disclaimer: Mike and Bryan own the ATLA universe; Mariko belongs to me (: enjoy!

Fire XIV, Pt. II

Zuko hesitated to enter the tent even as he let her words soak in, looking back to her amber gaze as she held back. "Aren't you coming?" He asked.

Mariko shook her head, smiling his smile. "You two need to talk more than anything; he's like a father to the both of us, honestly. But you two need your time alone." She neared him to kiss his cheek, smiling again as she stepped back. "Go on."

Katara stood next to her as they both watched him enter the tent; she looked to her friend, smiling a little. "That was kind of you to let them talk alone." She mused.

Mariko shrugged, looking over her shoulder to see Ayu having reared up to lick King Bumi, chuckling. "Zuko needs to see Uncle more than I do." She replied, snapping her fingers and making the tiger-dillo's ears perk before she lowered onto four legs again and cantered over to her master, scritching behind her left ear gently.

"Mariko, are you going to camp out with us in one of the tents? Toph's got her own tent, but Katara and I are sharing one. You're invited to join us." Suki asked as she neared the two girls.

The earth-bender looked at the tent her boyfriend had disappeared into and smiled fondly, shaking her head. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to sleep out here; Ayu and I'll be fine. Thanks though, Suki." She smiled lightly at both girls.

The water-bender nodded and clapped a hand on her shoulder, smiling back, before following Suki to their designated tent.

Mariko watched them leave, noting the others had gone to their own tents as well, summoning an arc to cover her and Ayu as she settled a few feet away from Iroh's tent, using her arms as a pillow as she lay on her back and let the tiger-dillo snuggle up to her side, soon drifting into a dreamless sleep.


Ayu awoke her what felt like hours later; she jolted awake, yelping as her head connected with the top of her arc, lowering it with a flick of the wrist.

"Ow…" Mariko rubbed her head gingerly, exhaling and blinking to see her sleeping companion rear to lick the bearded face of Iroh; she beamed, hopping up as the tiger dropped down to throw her arms around him. "Uncle!" She laughed as he hugged back.

Iroh beamed as well at the sight of the earth-bender, the girl he had thought of like a daughter, noting her eyes looked misty with happy tears. "I had a feeling Zuko had not come alone. You can't imagine how glad I am to see you here, Mariko. I must thank you for being there for Zuko, when I was not." He smiled in that way she now associated with a manner only a father would exhibit.

She looked past him at said nephew's smile and her own widened as she hugged him again. "I missed you too, Uncle." She said quietly, pulling back as the smile stayed in place.

Finally, they were the makeshift family they had been what felt like years ago… And she couldn't be happier.

Once everyone had woken up and the campsite seemed livelier (plus breakfast being dished out), they finally broached the subject most dire.

"Uncle, you're the only person other than the Avatar that can defeat the Father-Lord…" Zuko started.

"You mean 'Fire Lord'." Toph corrected.

"That's what I just said! We need you to come with us." He finished with a slight scowl at the younger girl, looking to his uncle.

Iroh looked up from breakfast, "No, Zuko; it won't turn out well."

"But Uncle, you can beat him; and we'll be there to help, too." Mariko put in hopefully.

"Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know if I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. History will see it as senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power. The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the Avatar to defeat the Fire Lord." He pointed out.

"And then would you come and take your rightful place on the throne?" The prince asked.

"No: someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart, and unquestionable honor… It has to be you, Prince Zuko." Iroh stated, looking at him.

Zuko perked up, "'Unquestionable honor'? But I've made so many mistakes…"

"Yes; you've struggled and suffered, but you've always followed your own path. You were the one to restore your honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation." He said solemnly.

He nodded slightly, "I'll try, Uncle." He looked down at her hand that took his that was on his knee, smiling a little and squeezing her fingers gently as she silently reminded him that she was still there for support.

"But what if Aang doesn't come back?" Toph asked for the rest of the teenagers present.

"Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies will be upon us: Aang has to defeat the Fire Lord. When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would take Ba Sing Se… Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation, so the Earth Kingdom can be free again." Iroh said with a wistful look in his face.

"That's why you gathered the members of the White Lotus," Suki noted aloud.

Iroh nodded, "Yes. Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation so that when the Fire Lord falls, you can assume the throne and restore peace and order… But Azula will be there, waiting for you."

Zuko's gaze hardened at the thought. "I can handle her."

