Edd aka Double D. was in the kitchen doing his chores, when all of a sudden the doorbell rang while he was still mopping the floor,
it rang again, he then puts down the mop and says before going to answer it.

"Hmm... I wonder who that could be?"

He then opens the front door and in Shock! it was Marie Kanker! she said to Double D. right she came in to his house.

"Hey there Double D. may I come in?"

He was now sweating out of his toboggan and started to mumble a bit, but Marie walked in anyway and says before sitting on his couch.

"Thanks for inviting me in, I just wanted to come over and tell you about a strange dream I had about you last night."

Suddenly, Double D. shuts the door and comes back in, he says to her before sitting on the other end of the couch.

"What dream?

Marie was now explaining him the dream.

"Well, it started off with you in your bedroom you were doing you're science homework, while I was hiding in your closet
and you though it was rats inside, so you went downstairs to get a broom and when you came back upstairs to open
your closet door, I came out of it and begin to chase your cute ass all over the house, and when you were trying
to hide in the bathroom I was standing right behind you and took off your hat, and you had a really big Dickhead!"

Right after she was done telling him the dream, Double D. now with a frightening look on his pale face, said.

"Oh My!"

He then, started to run away from her as he was upstairs to his bedroom, Marie says before chasing him.

"Like I said in the dream last night, you can run but you can't hide Double D."

He then ran into his room and slammed the door! Double D. was now thinking.

"Oh no, she's going to get me!"

But all of a sudden, Marie Kanker came flying into his window from a cannon, she then grabs his shirt and took off his hat
fortunally for him his head was still normal looking, Marie then says.

"Aw, man I thought I was dreaming again Shoot!"

She was now leaving his house with a disappointed look on her face, Double D. then says to himself before putting his hat back on.

"That girl has some real sexually issues."

The End.