haha thanks so do you want to grab some food? We can eat it on the beach!" Dez said. "Hold on Dez. Ally here isn't a huge fan of the beach, yet. But let's just have it on the boardwalk for now ok?" Trish said. "Sorry guys, I'll begin to like the beach soon! I promise!" I said which just made Trish and Dez laugh. We got some tacos and ate while watching the surfers slowly leave the ocean except for one. "Hey that's my friend!" Dez said pointing at a small body on a surfboard. I couldn't see very well from where I was sitting. "Oh what's his name?" I asked. "Oh it's-" Dez began but Trish slapped her hand over his mouth. "Sh! Let the girl met him on her own!" Trish said. Dez nodded quickly. I laughed and watched the small person surf as the sun set. "Oh wow! I should probably head back. I have a bit of jet-lag sorry guys!" I said clearing my plate. We had talked for most of dinner and got to know each other very well. It's safe to say I've know made two new friends, and this is only the first day! "Alright! Well tomorrow night there is a bonfire on the beach, and if you're not busy with your boyfriend then you guys are invited! Here we can pick you up!" Trish said as we exchanged addresses. "That sounds awesome! I hope we can make it! Are you going to be at the cafe tomorrow morning?" I asked as I grabbed my keys. "No this beauty needs her sleep! But I'll be there at noon!" Trish said. We said goodbye and I got into my car and drove back home. I got home and saw Dallas wasn't back yet. I unpacked most of our things before I got into bed, excited for my day tomorrow.

Ta-da! So review! tell me what do you think! Review! Enjoy the next chapter! :)