Turtles Plus Pain Killers Equals Snuggles

Annie woke up the next morning to Mikey's beak buried in the back of her neck. Rolling her eyes she pulls herself into a sitting position, Mikey snuggled into her hip with a smile plastered onto his face. Annie was wondering how she was going to get out to go and make breakfast when Master Splinter walked into the room.

"Annie, do you mind me asking what happened?" Splinter asked with a smile on his wise face.

"Loopy here thought I was a teddy bear" Annie explained.

"I see, well I will help you get out of your predicament if you will make those delicious cinnamon rolls for breakfast" Annie agreed without hesitation and was soon out the door and in the kitchen. In less than a minute she had her apron on and her hair pinned up, soon the soft sounds of clinking kitchen utensils floated out of the kitchen. She had just put two trays of cinnamon rolls in the oven and was about to go set the table when she spotted Donnie leaning in the door way, he had the same loopy grin on his face as Mikey the night before, uh oh.

"Good morning Donnie" Annie said. Donnie's smile grew bigger and he walked over and enveloped her in a hug.

"Good morning" he said in a sing song voice. Annie hugged him back while wondering what Raph and Leo were going to be like, she concealed a shudder.

"Um, Donnie you can let me go now. I need to set the table" Annie said pulling out of the hug. Donnie released her from the hug but kept his hand on her shoulder and proceeded to follow and help her set the table. "Thanks for your help Donnie, you sit here while I go and get your brothers" Donnie whined and pulled her into another hug, "Donnie I will be right back!". This seemed to pacify the olive green turtle and she slipped away as quickly as she could. Annie arrived at Raph's door only to find it wide open and the room unoccupied, sighing she went to Leo's room and found herself starring at a giant lump in the center of the bed. A very loud snore and some muffled muttering clued her into who was under the blankets. Annie walked over to the bed and knelt down beside it, carefully she lifted up the covers just a little bit. The sight that greeted her practically screamed "Black Mail!", Leo and Raph were curled up into one big heap of green skin and shells with. Raph was draped over Leo's shell holding onto one of his arms, Leo was on his plastron with his head on one arm and holding onto Raph's hand. Smiling to herself Annie got up and almost reluctantly drew back the blankets, eliciting grunts of complaint.

"Come on you two, rise and shine!" Annie chirped. Raph groaned and buried his face in Leo's shoulder while Leo buried his face into the bed. "Wakey, wakey boys, breakfast is getting cold".

"I don't want to go to school, five more minutes Sensei" Raph muttered as he rolled on to his back still very out of it.

"Don't wanna do morning practice" Leo slurred. Annie nearly hit the floor that time, Leo not wanting to do practice? The world must be ending.

"Guys get up!" Annie said briskly shaking their shoulders. This resulted in Raph swatting her away and Leo wrapping his arms around her like she was a stuffed animal, he sighed happily and drifted off again. "Really? Again?" Annie groaned. Leo just smiled and snuggled closer, about that time Mikey's cat Klunk wandered into the room and decided it was time for the turtles to wake up. He jumped up on the bed and sank his claws into Raph's ankle. Raph flew off the bed with a shout causing Leo to follow suit wrapping Annie up in a protective hold while Raph adopted a fighting stance. This combined with all of the hugs and snuggles she was getting had Annie thinking that giving the turtles those pain killers was not such a good idea.

"Morning to you too!" Annie said somewhat muffled in Leo's protective grip.

"Annie?" they slurred, Raph relaxed his stance and Leo gently set her down.

"Yes, it's me. Now come on breakfast is getting cold" She took their hands and lead them out the door towards the dining room. The two turtles followed obediently and did not offer a single complaint as she helped them get to their seats, they did however wrap her up in spontaneous hugs as she helped them sit down. Master Splinter had managed to get Mikey to the table and sat him next to Donnie who was fiddling with a fork while his younger brother toyed with his bandana tails. Annie quickly dished out the food which was received with gentle enthusiasm instead of the usual rowdiness whenever she was at the lair. Once breakfast was done Annie started clear off the dishes, she reached for a plate only for an emerald green hand to scoop it and the pile in her arms out of her grip. Raph put the dishes in the sink then came over and wrapped Annie in a loose hug. She gave him a quizzical look as he nuzzled her forehead.

