(A/N): Hello!

It's been a while, I would even say years (years, it's been years). I find it incredible how this story still gets reviews, and that people are still enjoying it. I am truly lucky! However, I don't think I'll be finishing this story. It's not so much that I didn't enjoy writing it; it was that I wasn't sure where the plot was going and the plot that I decided on I still am unsatisfied with. (The years have also changed my ships, so there's that.)

I'm very sorry not to continue this story, but I am still writing and creating. Therefore, I thought it would be best to let you all know that I am still active on quotev - my username is TurnTups is 80% hobbit ( 80PercentWallyWest) and I write fanfiction on archive of our own under the username TurnTups.

As well as this, I'm on 's sister site, fictionpress, under TurnTups. I have been publishing original work on there, and it would mean a great deal to me if you supported me on these sites too - as I'll actually be finishing stories that mean a lot to me.

I'm currently trying to set up a youtube, so look out for that - my username is TurnTupsReadsToYou. I felt, as you're still interested in this story, you might be interested in supporting me in other ways too.

Thank you very much for your time! Bless you all, and may you have a wonderful day! xx