Hello Everyone! Nushop here to release the newest chapter of Keep on Groundkeepin! I'm so excited that summer is finally here and that I can spend more time acting like a lazy sloth and relax as I write and do stuff that you'd usually do in the summer! XD But all things aside, I hope you enjoy the next chapter of this great story. So without further ado, enjoy!

Charaptor Nine 000

*Beep!* *Beep!*

'Leave me alone...'

*Beep!* *Beep!*

'I'm trying to sleep...'

*Beep!* *Beep!*


*Bee-!* *Ca-click!*

"*Sigh*...Thank you for calling Evi's Friendly Fixin's... This is Evi Magkumpun speaking... What can I help you with today?" The young man groggily answered with one eye creaked open. It was currently seven o'clock in the morning at Beacon Academy with the broken moon departing from up above and the dark sky gradually turning grey.

"I apologize for awakening you so soon Mr. Magkumpun, but we have a situation that requires your immediate attention." Stated the small green hologram of Glynda Goodwitch.

"*Yawn*... And that would be?" Evi asked as he slowly rose from his sleeping bag.

"All of our facilities that utilize heat have suddenly ceased functioning. We believe somehow the dust crystal that regulates the temperature must have malfunctioned and deactivated itself. Could you investigate the problem before the other initiates begin to wake up?" She activated a few photos on her scroll that represented the dust crystal in question as well as the coordinates of its location. "Without the dust crystal functioning, the shower rooms will be unable to provide sufficient hot water as well as our mess hall staff will be unable to serve warm breakfast for all of the students."

Evi pressed a few buttons on the side of his goggles before nodding his head approvingly. "Got it Glynda Goodw- ow..." He stopped his midway as his head suddenly began to throb painfully like a hangover.

"Mr. Magkumpun... Is everything alright?" her question filled with concern.

He slowly rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay... I think. I've got a headache for some reason though." What in the world happened last night for his head to suddenly feel this way? He remembered walking out of the ballroom to get a snack... Then his stomach growled really loudly. Eventually, the throbbing pain was too great for the repairman to bear from thinking so hard that he decided to temporarily . He'd probably ask Ruby about it once she's awake.

"I see... Well good luck on you objective then. Though I reccomend that you make your way to the infirmary for them to check on your headache. We need you to be in top condition for your initiation at today at nine o'clock." She fixed her glasses before giving him a small bow.

"Got it!" Evi answered back as he did a weak two fingered salute to the hologram before deactivating his goggles to end the call. He finally exited his toasty sleeping bag and soon began to tightly roll it into a nice cylinder while retrieving his signature repairing outfit.

After a few minutes of silently changing his clothes, he was finally dressed to challenge what today had to offer. The only problem now was trying to get past this sleeping bag field without waking any of them up! They were scattered about everywhere like a minefield full of people instead of actual mines. So he took a deep breath and began to quietly tip-toe his way out of the ballroom while quietly humming, "Sneaking, sneaking. I am sneaking. I'm so sneaky. Sneaking. Sneaking."

Eventually, he escaped the room successfully and made his way towards the room housing this vital dust crystal. While he was walking around the hallways, a sudden feeling of confidence swelled up inside of him. It was so powerful in fact that it made him wonder, 'What could possibly go wrong today?'


"Hmm." Glynda hummed as she sat in her office chair while sipping her nice cup of tea. An hour had already passed since she had requested their repairman Evi Magkumpun to fix the heating apparatus. For some reason, she felt as if she had forgotten to mention something important. She tried to forget about the thought entirely yet it continued to return to pester her nonetheless. This frustration did not go unnoticed by the observant Headmaster Ozpin as he refilled his mug with his blasted coffee machine for the fourth time today.

"Is something the matter Professor Goodwitch?" He inquired from one of her violet leather sofas.

She turned to her headmaster before placing her drink back onto her desk. "For some reason, I have this strange feeling that I've forgotten to mention something to Evi about his task." She answered. She then leaned back on her seat while rubbing her forehead. It was incredibly important yet it was right at the tip of her tongue.

"Why don't you give him a call to see if he's doing alright?" Ozpin suggested while taking a nice, long sip of his beverage.

