A/N: Heya guys!^^ Kinda nervous as this is just my second fanfic (after I deleted m fisrt one) and haven't uploaded for a while... and I'm also scared that my twin will find out about this story xD . Let me tell you before I continue my random intro that my sis who has had the same interests as me ALWAYS ,then started liking Jerza. Sure I don't mind the couple but I thought Grayza was much better - and that's when our sisterhood ended... Of course not! XD We barely fight :p So anywho I knew (sis instinct) that there was no point in changing her mind. Then I arrived on this epic website and read so many amazing works and was inspired to write Grayza :D Sorry for going so off topic x3 This idea came to me when I was daydreaming and I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if some hot guy wanted to make my ugly self learn how to live my teen years to the fullest?" And then it just sort of developed. Now, I would tell you more about my dream, but that would be telling the whole story xD. I think but I'm not 100% sure that I'll write in 3rd person. Soz if I can't really type well with my new tablet (technically my mum bought it for herself but I use it the most :p) Enjoy! And if you want to review I would be so happy to read them. Early apology if updates are REALLY slow :(. And there is some strong language.

I own the story plot but I do not own Fairy Tail or the characters

Chapter I: What am I missing?

Erza Scarlet had always got what she wanted: A nice house, a perfect family (Mum; a model, singer and fashion designer, Dad; a business man and fencing champion), a White cat called Carla, position of student council president and perfect grades. However, the Scarlet haired girl still wanted something more, but she couldn't place her finger on it.

Erza woke up at 5 am, picking up her glasses from the drawer beside her bed. Her bedroom looked like the typical bedroom of a teenager: royal red walls, two wardrobes, posters of favourite bands and singers, a computer desk (with a scarlet laptop) and finally a bookshelf overflowing with all types of genre. Ok, maybe not the typical room of every teen, but as close as you can get with a rich family. She went next door to have a short shower, followed by brushing and drying her wet hair and brushing her teeth. She wore her school uniform immaculately (looks exactly like the one in the OVA) and went down three flights of stairs before reaching the living room.

As always, her parents were busy with work, so she had the house to herself. Any normal teenager would invite their friends for a crazy party, but everyone knew that Erza was not someone to a) break the rules and b) be ever messed with, or they would suffer the consequences. Why did Erza always wear armour to shield her away from people? That's another story for another day. She ate her cereal in silence while contemplating on what she wanted.

Do I need love? She asked herself. Of course not. Such a childish thing as love would soil my reputation. Maybe friends? Erza felt a pang at her heart, knowing that was probably the answer. But no! She Erza Scarlet did not need friends, why would she want such a fickle relationship when she knew that there would only be betrayal. She suddenly lost her appetite and grimaced at her cereal before abandoning it and taking her school bag (scarlet of course).

Erza attended a private school called Fairy Tail in Magnolia. It was a very prestigious school and only the best at academics could enter. However, the downside was that the school was so humongous that they had to build it thousands of miles away from the city. Erza entered her Scarlet Ferrari (you know those cars which don't have the top part of the car but when it rains they use a black material to cover the car's top so they don't get wet? Yeah it looks like that. Soz for my amateurish explanation x3) before checking her wrist watch for the time,5:20, and started the engine before stepping on the accelerator.

Voices. Why are there so many voices? Screams of agony. Can't see. Throat burning, hate the fucking burning. Where the hell am I? "Gray," who's speaking? "Gray listen," why is Ul speaking? She was supposed to be in... Heaven thanks to me. Tears are threatening to escape but my will is too weak to hold them back. "Gray, promise me you will help one girl, any one girl that has lost hope in something and make her regain it back. Listen to me, do not choose someone you already know. She will have Scarlet hair and will save you from what you are becoming, before it's too late." No.. Ul don't go!"

Gray woke up from his recurring nightmare. It had been freaking 5 days already! What did his adoptive mother want from him, and why did she sound so worried? He realized that he was panting heavily as if he had been running for many miles. Sweat covered his face and fit body as he tried to regain control of himself. Gray loosened his tight grip on his bed covers and looked around his room for anything unusual. His walls were still ice blue, and his dark blue guitar hung lazily on one of the door hangers. Still, the place was a massive pigsty full of paper and some other junk. Gray scratched his Raven hair as he realised he had gone to sleep naked... again. He put on some baggy black trousers with chains, his crumpled white school shirt and dark blue converse before going to his adoptive brother's room.