"Not alone; you will need help." He reminded, glancing at his future niece.

"You're right. Mariko, you're coming with me," he smiled wryly at her, "You did say you can go toe-to-toe with her. Katara, how would you like to help us put Azula in her place?" Zuko looked at her.

Katara smiled wryly, "It'd be my pleasure."

Mariko grinned at the prospect, "This is gonna be fun."

"What about us; what's our destiny for today?" Sokka asked.

Iroh looked at him, "What do you think it is?"

Sokka looked away thoughtfully, "I think, even though Aang's not here, we're going to need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet."

"And that means that when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we'll be right there if he needs us." Toph chimed determinedly.

It was with a few misty-eyed farewells between the girls (save Toph, but Mariko could swear there was something along those lines in her gaze) the group parted ways, Sokka, Toph and Suki riding a giant eel-hound, and Zuko, Mariko and Katara riding Appa.

"So if you won't be returning to the Fire Nation, what're you gonna do?" Zuko asked his uncle as they were ready to leave.

Iroh smiled thoughtfully, flipping the white lotus tile in his hand. "After I reconquer Ba Sing Se, I'm going to reconquer my tea shop, where I'm going to play Pai-Sho every day."

Mariko chuckled, smiling warmly at him. "Good luck, Uncle."

"Thank you again, General Iroh." Katara added as both she and Mariko were riding in the saddle (with Ayu).

"Goodbye, everyone; today, destiny is our friend… I know it." Iroh said quietly.

The group spared one final look between their divided parties before taking off into the growing afternoon.


"…I now crown you…"

Her tawny eyes were mutinous, "What're you waiting for!?" She spat.

The ground trembled slightly, spooking some of the Sages, before rocks rose up in a jagged-peaked runway, a low groan from the beige bison they rode on sounding their arrival.

As Appa touched ground, Zuko straightened to his feet, "Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today: I am." He hopped down to land expertly on the courtyard floor that hadn't been touched by her earth-bending, glaring stonily at his sister, the would-be Fire Lord.

Azula laughed a fake laugh, "You're hilarious." She drawled.

Mariko hopped down as well, landing nimbly at his side, amber eyes frigid. "And you're one psychotic bitch."

"And going down," Katara added grimly as she hopped down shortly after the couple, blue eyes just as icy.

"Wait," she straightened, shooing away the Sage that made to place the headpiece on her head, "You want the throne? Fine, just you and me, Brother… the showdown that was always meant to be: Agni-Kai!" She challenged with a strange glint in her tawny eyes.

Zuko gritted his teeth, jaw tight, "You're on."

Both girls with him shared a worried look; his fiancé sent a cold look at his sister, her eyes resting on him. "You know you can't take her on your own! She's baiting you so we'll separate. I can't let you take her on by yourself." Mariko hissed quietly, glaring slightly as the worry gnawed at the recesses of her mind, trying to settle in the front of her conscious.

"I know, but I'm not going to let her hurt you, not while I can stop it. Besides, this time, I can take her." Zuko rebutted in the same tone, shooting a determined look at her, stilling the worry that tried to creep forth to settle on her pale features.

"But even you admitted to your uncle that you'd need help fighting Azula," Katara chimed, shooting him a look as the worry had surmounted in her own face.

"There's something off about her. I can't explain it, but she's slipping. It's better this way, anywho; Aang would kill me if something happened to you." He answered with a slight look.

Both girls hesitated before nodding curtly, soon clearing the courtyard and standing to the sidelines as the two siblings began their Agni-Kai.
The Agni-Kai with Zhao she had witnessed what felt like centuries ago didn't stir in her the nervousness she felt now with Azula.

Zhao was a non-bending ball-less pansy compared to the vicious psychotic bitch that was Princess Azula.

In a brilliant array of light, the duel began with a vicious bout from the princess, being countered expertly by the prince; the counters went back and forth, blue and orange clashing and then fading out to mere embers, tension electrifying the air around the courtyard, making the girls' hairs on their arms stand on end, the tension dense and becoming even more electrifying when her blue fire-jets were cut off sharply by his orange flame-wheel and her footing was broken, sending her skidding back to her starting point on her side.

Zuko straightened his stance, his eyes trained on his sister, feeling cocky about the match, "What's the matter, no lightning today: afraid I'll redirect it!?" He challenged.