...That wasn't a bad idea actually. She slowly pulled herself to an upright position, activated her desk computer and dialled Evi's scroll number. After a few rings, the projector began to activate to indicate the call was finally received. It sounded a bit off from what it would normally sound like during a call as the two adults saw that the entire room that the repairman was in was on fire and a familiar young man was panicking very loudly.

"There's a fire! That's bad! Uh, bad fire! Bad fire go away!" Evi wailed from the projection screen. Ozpin began to chuckle from a past memory of seeing his friend panic once more while a feeling of realization overcame the Aura specialist.

She forgot to tell him about the natural properties of the dust crystal.

You see, in order for Beacon Academy to obtain its thermal energy, it utilizes a rather large fire dust crystal to supply heat for things like the sinks, showers, heaters for the colder months, and even the multiple stoves and ovens in the cafeteria. However, its natural instability would usually light anything that was flammable nearby to burst into flames. After several design flaws were fixed for the boiler room, it was finally contained inside a completely fireproof room.

Which would probably explain that nagging feeling that was annoying her to no end earlier today.

"Please stop burning! Nothing else burn!" Evi cried out from within the boiler room. Glynda cleared her throat to obtain the unfortunate repairman's attention. Sadly, it came up against deaf ears as Evi was still freaking out. "I mean it!"

Ozpin was having an exceptionally difficult time keeping himself composed while this all was happening.

"Mr. Magkumpun!" She shouted loudly startling both men from their current action.

"Huh?!" Evi yelped as he fumbled with his goggles. "OH! Uh M-miss Witchgoo- I mean Goodwitch! Hi! Hello! How are you? Great? Great! Yeah nothing is suddenly on fire and probably going to consume the room! Yeah totally nothing wrong over he-"

"It's supposed to do that Mr. Magkumpun." Glynda interjected cutting him off his stringing of sentences completely.

"Absolutely noth- wait what?" Evi asked suddenly.

"Like I said earlier, The fire dust crystal's flame is supposed to engulf the room in order to provide the required thermal energy to activate the multiple facilities."

"... So I didn't suddenly break anything?" Evi hesitantly.

"No, you didn't." Glynda confirmed. She could hear him sigh in relief from the news. "However, I would recommend haste in evacuating the boiler room."

Evi tensed when he heard that last part. "Wait, w-why is that?"

"If you don't leave that room immediately, it is a rather large possibility that you will be-" Before she finished her sentence, she heard something suddenly burst into flames, followed by a frightened yelp from what could have been misunderstood as a girl. "... Ignited..."

"Oh Dust. Now I'm burning! THAT'S MUCH WORSE THAN ALL THE THE THINGS BURNING!" Things weren't boding well for the repairman today.

"...There's a fire extinguisher at the entrance of the locker rooms Mr. Magkumpun. Just take a left turn and you should be there." She began to cradle her head over her hands from what was happening.

"T-thank you!" Evi shouted before ending th call abruptly. When Glynda deactivated her desk computer, she couldn't help but frown at her employer who was on the floor laughing at Evi's misfortunes.

"Sometimes I wonder if you brought him here to actually assist us, or simply for your enjoyment." She huffed disproveingly.

Ozpin eventually was able to compose himself to a chuckle and sat back down onto his seat. "Oh Miss Goodwitch, I assure you that he is more than just for my enjoyment."

She rolled her eyes from his comment before returning to enjoy her tea.


"Can you imitate a sloth?" Nora asked innocently to her childhood friend. It was now eight fifteen in the morning with most students refreshed after a nice warm shower and a warm hearty breakfast. Most of the initiates were doing final check-ups on their equipment while others were still chatting with their friends and siblings before their grand initiation begins.

"Nora." Ren said as his sleeves devoured his weapons like a snake.

"Yes Ren?"

Before Ren could reply, he was interrupted by several loud screams of terror along with another voice that sounded oddly familiar.

"OH DUST WHY IS IT STILL CHASING ME?!" The voice cried out in the hallways.

The childhood friends heard this desperate cry for help and with their weapons in tow, the rushed to the hallways. They were expecting some sort of large Grimm like creature to be chasing their Bubblegum-scented Buddy. So it was quite a shocking surprise when they saw him run towards them while being set ablaze.

