The Unlikely Trade

Chapter One

Summary: (In CoHF) When Raphael captures Simon once he figures out the mark of cain is no longer on him, he threatens to kill the once daylighter. But, the angel faced vampire will save Simon's life under one condition; he wants Clary. Forever. So when Clary sacrifices her life to save her best friends, what exactly will Raphael want her for? Why does he want her in the first place? And lastly, what will happen if Clary's special angel blood can have a particular outcome to 'unprotected situations'. (I hope you know what that means, because I sure as hell am not explaining it. No spoilers ; ) and what happens when Magnus comes along, and since Raphael owes him, is the only one Clary can talk to from her past? Claphael/ Clagnus, I'm letting the readers choose! Read to find out!

Rated M for:


Forced sex

Angry sex


You get the point.

Without farther ado…

Clary stiffly walked past the New York streets, not paying attention to where she was going. Her mind was jumbled up as she thought of the past few weeks.

Jace and her had been distant, because of the heavenly fire within him. She missed his touch, she truly did, but she wasn't very bothered by it. And that disturbed her. Shouldn't girlfriends be in a depressive state if they can't have any intimacy with their hot boyfriends? Well, Clary was depressed, but not because of Jace.

It was because of her brothers' letter that was sent a few weeks ago. The words disturbed her to the very core. No doubt he was coming for her; she could feel it in her bones. They'd searched for weeks for her brother, yet had found no trace of him. It was as though he'd simply disappeared from the earth.

If only. She thought with distaste. Her thin lips tightened into a line. During that time, they had also been looking for somewhere safe for Clary to stay, somewhere Sebastian couldn't get to. But, because of past occurrences, it was proven that there was almost no place the redhead went that her brother couldn't find her.

She stopped walking when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Simons name blinked on her phone, and Clary didn't hesitate to answer.


"Nice to hear your voice again, Hermosa." An unfamiliar voice said. It took Clary a second to recognize it, but when she did, she spat out the name like venom.

"Raphael." This earned a chuckle from over the phone. "Why are you using Simon's phone?" She paused, then panically asked "Simon?! Is he ok?!"

"Relajarse, Hermosa." Raphael slurred from the other side. "Meet me at The Hotel Dumort, unless you your little friend dead." Just as Clary formed a rescue plan, he spoke again. "And don't bring any of your little friends along- or he'll die." The redhead swore under her breath, she could feel those pretty little lips of Raphael's grinning.

Damn you, bastard.

"I'll be there. This had better not be a trick, unless you want to go against the Accords." She snarled one last time before hanging up without notice. Then, she took off as fast as her pale legs could carry her.


Raphael's POV:

The tan skinned boy waited near the opening of Dumort. Personally, he hated coming down to this crappy part. The upstairs was much better, but this room was necessary in order to intimidate intruders.

Simon's voice broke him from his thoughts. "Why do you want Clary?"

Raphael turned to him. He couldn't exactly say his answer, because she's beautiful. She's different. And she's mine. Mine to love, to keep, to fuck, whatever.

Instead, he answered, "This is the only place guarded enough that Sebastian can't get to. Your redhead will be safe here."

"Why do you care?" Simon snarled. His fangs glinted in the light, but he couldn't do anything because of the ropes binding his wrists.

"That is none of your concern." What he told Simon was actually true; he wanted to keep her safe. But he'd also wanted to claim her as his since the moment he saw Clary. The first night she came to Dumort, he'd been planning on turning her into a vampire, but she'd brought angel boy along with her.

Also, since she was different. Not because of the angel blood, but because, since she wasn't raised as a Nephilim, she was completely open minded about Downworlders. Clary viewed them as equals; that was rare among the shadowhunters.

Well, at least he had his sweet time planning everything out while she had her limited time with angel boy. For example, 500 different positions, places, etc. The plan stuff, too, though in Raphael's mind new positions were more important.

His thoughts of 69ing were interrupted as he heard a rattle from the grate, which led into the room. There was some struggling, followed by some cursing, until it was finally lifted off.

She must have slipped before she was ready to jump down, because Clary gave a small gasp and ungracefully landed on her bum on the ground.

"Ow." She muttered, and then rubbed her thigh to try and ease the pain. Clary obviously hadn't noticed Raphael and Simon standing there yet; for right now Raphael's greedy, dark eyes rested on her ass.

She fumbled with something in her pocket, and then pulled out a stele, holding it in her hand like a weapon.

"Hold it while you can, Hermosa, because you're not going to have that much longer." Unless you want to use sex runes to enhance love-making sessions.

She whipped her red curls around, and met his eyes with a fiery green glare. "Get down to business."

He chuckled. "You're really in a hurry to get things going, aren't you?" It took it a minute for his statement to make sense to her, but when it did; a blush crept over her freckled cheeks.

"Let Simon go."

"Under one condition." Said Raphael. "You," He pointed at her, "Take his place."

