
When Spike rolled into town, somewhat more sober than his previous visit, he found the demon community in a stir. At Willy's he overheard someone confirm his worst fears.

Pulling the demon who'd made the comment up by the front of his shirt, Spike snarled in his bright green, scaly, face, "What do you mean the Slayer's lost it? She's been hurt?"

"Oh, hey, Spike," the demon said nervously, "Don't worry, she's not dead. Know that's your job."

The vampire threw him to the ground and delivered a swift kick to his solar plexus. "Gonna ask one more time. What's happened to her?"

"She fought off some beastie the other day," said the demon, in between gasping breaths, "Killed it, I think, but it affected her somehow. She's gone mad."

Spike was in two minds about that. Didn't like the thought of her going crazy, but also knew – after an eternity of being with Dru – that madness wasn't the worst thing ever. Might put a poof like soul-having Angel off, though, and that would just give him a better chance.

Finally he turned away and headed for the door with only one thought on his mind: 'I gotta see her'.

Buffy tossed restlessly in her bed, unable to calm her mind or even get physical comfort for her unhappy limbs. Something Giles had given her made her drowsy, but the thoughts and voices of others continued on even in sleep – just distorted and mingled to form a headache inducing nightmare that didn't seem to end.

She sat up with a start, when the feel of supernatural tinglies crept up the back of her neck. Their familiarity making her even more confused.

"Angel?" she whispered into the darkness.

"No," a strong English accent replied.

"Spike?! What? Get out. You can't be here!" she said franticly, feeling utterly helpless.

"Not gonna hurt you, pet," he said, coming closer. "Just came to check on you."

"You… you came to – this is another nightmare?"

He blew out a breath, "The idea of me caring about you is nightmarish? I get that. Would have bloody agreed with you a month ago."


"Nothing. Rest. Didn't mean to wake you."

Suddenly her jaw dropped open and she got to her feet, pointing a finger at him and saying, "Why did you just think that?!"

"What?" he asked, backing away, "You – you bloody well better not be able to read my mind!"

"I can," she affirmed, then demanded to know, "What are you doing? What kind of game is this?!" as she was suddenly able to focus on a single stream of frantic thought. The other voices seemed to dull, and her heart began to thud as realization dawned on her.

'I'm screwed,' he thought to himself, before saying out loud, "Bloody hell, I have to go."

The slayer was too in shock to argue.

When he climbed out her window again she just stared out into the darkness of her bedroom, repeating to herself, "Spike loves me," until it finally sank in. "Oh God!"

To be continued...