Disclaimer: I don't own. I would love to have a Kili of a Fili, but sadly, I own neither. Anyways, here you go. This is my take on the part in Fellowship of the Ring where Gandalf shows up at Bag End in the beginning.

After young Frodo Baggins left Bag End to wait for the wandering wizard, Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo Baggins sighed heavily.

He was very glad that his old friend Gandalf would be coming to visit him on his birthday, but the day still felt wrong. His dearest friends, far away in Erebor, had not visited him in the sixty years since their quest together. Only the occasional letter, mostly from Ori or Dori, appeared, but even Ori had stopped writing to him.

Bilbo was not too prideful to admit he missed his loud, slightly irritating dwarven friends. They had been through so much together in just around one year, facing a DRAGON of all things together.

You try and stop one war when the leader of your company goes mad with dragon sickness and suddenly no one wants anything to do with you.

He hated to admit it, but Bilbo honestly thought the dwarves of Erebor had completely forgotten about him. There was no evidence that pointed to any other fact, much as it pained Bilbo to think.

Pounding at the door interrupted this rather dark train of thought. Probably Lobelia trying to sneak off with his silverware again.

"No thank you! We do not want anymore well wishers, partygoers, or distant relations!" Bilbo shouted at the door.

"And what about very old friends?" a voice that could only belong to Gandalf the Grey asked.

Immediately, Bilbo had the door wrenched open and was staring at Gandalf, who seemed to be trying to hide something.

"Gandalf! What are you trying to hide this time?" Bilbo asked, suspicious and amused at the same time. Gandalf really was horrible at a poker face at times.

"Me? Hiding something? Ridiculous notion." Gandalf scoffed.

Something darted inside Bag End, leaving Bilbo cursing quite angrily.

"I swear, if that is Lobelia again, she will become quite friendly with Sting!" Bilbo threatened, running in behind what he assumed was his annoying cousin.

What was inside was even more strange. Bofur, Bombur, Kili, Dori, Nori, Dwalin, and Gloin were standing in the entrance hall of Bag End.

"Happy Birthday, Bilbo." Bofur said, smiling quite happily at the aged hobbit.

Before any of the dwarves could react, they got an armful of hobbit.

Finally, this day felt right to Bilbo. This was how life should have been spent.

Well? What did you think? Tell me in a review, I'd love to hear your input unless you say this is utter crap and I should take it down or something. If that's all you're gonna say, then go away. No one is forcing you to read this.