Chapter 12

Author's Note: - this is sign language-

This is flashbacks or dreams


" River of Power! "

Cody, Joe, and Raidramon all look on stunned when Seadramon's attack hits Shawjamon head on like that, " You all looked like you could use a hand. "

" Hello, Michael, we sure do need one. " Cody admits.

Seadramon slams his tail down on to Shawjamon allowing Zudomon to get the final shot in. They let the data go and Michael gets a lift from his partner while the others pile on Raidramon, " Michael, how's Mimi? " Joe asks.

" She's turned reclusive after how she treated Davis and Serena. She sincerely regrets her actions yet she isn't ready to reach out to anyone other than Izzy. " Michael admits.

" Self-recrimination is a powerful thing. " Joe admits wearily.

The others are surprised to see Seadramon and Michael, " Hey, Michael, what brings you our way anyhow? " Davis asks him.

" My dad brought me along since he does happen to be an actor after all. I'll be attending the area high school for a while, not sure how long though. " Michael admits.

" We welcome the help. The Shinjuku or Southern Sector kids need training up. Plus, Serena and I get to beat down on the overgrown flaming chicken of the south. Apparently he's gotten too big for his nest and Lord Fanglongmon would like us to teach him some humility or at least beat it into him for a little while. " Davis states.

After the introductions are concluded and Michael is caught up on the entire situation he calls his dad to let him know he ran into some friends and would be staying the night. Ranma had clothes that would fit Michael plus Michael didn't start attending school until the beginning of the next week.


Tai is running through drill when out of nowhere a rush of memories slam into him. Memories that would have him cursing out Queen Serenity IV extremely creatively. Some of the males nearby were taking notes on his creative cursing even if they didn't know whom he was pissed off at.


Taiden, Prince of the Sun, smiles as he watches his little sister spar with Prince Damacles of Earth. It wasn't often that his little sister got to come to the Sun, well, his half-sister since she had no Solarian blood in her veins. His father had no problems with the Moon Princess coming to the Sun to visit her older brother. " You know that her mother will never allow her to be with Damacles, don't you? "

Taiden looks at the crimson eyed boy beside him, " I do know, how the hell did you end up as half Martian and half Venusian anyhow, Travis? "

His companion snorts, " One night stand, a drunken one night stand at that. Martians and Venusians are both passionate. Thankfully my Venusian blood tempers the Martian blood so my temper is set at a slow burn. "

End Flashback:

The Chosen Child of Courage, after he's done with his swearing rant, grabs his D-Terminal, typing out the message in Solarian. Hopefully that would get through to Serena, his dear younger half-sister. Then he goes looking for Jun since he wanted to find something or someone he could beat the ever loving hell out of. He knew whom Jun had been back then, Sailor Nemesis.


Serena opens the message from Tai as she is walking down the stairs to hang out with Michael some. The instant she sees the Solarian and reads through the message the Lunarian oaths start flying. Davis whips around, " Shit, Ken, get the port ready, Digiworld can take the damage better than ours can. Bitchenity caused Courage's betrayal. "

Ken, Cody, and Joe all look at their princess as one even as Ken opens the port, Davis would be the only one whom could spar with her safely to work out her rage. Once Davis grabs her and holds his D-3 up to the screen Michael looks at them, " Care to explain what that was all about? "

" You know why we left, Michael, they don't. Still have two more that will become Destineds for the Southern Sector before we explain to the new kids. Ranma, Courage was Taiden. " Ken states.

Ranma's eyes widen, " No wonder he took her elsewhere to spar, little 'Renity's gonna be pissed. "

Digiworld, Eastern Sector:

Damacles, and he was fully Damacles at the moment winces when Serenity throws a Tsunade like punch. Well, shit, this spar just got that much harder. To find out that her mother had made it so her elder Solarian half-brother had turned on her like that, on them both like that, well, it was enough to piss anyone off. " Ren, love, I know you're pissed but could you maybe hold back on the Tsunade like strength? " Damacles asks her.

Her response was to come at him insanely fast. Damacles was having to fall back into his instincts from sparring with her during the Silver Millennium. Only he and Jun had ever been able to match her move for move.

Azulongmon blinks as he watches the Moon Princess take her rage out through a spar with the younger Terran Prince. Oh, he knew about Serenity and Damacles, he just hadn't expected them to become chosen children. He winces as Damacles dodges a kick this time and an impact crater spreads out in a mile radius from Serena's foot. Azulongmon actually felt sympathy for Damacles whom was her living dummy at the moment.


