This is it boys & girls! This is the very last chapter of 'No longer enemies!' It's been a pleasure to write and I'm sad that it's got to end... Thanks so much for all of your excellent support and encouragement, I couldn't ask for better followers!

I have started to write a new story 'Failure- Not in my vocabulary', and I'll post it shortly after I've posted this. Check it out when you've got a minute!

Again, thanks so much and I hope not to disappoint you with this last chapter. I'm struggling a bit about what to write- so please don't hate me!

:D xxxx :D

SelenaQuintanillaLOVER: I'm sorry, but thankyou! :D

HowlingRain: I can imagine him to be a bit of a diva! :P I'm going to try my hardest to write the best chapter I can! I promise x

TheDemonLady: I'm sorry. I've loved writing it... I promise they'll be more.

Yana5: Me too! I'd love it, but as I can't have it, I gave it to Harry and Draco instead lol x

MagicFreak: Hehe thanks :P

AliceCullen3: Thankyouuu!

Chapter sixteen: La fin.

'Ugh!' Harry grunted as he woke up in a cold sweat. Draco was sleeping peacefully next to him, half in and half out of the silky blue and white sheets. Harry glanced at the blonde and smiled, before snuggling back into the pillow and pressing his warm back into Draco's torso. He felt clammy and cold to touch, but he was boiling so he kicked the covers off him and took his PJ shirt off, leaving him in just his boxers. He gently wrapped his arms around his huge stomach and sighed happily before he felt his stomach move. It wasn't a kick. It was much more painful. The skin rippled and it seemed to stretch even further over his stomach.

'FUCK!' He shouted, bolting upright and slamming his back against the wooden headboard. Draco woke up with a start and immediately his eyes went straight to his raven-haired lover.

'Harry? Babe? Are you okay?'

'Mmmmm.' Harry groaned back, still clutching his stomach. 'Hurts.'

Panic gripped the blonde and he leapt out of bed and starting to run around the room stuffing clothes and anything else he could grab into a grey backpack.

'Harry, I think you're going into labor. We need to get you to Mungo's.'

'Too early.' Harry panted.

'I know. I know. I know. Shit.'

'Draco I need you over here!' Harry cried as another contraction took over his body. The baby wanted to come out and there was no way for it to escape. When men had babies, a C-Section had to be performed due to a Male's lack of womanly bits. And because male pregnancies were so un-common a potion or spell hadn't been created to help the barer give birth to a child naturally.

The blonde dropped the bag and was at Harry's side instantly. He wrapped his arms around him and stroked his belly in the hope to soothe the pain. 'We need to get you to hospital. Can you walk?'

'Yeah, think so...' Harry muttered back. 'The contractions are coming every 2 minutes or so. We need to go now.'

He took a deep breath and with Draco's help got onto his feet and waddled slowly to the fireplace, before collapsing to the floor.

'I'm going to get Blaise to get there before us. He'll wait for you on the other side, but I'm going to use a levitation spell on you, to stop you from falling. I can't apparate you and it's too far to walk.'

Harry didn't even hear Draco. He just gripped the blonde's hand even harder.

Draco managed to pull out a small hand held mirror from his pocket and snapped it open quickly.

'Blaise?' He said, but he got no answer.

'BLAISE!' He shouted this time.

2 seconds later Blaise's handsome face was showing on Draco's side of the mirror.

'Harry's having the baby. Get to Mungo's and wait by the private entrance fireplace. Now please!'

Blaise just nodded and disappeared.

'C'mon Harry babe. It's not far, we need to go.'

'Ohhhhh!' He groaned.

Draco managed to half lift Harry and helped him over to the fireplace. He grabbed some floo powder and chucked it into fire, causing the flames to turn green and then used his wand to cast a levitation charm to keep Harry upright.

'Go now, baby. I'll see you on the other side.' Draco gave Harry a loving kiss on the head and gently pushed him into the flames. Harry used the opportunity of a no-pain filled moment to smile brightly at his lover. He stood upright and called out 'St Mungo's!'