The burning repairman suddenly spotted his two friends and began calling their names. "Ren! Nora! Heeeelp!"

Ren, being the most calm and controlled at the given time, began to try and keep their friend calm. "Okay, remember to stop drop and roll Evi! Stop, drop and roll!" While he was instructing him the ways to extinguishing himself out, he shattered the class case containing the fire extinguisher with a well placed aura palm strike. Before he grabbed hold of the fire extinguisher, a pink blur whizzed past him.

Evi understood what Ren was instructing and began to do what he was told. 'Okay! I can do this! Stop running around, drop right down onto the ground and... Wait what was that last part again? Uhh, stop, drop and r-'


'No that's not it! It's supposed to be stop, drop and-'


When Nora had shouted out her word, Evi suddenly felt a rather powerful blow strike directed at his back accompanied by a loud, lightish-red explosion.

When the pink dust cloud had settled, Ren could only see his friend Nora proud in putting out the flames that consumed their friend Evi, who was now sprawled onto the cold ground squashed like a bug while being covered in a thick layer of pink dust and soot. There were still tiny embers that lingered around the wounded repairman and Nora's azure eyes had noticed them. Before she could swing her mighty war hammer once more, Ren interjected by spraying Evi with the fire extinguisher, which finally eliminated the remaining flames.

After a few moments of silence, Evi slowly pulled himself from the ground. He slowly turned to the direction of his... saviours with a questionable glance. "... Ow... Was the hammer really necessary Nora?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It worked didn't it?" Was her reply.

He through about it for a few moments while assessing the situation. True he was no longer on fire, but boy did he look like a mess! Not to mention his back hurt from both the impact as well as the explosive aftermath. But how was he supposed to know how to put himself out? He was a repairman, not a fire-fighter. With that in mind, he gave them both a groaned smile. "Thanks."

Ren nodded his head in acceptance while Nora happily replied with a hearty, "Your welcome Bubble Gum Buddy!"

Ren decided that now would be a good time to ask. "Why were you on fire?"

Evi laughed sheepishly when he realized that he must have looked ridiculous. "I was fixing the boiler room, there was this really big fire dust crystal that lit up-"

"Oh! Oh! And did it light you on fire?!" Nora asked

Evi went wide eyed when he realized that she had correctly guessed what had indeed happened. "...How did you know?" He wondered amazingly. Was she a mind reader?

"Oh I'm speaking of personal experience since that happened to both me and Ren when we were still at out combat school! When we were prototyping his weapons Stormflowers with a red fire dust crystal, it lit the whole room on fire! I came out of it unharmed while Ren's eyebrows got burned off."

Evi suddenly imagined his stoic friend without his eyebrows and began to laugh loudly.

"N-NORA!" Ren shouted while hiding his embarrassment.

She then realized that she wasn't supposed to say that and began to apologize. "Oops, uh... Sorry about that Ren." He could only sigh while rubbing his precious eyebrows. It truly wasn't a fun day to remember.

"Welp, I've to get ready myself! So I'll see you guys at our initiation!" Evi motioned himself. " I've got to go find a towel... And maybe another shirt."

"Ey, ey Evi!" She then gave a mock salute before dragging Ren towards the Beacon Cliffs. Evi shook his head in amusement when he saw Ren look as passive even when his feet were skidding along the floor from Nora's grip on his shirt collar.

While they were back inside the locker room, Nora remembered that he never did answer her previous question. "So, can you imitate a sloth?" she finally let go of his collar and waited patiently for a reply.

Ren patted down his shirt and fixed his collar before facing his childhood friend. "Nora... I don't think sloths make a lot of noise."

She thought about the answer given to her. After a few seconds, her grin came back in full force. "That's why it's PERFECT!" She announced. "That way, no one would suspect that we are working together!" Ren rolled his eyes and motioned her to follow. "But not together-together though, if you know what I mean." Together, they continued their merry way towards the Cliffs

"What are they so worked up about?" Yang asked as she fixed her leather boots.

"I have no clue sis." Ruby replied finally reaching her weapon's locker.