Azula straightened, slightly jaunted, her mane of brown hair framing her face in an unsettling way, a snarl on her lips. "Oh, I'll show you LIGHTNING!" She cried, gathering the crinkling static by her fingertips, blue lightning sparking to life in a circle before she hesitated to strike, briefly deliberating between her brother and his two "groupies". She met the anxious amber gaze of her future sister-in-law and sent a sharp bolt screaming in her direction.

"NO!" In what looked like slow-motion, Zuko darted between the bolt and his companions, taking the shot directly in the chest, sent tumbling to the ground as sparks flew up from the electrocution.

"ZUKO!" Mariko screamed, sprinting at top speed to his side as her heart thundered loudly in her ears, threatening to burst from the pain she felt, the pain that was reminiscent of the day he'd been scarred feeling like it had been quadrupled and was ten times as excruciating, fear for his life banging at the inside of her mind: a second jet of lightning stopped her from nearing his side short of seven yards, making her skid to a halt, amber eyes jumping up to meet the tawny eyes of Azula.

"Where do you think you're going, you bastard princess?" Azula grinned wickedly at the mix of emotions swirling in her pretty face, in her widened amber eyes, watching fear slowly rising out of the jumble.

Mariko swallowed the fear as anger brewed in the pit of her belly, boiling and strengthening at an alarming rate as she held the staring match with the princess for another few long moments; her voice was low and cold as she opened her mouth to speak. "Katara, take care of him for me. Don't even think of interfering." The shakes in her arms that had made it to her hands abruptly stopped when her fingers curled, slender hands forming into hard fists. "This bitch is mine." She finished softly, stepping away from near his form to take a stance in the center towards the back of the courtyard, every nerve inside her screaming to fight, to avenge the boy she loved and had cared about since she was thirteen.

Azula giggled in an offsetting way at her new opponent, getting into a stance. "So you decided to grow a pair and fight me properly. Why the change of heart, or is seeing Zuzu that badly injured suddenly giving you courage?" She drawled venomously.

The earth-bender's mouth was in a thin line caught between a disgusted grimace or a snarl, amber eyes deadly. "You won't be speaking so jovially when I snap your head off your neck." She purred, inhaling slowly before initiating the brawl: she bolted headlong for the princess.

"A peasant's mistake," The princess tutted lowly, shooting a larger bolt of lightning at the oncoming opponent.

The high wall of rock she'd mustered with ease caught the brunt of the bolt, only a portion of the top ridge cracking and crumbling down onto the ground.

"You can't hide forever, Mariko!" She sneered, perking up when the ground beneath her feet began to tremble; she leaped out of the way of a large rock-fist, another jetting up like a weed, and another, and another, until she was sent skidding back from having hopped around to dodge getting sent sky-high.

Azula glared coldly as the earth-bender allowed her wall to crumble, faced with the angered glare of a truly pissed 'peasant'.

Mariko dug her right heel into the ground behind her by three inches as a wall of blue fire was sent screaming forward; she made a pulling motion with her arms before snarling and letting go, watching a wide array of rock daggers sail over the wall, shifting her stance quickly to form a diamond-shaped shield against the flames that collided with the shield and soon died out to mere embers.

Blood dripped down her pretty face from a narrow gash on her right temple, her tawny eyes screaming murder in her gaze as the shield crumbled and her opponent straightened.

She knew she was pissed, and she felt damn-good about being the cause for it.

Several bolts of lightning jetted at her when she thought she had let her guard down; she dodged nimbly, skidding back and exhaling, gritting her teeth as she concentrated on summoning two of the pillars from the left side crosswalk, left thumb doubling a little as she carved jagged lances from the twin pillars.

Azula snarled as she sent a ferocious cartwheel of blue flames screaming at the girl, two lightning bolts following shortly to give the attack an extra boost.

Mariko gave a battle cry as she sent the twin lances screaming at the princess, a string of rock daggers formed between the two pillars-turned-lances.

Dust exploded up into the intensified air, billowing out slowly into the scarlet-stained sky.

The princess glared past the clearing dust across the courtyard, panting.

The earth-bender panted as well, growling when seeing she was still standing.

Azula initiated the bout, streaking towards her enemy on blue-flame-powered rockets, a maniacal laugh escaping her.

Mariko drew her katana, sprinting for her, rage singing loudly in her blood, aching to take down the girl who'd caused her so much pain simply because she sweet-talked her brother into turning his back on her.