"Hi" he said with a smile that made Annie think of Mikey.

"Hi Raph" Annie said with a smile, "Shouldn't you be on the couch resting?" her answer was a nod as Raph rested his chin on her head. "Are you going to go back to the couch now?" this time he shook his head, "What do you want to do?". Annie asked. She had been trained on how to handle people after they had been given her herbs, so far Raph's answers to her questions were normal.

"Wanna practice in the dojo with ya" Except for that one.

"You what?" Annie asked in surprise.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Raph started directing her towards the dojo.

"Uh, no. Sorry Raph I have a lot of chores do and you need to rest" Annie said ducking out of his arms.

"Aw you work too much" Raph whined.

"And you sound like Mikey!" Annie told him. Raph giggled, that sent Annie's eye brows straight up, well that was different! Since when did Raph giggle? There was a soft chuckle from behind her, Annie spun around and saw Splinter watching with a twinkle in his onyx eyes.

"I think it would be fine for you to practice with Raphael, it would bring me some peace of mind knowing you had some more defense capabilities under your belt" the rat said kindly.

"Sensei, they are still too groggy to be moving around! I am still wondering how Raph got off the couch in the first place" Annie said giving the turtle a look.

"My dear, they are ninjas. It is going to take something a lot stronger than herbs to keep them off their feet, so far the only thing I know of that will do that is morphine" Splinter told her, "It will be fine for them to move around a bit and some light training won't hurt them or you". Annie was about to protest when Raph gently cover her mouth, bowed to his master and then in one move had her over his shoulder and ambled towards the dojo.

"Raph! Put me down!" Annie said punching his shoulder though her small fists stung about as much as a moth's wing.

"Remember my son, nothing to strenuous. Just some basic kata's and then you have the day off" Splinter called to his son.

"Not helping Sensei!" Annie yelled as they disappeared into the dojo. Raph set her down gently swaying a bit as he did so, he then took a step back and took the starting stance of a kata. When he look at her Annie sighed realizing he wanted her to follow, not being one to argue unless it was really important Annie mirrored his stance as best she could. Raph then flowed into another stance with Annie trying to mimic him, this continued for several minutes until Raph had to stop and catch his breath from laughing.

"What's so funny?" three curious voices asked. Annie turned and saw the three remaining turtles standing in the door way with relaxed groggy smiles on their faces.

"Apparently my kata's are highly amusing to your brother" Annie huffed. Raph giggled and nodded in agreement.

"Can we see?" Mikey asked. Annie started to protest but Raph took his stance and after a minute so did she. This time they barely made it through one kata before Raph was on the floor laughing along with Mikey and Donnie. Annie folded her arms over her chest in annoyance and was about to leave when a pair of leaf green arms caught her in yet another hug.

"Don't be mad Annie, you will get it with practice" Leo said. He bent down a bit to rest his chin on her shoulder and smile at her. Annie could not hold back a small jump of surprise or the blush that tinged her cheeks, granted he had pain killers in his system but seeing Leo this touchy feely was very new to her. He raised his head and nuzzled her forehead in a comforting fashion that Annie guessed was supposed to cheer her up, and it kind of did.

"Come on, let's try again" Leo guided her away from his brothers. He went back over to Raph and pulled him up off the floor then had him stand in front of Annie. "Ok, try and mimic Raph again".

"So that he can laugh at me again? No Way!" Annie said as Raph settled into his stance, this time Mikey and Donnie joined him and waited for Annie to follow.

"Please?" Leo said. Annie groaned, now she knew where Mikey learned that killer puppy dog pouty face from, with a resigned sigh she dropped into the stance. Leo's hands appeared and started gently adjusting her position. She was about to ask him what he was doing when Raph and his brothers moved into the next stance, Annie followed and this time Leo guided her into the correct form as she moved.