Like Tai had upon remembering Jun curses up a blue streak when he tells her what Bitchenity had done. " Would it offend you if I told you I hate Bitchenity's guts? "

Tai snorts, " Hell no it wouldn't, Jun. She was only my mother because of a treaty between the Solar Kingdom and the Lunar Queendom. "

Elsewhere Kari is in the throes of passion as she does her job as a Loli porn star though this time her playmates happened to be six year olds whose parents wanted them taught how to play adult games. It would be quite some time before her father would see one of her movies. By then Kari would almost be too far gone to be reached. The Child of Light delights in her job delving into the sins of the flesh. Internally the Kari everyone had known bangs against a mental wall that was keeping her from regaining control of her own body. She was cursing herself for not even experimenting with herself and being vulnerable enough for Mayumi to get to.

She could only watch as she or rather her body became a porn star. It was then Kari realized that she had repressed far too much of herself to be healthy, creating another personality. A personality that thrived on sex, almost like a succubus. When she regained control she was going to need a lot of counseling just to keep herself in control.

Shinjuku, Outer Manor:

Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna all wince as they can feel their hime's rage through the bond she had with them. Unlike Hotaru they had no idea what set her off though they could also sense Damacles with her as well. That meant Damacles was taking the role of a living training dummy. None of them envied him at the moment as their hime's rage was well known to them by this point. " Setsuna, any luck on finding out who the hell this new enemy happens to be? " Haruka asks.

" Unfortunately no. Nemesis hasn't had any luck in that department either. " Setsuna admits.

" Fuck, we need Nyx. " Haruka says.

Michiru sighs, " No kidding, Sailor Nyx is probably the only one whom actually could get us intel on this new enemy of ours.

On the roof top across from the Outers current home stands a senshi wearing all pink as her colors with her chocolate brown hair held up in twin pigtails while flowing from buns that were shaped like cat ears, her eyes are also chocolate brown. Sailor Affection frowns as she watches over the Outers when she feels a tug in a different direction. She follows said tug to find a foul aura surrounding Nonaka Rika, Haruka's reincarnated little sister. How the fuck long had this been going on anyhow?


" My, my, Rika-chan, you are so beautiful. Why don't you ever let that beauty show through? "

Rika was too blissful to respond as her literal dream guy was making sure to find each and every one of her pleasure points. Since this was a dream Rika had no problems with the intimacy that had been present since the first time. She had no idea that what was happening was all too real, that she was being seduced by a being far older than her. One that was quite firmly bad news should he succeed. It was when her dream guy placed himself firmly between her legs, just barely touching her entrance that Rika snaps out of her blissful state. She turns a backwards somersault even as a senshi uniform the colors reversed for the little sister of Sailor Uranus.

" Who the fuck do you think you're trying to pull this shit with anyhow, bastard! "

Exit Dreamscape:

Just as Sailor Affection is getting ready to act the Uranian royal sigil ignites upon Rika's brow. " Atta girl, Rika, show him why no one ever tries to trick a Uranian female with the carnal arts. "


" World Shaking! "

General Hayate's minion is cursing to himself as he dodges the reincarnated younger Uranian princess' attacks. Now he remembered why no one ever tried this shit with female Uranian royals. Rika snarls as she charges after him, her knee slamming into his chin even as a wall erects in her mind. The minion slams into the wall head first and dissipates into dust, having been defeated. Rika curses under her breath and starts rebuilding her mental defenses. She resolved to at least get herself a few special toys in order to deal with certain needs of hers.

Exit Dreamscape:

Unknown Location:

General Hayate starts swearing as he can feel the defeat of his minion that had been sent to seduce Uranus' little sister. The fool must have tried to seal the deal too fast. Damn, the girl's Uranian heritage had awakened which meant Sailor Uranus would make damned certain to get her reincarnated little sister trained up properly. He would need to come up with a new plan though it had been a long shot to get the girl in their thrall through the carnal arts to begin with.

Home of Eastern Destineds:

Kazu winces at the brief flashes of emotion he was getting from the irate Moon Princess. He had understood her swearing rant. He also remembered Taiden, the Solar Prince would never have done anything to hurt his baby half-sister deliberately. That meant a certain bitch queen had bespelled him to turn on her like that. Not only would the hime be pissed but so would Taiden. There would be no way in hell that he would get ensnared the same way twice too. Thankfully the Southern Quadrant Destineds had been filled in on the Silver Millennium so Henry, Takato, Mako, Ai, and Eric had some idea of what had set the Child of Purity off.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Digimon, or Ranma 1/2.