"All I heard was something about sloths." Evi added from nearby a nearby. Both sister nodded their heads in understanding before returning to what they were doing. They suddenly blinked in synch when they realized that someone else was with them. They turned their heads towards the direction of the voice before he waved back at them.

"Uhh, who are you?" Yang asked cautiously. Evi scoffed at the two of them before retrieving a nearby Beacon Brand towel. Even when his face was clean of all the soot, explosive dust and extinguisher fluids, they still didn't recognize him. Their puzzled glances growing larger while they continued to just staring back at him oddly.

"...Do you seriously have to see my lightish-red shirt for you guys to recognize me?" He whined as he removed his burnt shirt. The moment they heard him say that, they went wide eyed when they suddenly recognized who he was.

"...Evi?" Ruby asked curiously.

"The one and only!" He announced. He began to inspect his clothes until he just shrugged his shoulders and decided to just replace everything. He was happy that his pyjamas were unhindered though so he left that on. The two sisters were sceptical at first but then the blue striped pyjamas that he wore last night were revealed and their suspicions were confirmed.

Well, almost all of them...

"What happened to you?" Yang wondered as she inspected the damage done to his clothing.

"Fixing the boiling hot boiler room, getting set on fire from said boiler room, Nora putting me out by smashing me with a grenade hammer, fire extinguishers... The usual action." Evi shrugged as he tossed his ruined, dirtied shirt and pants back into his utility belt while casually replacing it with the exact same thing but in more pristine condition.

"I don't think that usual is supposed to happen Evi." Ruby commented as she punched in her weapons locker code.

"Well, its usual for me in my line of work. Normally I would just get cuts and bruises from time to time." Evi shrugged. Then he remembered something. "Oh by the way Ruby, Yang?"

"Yeah?" The sisters replied in unison.

"Do you guys remember what happened last night? I don't remember falling asleep in my sleeping bag and for some reason, the back of my head still hurts." To prove his point he pointed at his head that still had a rather large bump present. Fortunately, the swelling was getting smaller thanks to the ice pack on his wound.

They froze in place when they heard him say that as well as the vow the four girls had decreed. The last thing they needed is for him to find out that Yang knocked him unconscious because he looked and sounded like an Ursa! "Uh..." Ruby started off as she attempted to think up a good excuse. She turned towards her sister for help who was making a series of hand strange hand gestures. She nodded her head in understanding. "You were... uh, walking towards us when you... Um, slipped aaannd... bonked your head onto the... ground! Yeah that! Then we brought you back to your sleeping bag!"

Evi had one brow raised in suspicion of the story while Ruby was not liking the gaze that was being placed upon her. She was at the brink of admitting what had really happened until she felt a gentle hand ruffle her red highlighted hair.

"Thanks you guys." Evi stated with a happy smile towards the two of them. The two girls sighed in relief before acknowledging his thanks with a polite your welcome. Once that was settled, Evi decided now to point out something rather peculiar. "So! You seem awfully chipper this morning Ruby."

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff. Today, I get to have my sweetheart do the talking." To prove her point, she withdrew her weapon from her locker and began to caress it like it was her precious little baby.

As she was in her own little world, Evi slowly made his was towards to Yang who was was just shaking her head from side to side. "Is she always like this when it comes to weapons?"

Yang could only nod her head. "Yep... She's been like this ever since she created her weapon back at Signal Academy."

"Uhuh... Now that I think about it, I sort of look like that whenever I'm eating ice cream." Evi admitted.

"Really?" Yang asked with a raised eyebrow of her own.

"Hey! It's really good ice cream!" He pouted as he crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks. He couldn't help that his favourite flavour Cookies 'n' Cream was so delicious!

"Whatever you say Pink Bird" She commented while rolling her eyes. "But in all seriousness Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn how to work together!"

She grumbled at her sister's truthful words. "Ugh, you sound just like dad." Ruby whined. "Okay first of of all, what does meet new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I. Drink. Milk." She crossed her arms while unveiling her secret for growing both physically and... mentally.

A sad look with a hint of jealousy could be seen on the repairman's face. "...I wish I could drink milk. Being lactose intolerant sucks." Evi stated while casting his gaze down to steel-toe shoes.

