This is my first Charloe fic. I, like so many others, was hit pretty hard with the Charloe stick this season, and this is what came of

Ben isn't mentioned, because in my version of things he's still dead, sorry Ben. Because even though I have issues with Rachel, she makes Miles happy, and I love him enough to out up with her. :o)

This will be 3 chapters long and I have plans for sequels if anyone is interested.

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: Don't own...if I did...the things I could do to David Lyons...

Charlie sighed as she watched the white smoke billow out from under her hood. Dropping her head to rest on the steering wheel she knew it was time to think about getting a new car. But she loved her old Impala, it had been her first car, all her own. She had saved up for it with her very first summer job when she was sixteen and they had been together ever since. But here she was, 7 years later and she knew it was time to put this baby to rest.

"If only I had made it home first." She said out loud to herself.

Knowing she didn't really have much choice, she picked up her phone and called Miles.

"Hey kid, what's up?" he said by way of a greeting.

Charlie smiled, she loved her uncle, and knew he would always be there for her, any way he could. "Hey Miles, what are you doing?" she asked.

Miles was actually sitting at his desk in the precinct looking over a file folder. "I'm at work right now actually, why what's going on?"

Charlie sighed "My car." She said, knowing it was best to just get to the point and let him tease her.

As expected, he laughed. "I knew it, what's wrong with it now?"

Charlie looked out the windshield, glad to see the smoke had finally dissipated. "I'm not sure, I was on my way home from school and it started smoking…a lot, and then it died and now I've got nothing."

He sighed. "Alright, where are you at?"

"About 4 miles outside of school." She said, a little sheepishly.

Miles chuckled and sighed in turn. "Alright, well I've got to get into this meeting, it should be about a half hour before I can leave out."

Charlie smiled. "Thank you Miles, you're my favorite uncle you know." She said with a laugh.

Miles grunted. "That might mean something if there were anyone else to compete with."

Charlie laughed and Miles smiled. "I'll see you in a few hour's kid, just sit tight and be safe."

"Wait." Charlie said. "I didn't tell you where I am."

Miles chuckled. "You always take the same way home from school, I know exactly where you are." He said and hung up without saying goodbye.

Charlie looked over at the book bag on the seat next to her and sighed. She had already resigned herself to doing homework on her spring break, but she hadn't anticipated getting started this early.

But with a few hours to kill and nowhere to go, there really weren't many options for killing time.

A little more than two hours later, Charlie had her headphones on, her pencil tapping on the notebook in her lap while her eyes scanned the book she had propped on the steering wheel.

Hearing a honk she looked up and smiled before pulling her ear buds out and getting out of the car.

She walked up to the red Camaro and leaned down to the open passenger window and leaned her arms on the door, smiling at the driver.

"You uh, having a little car trouble there ma'am?" Sebastian Monroe asked as he smiled at her from the driver's seat.

Charlie rolled her eyes and chuckled and stepped back from the car as he pulled over to park in front of her car on the side of the road.

"Miles couldn't get out of his meeting so he asked if I would come." Bass said as he got out of the car and walked over to her. He shrugged "He was nervous about you being out here alone."

Charlie smiled. "Well thank you, but there really was no hurry I was fine, I've been doing some homework."

Bass frowned. "You're doing homework? Isn't this spring break for you?"

Charlie sighed. "Yeah well you start college a few years late and try to graduate before your 30, see how much work you have to do." She said, ending with a chuckled to let him know she was only teasing.

Bass chuckled and motioned to the car with his head. "What's up with her now?" he asked and Charlie had to smile. Out of everyone she knew, Bass was the only one that seemed to understand at all her attachment to the old car sitting behind them, even if he didn't fully get it.

"I have no idea, I'm a writer, not a mechanic, that's your job." She said and he laughed.

"Well alright then." He said as he reached inside and popped the hood. "Let's have a look then shall we?"

He propped the hood up and frowned for a minute, leaning over and looking around before crouching down and looking underneath. He stood back up and sighed. "Did you check the fluids before you left?" he asked.

Charlie nodded. "Yeah of course, I always do."

He nodded. "Alright, well it looks like your radiator is leaking, and your water pump is pretty much shot." He looked at her and shrugged. "Honestly, if you're lucky, you didn't crack the head, if you did," he said, shaking his head. "It's really more trouble than it's worth fixing it, it would be better to just put it to rest and get something else."

Charlie sighed as her shoulders slumped. Bass walked a little closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry kid, I know what this car means to you."

Charlie nodded. "Alright well, I guess I should call a tow truck." She looked at him. "Can you give me a ride home? I'll figure out a way back later on. I just want to get out of here."

Bass nodded. "Of course. You call a tow, I'll get your stuff." He said as he opened the back door to her car.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw her put a hand on the roof by the front door and lightly rub the smooth medal. "I'm sorry baby." She said, and he smiled.

The problems with Charlie's car, believe me, are very much real. Thankfully the head didn't crack on my truck, but I got very lucky with that one.

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