Disclaimer: All rights belong to J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series. Any bands mentioned belong to their respective companies.

Warnings: slash, meaning boyxboy

Note: Nothing written is meant to slander or harm the idols' reputation. I'm pretty sure they are straight as can be, and even if they weren't, I would still support them 100%! That being said, I'm just a fangirl who loves shipping together my biases. On a further note, I have no idea where this story will go, or even the faintest clue of who Harry should end up with, so I will have to depend on either my dearest readers (you know what that means, right?) or a game of eenie meenie miney moe, which is probably not the most ideal way.

Saranghae (I Love You)

Chapter 1: Hello

When I see myself during these times,

I feel that I am really young

even with you in front of me.

I don't know what to do.

To the people who are in love,

please tell me how you started to love.

-SHINee - Hello

Harry fiddled with his guitar before strumming a few chords, letting to a satisfied noise as a beautiful melody resounded from the instrument. Tapping his foot on the ground, he twisted his body to an unheard beat and counted silently in his head. One, two, three. The busy street was suddenly filled with music, so familiar and mesmerizing, giving passers-by reason to pause and stare. A crowd quickly formed in front of the teenage boy, who blended different songs together flawlessly to make something unique altogether. And when he opened his mouth…it was the sound of sweet summer flowing from those sinful lips, a voice so silky that it practically dripped honey and melted chocolate sensationally.

He had been doing these impromptu music sessions for a while now, for the sole purpose of simply enjoying himself. Harry never asked for money, just played his guitar and accepted any requests from the crowd. Currently, his fingers were meshing three sad love songs, merging them together expertly until excited ears could hear the key points and every detail compacted in a single note. Once he was done, people clapped wildly for the pretty foreigner, rushing forward for pictures and questions. As Harry posed with one of the many eager teenage girls, he wondered where he should go for a quick snack since it was nearing lunch. He was definitely going to grab some green tea ice cream, perfect for the warm weather. Maybe he should buy some hwachae, too. He's been here for a few weeks already and hasn't tried the dessert yet. Bidding the reluctant fans goodbye, Harry tucked his guitar back in its case and slung it over his back. Turning the corner, he casually peered into display windows as he strolled past, stopping in front of a food cart curiously.

"Excuse me, sir, what do you sell here?"

"Dak-kkochi," the man replied, turning over the skewered meat.

Grilled chicken, Harry pondered whether he should buy it or not before mentally smacking himself.

Why are you hesitating, he internally shouted, It's your vacation, a time for relaxation.

And it's not like he couldn't afford it. Nodding to himself determinedly, Harry decided to just enjoy himself, something he could have never done around the Dursleys. At least he didn't have to return there ever again, the brunet reassured himself.

"I'll take two, mister!" said Harry, his accent showing slightly in his speech.

The older man looked up and smiled, the wrinkles crinkling around his eyes just enhanced his fatherly nature.

"Your first time here?" he asked good-naturedly.

Harry nodded feeling himself warming up to the man.

"What do you think so far?"

"It's wonderful! Everyone here is so kind and welcoming. It's a refreshing change," exclaimed Harry.

"Good, good," he chuckled.

The brunet watched as the street vendor placed the tender meat sticks onto a small tray, handing it over with a smile.

"Here you go, kid."

When Harry tried to hand over the money, the man shook his head.

"On the house, consider it a welcoming present to our country."

As the teen made to protest, the friendly stranger turned serious.

"I won't accept your money, kid."

"Well, I have to pay you somehow!"

Harry resisted the urge to stomp his foot stubbornly, but a pout managed to work its way onto his face.

With his eyes closed, the man let the words of the song wash over him, revealing nothing in his carefully blank face. Harry grew worried at the lack of response, and after strumming the last note, prepared to start offering money once more as penance, but the smile that spread across the other's lips quickly stopped him.

"You sure have a voice on you, kid."

Grinning happily, Harry gave a slight bow to the older male.

"Thank you, mister! Have a nice day!"

Harry walked backwards and exchanged waves of farewell with the kind stranger before turning forward and beginning his aimless trek once more.

It's still a nice day out. I should go biking around the city.

Energy renewed from his sudden plan, Harry hurriedly jogged to his apartment. Climbing up the metal stairs of the complex, he stopped outside his door and inserted the silver key, twisting it to the left until he heard a soft click.

"I'm home," Harry called softly despite knowing that no one would answer back. Entering the hall, Harry spotted the bike propped on the wall near the entrance. The interior of the apartment, although somewhat plain and simple, the random objects strewn around gave it a homely atmosphere. Walking into the living room, he turned left, entering the kitchen, and pulled the handle of the fridge, greeted by a whoosh of cold air, scanning the contents for any snacks. A shiny red apple and a cool water bottle was picked and dropped into a small backpack, which was then slung over his shoulder.

Sitting on the wooden floor, Harry tied his shoelaces quickly and stood in the doorway once more. Pausing, hearing nothing except the faint chirping of birds, he sighed and whispered, "I'll be back," a poor imitation of the lively cry a month before, aching for the chorus of voices shouting out their own versions of good-bye in discord. Shutting the door quietly, Harry left the complex in a more somber mood than when he came in, wheeling the bike down the stairs with him, taking care not to jostle it too much. Climbing up on his bike, fastening his helmet on with a click, Harry started off slow but later gained speed.

Alright, goal of the day: explore all of Seoul! Harry thought as he carefully avoided pedestrians and cars, knowing full well that his declaration would be near impossible to fulfill, but it wouldn't stop him from trying.

With the wind ruffling his hair slightly, Harry pedaled endlessly and aimlessly, stopping only for quick snapshots of whatever caught his interest. He was currently languidly following one of the many trails of a park, passing a pair of joggers going the opposite direction discussing lunch plans.

Ah, lunchtime already?

Harry pulled out his small phone, checking the time. 1:37. He continued on the path, enjoying the patches of light that snuck past the thick canopies of the trees. Feeling and hearing his stomach give a rumble as he reached the end of the row of trees, leaving him exposed to the warm, shining sun, Harry reached behind him and maneuvered his backpack until it was in front of his chest, foraging for his apple to restrain the familiar incessant tugging of hunger. Impatience soon took over, making him release both handlebars to search for the juicy, succulent fruit, and balance precariously on his bike. A frown marred his face. Where was the—

A surprised yelp escaped his lips as he swerved to avoid the young man obliviously walking in front of him. Fate, it seemed, wanted to screw with him today because, yes, he avoided what would have been a painful collision with a person, only to land on the hard, unforgiving ground. He vaguely heard a cry of alarm as he rolled, tumbled, freaking somersaulted down the hill. Splashes of green and blue whirled before his eyes, giving him no time to adjust to the literal crash-course on Korea's physical environment.

Was this hill really that big? Harry thought as he continued his painful dance with the grass. Just as he finished forming that sentence, his back connected with a thump at the base of the hill in a finishing move.


Harry lay on the ground, worn out from that impromptu gymnastics lesson. A crash not a few seconds later had him flinching.

My bike, he internally whined. The sound of hurried footsteps had him squinting upwards.

"Are you all right?"

And that's it for now. Again, only the vaguest idea of where this story is heading. Any guesses on who this person will be?

Here's the list for potential love interests in case anyone is curious (in no particular order):

Kyuhyun (Super Junior)

Henry (Super Junior)

Joon (MBLAQ)

Seunghyun (FT Island)

Thunder (MBLAQ)

Onew (SHINee)

Seungho (MBLAQ)

Hongki (FT Island)

Dongho (U-KISS)