Ruby went wide-eyed when she had heard that he couldn't consume the fine products of dairy. "...How are you so tall then?!" Ruby wondered in amazement.

"I have to do the second best thing for me to grow." Ruby leaned in close to hear his trade secret to growing taller. "I have to eat my vegetables." He admitted quietly.

"UGH! VEGETABLES?!" Ruby shouted in disgust. "Why would anyone eat something as slimy and yucky as vegetables?!"

"If you were from where I was from, it's recommended to not be picky." Evi said along with a shrug of his shoulders.

"He's got a point Ruby! If you want to grow up to be as tall as me, you've got to eat those greens." Yang informed as she stood beside Evi proudly.

"B-but I've never even seen you eat vegetables ever and you always eat meat!" Ruby pointed out.

"At least it all goes to the right places." Yang countered back while striking a rather seductive pose.

"YANG! Don't do that in public!" Ruby whined while covering her friend's eyes from the sight.

"Sorry about that sis. But back to my question Ruby. What about when we form teams?" The older sister asked. her voice filled with concern.

Ruby never thought that far ahead for what was happening today. "Uh, I don't know... I'll just be on your team sis. Or maybe Evi's team or something."

The two possible teammates in question glanced at one before staring back at Ruby. "Maybe you should try and be on someone elses team. Especially not his team." She then jerked her thumb towards Evi. "Mainly because of the fact that he's a boy."

"And the fact that I have no idea how to figh- wait a minute." The repairman slowly faced Yang's location. "You don't want your sister to be on a team with me because I'm a boy?"

"Well... Yeah!" She admitted casually. "The last thing I need is for my little sister to be the same room with a boy that could do something inappropriate! No offence by the way." She added rather quickly.

Evi was about to talk back but then realized the perspective of the older sibling. She was doing what she thought was best for her sister and being in a room alone with a girl could lead to multiple... unintentional scenarios. So he just nodded his head in understanding while saying, "Good point. That's still a bit sexist though..."

Yang was thankful that Evi understood what she was implying before giving him a nice thumbs up. Just as she turned back towards her little sister, Ruby was a mere few inches away from her face with a look of anger and disappointment.

"My dearest sister Yang." Ruby started it out politely with venom seeping from her tone of voice. "Are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?!"

Both Yang and Evi backed away from the sound of her voice as they waved their hands in front of themselves. "What?! No, of course I do..." Yang started out "I just thought... I don't know, it would help you break out of your shell!"

"What th- I don't need to break out of my shell! That's absolutely-"

"Ridiculous!" Jaune shouted as he walked closer to the group.

"See?! Even Jaune agrees with me! Give me five Jaune!" Ruby closed her eyes and extended her right arm. She waited for a few seconds... yet her high five never came. "Jaune?" She opened her eyes to see Jaune walking away sulking about losing the location of his locker or something like that with Yang and Evi trying their hardest not to laugh at Ruby's expression.

"Well, I'm going to go help Jaune with his problem so I'll see you guys soon at the cliffs!" Evi waved back at them as he jogged towards the lost blond.

"Bye Evi!/Pink Bird!" The sisters called out before returning towards their previous discussion.

When Evi had finally caught up with Jaune, he noticed that he was no longer walking, and his face was facing a rather crude drawing of what could be the locker room layout. "Hiya Jaune!" He greeted with a smile. However he was completely ignored as Jaune was too consumed with deciphering the location of his weapons locker. "Uh, Jaune? Hellooooo?" Evi waved his hand in front of his friend... yet still no response. Evi began to formulate a plan in grabbing his friend's attention. Then a solution had arrived. So he walked beside Jaune, muttered a quiet apology, licked his finger in preparation, brought his hand close to Jaune's face...

And promptly gave him a Wet-Willy.

The feeling of cold saliva appearing within Jaune's ear caused him to snap out from his gaze instantaneously and yelp loudly to tumble backwards on a bench. "EW, EW, EW, EW!" Jaune cried out while attempting to clean out his ear.

"Sorry!" Evi apologized as he rushed towards his friend. "You weren't paying attention when we were calling your name."