He landed safely and was immediately covered with Blaise and Neville, who grabbed an arm each and started to lug him down to the labor ward. Harry couldn't help but laugh at the shocked-happy-half-crazed expressions on his friends faces.

They had to stop when Harry let out a cry of pain and fell against Neville's side. Within seconds Draco was behind him and a Healer was heading straight towards him.

'Mr Potter, come this way please.' The Healer said before turning on his heel and marching into a nearby room, leaving Blaise and Neville to help Harry along. Draco was trying to help, but Blaise kindly told him that it would cause Harry more pain to be passed around, so it was best if he and Nev helped Harry into the room and onto the bed. Draco was sulking, as usual but snatched Harry's hand as soon as he was on the hospital bed.

'Are you okay babe?' He asked softly, but not before shooting his best friend a death glare. Blaise just grinned and patted Harry on the shoulder before beckoning Neville to follow him outside.

'Yeah, pain comes and goes.' He mumbled into the pristine white pillow. The Healer and some Nurse's bustled into the room getting things prepared for the birth of Harry and Draco's baby.

'Mr Malfoy, if you'd just step to the side. Thankyou, right Mr Potter, can you tell me how far apart the contractions are?'

'Umm, on average about 1.5 to 2 minutes, but sometimes it's longer and other times I don't get a break.'

'Okay, the baby is ready to come out, now, I just need to do a test to see what way up the baby is, so I'm just going to wave my wand over your stomach...' He took his wand from his pocket and ran in slowly over Harry's massive bump. The Gryffindor giggled quietly and wiggled about on the bed.

'It tickles.' He complained. The Healer just smiled and carried on with his inspection.

'Right, it's going to be a fairly easy procedure. We will give you some pain relief and they simply make an incision here...' He pointed to the bit on skin under the navel. 'Then, my helper and I will remove the child safely and quickly before doing you up. That sound okay?'

'Yeah, but aren't there going to be problems? It's too early!' Harry panicked.

'Mr Potter, it's not un-common for a baby to come early and your child is completely fine. He is ready to come out, so it's our job to get him out safely.'

'Okay, can Draco stay with me?'

'Of course he can.' The Healer replied gently. 'His Veela wouldn't have it any other way.'

Draco nodded in agreement, before frowning. 'Huh? How did you know?'

The Healer chuckled. 'It's my job to know. I've dealt with all the male pregnancies in this hospital for over 50 years. Most of them have been Veela or a Veela's mate. Besides, Mr Malfoy is far too blonde to not be Veela. Or at least a bit.'

'Clever. None of us knew until we were told.' Harry said.

'Like I've said, I've been doing this for a long time. Right, Mr Cooper, would you please cast a pain-relief spell.'

The young male nurse, Mr Cooper, done as he was asked and waved his wand over Harry, causing him to go numb and slightly tingly. 'Done.' He said.

'Would you like to be awake or asleep?'

'Awake.' Harry replied immediately. He wanted to be awake to see his baby straight away.

The Healer done what he had to do and within 10 minutes it was over. 'Misters Potter and Malfoy. I'm very pleased to say you have a beautiful, baby boy.'

As if on cue, the baby let out a loud squawk and both Harry and Draco started to laugh and cry at the same time.

Harry felt exhausted, but he wanted to hold his Son first, even before Draco. He held out his arms in demand for the child and the Healer handed the baby over, wrapped in a blue and white baby blanket.

He looked at his baby and smiled. The little tiny boy had a shock of black hair and his eyes were an icy blue and Harry knew he'd have the silver-grey eyes of his Father when he got a little bit bigger.

'He looks like us, Dray.' Harry whispered. Draco took the one step that was needed to see the baby from Harry's view and looked down. He knew what Harry meant then. The baby was Harry incarnate. Chubby, rosy cherub cheeks and a lot of black hair.

