200 Things I'm Not Allowed to do at Hogwarts

A/N – So, after weeks of trying to find inspiration for a final chapter, I decided that I have hit a blank, and am therefore posting this, all from my original 200 Things I'm Not Allowed to do at Hogwarts on Wattpad. It is still posted there, but I have a larger audience here on ffn and do not post on there anymore. So, this is officially the final chapter, and thank all of you so much for following and favouriting and staying with me for two years or something. I hope that in the end of this story, my first to complete, you will also enjoy my new stories which I am waiting until the new year (2016) to post.

Without further ado,

Disclaimer – I do not own any part of the Harry Potter universe.

What Fred and George Weasley are not to Do at Hogwarts

By Molly Weasley

First Year

1- I will not paste glue on all of the desks in the Transfiguration classroom especially not Professor McGonogalls desk

2- I will not charm my hair long and then braid it

3- I will not present Professor Sprout with a bouquet of daisies

4- I will then not claim I am a werewolf

5- Peeves is not to be encouraged

6- You are not to introduce him to any joke merchandise

7- Looking into Professor Snape's eyes will not make me burn

8- I will not convince Filch that Peeves has turned him invisible and none of us can see or hear him

9- Fred/George is not my clone

10- Percy is in fact related to you

11- Percy is not your brother from another mother

12- Nor your sister from another mister

13- You may not refer to Charlie as Your Highness/Majesty/King/Queen

14- Your mother is not a 'serious lunatic'

15- Nor is Professor McGonogall

16- Or Filch

17- The Bloody Baron

18- Or Percy

19- Do not perform a magic show for Charms as this does not count for extra credit

20- Errol is not to be boiled in your Hogwarts breakfast as it will cause him to loose most of his feathers

Second Year

21- I will not paint the Slytherin common room red

22- Or gold

23- Or both

24- I will not ask Pure Bloods if their parents broke up would they still be siblings

25- Percy having a girlfriend is not repellant

26- Percy's girlfriend is not repellant

27- Professor Flitwick's first name is not Le

28- Cho Chang is not a China doll as that is extremely racist

29- Oliver Wood is not 'hardcore'

30- Professor Dumbledore is not to be referred to as 'Our homie'

31- I will not charm Percy's hair blue

32- Nor will I pay a Slytherin to

33- If someone has an odd name leave them be

34- If someone's parents are divorced, it is not appropriate to give them 'pity presents'

35- I will not charm the other houses notices so that Quidditch cannot be scheduled

36- I will not point out that we cannot be assigned home work since we do not actually go home to do it

37- I will not call Professor Snape, Snake

38- I will not create my potion in reverse order to see what happens

39- All teachers must be referred to by Professor followed by their last names

40- My father is not a 'Muggle Collector' as he will be reported to the Magical Law Enforcement for misunderstood false information

Third Year

41- I will not blow up all the toilets and send my mother back one

42- I will not talk loudly about the time Ron wet his pants at a fair in the Great Hall

43- I will not start a food fight

44- Nor throw food at Professors

45- Or charm the food so that it all goes to Professor Snape

46- I will not kiss a seventh year as a dare

47- I will not ask Professor Sprout to go to Hogsmeade with me

48- I will not call Harry Scarhead

49- Or Pothead

50- Nor Harrynator

51- I will not ask Parvati Patil if her parents are twins too

52- I will not ask Dean Thomas unanswerable questions about the muggle world

53- I will not fake a heart attack during lunch

54- I will not burp in Professor Sinistra's face

55- Nor any other Professors

56- I will not talk loudly during tests

57- I will not suggest to Neville Longbottom that he start a career as a magician

58- I will not casually mention about the time I caught Ron playing with Ginny's dolls with her without being asked

59- I will not refer to Professor McGonogall as Mini

60- I will not dance in the middle of Dumbledores leaving feast speech

Fourth Year

61- I will not use red paint to draw lines around the Great Hall

62- I will not paint Filch's face red no matter how red it already is as I will then get a full months of detention every day minus weekends with no Hogsmeade weekends

63- I will not turn my Howlers into fireworks

64- I will not send Draco Malfoy a fake Howler, no matter how funny his reaction is