"You could have just tapped me on the shoulder you know?" Jaune mention while pulling himself up with the assistance of his lightish-red friend.

"...Huh. I could have couldn't I?" Evi sheepishly responded. Jaune have him a stern frown which caused him to look down on the ground. "But what were you doing anyway Jaune?"

Jaune stopped frowning before retrieving his map. "Well... I've been trying to find my weapon locker number 636 for the past ten minute!" He suddenly slumped his shoulders. "I'll never find my locker at this rate..." While he was sulking, Evi gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Don't worry Jaune, we'll find your locker yet!" Evi said.

"But, how are we supposed to do that?" Jaune asked.

Evi began to look around their location in hopes of locating help. Said answer was a short girl with a familiar white ponytail just a few lockers away. "I may not know where your locker might be... But she might!" He the jerked his head toward the location of his friend Weiss Schnee.

When Jaune finally caught glimpse of the answer to his worries, he tensed up frozen solid before slowly backing away. "Oh, no, no, I'll just be looking around back there again."

"Oh no you don't!" Evi stated as he grabbed hold of his friends sleeve. "We're gonna ask them whether you like it or not!"

When Jaune was captured, he squirmed and tried to break free but to no avail. "E-Evi! Don't do this to me Evi! Remember my condition!" Jaune pleaded.

"Funny, I remember saying something like that yesterday and yet you guys didn't stop dragging me to the front of the auditorium." Evi commented as he continued towards his next destination with his friend in tow. Jaune quickly recalled the memory of yesterday's events before giving up to his fate. "Besides, so long as they don't touch you, you'll be fine." Evi added

'So this is what Evi felt while me and Ruby dragged him.' Jaune thought as they made their way towards the Heiress.

Speaking of Heiresses...

"So Pyrrha," Weiss started out as she sheathed her rapier onto her waist. "Have you given any though on whose team you would like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself."

The red headed Spartan lady now dubbed Pyrrha thought about for a few moments before revealing her answer. "Hm, I'm not quite sure." She answered back. "I was planning on having the chips fall as they may."

Weiss listened intently before taking a deep breath before stating her proposition. "Well, maybe we could be on the same team together." While she was asking her question, her left hand was secretly crossing its fingers in hopes that she would accept.

Her prayers were answered when she heard the words, "Well that sounds grand!" Escape the Spartan's lips.

"Great!" Weiss exclaimed before planning maniacally within her mind. 'This will be PERFECT!' She began with a diabolical smirk. 'The smartest girl combined with the strongest girl in class! Together, we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, we'll get perfect grades! Nothing could come between us now!'

"Whoa! Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" A familiar male voice pointed out. "How is her eyes doing that? She's like a chameleon!"

The voice of a certain repairman snapped Weiss out from her train of thought until they focused on Evi waving his hand over her face. "Waah! E-Evi?! Where did you come from?"

"We just got here actually!" Evi commented.

"We?" Weiss asked sceptically. All she saw was just him.

"Yeah, my good friend Jaune here." Evi then gestured to the cowering figure behind him. "Needs a little bit of help."

"Oh no... Not again." Weiss started out as he cupped her forehead. "Why is that every boy I have met so far has done nothing but hide from me?!" She wasn't a bad person! At least she hoped that she wasn't

"Huh?" Evi was pretty confused at what Weiss was complaining about at first until he piece together Jaune's hiding place and the heiresses frustration. "Oh you mean Jaune? Ah don't worry about him. He's had a rough childhood... around girls... That's all!" Evi stated. Weiss was unsure of what she had heard, Evi was hoping that they would buy it, Jaune had a look of disbelief in what his friend has blatantly said, and Pyrrha was passive throughout the entire ordeal.

An awkward silence consumed the four until Pyrrha decided to break it. "Soo, what do you need help with that involves us?"

"Uh, I can't seem to find my weapons locker..." Jaune replied sheepishly.

"May I ask what you locker number may be?"

The blond slowly reached for his little map and promptly handing it to the gentle red haired lady. "Okay! Um, the locker number that has my weapon in it is uh, 63... 7. No wait! 636. Yep that's it."