'He's beautiful.'

'He's perfect.' Harry replied.

'Can I hold him?' Draco asked gently.

Harry reluctantly handed his Son over and when Draco looked at Harry to make a remark about the messy hair, he saw that his mate was fast asleep. He smiled and kissed Harry on the head, like he did every day and settled into the arm chair with his new born Son in his arms.

They both woke after a well-deserved 2 hour nap. Harry panicked when he couldn't feel his baby, but suddenly realized that his pregnancy was over. He looked over the Draco and his eyes filled up at the sight of Draco cuddling their Son.

Draco raised his sleepy eyes and looked at Harry and then at the sleeping baby in his arms.

'I'm scared.' He whispered.

'What do you mean?' Harry replied.

'My instincts tell me what I should do, but I'm never had to deal with a baby. What if I go wrong?'

'You won't. You'll be amazing. I promise.' Harry said softly.

Draco chuckled quietly and stood up, resting his Son's head against his shoulder. 'I'm going to get Blaise, are you up for visitors?'

'Just Blaise and Neville. We can get them to tell everyone to come see us after I've slept some more.'

'Okay.' He chuckled as he led his baby in Harry's arms. He left the room, but returned less than a minute later with two very excited men in tow.

'Oh Merlin! Harry, well done. Can I hold him please?' Blaise squealed.

Harry looked at the Italian dubiously. 'Hmmmm...'

'Please! I'll take really good care of him. You know I will.'

Harry knew Blaise would, he had no doubt in the friendly, Italian Slytherin, but he didn't want to give his baby to anyone. Not even Draco.

'1 minute. And sit down, same for you Nev.'

'Of course Harry.' Neville smiled and Harry felt immediately more at ease. Neville seemed to have that effect on him and he was grateful for his friends constant support and company.

Blaise couldn't contain his excitement, but he took the baby gently in his arms and backed down slowly into the evacuated armchair. He cuddled and coo'd at the newborn and Draco couldn't help but laugh at his friend. 'Blaise would make an awesome parent' Draco thought to himself.

'My turn!' Neville exclaimed when he got bored of waiting. He swapped places with his boyfriend and Blaise handed the child over. Reluctantly, just like Harry.

Neville looked slightly awkward at first but after a minute or so, he got more comfortable and before he knew it he was doing a Blaise and talking to the baby in baby talk. He gently stroked the thick, black hair and couldn't help but grin when Blaise looked at him.

Harry and Draco both knew then that their baby would be loved by everyone. They weren't being big-headed or blowing their own trumpets, but they just knew that this child would be the most loved child ever. If not by everyone else, then definitely by his parents. He was Harry's miracle, something that wasn't supposed to have happened. But bloody hell, he was glad it did.

Blaise and Neville eventually left with the promise they were just a mirror-call away and Harry was moved from the labor room to a small, private room where he and Draco could be alone with their new-born.

They placed their Son in the Moses basket on the right side of the bed and climbed into the soft, fluffy covers to wrap themselves together to sleep. Draco promised to wake up for feeds as Harry was too sleepy to even lift his head off the pillow. He gave the blonde a kiss and whispered goodnight to the sleeping baby before crashing completely and not waking up for a whole 12 hours.

When he finally woke up he reached out to his stomach before yet again realizing that his baby was in the basket next to him. He flipped on to his side, a feat that he hadn't been able to do for a while and peered into the crib. The child was still sleeping peacefully in his over-large white baby grow. He was tiny and only weighed 5 pound 7 but he had long legs like Harry and pianist hands like Draco. He gurgled in his sleep and Harry smiled happily. Draco had woken up when Harry shifted and he moved closer too look at his child too.

'I still can't believe he's here.' The blonde whispered.

'Me neither. I keep waking up and holding my stomach, and then I panic because the bumps gone.' Harry laughed. Draco kissed Harry's cheek and led back on the bed, with his hands behind his head. Harry glanced once more at the boy and snuggled into the crook of his lovers' arm.