"Oi Lyon!" Silence... "Lyon get up sleepy head, it's time for school!" he said while smirking. Something was not right... why wasn't Lyon waking up? He was the responsible out of the two. He glared at the bed realising it was empty before looking at the clock. Oh shit.. he thought as he saw it was already 11:30 am! He was seriously in trouble now. Why hadn't Lyon woken him up? And then he remembered

Flashback: It was Gray's turn to cook today, but he was totally not bothered and he had a date with some chick who he didn't even know. It was all his stupid bro's fault that he couldn't have fun. Then, he had a mischievous idea before leaving the house to go to his date at the club. "Hello? Is this Pizza hut? I would like to order an extra extra spicy pizza. Deliver it to 25 xxx street. Thanks." He grinned evilly. Lyon then entered the kitchen and asked, " What are we having for dinner today Gray?" Gray answered," Sorry Lyon I have a date, but I ordered a pizza for you. Got to go." Lyon sensed something was up but didn't ask. As Gray left the house, he chuckled to himself. Lyon and him had always despised hot food, so that would teach Lyon a lesson. He started whistling a happy tune.

End of flashback

Now Grey deeply regretted his little joke, but there was no time to be moping about it. He entered the white tiled kitchen and was grateful to Lyon for leaving him two slices of toast. He picked them up and raced to his school with toast hanging from his mouth. Why was Gray in such a hurry today? You might ask. Well, his best friend, Lucy Heartfilia, was having a massive party at school for her sweet 16. Since she was rich, she banned all lessons to host her party all day. It was going to be a party to remember. Gray however, had slept in on the day which he was supposed to be cheering for his good friend. He had even bothered to buy her the present she always wanted...sigh. He really had to hurry or she would throw a tantrum and end her party, and it would be all his fault.

Gray, the conceited playboy who didn't care about breaking hearts was trying to hurry up for his friend Lucy, but why? Well, this story starts when Gray was 8 and Ul was dead. He thought and rethought , I killed Ul. It's all my fault. Tormented by these thoughts, Gray lay alone in the cold, dark room, sobbing silently to himself. He felt useless. He was a murderer. No one would ever love and cherish him like Ul did. He didn't deserve pity. There were only two days until her funeral. He wouldn't go. He could NOT go. A knock came from the door. Another knock. He chose to ignore it and focus on the grief. The door opened but..how? He was certain he locked it. Gray looked at the girl with medium blonde hair and brown eyes full of concern and... mischief? "Gray?" he grunted at his name being said. "Gray, are you ok?" How could he be ok?!
"What do you want Lucy? And how the hell did you get in my room!?" questioned the Raven haired boy. She smiled.
"You know me so little Gray. Of course I used my 12 stellar keys ( get the reference? :D). They unlock any door!" she gushed triumphantly."Gray stop whining and being sad, I have had enough of it! You at least had a loving and caring parent who stood by you at all times, instead I have a father who hates me and can't wait to disown me..." Lucy's voice had gone deathly quiet. The atmosphere became very tense. "I know! Let's go shopping! Hurry up Gray and get a bath and change, you smell," she twitched her nose in disgust. For some reason, Gray did do as she asked, and they both went in a black SUV to the mall. As they rode on, snow started falling like angels in the sky. Gray stood on his seat and reached his tongue out to try and catch a snowflake. "Gray! Your clothes!" screamed Lucy while covering her embarrassed face. Gray did not seem to hear her, spell bound by the snow. Then Lucy had a perfect idea. When the car stopped, she pulled Gray's hand inside. For some reason the blonde was going at the opposite direction of the clothes shop. Gray gasped and Lucy beamed when they saw the shopping mall's ice skating rink.

