She caressed her belly as the baby in her womb delivered a swift kick. "Easy, little one," she murmured. Nasuada reclined on a couch in her study, her swollen feet resting on a cushion. All around her were the scrolls, books, maps and ledgers that she used in her rule of Alagaësia. Never did she once believe that she would be queen, but she liked the responsibility.

"Hullo!" a voice said from the skrying mirror. The first time it had happened, she was startled, but now, she was used to the intrusion it caused.

"Murtagh." The relief that spread across her face was abundantly obvious to him.

"How fair you this day?" His smile still made her weak in the knees.

"Better. The little one is kicking me silly today. I can't put anything on my belly without protest!"

He laughed his rich, booming laugh. "Sounds like he is a lot like his mother, doesn't it?"

A smile spread across her face. "Or maybe his father! You always assume it is a boy. What if you're wrong?"

He shrugged his broad shoulders. "I will be more than happy no matter."

They sat in brief silence. "I miss you," she told him. "I miss not sharing a bed with you each night. I miss not sharing meals with you." She laid a hand on her swollen belly. "I miss you not talking to him, and feeling him kick."

His expression saddened. "I know, My Love. I will be home soon. I promise."

She trusted her husband's words, knowing he was intending to return soon, but knew deep within that it would be quite a long time before they would be reunited.