With Leo guiding her Annie made it through at least four kata's before Mikey cheered and scooped her up in a hug.

"You did it!" he gushed spinning her around and squeezing her tightly as he bounced around the room.

"Mikey you're going to crush me!" Annie laughed. Mikey shook his head and squeezed her again with a cheesy smile on his face, Annie just laughed and hugged him back. Technically she had Leo helping her but she did feel accomplished, Mikey's grin got even bigger when Annie hugged him back making her think that maybe all these hugs weren't so bad.

"My turn to hug Annie!" Donnie said suddenly. Annie just laughed as the image of the turtles lining up for their turn to give her a hug popped into her head.

"Nope! She is all mine" Mikey said sticking his tongue out. Donnie squawked in protest and jumped at his little brother who took off running with Annie laughing her head off.

"Get back here!" Annie looked over Mikey's shoulder and saw all three of his older brothers chasing after them with goofy grins on their faces. Mikey turned to see if anyone was following him and let out a surprised squeak as his brothers tackled him to the floor. Amazingly Annie was not crushed under the four turtles, somehow she got sandwiched protectively in the middle as they wrestled with each other and avoided jostling her.

"Ack! Guys I am getting turtle squished!" Annie laughed. This merely caused the four of them to laugh with her but they made no move to let her go as they all now had their arms around her. "I'm not getting away from you today am I?".

"Nope!" was the cheery chorus. Annie could only smile at the collection of loopy grins surrounding her, sighing she allowed herself to relax completely and rested against Leo's plastron. Donnie and Mikey shifted their positions so that they could lay their heads on her outstretched legs while Raph twisted a bit so that his head was on her left shoulder, Leo smiled in a content fashion as he looped his arm around her slim shoulders and rested his chin on her head.

"Comfy?" Annie asked with a small laugh. All of the turtles nodded their heads as their eye's started to drift shut, Annie had a feeling that nap time was on its way.

"Hey Annie, what kind of movies do you like?" Mikey asked with a yawn.

"I like all kinds except for horror and slasher films, and I am not too big on chick flicks either" Annie replied. She was surprised to find herself getting a little drowsy.

"Got any specific favorites?" Donnie asked softly as he drifted off. He had reached up and caught her hand in his, Mikey had wrapped his arms around her legs and Raph had her other hand while Leo got the rest of her. Things were turning into another snuggle fest.

"Um, Avengers, Thor, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Captain America, Pirates of the Caribbean, Forbidden Kingdom. Stuff like that" Annie yawned.

"You have good taste in movies" Leo murmured nuzzling her head.

"Movie night tonight," Raph muttered before succumbing to sleep.

"All in favor?" Mikey slurred. Four green hands plus Annie's pale one enclosed in Raph's hand rose up ever so slightly, "I'll make popcorn". With that Mikey was out followed by Donnie and Raph, Annie smiled and wondered if she could slip out before they woke up. She was not sure if it was safe for her to stay with the turtles if the man she worked for came looking for her.

"And you are not allowed to leave this time" Leo said with a soft growl in his voice. Annie curse softly, of course he was still up!

"I might have to Leo it's not safe for me to stay here considering I work for-" Leo's hand over her mouth silenced Annie in a gentle but firm manner.

"You're staying and that's that" Leo told her. Annie rolled her eyes but nodded in agreement, Leo must have been waiting for that because promptly fell asleep rolling onto his side causing Annie to shift so that she was not dragged down with him but still allow his arm around her. Shortly after Leo fell asleep Raph's rumbling snores filled the dojo, loud as they were the snores coupled with Leo's deep breathing and Mikey and Donnie's muttering while they slept provided a soothing lullaby to Annie. In a few minutes she to fell asleep snuggled against the turtles, maybe giving them those herbs was not such a bad idea. After all who would pass up some much needed hugs and snuggle time plus a movie night with guaranteed snuggles? Too bad the herbs would wear off by the next morning.