There, in the middle of the ice rink, was a statue of an angel which had short hair and a flowing dress. The statue was made of only ice. Gray was astounded by it and he saw that it looked just like Ul. "This beautiful statue is a memento of her life. This ice rink was part of her memory in her ice skating days, do you remember?" He realised that he actually did. She then pulled Gray again and ordered two skating shoes. Gray protested that he never skated before but she just giggled. As they glided on the ice, Gray found out he was actually a natural. The cold chill calmed him and he suddenly felt at peace.. at home. Tears sprang his red eyes for the fifth time that day. "What's wrong? It was a bad idea wasn't it? Oh I'm so stupid, it's not my fault I'm blonde though. Forgive me?" Her usual blabbing hadn't failed to impress him as he laughed hysterically for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he regained control before saying, "Thanks Lucy." She smiled back in reply.

During the tough times she had always been there for him. He owed her so much.

School 7:00

Erza was late! Late! Late! There had been a car accident and that lead her to be late for the student council meeting (which was not that big of a deal as she was only 2 minutes late and counting). How could such a thing have happened to her? This was the first time she had been late, and her thunderous temper was hardly being contained. The scarlet haired girl walked briskly through the corridors, not noticing the petrified glances she got. All laughter and chat ceased as they all moved to the side for Erza to pass. She was like Moses, parting the red sea (ironic huh? As her hair is red and all xD). Everyone was afraid... of the Titania. How had Erza acquired that nickname? It had two meanings in Fairy Tail:

Number 1: Queen of fairies. Everyone who attended Fairy Tail had always been called 'fairies', so it just stuck. When Erza was in her first year of high school, she had been a fencing champion and defeated every single foe. She had protected many students and soon they all respected her as the queen. Erza was not high and mighty, just a little... bossy. So the name stuck.

Number 2: Land of goblin. This second meaning to her name had two different meanings too. The first meaning related to a bunch of 6 feet tall American football students at Fairy Tail bullying and disturbing others. Erza had not liked it one bit, so outside of school, she beat them all to a pulp. They were hospitalised for weeks. The second meaning was that Erza was actually really beautiful (got her model genes from her mum), so compared to her, girls looked like goblins. Well not all girls but that's how boys are.

Erza opened the large wooden doors and saw that no one was yet in the student council room. She felt pleased. Just as she was about to smile, she saw a Salmon haired boy crouched on the floor looking under HER desk. How dare he! He wasn't even in the student council! Erza composed herself before she coughed. The Salmon haired guy completely ignored her. Just as her face was about to turn the shade of her hair in anger, she heard a soft, "Meow".

"Oh there you are Happy!" Said the salmon haired guy with a huge grin. From under the desk came a cute blue (?) cat. Erza also had a cat so she had a small smile on her face. She snapped back to her senses and examined the guy. He had spiky, salmon hair (has to be dyed (?)), black eyes, a white, crumpled shirt, some scratch marks, baggy black trousers and a white scarf. "Mr...? What are you doing in the Student Council room which is off limits to every other pupil?" She glared at him. "C'mon Happy, it's time to feed you and I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole elephant!" She was baffled that SHE was being ignored completely! He was now holding up the Blue cat and was about to run out of the room when he noticed Erza. "Hi! My name is Natsu Dragneel and I love food and my cat Happy. Sorry, I've got to meet the student council prez. I bet she's all nerdy and snobby, right Happy?" Natsu received a meow from the cat and he started howling with laughter. That was a big mistake... Erza grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up in the air. "I AM the student council president. Erza Scarlet."

The poor guy was choking and then she dropped him on the floor. After regaining ten of his years back, he spluttered, "Aye sir! Well nice to meet you. You seem nice. Do you know where the cafeteria is? I'm starving." This was the first time ever someone called her nice. She walked in dazed silence with him to the cafeteria while he continued talking nonstop about his cat, food, old school and stuff that really didn't matter. She actually listened attentively. "Say...Natsu, did you dye your hair?" Natsu stopped talking before explaining. "Nope, my hair is naturally Pink like Happy's natural Blue fur."
"It's Salmon."...


"Your hair is Salmon,"

"...No..It's not the fish..."

"No the colour of your hair is Salmon you idiot!"

"Huh? Isn't Salmon greyish?"

"Salmon is a type of pink..."