"To kill?"

"To keep." The redhead was taken aback. She stood there in shock for a few moments. Simon sat there, silently begging Clary to say no, to not be the usual self-sacrificing, brave girl for once.

No matter how much he silently begged her, she squared her shoulders and choked out, "Fine."

The next events where quicker than he wanted them to be. Simon was untied and taken by some random vampire and pushed off out of the room. Clary didn't even get to say goodbye; it had all happened so fast.

"Now, mi Hermosa, let's set some rules." She just glared at him as he came nearer to her. "One; This will be kept out of your reach." Raphael tugged her stele out of her fingers and handed it to another vampire, who again appeared out of nowhere. "Two; you will do whatever I say, when I say it. If not, there will be certain…punishments." At this he grinned. She shivered at his gaze, it was darkened with lust. She truly didn't want to know what sort of punishment he had in mind. "Three; you are not to leave my side, and when I'm not here, you are to stay in our room until I fully trust you." He looked at her for one more moment. She had tears filling her green eyes; after all, everything had happened so fast. She would probably never see her family again and there was no chance of them coming to save her, since now the bastard would have the hotels guards up times three.

"Do you understand?" Said Raphael. She looked at him one more time. He never said that I couldn't be harsh to him. Then, she forced herself to nod.

He smiled. His fangs glinted in the light. Clary just wanted to get out of here; to curl into a ball of self pity and cry her eyes out for her lost life; alone.

She felt him reach into her coat pocket and pull out her phone. "You won't be needing this anymore, Hermosa."

Again, it was taken away by another vampire. Clary was starting to freak out, where in the hell were they coming from? But before she could ask, she was swept into Raphael's arms bridal style, and faster than she could imagine, was carried up flights of steps.

She clung to his neck for dear life. When they reached the door, he gracefully kicked it open and let it fall shut behind them. He set her down for a second while she looked around the room.

Well, it was more like a suite. There was a gigantic bed with black sheets and soft, silk pillows. An office was on the other side of the room, as well as a living room. The other doors must have been a closet and a bathroom.

She was pulled out of her thought by the sound of the door locking. Great. She thought sarcastically.

"Let me show you around, Hermosa."

Raphael wrapped an arm around her waist. Oddly, it didn't feel so bad, but his grip was tight, possessive, and controlling.

Clary actually started listening a little when they got to the bathroom. It was huge- A master tub that could have fit four people, as well as a tiled shower that was also a nice size accompanied it. There were two sinks; A big, modernized mirror and a granite counter top.

It almost seemed like an actual hotel, but Clary was smart enough to not be fooled.

"We'll have to get you clothes; you can borrow a t-shirt of mine for now. Or longer, if you want." He raised an eyebrow suggestively at her and smirked; Clary just glared at him and stood her ground as he walked out of the room and re entered a second later with a large, dark blue t shirt in his hand. He handed it to her, but didn't leave.

"I can change on my own, you know." Said Clary. Raphael just stood there.

"Get dressed in front of me." Clary was about to decline, but she stopped when she remembered his rules. Again, she didn't want to know his idea of punishment.

She turned around so she wouldn't have to meet his eye. Clary started by quickly taking her shirt off and sliding his on; she'd be damned if she was going to take her bra off. Then she slid down her jeans and took off her shoes and socks. As she was bent over she felt someone hands come up behind her and rest one her hips.

Clary froze. How in the hell did he move so quietly? Again, she felt his hand move from her hip to her stomach, all the way up to her breast and cupping it. She swallowed. He had to have heard her racing heart.

"You know, Hermosa. I'm tempted on bending you over the counter right now; but I want our first time to be special." Clary started shaking. Her virginity was going to be taken by him. He must have sensed what she was thinking, because she could feel him smiling. "Well, then, Im glad that I'll be your first."

He stopped his progress so he could take her arm and lead her to his bed. Clary was on the verge of tears now; she just wanted to be alone.

Raphael lifted the covers and slipped in, pulling her down with him. When she was spooned by his body, which, to Clary, was surprisingly not cold, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her ear, her neck, her shoulder, and then swept his tongue over her jawline.

It might have felt good if Clary didn't let out one tear. And then another, and another. Soon she was biting her lip to stop from sobbing as the silent tears streaked down her faced.

Raphael saw this, and leaned over to kiss the tears away. Surprisingly it was sweet and gentle; caring. He nuzzled his face into her neck.

"Don't cry, Hermosa. I'll take good care of you; you'll be happy, I promise. Shhh, Shhh…" He then wrapped his arms around her tightly and nuzzled his face even farther into her neck until she drifted off into a deep sleep; one that finally, for some reason, was not plagued by nightmares. Sometime in the night, she unconsciously tangled her legs with his and wrapped her hand around his; as Raphael watched his angel sleep.

His Angel. He grinned at the thought. And not once did he sleep a blink that night; he was too busy watching her in his strong, tan arms.