'When do you think the mob's going to arrive?' Harry asked.

'As soon as they can. The security is tight here, especially as it's me and you. But no doubt my Mother and Mrs. Weasley are currently dueling them.'

Harry laughed at the thought, before realizing that Draco was probably right. 'Merlin's beard! You're probably right!' he voiced his thoughts. 'They'd be going crazy. Do you think we should get hold of them?'

'No, visiting hours are at 10 o'clock. You're going to be released this afternoon anyway, they just want to keep you in because it was a male pregnancy.'

'Oh right. What's the time now?'

Draco glanced at the while gold watch on his wrist and frowned. 'Erm, it's 10 o'clock now.'

As if on cue the door knocked, and before either man could call 'come in' the door was almost ripped off its hinges and as predicted, Narcissa and Molly came barging into the room.

'Hey?' Harry questioned.

'Harry!' The chorused in unison. 'How are you?'

'Okay thanks.' He replied.

They both looked at him expectantly. Draco looked put out they neither of them had acknowledged him.

'Would you like to see him?'

Both their faces lit up. 'Well, if you don't mind...?' Molly said.

Harry gently picked up his Son and gave him a kiss before handing him over to Molly. It was Narcissa's turn to look put out as the Weasley Mother got to hold him first.

'Merlin, he's beautiful. He looks just like you, Harry.' Molly gushed. 'Oh, but look at his hands! They most certainly come from Draco!'

'Me, me, me!' Narcissa whined after a while, and Molly frowned before handing the baby over.

'Oh my! Well done, both of you!' She smiled. 'He is the same size Draco was! How much does he weigh?'

'5,7.' Draco replied proudly.

'So small...' She whispered. 'We have to keep an eye on his hair, we can't have it looking like Harry's!'

'Hey!' He protested.

'Just joking Dear, but really.'

'His hair is perfect.' Draco defended.

'Of course.' Molly smiled. 'Have you picked out a name?'

'Not yet. We have no idea.'

'Scorpious!' Narcissa exclaimed. 'A true, strong name.'

'Oh Merlin no!' Harry laughed.

'What about James?' Molly asked.

'It was a possibility, but that wouldn't be fair on Draco. If he was a girl it would have been Lily Narcissa Potter-Malfoy, be he's not so...'

Narcissa looked like she was going to cry. 'That's a lovely name, and thanks for thinking of me. But we need a handsome boys name!'

'I like Tristan and Emmett.'

'And I like Orion and Gideon.' Draco replied.

'Orion is nice, not so much of a fan with Gideon.'

'That's the name of Sirius' Father.' Narcissa said quietly.

'It's the line of stars in space or something isn't it?'

'Yes, a lot of Blacks had star constellations for names. My sisters and I, Draco, Sirius... It's quite a lovely thing for such a notoriously dark family.'

'And then there's me. Harry. What a boring name.'

'It's not boring. It's a lovely name!' Molly said. Harry smiled and rolled his eyes.

'Hmmm. Why don't we wait? It's okay, as long as you've picked a name before the naming ceremony.' Narcissa decided.

'Yeah, we'll think of something perfect for our perfect Son.' Draco said kissing his boyfriend and Son on the head.

'Oh I forgot to say, Andy and Teddy are coming over, if that's okay?' Molly asked.

'Of course.' Harry replied warmly. 'Teddy will be seeing a lot of baby when we get out of here. He was originally going to live with me anyway, but when I found out I was pregnant Andy said she'd keep him until everything was sorted.'

'He'll be more than welcome! He is such an amazing person. Absolutely insane and incredible at Quidditch. Just like you.' He jokingly poked Harry on the shoulder.

'When are they getting here?'

'Soon, about 11?'

They chatted a bit and passed the baby round for hundreds of cuddles until a whir ball of colour came whizzing through the door and launched itself onto Harry.