65- I will not jinx Malfoy's broom

66- I will not sneak slugs into Ron's food

67- Nor Professor Snape's, no matter how pale he looks

69- Professor Snape is not a vampire and is not happy with stakes or garlic being thrown at him

70- I will not encourage people to throw books through Moaning Myrtle as a game

71- I will not set up a show ground in the Great Hall

72- Or the Quidditch Pitch

73- All Year Round Snow is not encouraged

74- I will not start hissing at Harry instead of talking

75- I will not pull faces at Petrified people to check if they are faking

76- Nor encourage Peeves to

77- The House-Elves are not mini Gollums

78- I am not Gandalf

79- Nor is Dumbledore

80- My name is Fred/George. I am not Gred or Forge, or Hannah Montana

Fifth Year

81- I will not trap any of my brothers in a pyramid

82- I will not try to build a pyramid

83- I did not build a pyramid, I built a sandcastle in Egypt

84- Sirius Black is not to be referred to as Seriously Black

85- scheming ways of blowing up your aunt is a complete waste of time

86- Hippogriffs and Griffins cannot mate

87- centaurs are free thinking creatures, and are not to be 'tamed'

88- you cannot breed a unicorn and centaur

89- putting up pictures of Harry's head and putting pictures up in Hogsmeade captioned WANTED is not funny

90- when getting a detention in class for doing things repetitively is not a good time to starts singing Oops I Did It Again

91- Transfiguring my bunny into a toad is not cute

92- I will not ask out Malfoy just to see his reaction

93- I will not tell first years every month a student gets fed to the giant squid and then pay someone to disappear every month

94- during a party I will not make a Adults Corner for older students

95- in not making Adults Corner, I will not play strip truth or dare

96- I will not play strip truth or dare near younger students

97- I will not play strip anything near anyone or anything

98- I will not suggest the Azkaban prisoners get a walk at least once a day on the lead

99- time traveling is not a worthy career

100- Being falsely imprisoned, escaping, attempting murder, saving three teenagers lives, passing out, captured and escaping on a hippogriff is not a great idea for a play

Sixth Year

101- the Triwizard Tournament is a massive international organised game not something you can do between classes

102- I will not give myself an ageing potion

103- I will not try and get into the Tournament in any way

104- I cannot do inappropriate things to foreign students and tell them it is a normal custom

105- I will not refer to the French student, Fleur as 'the sexy Veela'

106- I will not kiss Fleur randomly

107- I will not kiss any girls randomly

108- I will not refer to any girl as 'doable'

109- I will not refer to any boy as 'doable'

110- professors do count

111- even as a dare

112- I will not place bets on the champions

113- I will not predict Harry's death in the Tournament

114- I will not try and grow nose ringlets

115- I will NOT grow nose ringlets

116- I will not streak around the castle at night

117- or day

118- or outside the castle

119- I will not call Cedric Diggory 'Shovel Face'

120- I will not cheer at the end of term because Shovel Face is dead, it's highly disrespectful

-Shovel Face reference goes to Honest Trailers Twilight on YouTube

Seventh Year

121- I will not run around Grimauld Place like a dog

122- especially in front of Sirius

123- even of he turns Animaugus and joins in

124- I will not complain loudly about how bored and claustrophobic you feel when Sirius has been shut inside for months


126- NO MAGIC!

127- I will not make banners for Harry at his hearing and cheer him on

128- I will not make any more of those silly sweets

129- I will not be a part of an illegal club (pass that on to Ron and Ginny as well)

130- I will not put anything in Umbridge's tea

131- I will not give Filch anything to cause discomfort or pain

132- I will not tell any professor to 'take a chill pill' and give them one of your fainting fancies

133- I will not give McGonogall canary creams for extra credit

134- I will not moan when I have to return to Grimauld Place for Christmas

135- I will not call Snape a 'massive-hooked-nose-greasy-haired-fat-gay-emo-loner who will never find-or-see love-if-it-was-at-the-end-of-his massive-hooked-nose

136- even if its incredibly true

137- I will not write my homework on the back of this list

138- I will not throw away this list

139- I will not inturrupt OWL exams by flying in on broomsticks shooting fireworks every where and then leaving Hogwarts for good

140- I will never stop being mums perfect little boys

Signed Molly Weasley

Mischief Managed.