A/N: Okay guys I'm going to be working on this from now on everythin else will be put on hiatus seeing as New ranger chapter 9 is kicking my ass, but here is my very own story on a new set of MMPR's with A cast of OC's being the Rangers. I'd like to Thank GreyKing46 for the use of his OC Samantha King from his Story GokaiShadow, and Drago3511 for the use of his OC Sean Sky from his story series The Multiverse Chronicles and The Alternate Chronicles (although this chapter hasn't introduced him yet) now as for the disclaimer... do I have to I mean we all know I don't own this stuff I did I'd be making millions off of this stuff.

Chapter 1: Return of Evil 1

Kylar pinched the bridge of his nose at the paper work on his metaphorical plate, or rather lack of it. HYDRA had returned and only that, but apparently he and a tactical squad were being sent in to investigate a strange occurrence in California. Last time he had been in California he was a kid staring in awe of the Greats, as he called them, the one and only Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, but then the just disappeared then they came back.

Technically he was only along for the ride seeing as the tactical team was really HYDRA sleeper agents. Last time I go leave a guy to watch my back just to take a leak, Kylar thought to himself. He looked at the heavily armed men around him and still wondered why he was alive. Just for kicks he raised his cuffed hand to catch the attention of one of the guards.

"Uh, hi, Kylar Welsh, Agent of SHIELD. I don't mean to pry, but why is it that I'm still alive?" He asked with genuine curiosity. The guard growled at the young agent, who also happen to be one of the best agents there was in SHIELD. The guard ignored Kylar for the remaineder of the trip. He sighed in annoyance as he was ignored by the guards. He was still wondering how in the world he was captured. All he remembered was being on assignment in the FRIDGE and then he was here on a QuinJet heading to an area in California. Didn't he just have the shittiest luck ever.

But one thing you have to remember about Kylar Ambrose Welsh was that he was an AGENT OF SHIELD!

He unlocked his cuffs with nothing more than a flick of his wrist, which wasn't what really happened as he just subtly picked the locks with a paper clip that just happened to be next to him. A PAPER CLIP FOR CHRIST SAKE! After breaking out of his cuffs he grabbed the closest guard and punched him in the face with a swift right cross, effectively knocking him out. The other guards just stood there wondering what to do as Kylar turned to them.

"Really, you act like I shouldn't been able to do that. Who do you think I am a damsel in distress?" He asked with a smirk. He charged at another just as he raised his rifle to shoot the aspiring Level Six agent, but before he could fire off a round Kylar kicked the gun out of the guards hands and hit the unsuspecting victim with a palm strike to the throat. "Seriously you guys act like your… oh my GOD! You guys are ROOKIE BAD GUYS?!" He screamed in disbelief. He palmed his face and growled in annoyance making the amateur guards flinch.


[On a another QuinJet heading to the same area.]

Samantha King was glaring at the vulgar men in front of her. She swore if she ever got out of here she was going to kill him. She had been at the HUB when HYDRA decided to raise its ugly head. She couldn't believe this she was a Level 6 agent and was now in front of a bunch of pigs in tactical gear.

Her entire career was based solely on taking down unnatural threats, terrorist, and international illegal dealings. This was absolute bullshit. She had moved from Britain for this? Again absolute rubbish. She looked around to see every male in the room looking at her like a piece of meat. "Oh for the love of God!" She shouted. She stood up abruptly only to get a gun barrel brought to her face. "Didn't your mother ever teach it not polite to point." She scolded the guard asnd performed a sweeping kick knocking the male guard onto his back and then she axe kicke him in the chest. Hearing the sound of bones crunching would have normally been unamusing, but this once she allowed herself to smile at the sound.

The other guards in the room were slack jawed at the sight. Their captive just took one of then down with nothing but her feet. She cocked an eyebrow. Was it really that surprising that she had taken one of them down without much of a fight? Wow either they were sexist or they were amateurs…at …this…


[Back with Kylar]

After taking out his guards and taking control of the ship he was curious as to why they were being sent he was being sent to California. He looked at his radar and saw two more ships heading to the same area. He narrowed his eyes and tried to radio in with the aircraft.

The first one responded very quickly. "What in God's Green Earth do you want Welsh?" The voice was familiar. It was female, British accent… Sam.

"Sam?!" He asked in surprise. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked ing a commanding tone. She scoffed at his "authoritative" tone with her and responded as such.

"I was gonna aske you the same question, you blubbering idiot." She said in a venomous tone. She was pissed off that He had been promoted before her. Her of all people and yet Boy wonder got everything he ever wanted. And why, huh? Because he is the "Prodigy of SHIELD", the future of SHIELD, the Next Director Of SHIELD. He was barely out of his teens and he was already a Level 6 Agent.

"Sam, listen to me. I get it you're still peeved off me being promoted before you, but right now is not the time for us to be fighting. Right now You, Me, and another aircraft are all heading for a massive source of energy. And from the looks of things it is highly unstable and is…" before he could finish he had arrived and saw what the issue was.

The city that was once there was now reduced to ashes. The city where it all began for Kylar…

Angel Grove.

It was gone wiped off the face of the earth. What could have done this, who could have done this?

"Welsh what's happening? You were talking and then all of a sudden you stop…ped." Sam saw what Kylar became speechless about an entire city was reduced to nothing. She couldn't think of anything other than a nuke that could do that. "What the hell happened here?" she asked with a hint of fear.

The intercoms then began producing static. Then it became clear as a new voice was heard not only speaking to them but to all of the people all over the world.

"Greeting citizens of Earth! I am Lord Zedd! And I have returned with the intentions of completing what I started all those years ago. Conquering and enslaving you all for all of eternity!" Zedd cackled loudly as he spoke. "Also I wish to destroy the POWER RANGERS!"