'Oooomph!' He gasped and he noticed he had an armful of Teddy Lupin.

'Hiya! 'Arry!' The young boy mummered affectionately into Harry's collarbone.

'Hey Ted, you okay?'

'Me 'kay. Baby?' He asked hopefully.

Harry moved Teddy so that he was sat in the middle of the bed, surrounded by pillows, and he beckoned Draco to lay their Son on Teddy's small lap.

Narcissa was already snapping pictures and she was shuffling around the room, trying to get the perfect angle.

'Looks like 'Arry!' Teddy squealed excitedly.

'Because it's Harry's baby.' Andy said as she perched on the edge of the bed. 'Hello Harry, Draco.'

'Finally! Someone actually noticed me! Hello, Aunt.'

'Oh enough of the formalities Draco! Just call me Andy, everyone else does.'

'Okay, Andy. Hello.' Draco laughed.

'A-a-a-a!' Teddy said.

'What was that?' Harry asked, getting closer.

'Baby. A.'


'Yes please!'

'Andy, I have no idea what he's going on about...'

'I think he's trying to name your Son. He has a teddy bear at home that was made to look like you. You know, the scar, glasses, green eyes, Gryffindor jumper and all that but he called it Aaron. No idea where he got the name from, but he was going 'A-a-a a-er-onnnn. So I came out with Aaron and I've never seen him so excited before.'

'Aaron?' Harry said thoughtfully. 'I like it. Draco?'

'Me too. It rings a bell, and it feels quite natural.'

'Aaron Orion Potter-Malfoy?' (AN: Pronounced Air-ron NOT Erin!)

'Ohh! I love it!' Narcissa and Molly squealed in unison. Harry just looked at them, they were doing that an awful lot and considering how different the two women were it was odd.

'It's a lovely name.' Andy said.

'Yes, it is. Thankyou Teddy.' Harry told his Godson gently.

'Yay. A! A! Baby?'

'Yes, baby Aaron.'

The day passed quickly and Harry was at home with Draco and Aaron by dinner time. He felt amazing, a bit sleepy still, but he had absolutely no stomach pain whatsoever. He was under strict instruction to take it easy for a few weeks, but the Healers had done a fantastic job and Harry knew he'd be back to normal in a few days. His belly had shrunk and it looked almost as it had before he conceived Aaron, although he had a few extra pounds, a bit of lose skin and several stretch marks.

He didn't particularly like it, but he wasn't repulsed or ashamed by it. He had just done an amazing thing and it was his badges of honor. He hoped Draco didn't care either.

'Home sweet home!' He said as he walked through the door. He placed Aaron's carrycot on the floor and handed his coat to Draco who hung it up.


Harry jumped out of his skin and spun around, as did Draco. All their friends and family had gathered in the kitchen with balloons, banners and party food.

'We know you're going to be tired, so we thought we'd just do a small thing for baby. We tried not to shout either, didn't want to scare you all.' Hermione said sheepishly.

'It did make me jump, but thank you.' Harry said affectionately. He scooped Aaron out of the carrycot and held his so everyone could see.

'I'd like to introduce you all to Aaron Orion Potter-Malfoy born at 6.04 this morning weighing 5 pounds 7 ounces.'

There was a quiet cheer and everybody tried to shimmy in closer.

By the end of the evening, Harry actually missed his Son so much he ended up leaving the party with Aaron and going into his bedroom. Everyone eventually got the hint and left. He didn't want to say anything but his baby was being passed around like a parcel and he didn't really like it.

Draco said goodbye to their guests and because there was so many of them, it took a good half an hour before he could go and join his lover and child.

'Hey.' He said softly as he entered the room. 'They've all gone now. They all said they'd come individually next time, so not to overwhelm you and Aaron.'

'Good. I didn't get a cuddle for hours.'

Draco laughed as he changed into his nightwear. He crawled into bed and snuggled up to Harry, carefully draping his arm over Aaron.