The two came to blows, Azula deflecting the sharp swings with a hidden dagger in her sleeve, sparks flying from the blades before Mariko plowed a hard fist into her gut, being met with a sharp yank on her curly hair she'd drawn into a high ponytail; the two girls scuffled, rolling about, kicking and biting and clawing viciously at one another, until a sharp boot was rammed into the earth-bender's ribs, kicking her hard and sending her skidding back on her side as the victor scrambled to her feet.

Pain shot up and down her spine as Mariko growled out a curse and tried to regain her breath, wheezing, hearing Azula's cackle from somewhere nearby as it rang in her ears like a disturbing dirge.

"It's time you learned your place in this world, in the world I will rule as Fire Lord. You're nothing but shit, a worthless lovesick bastard peasant whore!" Azula gathered another bolt of lightning in her hands, cackling gleefully as she readied to strike.

Her arms were then paralyzed, the same numbing paralysis swiftly shooting up and down her nerves, the electricity she'd harnessed lost as soon enough she was rendered helpless; a cry of pain came from her lips as the princess was made to bow on her face by the same invisible force that had immobilized her bending.

Mariko looked up in surprise to see Katara standing there, slightly kneeled on her right knee as she was blood-bending. "Katara?" She breathed.

Katara glared past her at her caught foe, "Mariko, there's some chains over on the left crosswalk, near the drains; grab them, quick." She instructed.

She gingerly got up, shaking her head and hurrying to grab the item, returning to the scene to bind her enemy's hands together as they were forcibly placed at her back, summoning rock from the courtyard floor to securely bind her hands, retreating quickly to stand next to the water-bender who released the hold she had on their mutual enemy.

Azula panted heavily from the pain that was slightly dulling, glaring up at the two girls before she opened her mouth to spout a jet of blue flames at them, enraged tears running down her cheeks as she wailed and broke down, sobbing like a child between bouts of flames that came from her mouth.

Mariko glared coldly at her for a long moment before looking away in disgust, turning to retrieve her discarded sword from the ground. "I told you not to interfere." She scolded over her shoulder.

Katara also turned her face away, looking at her friend as she sheathed the katana. "And let her roast you alive with a bolt of lightning? Zuko would kill me for it." She returned.

"That he would… Zuko. Zuko!" She mentally kicked herself for just now remembering her injured boyfriend, sprinting over to where Appa and Ayu were huddled, Ayu's body half-curled into a ball; she skidded to a halt at seeing him lying there with his head on the tiger's side, breathing a sigh of relief.

Zuko looked up stiffly when he felt a pair of slender hands pull his head to rest on someone's lap, looking into a pair of amber eyes that reminded him so much of the sun… "Mariko."

Mariko ran her fingers through his hair, shushing him. "You dumbass prince, you scared me. I thought… for one second, I thought…" She felt a familiar lump form in her throat; she closed her eyes tight and gritted her teeth, fighting back the tears. "Damn it, don't do that again! Don't you ever do something so stupid for as long as you live! … Damn, Zuko." She declared hoarsely.

He cracked a smile at her tough outer shell that was cracking with each second she fought the tears, gold eyes soft. "I told you earlier, didn't I? I wasn't going to let her hurt you so long as I could stop it… I meant it, Mari. Every damn word… I'm sorry I scared you." He said quietly, lifting a hand to take hers that rested on his scarred cheek, fingers squeezing on hers.

"You've done worse things to scare me, Zuko… but nothing as insane as what you did earlier by taking the brunt of a lightning bolt." She laughed weakly, trembling slightly at the memory, allowing a lone tear to trickle down her left cheek.

Zuko smiled wryly, squeezing her hand a second time.

Mariko exhaled slowly, running her fingers through his hair again.

It was a few hours later that the rest of their group showed, appearing in a pilfered airship.

Sunlight streamed through the unveiled windows of his room as he tried to pull his robe on with his good arm; he grimaced at the twinge of pain that radiated from his right side.

"You shouldn't be up and about so soon." She scolded gently as she came forward from having awoken out of sleep, helping him pull it on, securing the sash at his waist.

The prince made a face at her scolding, noting she didn't look like she'd slept much. "And you should still be sleeping, given how you always used to nag me about beauty sleep."