Pyrrha inspected the map handed to her before turning towards the white haired fencer. "Hm, say Weiss, isn't that the number of the locker beside yours?" Pyrrha pointed out.

The two boys blinked their eyes before slowly turning their heads towards the locker beside the heiresses locker. It was indeed... Jaune's weapon locker, the numbers 636 buffed proudly for all to see. Jaune's palm promptly met with his face to hide his embarrassment while Evi was just chuckling at his friends misfortune.

"T-thank you..." Jaune mumbled quietly as he simply went to unlock his locker.

"So, I'll just speak for Jaune from here out when I say thank you for helping him out. He's been looking for his locker all day." Evi took a quick bow towards the friendly red head.

Pyrrha chuckled at the situation of the blond boy before bowing respectfully as well "The pleasure is all mine."

Weiss was dumbfounded at what she was currently seeing until she cleared her throat. All attention was now directed towards her. "Excuse me, but do you even know who your talking to?"

"Uh... I'm talking to a red headed woman whose name was never said to me?" Evi stated slowly.

"This is Pyrrha Nikos." Weiss introduced.

"Hello again!" Pyrrha waved.

Evi waved back while reaching into his utility belt. " And I'm Evi, Evi Magkumpun! Nice to meet you too." He then withdrew a small business card before handing it over.

"Pyrrha graduated at the top of her class back at Sanctum." Weiss announced to the two boys.

"What's a Sanctum?" Evi asked confusingly.

"I think it some sort of other combat school outside Vale." Jaune added while retrieving his weapon. "Oh by the way, here's your tent back Evi!"

"Thanks Jaune!" Evi shouted back as he stuffed the rather large bag into his utility belt. "And back to what you were saying Weiss, I've never been out of Vale so I wouldn't know about this place."

"Ah, She's won the Minstral regional tournament four years in a row. A new record!" She shouted a bit louder in disbelief.

"The what?" Evi asked. He turned towards Jaune who was struggling to take out his shield. Jaune could only shrug his shoulder from what that was as well.

At this point Weiss was getting a bit angry at the clueless two boys. "She on the cover of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!" She exclaimed while waving her arms rapidly up and down.

"*Gasp!* That was you?! They only do the for star athletes and cartoon characters!" Jaune gushed as he temporarily stopped pulling out his shield.

"Wait, that's a thing?" Evi wondered with his head tiled to the side.

"...You seriously didn't know that that was an actual product?" Weiss stated bluntly.

All eyes were on the repairman as he gave a rather sheepish "...No?"

Weiss simply fell onto the floor trying to comprehend how someone such as him knows so little about the world while Jaune and Pyrrha were laughing at what was happening.

"You a quite the interesting fellow Evi." Pyrrha chuckled when she died down her laughter.

"I could say the same thing to you Pyrrha!" Evi replied back. "What sport were you starred in to get you to be that famous?"

"The Vytalian javelin toss was what got me the gold medal. I'm also exceptionally well with marksmanship and duelling but I only made it in third place for those catigories." She withdrew a red and bronze rifle from her locker which mechanised into both a gladius, and even a javelin.

"That's pretty awesome!" Evi admitted. "Care to show an example of your skills in javelin tossing?"

"I would be delighted to, though I don't seem to see any viable target that would suffice." Pyrrha stated.

"Leave that to me!" Evi shouted as he pulled out a thick circular log with red and white resembling the target. He quickly installed it firmly onto one of the nearest square pillars before admiring his work. "Right! We have a few minutes to before initiation so you only have one shot at this! If you hit a bulls eye from where you are right now to this target here, I'll treat you to a cupcake the next time we're in Vale."

"And what happens if I don't hit the bulls eye?" Pyrrha asked with a questionable glance.

"If you don't, you owe me a box of these so called Pumpkins Pete's Marshmallow Flakes." Evi stated with a tone of seriousness in his voice.

Pyrrha chuckled at the losing conditions before rolling her shoulders. "Alright, I accept your offer." She called back. "Sadly, the cereal isn't that good for your teeth though."

Weiss finally recovered from her slump when she had heard what was currently going on. "Wha- Pyrrha?! you don't have to this!" Weiss informed.

