Another doodle of the same boy again. A name hadn't even been caught once and this just might be the sixth time he's been doodled on one of Haruka's school papers. That'll be ANOTHER 5 points off the paper if it wasn't erased completely, but Haruka didn't mind much. It didn't matter to him.

It had only been one time, just one meeting of the two boys. They've only spoken once. Haruka had just spotted Takane near the last minutes of lunch that fateful noon. After chasing her down to the best of his ability, he finally caught up to her just to catch her talking to two other students. He recognized Ayano almost immediately, one of Takane's only friends, yet the other one with them was a new one to him. It was a boy with short black messy hair and what seemed to be black eyes, along with the usual boys uniform. Was this Takane's friend as well? Who was he?

"Hey Takane!" Haruka shouted out as he approached the group of three. "Hi Ayano," he looked over at the third. "I'm guessing you're their friend as well?" Haruka smiled, being outgoing as usual. Yet on the opposite hand, the boy Haruka was trying to talk to just looked back at him coldly with no return of kindness.

Ayano smiled like she usually did. "Yes! This is our frien-"

"He may be Ayano's friend but NOT mine." Takane interrupted with a dark tone to her voice, looking directly at that quiet boy when she said it too.

The black-haired just glared at her emotionless. "Didn't even want to be your friend in the first place, you whale."

"WHAT?" She exclaimed. "WHY YOU LITTLE-" She was about to yell when the bell rang to signal the end of lunch and beginning of the next period. Thank god she didn't start anything with this guy in front of everyone leaving the lunch area.

Haruka laughed lightly. He'd expect much from Takane, he could probably handle this kid too. He approached the boy from behind just as he was walking with Ayano toward his next class.

"So hey, i'm Haruka!" He shouted. "And what's your name?!"

A reply. There was a reply, but Haruka failed to hear it from the sound of the students rushing to get to their next classes. Before he could ask again, a lot of students starting pushing him around and he was quickly surrounded by kids running and shoving to be at their classes.

Luckily, Takane had come to his rescue right then and there and had pulled him out of the way.

Ever since then, Haruka couldn't stop thinking of him or drawing him. How long has it been? A week? Maybe two weeks since that time?

Haruka didn't quite understand it, but he had to see that boy again.

It was almost the end of the day. Tomorrow, he'll go up to Takane and ask about him to see if she knows anything. If not, surely Ayano would know something. He couldn't wait to even find out a name.

Hey there! Yeah, I haven't written anything in over a year... (i deleted my old fanfics because they're dumb and old)

Yeah this is a short chapter but whatever. I don't know how long it'll be in the end but I have it sort of planned out? Yeah HaruShin is cool bye.