"That means it's pink,"




They both started laughing in the corridors. This was the first time she laughed in a very long time. It was not fake like all the others, it was real. They both felt that their stomachs would burst. Such a stupid fight had made her feel like she belonged. Everyone stared at Erza as if she had grown another head. Erza was NOT the laughing type. This new Salmon haired boy had re-lifted her spirits. Erza had no friends, so stuff like that never happened. They were still laughing hysterically as they reached the canteen. Natsu was drooling with anticipation at all the food. He grabbed Erza's arm forcefully and he chose so much (most of it extremely spicy) food, and then dragged Erza again to a table. She stared in horrified fascination as he gulped down the last remnants of his 6 course meal.

"Let's skip school!" declared Natsu.
"What? You are joking right?" said Erza in a confused tone.
"Of course not! You are a smarty pants and I don't care about school. You won't miss anything important, so let's go and have fun!" Before she could protest, he grabbed her princess style and ran at the speed of light out of school.


It had taken Gray 25 whole stupid minutes to reach the school. Heavily panting, he opened the doors. Was he too late? People were chatting excitedly and he went over to some girl wearing too much make up to ask which room Lucy was in. She said she was in room 503. He ran to the room on the 3rd floor, hoping she was not crying. To his surprise, she was staring at the dress she was supposed to wear in a daze."Umm...Lucy? Sorry I'm late. Lyon didn't wake me up... No I played a prank on him...Spicy pizza..." Fuck, I'm becoming just like Lucy who talks and won't stop. Lucy giggled having the same thought. "Look I'm sorry.." he said at last.
"It's fine Gray. Eeek!" she squealed, seeing the present he bought for her. "Prada..pink..Thank you so much Gray! You are forgiven 100 times!" She said while hugging Gray with all her might before wearing her shoes and going into another room with the dress she had been just ogling. He realised that was the dress Lucy's mum had used to go to prom. Lucy came out looking beautiful. The dress was long and pink with patterns of red roses.

They made their way downstairs and started the party. It was definitely a night to remember.


The party had been a huge success and he had tons of fun, but was now exhausted. It was 9 pm and he had a great idea. He entered his room and switched on his computer. Then he made a website... This was going to be fun.


"Natsu, we missed the whole day of school! Master will be angry," said Erza with an exasperated tone. Even though she said that, she had quite a lot of fun with Natsu. He had taught her how to play video games and even gone to the theme park with her. "The old man won't mind Erza!" He said in his happy tone of his. She was really far away from her house. Just before she was about to leave, fireworks fired up in the sky. "Wow.." The fireworks had been big and amazing. They were both smiling like cheshire cats and after that he said, "See you tomorrow Erza!" before speeding off with Happy. She simply waved back. Sigh.. Now she had to go and find her car.


Erza arrived very late at home, approximately 10 pm. She did not even do all that week's homework.. Oh well. Erza had got what she wanted. A friend. So why did she still want more? She logged on and checked her emails, just to see how her parents were doing. Before reaching her account, she saw an odd webpage. Something compelled her to read it... The website was called 'Genie'. What a stupid name! Erza read the contents of the page.

Welcome to Genie For You! One lucky girl who has Scarlet hair will win... a genie! Someone who will make her dream come true. Oh fuck this I haven't got all day so if you have Scarlet hair then just click the link.

Kinda lucky that she had Scarlet hair. She clicked on a link and was now in a chat room.

Iceboy: Do you have scarlet hair?

Titania: Duh? Why do you think I clicked this link?

Iceboy: Shudup

Titania: Don't you dare tell me to 'shudup' Iceboy!

Erza death glared the screen.

Iceboy: I can so I will. Whats your name? Address? School? Phone number?

Titania: Why the hell would I tell you my name? You might be a pedo.

Gray was getting irritated at the stuck up chick.

Iceboy: I'm not. My name's Gray. I go to Magnolia High. I live in 25 Apollo street. My number is 126354246747.

Titania: Fine. Erza Scarlet. Fairy Tail. 53 St. Claire Street. Don't have a phone.

Iceboy: Are you fucking serious? Meet me at Raven Street tomorrow.

and he turned off the chat. She didn't even know what he looked like! She somehow trusted him with all her personal information for unknown reasons. She had a peaceful slumber.

Gray also slept with no nightmares that night. He must have found the right girl.

So watcha think? :D ik, seriously long xD Hope you liked it *^^*