'I love you both so much, you know that right?'

'Yeah.' Harry replied affectionately. 'We love you too.'

'Good. How're you feeling?'

'Still very sleepy, but I have no aches or pains.'

'That's great, the Healer done an amazing job but I at least expected it to hurt for a couple of days.'

Harry shrugged. 'I definitely would like to be a Healer. Only part-time though, when Aaron's a bit older.'

'Anything you want. What would you like to specialize in?' Draco replied.

'Either children or helping those with the after-effects of a cruico.'

'You do know there is no cure...'

'I know that.' Harry said abruptly, cutting Draco off. 'I want to find a cure, I want to help give Neville his Parents back.'

'Harry...' He began softly.

'No. Don't stop me before I've even tried.' The rave-haired teen said firmly.

'Okay.' Draco sighed. 'It's going to be hard work and you're going to hit walls even before you start, but if that's what you want to do I'll support you.'

'Thanks, that's all I want. I'm not going to get into Healer Training until Aaron is at least walking. Then I'll study part-time.'

'Alright. I'm going to do my potions mastery with Sev. So I can do it whenever I want. I can work around you and Aaron then.'

'That's good.' Harry replied, placing his sleep baby into the Moses basket and then snuggling into Draco's chest.

'See you tomorrow.' Harry muttered.

'Tomorrow.' Draco echoed before falling asleep to the rhythm of his lovers beating heart.

'Where's Hermione?' Harry stressed, spinning around in circles, trying to find his bushy haired best friend. 'She's meant to be here!'

'Harry! Stop stressing, she is here. She's already in there!'

'Oh.' Harry replied. 'Sorry.' He said sheepishly.

'Don't worry. You need to calm down. Luna, Blaise and Hermione are at the front, waiting for you.'

'When did they even get here? I didn't see them?'

'Probably because you were flapping around with Aaron and his clothes. Draco has him, inside.' Ron replied letting out an exasperated sigh.

'Oh. Right. So they're waiting for me?'

'Yes, and me now.'

'Ah, sorry. Shall we go in?'

'That would be good. It is your Son's naming ceremony after all.' Ron chuckled.

Harry smiled and smoothed down his brand-new and very beautiful cloak. He had a nicely made muggle suit on, with an emerald green tie on with an outer robe of the same colour. The Potter and Black crests showed on his breast pocket and he knew every guest would have their own family crests on their best clothes. Draco had told him it was pretty much law to make your family known at a naming ceremony or a wedding and you weren't considered close to the child and their family if you didn't show your crest. Harry believed it to be a big pile of crap, but he had asked his friends to do it nonetheless. Dean and Hermione didn't have one due to being muggle-born, but they went through the right channels and created their own. Seamus got his from his Mothers, Luna's was rather eccentric and most of the Slytherins had theirs embroidered on to their robes anyway.

'Here goes.' He thought as he walked through the large double doors, with Ron at his side.

Everyone turned to see him and he smiled sheepishly before shuffling to the front of the hall. He held his arms out for Aaron and Draco handed him over. Harry held the child close to his chest and sat down between Draco and Hermione. Ron took a seat directly behind his girlfriend and Harry could hear the redhead making noises at Aaron who giggled cutely at his Uncle Ron.

It had been 3 months since Aaron's birth and both Harry and Draco had loved every minute of parenthood. They watched their child grow everyday and every time Aaron hit a milestone they would be proud as punch. His first smile and laugh had been snapped on camera and film and Harry made it his life goal to make his Son as happy as possible. And he was such a happy baby, everyone said so. He'd greet his Daddies and their friends with the most gorgeous, gummy smile and each time it would melt their hearts.

The ceremony was a lavish affair thanks to Narcissa and Rowan and no expense was spared. The hall was beautifully decorated in an artful mixture of Gryffindor and Slytherin colours. Molly provided the food as Aaron's surrogate Grandmother and George and Charlie helped with fireworks and evening entertainment.

