This is set during the And Beyond period of my timeline.

It had been a hard day that day.

Inuyasha had been called away to a nearby village to slay what the villagers had described as a "small little monkey demon that was just too fast for them to catch", and had offered to pay five bushels of rice. Inuyasha had went, killed the demon that turned out to be much bigger than "small little" and then had to haggle with the villagers just to get the five bushels of rice offered.

Kagome, on the other hand, had to deal with their children, all eleven of which seemed intent on being the worst little brats they could be. Every five minutes it was "Kikyo stole our ball" or "Daizō pushed me". Arisu had climbed up into a tree after Kagome had told her no, they wouldn't be making rice balls that day, and proceeded to fall out of the tree and sprain her ankle. Never once would they settle down or be quiet, and the two parents had barely gotten them all to bed thirty minutes earlier.

Too say that both adults were cheerful, or even remotely willing to put up with anything, would be one of the largest falsehoods in the history of falsehoods. Like every parent on one of those days, they were tired, annoyed, quick to temper, and so not in the mood for anything.

Well, on Inuyasha's side, there might've been one thing he was in the mood for…

Kagome pecked Inuyasha on the lips. It was the thing they did every night before bed. After that, normally Kagome would head over to the bed and settle down as Inuyasha checked on the kids one more time before joining her. Tonight, he had other intentions, and that became very apparent when Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist and attempted to deepen the kiss. Kagome quickly put her hands on Inuyasha's chest and pushed him away.

"Hell no," was all she said.

"Why not?" Her smirked at her, thinking that she'd give in.

"Eleven kids Inuyasha, we have eleven kids. We don't need anymore." She turned around, ready to just go to bed a ndforget that this happened. Her tone clearly reinforced what she was saying, so she thought her husband would drop it. Obviously, the foolish half-demon was under a different impression.

He reached out and grabbed his wife by the upper arm, stopping her in her place and causing her to sigh in exasperation. The glare she pinned him with clearly said "what now?".

"Are you saying that we can't have sex again ever? Remember, we're pretty damn close to immortal. I'm just supposed to be celibate forever?"

Kagome sighed again. "No, that's not what I'm saying, and you know that. You're just twisting my words because you're horny."

"But Kagome!"

"Enough child," she said sarcastically, looking at her husband in repulsion. "No is no and that is final. No ands, ifs, or buts. I just want to go to bed. We both have had a hard day and are tired. Let's just sleep. There will always be another day, hopefully when at least some of our kids are more grown up or there is safer method of contraceptive."

Inuyasha "hmphed" as he let go of his wife's arm. In the end, if she didn't want to than she didn't want to. Anyhow, she was probably right, even if one would never hear him say that aloud.

Kagome quirked an eyebrow at her suddenly silent and brooding husband and had to wonder, had she married a child? Snorting at how ridiculous he was being, she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed another peck on his lips.

"I love you Inuyasha, but sometimes it's like I have twelve children instead of eleven."