Clary's POV:

Clary woke the next morning (or rather, midafternoon) to find a body pressed against hers. It couldn't be Jace; Jace smelled of cologne and mint, while the person next to her smelled like pine and soap. She turned to see Raphael; and though he looked like he was sleeping peacefully, she knew not to be fooled.

The redhead immediately turned back around and squeezed her eyes shut. Alas, the vampire wasn't fooled.

"Se que estas despierto, Hermosa." She felt him smile against the back of her neck. Still, she refused to open her eyes.

He nibbled on the outside of her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Finally, Clary woke up, but the second she opened her eyes she struggled to get out of his arms.

Raphael seemed to be expecting this, for he just hugged her body closer to his with bruising force until she stopped squirming. "Don't move. Sleep a little more with me; it's the middle of the day."

If she weren't in her current situation, she would have told Raphael to go fuck himself. Unfortunately, she couldn't say anything and held her tongue. "Good girl."

They lay there for a few minutes. Clary's heart was racing, and she was sure he could hear it. No matter how much she tried, she simply couldn't fall back to sleep.

"Are you going to talk to me, Hermosa?" Said Raphael. Clary simply gulped, and choked out,

"I can't sleep." She immediately regretted her words though, for again, she felt him nuzzle into her neck. He seemed to like it there.

For a second, her heart stopped, thinking he was going to bite her. She didn't want to be bitten, not one little bit. "Oh? Do you have something else in mind, Hermosa?"

Clary honestly didn't want to know what he had in mind. She shivered, and Raphael took this to his advantage.

"Cold?" He asked. "I have an idea on what could warm you up." At this, he started trailing kisses down her neck; carefully biting and sucking, then twirling his tongue over certain spots. Clary swore when she realized he would be leaving a mark there.

She bit her lip to keep back the moans; but held his hand tighter as his other one trailed over her waist, hip, and landing on her thigh, rubbing slow, steady circles there.

To stop his progress, she blurted out. "I'm hungry."

He didn't even hesitate with his response. "For what?"

Clary blushed, but forced her next words. "For food. Breakfast. Coffee, I don't know. If you're 'going to take good care of me' coffee is necessary."

Raphael chuckled, then stopped his progress, but not before giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek. Her face must have been brighter than her hair right now.

She felt the bed shift as he stood up. Clary followed soon after. Her hair was probably disheveled and the red curls all over the place, but she ignored it and followed him to what must have been a kitchen.

"Why would vampires need kitchens?" asked Clary.

Raphael turned to look at her through the corner of his eye, then took her hand. "We never used it, until you came. Don't worry, its fully stocked up."

She raised an eyebrow. "You really thought this through, haven't you?" Clary earned a chuckle from him at this.

"Yes, yes I have. But you're going to have to learn to sleep during the day and stay awake during nighttime." He winked at her. "Don't worry, I've already planned out how to do that."

Clary gulped then looked away. Her virginity, being taken by the last person she would have ever imagined. She was stuck here, her life fading away, until Raphael decides to turn her into a vampire, and then she really would be stuck with him forever.

He led her to a table and pulled out a chair, motioning for her to sit down. She did that, and before he scurried away to make her breakfast he pushed her hair off to the side and fingered the mark he made there, smiling as he did so.

Then he turned away and put on coffee, and soon great smells were wafting from the kitchen.

Out of curiosity, she stood and walked over to where he stood. After straining her neck a little, she saw what he had put on the plate; pancakes and bacon.

"You can cook?" She asked, unconsciously breathing down his neck. Her lips were extremely close to his throat.

"I remember a few things." Raphael chuckled. Then he turned around and was about to hand her plate to her but snatched it away, just out of reach.

"If you want breakfast, you have to kiss me first."

She glared out him, her green gaze burning with fire. Then, she tilted her head up and pressed her lips to his. Surprisingly; they were soft and comforting.

He moved his lips on hers, and soon Clary was lost in the kiss. He should have been cold, but oddly, her body burned so intensely. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before.

Clary felt his tongue slide across her lips, and that brought her back to reality. He let out a breath, surprisingly, and whispered words against her lips.

"Here's you breakfast, Hermosa." She felt Raphael smile, and then handed the plate to her.

After she was done, he led her by her hand to the living room. "You can shower later; I'm tired." He said. Clary remembered vampires' schedules, and then nodded, even though she wasn't tired at all. Raphael led her to the couch and sat her down near the arm of the sofa, so she was comfortably leaning against it.

Without her permission, he laid his head down on her lap. His eyes were closed, and it sent her heart racing at the sentimental position they were in.

She willingly ran her fingers through his hair as she studied him. Maybe, this wouldn't be so bad after all…

A/N: Please Review! And yes, Magnus will be coming in the next chapter *glitter starts falling from the sky* Again, any reviews are appreciated! :-)