"Don't worry about it Weiss, that cupcake is as good as mine!" A fire of determination sparked within her eyes.

Pyrrha did a few stretches before getting a good grip on her weapon. With a deep breath, she threw her javelin towards the target but forgot to deactivate the boost from the gunpowder. It made a rather large gunshot which startled the blond knight so much that when he jerked his body, he successfully was able to take out his shield from his locker... The bad part was that the hood on his black sweater got caught by a very pointy spear thing that lodged him into the wooden target. When he came back to his senses, he noticed that the weapon was merely a few inches away from his precious blond hair.

"Jaune!" The two cried out as they rushed to the aid of the poor blond knight.

"W-what h-happened?!" Jaune stuttered as he was still unsure of what was happening.

"Don't worry Jaune! We'll get you out from there" Evi cried out. When he reached his male friend, he tried to pull out the javelin but it was no use. "It's stuck!"

"It's going to take more than a bit of elbow grease to take this thing out." Pyrrha commented from afar. "I can take care of this." she closed her eyes suddenly extended her hand towards her weapon which was now surrounded in a dark grey glow. For some reason, Evi felt as if he was being tugged, He quickly grabbed hold of his friend to not get abducted by this mysterious glow. Eventually, the javelin was successfully extracted from its wooden confinement as well as the repairman that lost his grip to Jaune's. Pyrrha opened her eyes to see both her weapon and a lightish-red man fly towards her at alarming rates. Her survival instincts kicked in as she ran towards the dangers and leaped to do a twirl. As she flew over the repairman, she was able to catch her weapon while landing gracefully onto the ground.

Evi... wasn't so graceful since he crashed straight into the janitor's closet with several mops, buckets and other cleaning products flew from their designated places. "...I'm okay!"

"Sorry!" Pyrrha cried out as she rushed to excavate the buried repairman. Once that was successfully done, she pulled him up to his feet as Evi patted himself off.

"Thanks Pyrrha." Evi stated as they walked towards Jaune who was still shaking.

"Sorry about that, my semblance usually is able to just select one target, I'm not sure why it caught you as well." It was rather suspicious after all.

"Eh, who knows, we'll figure that out later. By the way who won the bet?" Evi asked as he took hold of Jaune

When they brought the blond knight towards the nearest bench, both were able to see a fairly large hole surface at the dead centre of the wooden target. Pyrrha had a victorious smile on her face while Evi fell to the ground in defeat. "Looks like you owe me a cupcake!" Pyrrha commented as he pulled the repairman up as well.

"Well, a bets a bet! So the next time we're back down at Vale, I've got to get you a cupcake then!" Evi chuckled as he gave Pyrrha's hand a good handshake.

Suddenly, the intercom activated with Glynda Goodwitch on the line. "Will all first year initiates please make their way towards Beacon cliffs to the Emerald Forest."

"Well, that's our cue to leave!" Pyrrha motioned.

"Yep! I'll see you two there! I've got to wait a bit before I bring Jaune with me." Evi them motioned the blond boy who was trying to stand on his legs but they were still quite shaky.

"It was nice knowing you!" The Spartan girl cried out.

"Likewise!" Evi shouted back. "Hey, you doing alright Jaune?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. My legs are still wobbling though." To prove his point he tried to stand up once more only lasting a few seconds.

"Come on Jaune, lets go." Evi mentioned as he lugged his right arm around his shoulder as they made their way towards their initiation.

And BAM! This chapter is done! I hope you caught on the multiple references I added in this chapter as well as had a good laugh with it too. Did you know that if you add an "i" at the end of Evi's last name it spells out Magkumpuni which in Tagalog (a Filipino language) means "to repair"? That's right, I'ma Filipino! And this is some in-depth stuff if you know what I mean!

But I've got an important announcement to make... I'm going to writing another story that involves my two favourite characters...

[Jaune and Nora!]

To set sail on the legendary Nora's Arc ship and have some of the wackiest adventures ever! If you can find me on DeviantArt, then you'll have a good idea on what kind of things I have in store for them HEhehehehe...

But anyway, This is Nutshop here saying Stay Handsome! and have a Nice Day :D