The earth-bender smiled wistfully at the memory, releasing the yellow sash of his robe with a calm sigh. "You kidding? Everyone spent most of the night talking about how Aang defeated your dad, and then Katara and I kept it going by detailing the brawl you had with Azula. Between keeping an eye on you as you recuperated and that, I hardly got much sleep." She informed, looking up at his gold eyes and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Princesses need their sleep, even if they're spitfire tomboy earth-benders." Zuko pointed out, smirking.

Heat colored her cheeks pink; Mariko cut her gaze away, pursing her lips. "You're lucky you're injured, otherwise I'd brain you for that comment." She growled.

He smiled contently, tugging on the sash of her tunic to pull her closer, letting her hands plant themselves palm-flat on his torso. "I almost forgot how cute you were in the morning." He said cheekily, watching the color deepen to a reddish pink hue that stained her cheeks, her mouth opening again to spout a snarky retort; he dove in for a kiss, taking his petite girlfriend by surprise for a second, his hand releasing her tunic's sash to let both hands grasp her small waist.

She was going to brain him good when he was better; for now she succumbed without much protest, her lips clashing with his as her actions were a jumbled mix of defiance and need, letting his hands roam, both of them squabbling for dominance as they had that first kiss that felt like it was centuries ago.

Zuko lessened his assault when feeling her hands gently run down his shoulders, starting to push him away; he growled a little at her gesture, surfacing to regain his breath, panting slightly, holding her amber stare in his smoldering gold gaze.

Mariko was as out of breath as he was, but even so she knew it would be in poor taste for them to have a fling before his coronation ceremony; she lowered her hands and rested her cheek on his left shoulder, holding onto him in an embrace, his arms never leaving her hips as he squeezed, his head drooping a little to rest ontop of hers.

At long last, after the bickering and teasing bouts and painful separation, it felt right to be together again.


"Wait, why did you give me Momo's ears?" She complained.

"Those're your hair-loopies!" He fired back.

"Hold it, why is my hair all frizzy? It looks like a clump of Appa's fur!" She whacked him over the head sharply with a fist.

"At least you don't look like a boar-cupine!" He added as he also came to inspect the drawing, grimacing.

"And why did you paint me fire-bending?" She asked, standing near the earth-bender.

"I thought it make it look more exciting," The 'talented' artist being badgered by his friends answered nonchalantly, ignoring the pursed-lip expression on her face, scowling at the lemur that hopped onto his table. "Oh, and you think you can do a better job, Momo?" He challenged.

"My belly's not that big anymore; I trimmed down," the elder of the group pointed out, having come to look at the drawing the otherwise-teenagers were complaining about.

"Well I think you all look perfect!" The younger earth-bender said lightly, earning some laughs from her friends.

Mariko gave the painting one final scowl before sighing, returning to her seat next to Toph's and sipping her tea. "If you really wanted a painting of everyone, all you had to do was ask me, Sokka. Isn't that right, Katara…?" She looked around and noticed the water-bender was missing, blinking once in confusion.

Toph rolled her eyes, propping her feet up again. "Don't bother lookin' for her; she's with Twinkle-toes." She informed, sticking her tongue out, a further sign that it was a private moment.

She exhaled and nodded, straightening to go give her fiancé a peck on the cheek, smirking up at him.

He smirked in return, tousling her hair and blinking when she giggled instead of pouting, raising a brow. "What's so funny?" He wondered.

She looked at the sunset that streamed into the tea shop from the opened doorway, smiling warmly. "I think they're cute together." She mused.

"Crap, don't spread that mushy stuff in here too!" Her fellow earth-bender complained from the table.

Both engaged teenagers momentarily shared a look before rolling their eyes, laughing quietly.

well gents, this was fun to write, i won't lie. so many nostalgia feels, and even though getting episodes to cover was a nagging pain, it was fun to re-watch the old episodes that made me love the ATLA series that much more. (: thanks for the reviews and favorites, i can't express how awesome it feels to know people love what i've written.

there's a couple of recommendations i wanna voice before i go:
* 'What I Learned at SRU' by D3stiny-Sm4sher; a modern AU spin on the complicated college life with the Gaang plus the rest of the cooky and unique cast of the ATLA universe

* 'Honor Among Thieves' by ShatteringDaybreak; basically starting from Book II: Earth, being told from the point of view of a fleet-footed thief named Mira as she travels with the Gaang

i think that's all, really. but yeah, go check them out and drop a couple of reviews if you like; both writers have written such beautifully-depicted stories. anyway, gotta jet, so later! and thanks again for the love regarding this story i've written! ;D - Sarudoshi