The actually naming ceremony didn't last for very long and it ended not long after Hermione, Luna and Blaise were named Godparents. Pictures came soon after and by the time Narcissa and Blaise had their fill everyone was starving and ready to tuck into Molly's fabulous buffet.

'What a beautiful ceremony!' Narcissa and Molly smiled as they fought over a cuddle with Aaron. Harry giggled and agreed. 'Yes, thankyou both for everything.'

'It's what Parents and Grandparents are for dear!' Molly cried as she won the fight and held the baby close to her chest.

Harry took a mouthful of chicken and patted his Son on the head.

'I trust you won't kidnap him while I mingle?' He laughed.

Molly shrugged. 'Not sure, I'll let you know. If you want to let your hair down, I'm sure Cissa and I can have him for a while.'

Harry smiled. 'Thank you for the offer but I'm not sure if I could go a whole night without seeing him.'

'Well it's up to you dear.'

Harry smiled again and walked off to find Ron and Hermione. He found them in the garden talking with Neville, Shay and Dean and settled into the conversation they were having about Quidditch. Hermione looked bored, but she was soon saved by Millie and Luna who took her away to find the 'pixies' that Luna swore she could see in the flowers.

'So have you been back on the broom yet?' Seamus asked Harry. 'And I don't mean Drac...'

Ron hit the Irishman round the back of the head before he could finish what he was going to say.

'Don't. Just don't.'

Harry laughed. 'I had a little fly in the garden about two weeks ago but I don't like being away from Aaron for that long.'

'You need a break! You're going to wear yourself thin. Aaron is so happy with everyone, but it'll be good for him to get to know others with you not around.'

'I know, but you know.'

'Me Ma was the same when she had me baby Sister Jen. Drove herself crazy as Jen became really clingy. But they're good now, although she's gonna cry buckets when Jen goes to Hogwarts next year.'

'I didn't even know you had a Sister!' Ron exclaimed.

Seamus shrugged. 'I don't make a big deal out of it, we aren't that close as I've been at school most of her life.'

Dean smiled. 'I knew.'

'Well you know everything Thomas.' Draco drawled as he interrupted the conversation to cuddle Harry.

Dean shrugged. 'Yeah well.' He grinned.

'Anyway, Mother is getting everyone other there, for what I have no idea.'

Harry shoved the remainder of his food in his mouth and followed the blonde, beckoning at his friends to follow.

Narcissa promptly began a speech on how grateful she was that everyone came and she gave special gifts to those that helped and the Godparents of her Grandson. She gave them strict instructions to be the best they could, and told them she couldn't have chose better. Hermione welled up, Luna gave Cissa a hug and Blaise couldn't' help but look smug.

Shortly after she dropped subtle hints that Harry and Draco should also go up and do the same. Harry flushed, but took the lead and strolled onto the small stage to mumble out a thanks and everyone cheered, making him go redder. He grinned at his family and friends before collecting his Son and pecking Draco on the lips.

His cuddle with his boy was short lived as at the end of Draco's speech, he walked over to Harry and took the green-eyed mans hand, forcing him to give Cissa the baby back, much to Harry's annoyance.

He led him back to the centre and everyone was shocked into silence when he got down on one knee and said;

'Harry James Potter. I love you more than life itself. You are the best thing that's happened to me and without you I would never have my beautiful Son. Please, will you do me the honor and agree to be my Husband? Will you marry me Harry?'

There were catcalls and screams coming from the crowd and Harry grinned ear to ear.

Harry cupped the blondes cheeks, kissed Draco gently on the lips and simply said,


AN: So guys this is it! Wow! What a write... It was immensely enjoyable and I'm chuffed you all followed me for so long.

Hope you enjoyed it. I did and I couldn't have done it without you.

Much love Darlings and I hope to see you soon. 3

Steviee xxxxxxx